Jiang Yichen is very familiar with Meituan.

As an employee in his previous life, he also had a certain understanding of the development history of Meituan.

The founder is named Huang Xing.

He graduated from the Department of Electronics of Tsinghua University and went to the United States to study and obtained a master's degree in computer science.

The campus network that was very popular in the university a few years ago was created by him.

It can be said that he is a capable person with both talent and business acumen.

Of course, when Jiang Yichen recalled these, he was not thinking about cooperating with him or investing in him, but replacing him.

Today, Jiang Yichen has a critical learning system. No matter what he learns, he is very fast. Why should he hang out with Huang Xing again to talk about cooperation and development?

You know, when he was deducted money for no reason and squeezed by the terms of the contract in his previous life, Jiang Yichen wanted to dunk on the big boss.

If he wants to be the helmsman of Meituan, he will naturally not let the other party get involved.

Jiang Yichen first registered a company through an agency, named Kyoto Yichen Investment Co., Ltd.

As for the next step, he plans to borrow the policy of college students' entrepreneurship, rent a few offices in the Peking University College Student Entrepreneurship Base, and recruit some people to start his entrepreneurial journey.

After contacting Liu Xiyuan by phone, she was also very surprised and came over immediately.

At the gate of Peking University, Liu Xiyuan, wearing a bright yellow dress, saw Jiang Yichen.

Liu Xiyuan, who is already a married woman, exudes a confident, generous and dignified charm, which makes Jiang Yichen a little dazed.

"Jiang Yichen!"

Seeing Jiang Yichen, Liu Xiyuan stretched out her hand to greet him.

"Teacher Liu." Jiang Yichen walked over with a smile on his face and greeted Liu Xiyuan.

"Why are you here so early? School starts on September 5th!"Liu Xiyuan was puzzled.

"I plan to come to Beijing to get familiar with the situation first, and if possible, I will start a company." Jiang Yichen did not evade the question and explained directly.

Liu Xiyuan was very surprised,"You want to start a business?!"

"Yes, the next 10 years are the golden decade for entrepreneurship that cannot be missed. How can I waste all my time on studying?"Jiang Yichen shrugged and followed Liu Xiyuan to the Peking University campus.

Liu Xiyuan was a little confused and advised,"How can you say that studying in college is a waste of time? I know you are talented, but after entering Peking University, you will find that there are more talented students. The academic workload here is also very heavy. Don't underestimate it."

"I understand." Jiang Yichen smiled and didn't explain any more.

Liu Xiyuan then said,"I'll take you to your college now, register first, and arrange accommodation."

"When applying for entrepreneurship as a college student, do I apply at the college?"

"The college needs to stamp it and report it to the school's innovation center for approval."Liu Xiyuan thought for a while,"I don't know the specific situation, I have to ask the teachers in the college."

After all, she is just a teacher in the admissions office and doesn't understand some specific operating procedures.

Liu Xiyuan then smiled and said,"I don't know what kind of business Jiang is going to do?"

"To be a life service platform. Jiang Yichen briefly explained

"Platform?" Liu Xiyuan was a little surprised."Student Jiang studies economics, shouldn't he be investing or speculating in stocks?"

"Stock speculation is just a side path"

"Why do you say that?"

"Industry and the real economy are the cornerstones. Without the real economy, finance is nothing but castles in the air."

Jiang Yichen is very clear about this.

Even if his stock trading skills are great, he will not concentrate on studying stocks.

Walking on the campus of Peking University, next to the Weiming Lake.

Although it is summer vacation, there are still many people in the school.

"By the way, your friend has passed the self-taught exam in science and our school has enrolled her to study physics. Of course, we are very confidential about the details and she doesn't know who helped her."

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank Teacher Liu for this. If you need anything in the future, just let me know and I will definitely help you if I can."Jiang Yichen nodded slightly to express his gratitude. Liu Xiyuan waved her hand,"You're welcome. This is also one of your conditions. Otherwise, I guess you will be snatched away by Tsinghua or Fudan."

This is not wrong.

If Fudan agreed to this, Jiang Yichen would also choose Fudan.

It doesn't have to be Tsinghua or Peking University.

For him, as long as there is a learning environment and a critical strike for learning, it is the same to learn these knowledge without a tutor.

After a while, the two arrived at the comprehensive building of the School of Economics.

The building was newly built not long ago and looked quite grand.

When going upstairs, a thin man wearing glasses, wearing a dark blue short-sleeved shirt, and carrying a briefcase came down from the front.

"Dean Qian!"

The other party paused, looked at Liu Xiyuan, smiled and nodded, as if he was trying to remember which student the other party was.

"I am Liu Xiyuan from the admissions office. This is a freshman from your college. I came here early. I brought him here for you to meet."Liu Xiyuan smiled slightly.

Obviously, this made him look at the handsome guy next to her.

"You are this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination with 737 points, Jiang Yichen?"

Jiang Yichen nodded,"Hello, Dean Qian!"

"Yes, he is indeed a talented person." Dean Qian stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Jiang Yichen,"Welcome to choose our School of Economics!"

Then he waved to a graduate student next to him,"Xiao Chen, come and arrange for your junior to enroll."

The young man with long hair came over in a daze,"Teacher, there are new students here so early?"

"Well, you are just about to become a counselor, so get familiar with it first."Dean Qian nodded, and then patted Jiang Yichen with a smile,"I have a meeting to go to."

As he spoke, he turned and left.

Liu Xiyuan smiled slightly,"Okay, Jiang, I will take you here, and I will treat you to lunch at noon."

"No need, I can just eat in the cafeteria."

Liu Xiyuan didn't insist after hearing Jiang Yichen's words, and said jokingly before leaving,"Okay. Jiang, I look forward to your success in starting a business, and I'll have the opportunity to interview at your company in the future."

"How can I invite a Buddha like you?" Jiang Yichen smiled.

Liu Xiyuan is a doctoral student of the School of Social Sciences. After graduation, she stayed at the school to work in the admissions office.

Not to mention whether she would be liked by others, even if she was, Jiang Yichen might not necessarily recruit her.

Liu Xiyuan left quickly, leaving behind a faint fragrance.

Xiao Chen at the side said with a straight face,"Are you a freshman this year?"

"Yes, who is this senior?"

"My name is Chen Xiaoqiang, and I am the counselor of Economics Class 09. Didn't you read the admission letter? Didn't it say that the school starts on September 5? What are you doing here so early?"

Chen Xiaoqiang's face was not good. He believed that Jiang Yichen, who was a top candidate in a certain province and had a high opinion of himself, needed to be warned. He might be a child of destiny in his own province, but when he got to Peking University?

Sorry, there are only academic geniuses and academic tyrants here.

Not to mention the top scorers, there are so many great gods who were recommended.

As Xiao Sa said, the real great people don't take the college entrance examination.

He, Chen Xiaoqiang, is one of them who was recommended.

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