"Achen, tell me the truth, how much money did you make?"

"Is there a million?"

"Is it easy to write a novel? Can you teach An An how to write a novel?……"

During the meal, aunt Jiang Donghong kept asking questions. Uncle

Xu Shaohui, who was eating beside him, rolled his eyes.

But he was also very interested in how much money Jiang Yichen could make.

Because he was short of money.


Xu Shaohui coughed lightly,"Yichen, don't pay attention to your aunt, she just doesn't understand anything."

"I don't understand, do you understand? You don't even know how to use the Internet." Jiang Donghong snorted unhappily.

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"I was lucky to make some money, so I helped buy a house and decorated it very simply."

"Yes, I was thinking of decorating it better." Liu Yuanxiu agreed.

It can be seen that the overall decoration was done very hastily and very simply.

Jiang Donghong said jokingly,"I was thinking about Achen making money, and your uncle wants to build a big factory recently, so he can borrow some money from you for emergency!"

Jiang Nanning asked while drinking,"Is Shaohui planning to open a new factory again?"

"No, I want to open a new production line, and I have received a lot of orders recently."

Liu Yuanxiu paused, and looked at Jiang Yichen again,"This kid only made a little money, and he used it all to buy a house."

"You also know that our family has always lived there, it is crowded and remote. If it weren't for this opportunity, how could we buy a house? Maybe we would have to borrow money from you!"

Jiang Yichen nodded slightly.

He really didn't have much money on hand now. After deducting the decoration fee from last month's manuscript fee, it was less than 60,000 yuan.

More importantly, Jiang Yichen didn't want to lend it to her.

When his parents bought a house in his previous life, Jiang Donghong only paid 20,000 yuan after much persuasion.

It was mostly due to the help of Jiang Yichen's uncle.

Otherwise, it is unknown when they will be able to buy a house.

At that time, Jiang Donghong actually had at least 500,000 yuan in fixed deposits, and she was unwilling to take it out for the interest.

Later, when the real estate industry was doing well, Later, Jiang Donghong lent out the money and collected interest.

Two years later, all the real estate developers went bankrupt, and she didn't get a penny back.

Now, knowing that Jiang Yichen made some money by writing novels, he asked to borrow money without caring about the fact that they had just bought a house and renovated it.

More importantly, during the New Year's reunion dinner, Jiang Nanning's family brought up this matter at the housewarming party.

If it was an urgent matter of saving lives, it would be fine, but this is just a business matter.

The eldest aunt Guo Ping on the side also said,"Achen is still a student. Don't think too much about how much money he can make!"

Xu Shaohui felt that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly said,"It's New Year's Day, let's not talk about this."

Then he glared at Jiang Donghong. From their family, only Xu Linlin came, and she didn't sit at the table at all, but watched TV in the living room.

As for their son Xu Anan, he was playing games at home and didn't go to relatives' homes at all.

After the relatives left, Liu Yuanxiu started to scold,"Nanning, your sister is really, now she is staring at borrowing money."


"If we hadn't been decisive when buying the house, they might have asked us several times." Liu Yuanxiu complained as she packed up.

Jiang Nanning said,"Maybe he's in trouble too?"

"We'll talk about it if it's really difficult." Liu Yuanxiu said."The money is not earned by you and me. When the time comes, it depends on what my son says whether to lend it to me or not."

"OK, OK, OK. He is still a student, how can he really carry so much money?"

"What's wrong with being a student? They have the ability to earn it themselves. You still want to hand it all over? Do you think it's pocket money when you were a child?"

Liu Yuanxiu spat, a little speechless.

Jiang Nanning thought about it and agreed.

It seems that his status will decline further.

In the future, his son who is richer than him will become the next generation of bosses.

"Xinxin, you just watch TV after dinner and don’t even come to help clean up?!" Seeing Jiang Yixin watching TV, Jiang Nanning immediately said with a stern face.

Jiang Yixin:??

"Aren’t you watching too?"

"Can you get the first place like your brother?"

