Lian Suo is a straightforward programmer. Since he started working, he has not been valued because of his straightforward personality. Instead, he is often excluded by his colleagues.

There is no way. As an undergraduate student from an ordinary second-tier university, it is good enough to find a good job in Kyoto.

Now he has been unemployed for two months.

Because of this, when he saw this recruitment, he chose to apply even though he knew that this company was not famous at all and might be a fake company.

When he came here, the person who interviewed him was a young man with thick hair, which made him look down on him.

But after getting the three questions in front of him, the whole person immediately became serious.

This interviewer is a technical expert.

The questions are not easy.

Lian Suo spent nearly an hour to complete 2 questions. He had no idea about the last one and the code was very messy.

Jiang Yichen frowned and watched from behind for a while. To be honest, he felt that the other party's level was above average.

Jiang Yichen had a blank expression on his face,"To be honest, there is still a gap between your level and my requirements."

Lian Suo handed back the laptop nervously. After thinking for a long time, he still said,"Mr. Jiang, please give me a chance, even if the salary is lower."

"Can you tell me why you left your last company?"

"Because the former supervisor was too greedy." Lian Suo was still a little angry when he talked about this.

This direct flow of emotions made Jiang Yichen roughly understand what kind of character he had.

Most people change jobs mainly because they think the salary is too low, and they want to change to another unit with a higher salary. People like Lian Suo who bluntly criticize their superiors are either being excluded too much or they can't adapt to the environment.

Seeing that Lian Suo's hairline has moved up a lot, Jiang Yichen considered that he needed manpower, so he agreed immediately,"One month probation period, the salary during the probation period is 4500. If your work performance this month is good, the salary after you become a regular employee will be 6000."

6000, this salary was considered a good treatment at that time.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! I can start working now. Lian Suo was very excited and stood up and said.

Jiang Yichen nodded and stretched out his hand to shake his hand.

"The company is newly established, and you will have to work hard to set it up in the early stage."

While talking, Jiang Yichen took Lian Suo to look around the place in front of him. There were two small rooms, a hall as a workstation, a room as Jiang Yichen's office, and the other one was a small meeting room.

Although small, it has everything.

"Go and get a computer in the afternoon. The standard computer is within 10,000 yuan. You can get the one you like."Jiang Yichen gave programmers more freedom.

In his eyes, controlling people too strictly will not inspire employees' creativity.

As long as they can complete the corresponding work tasks within the specified time and create benefits for the company, it will be fine.

Lian Suo agreed.

This can be regarded as a gamble for him. If a young man starts a company, if he bets right, he may be a company veteran. If he bets wrong, he can only find another job.

Of course, for them, it is not easy to bet on the right company.

Every year, many new companies are established, and many companies die. Those that can grow into towering trees are rare.

By the next day, the entire company had installed relevant plaques. With computers, printers and other equipment, as well as some flowers and plants to decorate, it looks like a start-up company.

Not only that, Jiang Yichen also met two new people.

One man and one woman.

The man's name is Luo Cheng, and he is a website designer.

The woman's name is Xiao Yating, who is also a programmer. Her Java level is quite good.

It's just that they look too ordinary.

The first employee meeting of Jiang Yichen's Yichen Company was held simply on this simple afternoon.

The host of the meeting, Jiang Yichen.

From the appearance, he looks a little immature, but you can tell from his eyes that he is very steady and confident.

It seems that his every move is very natural.

Not to mention his voice, which has a convincing charm that makes people very happy with his promises.

"……We are now entering a field with extremely bright prospects and an extremely broad market. With the development of mobile Internet, we will have a place in the future."

"By then, you will all be witnesses, participants, and practitioners."

"Let's work together to forge ahead!"

Looking at the fanatical expressions of the three young people at the simple conference table, Jiang Yichen felt that he had the"convince buff" and had the capital to be a pyramid scheme leader.

"In the next month, we will design and launch a website and a group buying system platform."

On the projection screen, Jiang Yichen showed a foreign website.


"This website was founded in November 2008. It is a website platform that sells group purchases by netizens."

"Launch a discounted product every day, and each person is limited to one shot per day"

"This model is called group buying."

"We all know that the retail price is higher than the wholesale price. If there are enough consumer orders, merchants are willing to reduce some of their profits to increase sales. This is what we can use."

The three programmers were a little confused, but they understood Jiang Yichen's idea.

They didn't understand anything else, but they still understood this website, just copy it.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, we will work overtime in the next few weeks to get it done. Lian Suo was very motivated and expressed his opinion immediately.

Jiang Yichen nodded and said,"I will also come to guide everyone. In addition to this website, we will also make an APP."

"APP? Is it Symbian system?"

"No, Android and iOS���"

Lian Suo thought for a moment and said,"The Android system seems to have just been released, and not many people use it."

"More and more people will use it in the future."Jiang Yichen asserted,"As for Symbian, it will die soon."

This time, not only Lian Suo, but also Luo Cheng and Xiao Yating were confused.

How could Nokia and Symbian, which are still huge today, die?

How could this be possible!

"Mr. Jiang, although I think you have a very open mind, it is too arbitrary to say that Saipan will die."

"Yes, now the market share of Symbian is still over 50%."

"If we want to develop mobile software, I suggest that we cannot neglect Symbian."

Jiang Yichen raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"Okay, there is no need to rush the App for now, and we will start the development next year. For now, the key is to build a good platform and promote it."

If there is no offline promotion, these merchants cannot be pulled in, and everyone cannot be encouraged to use it through publicity, then even if there is a good platform, it will be useless.

And this is the life of group buying and food delivery platforms.

Lian Suo then asked,"Then Mr. Jiang, what is our website called?"


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