Seeing that the senior in front of him obviously didn't like him, Jiang Yichen didn't get angry, but his smile faded a little.

"I can decide whether to report or not later. I want to come to school to ask about college students' entrepreneurship."

Entrepreneurship ?"

Chen Xiaoqiang was slightly surprised. Could it be that this ordinary-dressed junior in front of him was a rich second-generation?

Chen Xiaoqiang paused, and his voice became a little better,"You want to start a business?"

"Yes, do you know how to operate it?"

"I know a little bit." Chen Xiaoqiang nodded,"Let me check you in first, and we'll talk on the way?"


Jiang Yichen naturally agreed. It was not a good idea to stand at the door of the building all the time, so he followed Chen Xiaoqiang.

"Didn't you bring anything?"

"I stayed in a hotel outside the school these days and didn't bring my stuff with me." Jiang Yichen explained.

Damn, staying in a hotel?

He is indeed a rich man.

"If you want to start a business, you must first have an entrepreneurial team and a direction for entrepreneurship, and then submit an application for an entrepreneurial project. The instructors at the Entrepreneurship Center will review the project. If it passes, you will receive an entrepreneurial subsidy and move into the Entrepreneurship Center."

Chen Xiaoqiang briefly explained the process of applying for an entrepreneurial project.

Jiang Yichen frowned slightly,"Are there any preferential policies?"

"I don't remember the details, but it was three years of tax exemption and loan interest subsidies and so on."Chen Xiaoqiang came from an average family, and he studied economics because he heard that this major was easy to make money.

But after actually studying it, he found that if he didn't have the principal, it would not be easy to accumulate a sum of money that could be used for operations.

Although he also traded stocks, he only made more than 100,000 yuan in five years.

This also included the principal of his scholarship!

Therefore, although he knew something about starting a business, it was not much.

Hearing this, Jiang Yichen felt that this thing was not as good as he had imagined.

The first is the interest-subsidized loan. The amount of interest that can be subsidized is naturally very small, estimated to be around 100,000; the second is tax exemption, three years of tax exemption, which is a necessary condition for attracting enterprises.

Because under normal circumstances, the first three years of an enterprise are the start-up period, and there is not much tax to pay.

But this tax incentive can still be strived for.

Moreover, in the early stage, Jiang Yichen founded Meituan, and he only had a team to build websites and apps. It's more about marketing.

On the one hand, the business On the one hand, it is to bring in the family, and on the other hand, it is to promote it to let users use it.

In the competition for users, Jiang Yichen has the impression that there are still many competitors.

If you can't compete, not only will you waste money, but you will also be squeezed out of this track.

The two walked and talked, and soon arrived at the dormitory building.

Chen Xiaoqiang was much more polite at this time. He helped him check in and reminded him where to buy daily necessities.

Near noon, Jiang Yichen invited him to have lunch.

But Chen Xiaoqiang didn't want to stay any longer and said goodbye and left.

Looking at the clean and tidy but extremely hot dormitory in front of him, Jiang Yichen found that he had made a mistake. He actually forgot about the air conditioner.

With the key, Jiang Yichen left decisively and ran back to his hotel.

This time I came to school, I roughly knew some of the entrepreneurial process, but I also felt that as a freshman, it was not so easy to get recognition for entrepreneurial projects.

After thinking about it, I might as well do it myself.

I immediately found a third-party company and posted a recruitment demand.

1. 2 programmers;

2. 1 website operation and maintenance person.

As for the salary, it is about 5,000-6,000 yuan, and those with more than three years of work experience are preferred. As for the office location, Jiang Yichen initially planned to place it in the Peking University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, but after thinking it over, he gave up this plan.

He plans to rent a space of about 100 square meters in a nearby office building in the next two days as an initial office location.

The rent is controlled within 7,000 yuan per month.

After all, it is an early stage of entrepreneurship, and a too large space is not needed.

Jiang Yichen does not have much money, so he needs to spend it sparingly.

Just when he had finished his work and was about to go to dinner, the QQ voice rang.

Mu Qingshu sent a message

Yueying Qingshu: Mr. Jiang, because I was admitted to Peking University, the school and the Education Bureau awarded me 150,000 yuan today. I want to return the money to you first, but I don’t know how to return it appropriately? Can you provide me with your bank account number?

Seeing this news, Jiang Yichen smiled slightly.

He didn't think about improving his family's living conditions with the reward money, but wanted to return it to himself first.

It was the Mu Qingshu he was familiar with.

Jiangshan Wuxian: No. You can keep the money for yourself or pass on the love.

Then he didn't say much.

Jiang Yichen didn't want to have any intersection with her through his"Mr. Jiang".

It was just to provide help in a way that she could accept.

Life is not always smooth sailing, and there may be ups and downs, and there will be some sudden changes.

What he did was just to help her return to the trajectory of her life that she should have.

As for the future, if they meet at Peking University, they may get to know each other, but Jiang Yichen will never pursue her.

Speaking of which, when Jiang Yichen returned to Anyuan in his previous life, he would also think of Mu Qingshu, wondering if she had repeated her studies and passed the adult college entrance examination to get into college.

If she was admitted to college, what major would she study, and would she have a different life?

But that was only when he was delivering takeout and thinking philosophically.

Usually, he was half tired, so where would he have time to think about these.

The next day, Jiang Yichen rented a small room on the 23rd floor of the Ideal Building.

This used to be the place of an Internet company, but it closed down after just over a year.

In the Zhongguancun area, the atmosphere of the Internet is very strong, and the atmosphere of entrepreneurship is also very strong.

Companies are established from time to time, and companies go bankrupt from time to time. There are very few companies that can persist and grow.

However, no matter how few there are, there are still many well-known companies.

For example, Xiaomi was established a few years ago.

Jiang Yichen simply tidied up the company, had someone clean it up, and then accepted the interview of the recruit.

In front of him was a young man who was only 27 years old.

But his forehead was shiny and looked very professional.

However, when the other party saw this company that didn’t even have a brand, he was numb

"Mr. Jiang, hello! My name is Lian Suo, and I’m a programmer who has been working for two and a half years.

Jiang Yichen took the other party’s resume and looked at it.

"Kyoto University of Electronic Science?"

"Yes, my university major is computer science, and I am proficient in Java and C languages.……"

Jiang Yichen reached out and turned the Shenzhou notebook in front of him over.

"Here are three questions, do them."

Jiang Yichen doesn't care what school the students are from. For programmers, the key is ability.

In order to make the Meituan APP software well, Jiang Yichen has been learning computer programming languages recently. After a critical hit of learning, his B-level has made him a high-level programmer.

Not to mention the top level, but it is far from what this guy with only two and a half years of experience can compare to.

The other party has no choice. Although the company in front of him is still in its infancy, the salary is still high. With his level, it is really hard to find a better job.

The current situation is a process of mutual accommodation.

Maybe he is not the programmer that the other party wants very much, but the other party is not a company that he is very satisfied with.

Taking the notebook, Lian Suo began to look at the questions.


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