"……"Jiang Yixin rolled her eyes and went to help obediently.

Jiang Yichen laughed, but quickly turned off the TV.

The TV was 32 inches, which was a bit small in this room.

But at this time, 32 inches was already a very large TV.

"What do you think?"

Jiangning Jiang came over and asked Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen knew that he was asking about what his aunt Jiang Donghong had mentioned during dinner.

"Not very good, I will lend him money if he wants to buy a house or treat a disease, but not for business."

Jiang Nanning opened his mouth, but he didn't expect Jiang Yichen to reply so directly.


"In business, if I make money, he won't share it with me; if I lose money, I can't ask him for money. Why borrow it?"

Moreover, relatives rarely ask for interest.

But if it's an emergency, it's mutual help among relatives, and borrowing is the right thing to do.

When Jiang Yichen said this, Jiang Nanning was stunned, and after a while he said,"Okay, you're grown up, make your own decision."

Because it was New Year's Eve, the whole county was very lively.

There was no restriction on setting off firecrackers at this time, and when night fell, Anyuan County was shrouded in the sound of firecrackers.

Even Qidian Literature Network was very lively at this time.

When Jiang Yichen opened the webpage, he found that he had a few more alliance leaders. There were even more blessing comments in the comment area.

Jiang Yichen thought about it, then went to the backstage and posted 10 chapters in a row.

At the end of the chapter, he wrote:

【PS: The disastrous year of 2008 has passed. I wish every reader and friend that you will not get fat even if you are greedy, live forever, have beautiful dreams, and be loyal to your love! 】

As soon as I posted this, Pan Yunjian’s QQ book fan group became lively all of a sudden.

The QQ sound was beeping.

【Izumi Tomashiro (Leader): Friends, Happy New Year! Jiang Shan just released 10 chapters in a row, so cool!

Lian Lian Feng Chen (Leader): Stop making noise, I'm reading!

Ruo Shui San Qian Zhi Yi La Yin (Protector): Damn it, why don't you accept Jiang Qing Xue?! Accept, why not?

RetenTion (Leader): I hope the author will update 10 chapters every day


Seeing the popularity of the QQ group, Jiang Yichen also posted a message in it.

【Look at the kingdom I have conquered (Administrator): Happy New Year! Thank you all for your support!

If the water is three thousand, I will only take a ladle to drink (Protector): Happy New Year! My great Jiangshan!

Izumi Tomashiro (Leader): Happy New Year!

If the water is three thousand, I will only take a ladle to drink (Protector): By the way, can Jiang Qingxue be accepted?

Lianlian Fengchen (Leader): I also want to ask, but I am afraid of disrupting the settings of the great god Jiangshan. Seeing that the two of them have experienced so many life and death disasters, it seems that they have feelings for each other. They should give us an explanation!

Look at the kingdom I have conquered (Administrator): It will be soon.

If the water is three thousand, I will only take a ladle to drink (Protector): Wow! Really! I like Jiang Qingxue so much, my goddess!

If the water is three thousand, I will only take a ladle to drink (Protector): I just don’t know if it is the same as what I think, a white dress, long hair fluttering...

Izumi Tomashiro (Leader): Uh, are you sure you are not imagining a female ghost?

If the water is three thousand, I will only take a ladle to drink (Protector): Get out, how is it possible!

Look at the kingdom I have conquered (Administrator): Picture.jpg

Look at the kingdom I have conquered (Administrator): Here’s a treat for you, the Jiang Qingxue in my mind.

If you only take one scoop of water from three thousand (Protector): /Sexy, wow, so beautiful!

Izumito Mashiro (Alliance Leader): So beautiful!

XXXX: So beautiful! (*10)

Lianlian Fengchen (Alliance Leader): I’m ready!

The Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guards (Alliance Leader): It’s pretty much the same as the Jiang Qingxue in my mind, Jiangshan, where did you download this picture?

Look at the kingdom I have conquered (Administrator): I made it myself.

Xiao Yunzi (Group Leader): He drew it, and I was the pen at the scene.……


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