After paying respect to their ancestors, the family returned to their hometown.

Jiang Yichen's house is located under a trench. It is an adobe house with a kitchen and two rooms.

However, it has not been lived in for many years and has become a little run-down.

Liu Yuanxiu lit candles while mumbling some blessings to herself.

Jiang Yichen and his sister looked around and felt full of memories.

"Dad, our kitchen wall is cracked a lot, please be careful!"

Jiang Nanning lit the incense and said with a smile,"Achen, when you have money in the future, please repair our old house."

"Building a villa?"

"If you have money, build a better one. When we are older, your mother and I will come back to grow crops and vegetables." Jiang Nanning said.

As for Jiang Yichen and the others, Jiang Nanning knew that their future must be far away.

Liu Yuanxiu said,"Why build such a good one? If you don't come back to live, isn't it a waste? If there is an opportunity for new rural reconstruction in the future, just build a layer to leave roots."

"Listen to your mother."

Jiang Nanning said truthfully.

After the family set off firecrackers, Liu Yuanxiu took them to visit relatives in Jiangfang Village to pay New Year's greetings.

Over the years, people have been walking from this small village to the county town or working outside.

Now there are less than 20 people living here permanently. The one who stayed here is Jiang Yichen's great grandfather.

There are also some other relatives who are a little more distant.

But if you trace back four or five generations, they are all from the same ancestor.

Jiang Yixin was very happy and followed each family to eat snacks.

Jiang Yichen followed and called people, waiting for the other party to ask questions

"Yuanxiu, I heard that your Yichen got the first place in the exam. He is really good at studying!"

""Yuanxiu, your son is going to Tsinghua University this year!"

At this time, Jiang Yichen put on a fake smile to show his modesty, and to make Liu Yuanxiu proud.

He just didn't know why the news that he ranked first in the exam was spread everywhere.

He wanted to keep a low profile!

"This kid has become a little smarter. How he will do in the exams later is still unknown!"

Liu Yuanxiu also knew the limits and did not dare to speak too confidently.

But he was in a good mood after the New Year, and everyone could see it.

Even when he was riding a motorcycle to the county town, facing the wind, Liu Yuanxiu could not stop laughing.

"Son, you are awesome!"

As he spoke, he kissed Jiang Yichen on the face.

Jiang Yichen looked disgusted and wiped it with his hand,"I am so old."

"Haha, no matter how old you are, you are still my son!"

Feeling the crowd in the car, Jiang Yichen still said,"Now that we have enough money, should we buy another motorcycle?"

"Why buy a motorcycle? I don’t know how to ride one. Liu Yuanxiu shook her head, not wanting to waste money.���No, just ride a bike."

"If you don't know how to do it, you can learn it. You will definitely learn it in the future."

The current Anyuan County is still small, but the pace of construction will soon start. By then, the entire county will be more than twice as large as it is now, and walking alone will not be enough for getting around. There are also more small electric donkeys.

But at this time, there are still not many electric cars, but more scooters.

Jiang Nanning said,"If you really have a lot of money, wait until you finish the college entrance examination, go get a driver's license, and buy a small car."

"Why buy a car? Can you drive to college? Really!"

Liu Yuanxiu denied all of them.

She is still in this simple concept, and has a practical and necessary attitude towards the things she wants to buy.

In the final analysis, the money Jiang Yichen earns now has not yet caused a qualitative change!

Back at home, Jiang Nanning took Jiang Yichen to the landlord's house to pay New Year's greetings.

As a migrant worker from the countryside, it is not easy to rent a satisfactory house here.

The landlord's name is He Weiguo. He is a native of the local area. During the early urbanization process, he built a five-story house for resettlement. He lived on the first and second floors and rented out the remaining floors.

The tenants on the fourth and fifth floors will change after one or two years, but Jiang Nanning's family on the third floor has never changed.

They have lived here for 6 years.

From Jiang Yichen's first year in junior high school to his third year in high school today

"I originally wanted to move before the New Year.……"While sitting at the table and eating snacks, Jiang Nanning talked about moving. He Weiguo waved his hand,"There's no rush to move during the Chinese New Year. Your family has made it through, working hard on the construction site for so many years, and finally bought a house. I'm happy for you."

As he spoke, he raised his glass to toast.

Jiang Yichen also poured a glass of water and took a sip.

"Yes, it's not easy. Jiang Nanning also sighed.

Farmers suffer, workers are tired, and migrant workers suffer and are tired.

If it weren't for their children to study and get better educational resources, why would they come to the city to work hard?

If you want to eat well and wear warm clothes, planting the six acres of idle land at home is almost enough.

"Your two children are both promising! Unlike my He Dong."Looking at Jiang Yichen, He Weiguo envied him again.

"Ho Tung is also good, he has good character"

"As for him, I won't mention him. He just finished vocational school and didn't look for a job. He stayed at home every day, playing games. I didn't even see him."He Weiguo was very upset when he talked about his son.

There is no harm without comparison.

Although he is rich, his son is not as promising as Jiang Nanning's family.

Now he seems to have depression and locks himself in his room every day.

If this continues, he will really...���I am worried that I won't even be able to find a daughter-in-law.

Jiang Yichen said,"Is Brother Dong at home?"

""He got up early in the morning and played games in his room!" He Weiguo pointed to the room next to him. It was time to beat him and scold him. He Weiguo and his wife were afraid that if they continued to beat and scold him, their son would go to extremes.

So they just let him do what he wanted.

"I'll go see him." Jiang Yichen said.

Then he walked to the door and knocked.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

There was no response at all.

Jiang Yichen tried to open the door.

A slightly damp and moldy smell that had not been ventilated for a long time came in.

Jiang Yichen covered his nose.

Damn, this guy is crazy. If he stays like this often, it would be strange if he doesn't get sick.

The lights were on, and Jiang Yichen saw a tall guy with long and messy hair operating in front of the computer.

He was playing CF (Cross Fire).

He had a big headset on his head and was immersed in his own world.

He didn't even know that Jiang Yichen was next to him. After watching for a while, Jiang Yichen felt that this kid's skills were not bad, his reaction speed was fast, and he had some experience in suppressing the gun. He also killed 2 people in the battle record.

But his teammates were not strong enough, and soon, He Dong's game was over.

However, it seemed that He Dong's heart didn't seem to fluctuate much about winning or losing.

But this is unlikely.

There must be something he cares about, otherwise he wouldn't like the game so persistently.

Jiang Yichen patted his shoulder and interrupted his idea of continuing to match the game

"Dong Ge"

"Yeah." He Dong was a little stunned, turned around and saw that it was Jiang Yichen from the floor above him. He responded with a strong nasal tone, then didn't want to pay attention to him and prepared to continue.

"You are terrible at playing games! Why are you still playing?"

But then Jiang Yichen's mocking voice came, which immediately made him furious.

He took off his headphones and stared at Jiang Yichen.

"What did you say?!"

"I said, you are a wimp."

Jiang Yichen grinned and answered seriously.

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