Legend Forever

Chapter 1081: left? right?

Scream, scream...

In fact, it wasn't just Yi Xunyu who was killing the people he encountered. Those who entered here were also not softened.

This is a secret realm, and there is a huge delay in Skynet's communication with the outside world.

Thirty seconds, this time that would normally pass by yawning in a daze, will be extremely fully utilized in the unconstrained secret realm.

This is also a very intimate place of Skynet, marking the specific time of the delay.


"I don't think you are pleasing to the eye!"

Amidst the sound of the sharp blade smashing into the flesh, the two squads that had joined together, in an uneven distribution of spoils, finally one of them chose to backstab.

For those who cooperated to plunder later, because of the same origin, those materials will naturally be used to the fullest.

However, if another person is killed, what should have been divided equally, can it belong to only one of them?

Picking up the items scattered on the ground, the back stab person licked his lips, and quietly moved forward in the maze again.

The rustling voice sounded, and not far away, black shadows began to spread to the corpses on the ground.

Then, climbing and piercing, and in the end, the corpse on the ground dried up a little bit with the sound of sucking like a habit of drinking milk.

Back stabbing, revenge, jealousy, plunder, bullying... Why is the secret realm always so respected? The fact that you can kill at will is a good bonus for many people.

The chaos, witnessed by the green leaves, was unfolding in various places.

"This maze really has no traps, and it is even safe."

Walking on the road, Yi Xunyu continued to draw the map in his hand according to the feelings between her and Xinglian, and said without raising her head.

"But because there are no traps here, walking repeatedly between almost the same walls and looking at the same walls on this side makes it easier for people to have some messy thoughts."

Because there is no object of confrontation, it is like sleeping


Mu Tian randomly threw the stick and said:

"Especially for people who are not at peace... I originally thought that the paladin of the Light Empire, the priest should be one of the most determined professions. But now it seems that in addition to maintaining the firmness to the Holy Light Faith, the rest will be done no matter what nasty things are."

Everyone just ran into a scene...not a particularly beautiful thing. Perot sauce only felt ashamed, and her eyes were erratic, just as if she didn't exist.

What a shame.

"It would be great if the people in the Bright Empire were like this."

Yi Xun Yu sighed casually, and then waved the drawn map in his hand.

"I don't know how big this maze is, but we have undoubtedly walked quite a long way. Even the first batch of people who entered here have already circled behind us. This kind of route is random, but the personnel are high In the case of overlap, I may be able to boldly speculate that if Mu Tian's method of throwing sticks is still useful, then it may not take long to find the end."

Naturally, it is not the end of the way back, but the end of the exploration.

"That's really good news."

Mu Tian said with a sigh of relief.

In such a monotonous environment, if someone were not able to accompany him to chat, he would probably lose his temper because of boredom.

Obviously there are no trap guard beasts here, but in Mu Tian's view, this place is still dangerous.

"In fact, we picked up a bargain, because this secret realm started less than a week ago, and those who have experienced in the rest of the Bright Empire have not had time to come here."

Mu Tian said: "But after someone gets the harvest and leaves, it will probably become more chaotic here."


Yixunyu used an interrogative sentence.

Behind her, after Xinglian's seeds had absorbed a lot of blood from the strong, they had left green on every wall they walked on.

Anyone who looks at it will only regard the hanging vines as the original plants in the maze.

Because it is still absorbing the blood of practitioners of the Holy Light attribute, the star lotus that has grown now is actually a very old variety.


In order to avoid trouble, only a little interference was released to expand the boring and monotonous feeling of walking in the maze.

Although it won't make them flow into a river of blood, if you want to walk the way steadily, you probably need a very strong relationship.

And the map in front of him seemed...well, after throwing away the mysterious veil, Yi Xunyu felt that the map in his hand was inexplicably simple.

"Well, ask you something."

Walking behind, Perot sauce suddenly approached the pondering Yixunyu and asked in a low voice.

Yi Xunyu cast a suspicious look in the past.

"You three-person team, one man and two women, is that kind of relationship, that's the kind?" Perochan motioned with her eyes.


Yi Xunyu felt that he still seemed too kind, so that Perot sauce was in the mood to start gossiping about other things.

"No, only the first two are lovers."

Shaking his head, Yixunyu replied.

"Hey, what about you?"

Perot sauce was taken aback, and then he became more interested.

"Me? It's probably an electric light bulb." Yi Xun Yu thought for a while and said casually.

Responsible for the flash kind.


"Many things are not as complicated as thinking about them. For example, the person I met last time was also from this team, but he didn't come because he needed a period of retreat."

Yi Xunyu raised his shoulders and continued to walk forward indifferently.

The team seems to have always been out of proportion between men and women, which is a very helpless thing.

The addition of Rock in the previous period was a little adjustment, but in a blink of an eye, Rock had to go back to his hometown to recover from his injury.

Yi Xunyu suspected that this might be the influence of Mu Tian's Son of Destiny's halo, but because the influence didn't seem to be big, he didn't try to interfere.

Regardless of men and women, as long as the atmosphere is quiet, there is no problem.

Perot sauce tilted his head and wanted to keep asking, but in the end he didn't keep asking.

I feel that even if I keep asking, I can't hear any interesting news.

"It's pure enough."

Said very quietly, almost silently.

"Well, I now start to wonder if coming to this secret realm is the right decision."

Ahead, looking at the wooden stick in his hand, Mu Tian said in a thoughtful posture.

"It's the exit?"


A look of bewilderment.

Except for Yi Xunyu's hand addiction, the rest of the time was spent in the maze.

There is no danger at all, even a mob can't see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so easy, people wonder what is going on in this secret realm.

There are still three forks ahead.

On the left, the maze wall still invisible,

The same is true on the right.

In the middle is the exit of the maze, and in front is a huge stone platform.

Although I don't know what Shitai does, it is obviously the exit of the maze.


Mu Tian stopped the dream tower that was just about to come forward.

"Huh? Ah!"

"Throw the stick again, it just so happens that I am also curious if my judgment is right."

As Yixunyu said, he rubbed his hands to create a small steel ball, and raised his hand to the passage in the middle of the maze.


The sound of the scattered steel **** scattered all over the ground.

"Flight and landing changes are all normal, there is no sign of spatial fluctuations, and it seems there are no traps there."

Yixunyu touched his chin, and said with a weird expression: "But how do I feel that the front gives me a sense of something wrong?"

"Do you feel it too."

Mu Tian frowned and threw out the wooden stick in his hand.


Looking at the sharpened point, Mu Tian couldn't help but raised his head.

"Which way do you want to go?"

"Since the stick in your hand was found all the way..."

Yi Xunyu took out a bottle of ice water from the space device and took a sip and said, "Then follow the guide of the stick."

Anyway, those people walked forward in the straight line that their eyes saw, and the last thing was to circle around in place.

"Then left!"

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