[After equipping the speed-up gloves, you will be more flexible in using your hands.]

Considering Jiang Yichen's confusion, the system explained it again.

However, this explanation is similar to the item annotation.

"Nonsense, I can't even type with these gloves on, let alone be flexible!" Jiang Yichen complained.

As he spoke, he took them out and put them on with both hands.

He felt that after putting on these white plastic gloves, they slowly melted into his skin and disappeared.

"Holy shit, what is going on?!"

【The acceleration gloves can fit into the skin without affecting the appearance.】

"Hey, this is not bad, Tongzi, I take back what I just said."Jiang Yichen looked at his white hands, and his ten fingers danced, leaving dozens of afterimages.

It's awesome!

If he wasn't still in the rented house, Jiang Yichen would have taken some toilet paper to try the acceleration effect.

Then, Jiang Yichen raised his fingers and started typing.

The keyboard suddenly"crackled".

Jiang Yichen took a look at the typing speed. The usual speed of 200 words was increased by about 15% with the help of this acceleration glove!


Real physical plug-in.

It has greatly improved Jiang Yichen's biological limit.

It seems that this system is still very magical!

It can be said that what restricts him now is that his writing thinking can't keep up.

"Tongzi, there are no regulations on the use of the free learning points awarded as rewards, right?"

【Free learning points can be used freely and will not expire】

"That's pretty good. 10,000 free points is equivalent to reaching the top level of E-level skills directly, and then learning can reach the level of D-level."

With D-level, Jiang Yichen can basically be said to have a basic understanding of any skill.

Therefore, he plans to keep the free learning points for emergency use.

As for the remaining Shoushan stone, Jiang Yichen just felt that he was missing a seal, so he planned to carve it himself.

With the attack speed bonus of the acceleration gloves, Jiang Yichen typed very quickly. In just 2 hours, he had typed nearly 5 chapters, and then he was ready to go to bed under Liu Yuanxiu's urging.

Jiang Yixin on the other side of the curtain couldn't sleep at all.

With the Qinglian jade pendant, she felt that her mind was obviously much clearer.

Just after listening to English, she found that her memory and comprehension abilities had improved.

Of course, she didn't think about the jade pendant at all, but instead wondered if she had also opened up?

"Brother, do you think I can be as good as you in the future?"

Jiang Yichen had just turned off the computer and lay down when he heard Jiang Yixin's question. He was stunned for a moment,"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"It's so noisy outside, I can't sleep."

Outside the window, there are firecrackers celebrating the New Year, and the sound is ringing.

"I have to sleep even if I can’t, because I have to go back to my hometown early tomorrow morning!"

"No, brother, tell me, why are you so awesome all of a sudden? Sometimes I feel like you're not my brother.……"

"Nonsense, if I'm not your brother, who else could I be?" Jiang Yichen was speechless.

"No, no, I mean he is not the same brother as before."

"……What about the past and present? I am your brother and I will not change."

After all, she is the sister who has lived and played together for a long time. She really felt that Jiang Yichen was different.

Although he is still a brother, he is not the same brother as before.

It must be said that her intuition is very accurate.

Jiang Yixin laughed and said,"I know."

"Don't think too much. After the New Year, when you move into the new house, you will have your own desk where you can read and write quietly. You won't be allowed to watch TV all the time."

"Humph, you are the only one who cares too much"

"I'm doing this for your own good. There's nothing good to watch on TV. You can watch it on the weekends if you have time, but don't watch it with your parents at night."

"OK, OK, I won't watch TV anymore."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me. I know everything."

""Hehe, I don't believe it!"

Although he said he didn't believe it, Jiang Yixin actually regarded his brother as an omnipotent god brother.

The two talked for a while before falling asleep.


Early in the morning of the New Year, when Jiang Yichen woke up, he found a red envelope on his pillow.

He opened it and saw a 100-yuan red note.

This was the New Year's money Liu Yuanxiu had given to the two of them.

"Happy New Year! Get into a good university this year."

Jiang Yichen looked a little more handsome after changing into clothes bought in Shanghai. Liu Yuanxiu came in with a smile. Jiang

Yichen put his arm around his mother's shoulders and said,"Okay, Mom, you should work less in the New Year. I will take you on a trip then.""

"That would be great." Liu Yuanxiu said happily and called Jiang Yixin again.

""Mom, look at the pendant my brother gave me. Isn't it pretty?"

Jiang Yixin, who was still wearing pajamas, came over with the jade pendant to show Liu Yuanxiu.

"It looks good."

Then he slightly blamed her,"Achen, don't buy such expensive things for Xinxin next time."

"Money is earned to be spent. You and dad should not be so tired this year. It is best not to work on the construction site."

"Nonsense, you don’t work and just watch TV at home every day?"

"That's fine, anyway I will make money to support you in the future." Jiang Yichen patted his chest.

Liu Yuanxiu shook his head,"That won't work, your dad and I are used to doing things, we can't have free time"

"Then do some easy work. You carry mortar and bricks every day. Don't strain your waist."

""Puh, puh, puh! It's New Year's Day, why are you saying these unlucky words!" Liu Yuanxiu put on a stern face and started to scold,"You two brothers and sisters, hurry up and wash up, and come to eat."

"Got it."

After a simple meal, the family of four rode on Jiang Nanning's Jialing motorcycle and headed back to their hometown.

Jiang Yichen's hometown is in the countryside, called Jiangfang Village.

It is about 7 kilometers away from the county seat.

After riding on this super crowded motorcycle, Jiang Yichen was very impressed with this motorcycle.���He expressed his approval.

But he still planned to buy another car.

Soon, he arrived at his hometown.

As the leader of this branch of the Jiang family, Grandfather Jiang Lifang had been waiting in the ancestral hall with a cane.

He was 82 years old this year and was the oldest and most senior person in Jiangfang Village.

When he saw Jiang Nanning's family, he smiled.

"Nanning, I heard that your son Chen is taking the college entrance examination this year?"

"Yes, Uncle"

"How are your grades? Can you get into college like Yihong?"

"Grandpa Taibo." Facing this old man, Jiang Yichen also greeted him honestly,"Good health to you in the new year."

Liu Yuanxiu said with a smile,"Of course, this kid is very hardworking. He got the first place in the county in the final exam."

Jiang Lifang's eyes showed a smile of surprise,"Okay, okay! It happens that our family tree will be revised next year. Chen boy, you should study hard. If you are admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, I will list a special page for you."

Jiang Nanning's face suddenly flushed,"It's so grand!"

"Of course, there are 360 professions, but only education can make you successful. Our Jiang family has produced talented people, so we must pay attention to them."Grandfather Jiang Fangli knocked the ground heavily with his cane.

Liu Yuanxiu was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth,"Next year I will buy the biggest firecrackers, the biggest candles, and the biggest incense to thank our ancestors."

Jiang Yichen looked at his two parents who were laughing silly, and was a little speechless. Is this single page of the family tree so attractive?

He coughed lightly and said,"Mom, we haven't taken the college entrance examination yet!"

Are you thinking about burning big incense next year?

Liu Yuanxiu patted Jiang Yichen on the back of his head,"So you have to work hard for the college entrance examination, do you know?"


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