Legend Forever

Chapter 1082: Heresy Judge

Finally, I chose the left side,

After all, there is a lesson for Perot to get lost in a straight line. There may be a problem with what the eyes see.

Yi Xunyu was a little puzzled, the Eye of True should not be deceived by these small organs or the tricks of the illusion.

She also deliberately glanced in blue light.

It turned out that everything was normal, but the sixth sense told her that it was definitely not the same thing to walk directly over.

This is the taste of being deceived.

The true eye is not omnipotent after all, or Yi Xun Yu is influenced by being a human being after all.

A while ago at Withered Bones, her eyes were briefly deceived by a group of npc-like figures in Shalai's demi-god realm using physical means in the form of a scroll.

Because the painting is too real,

Matter, light, color are flawless,

There was no trace of illusion on it, so Yi Xunyu subconsciously thought that it was actually a real scene.

That time, it can be regarded as a chestnut that successfully deceived the True Eye, or the owner of the True Eye.

This time, it seems to be a new trick or a gameplay with similar principles.

But this way, should it be easy to be seen through close contact?

For a while, Yi Xunyu was also unable to be sure.

The road on the left is still monotonous, even inexplicably long.

The surrounding walls are monotonous and dull, and even the patterns look almost identical.

It is boring and dry.

After staying for a long time, I will probably start to doubt myself,'Am I on the wrong path? How long has the time passed? Is there no end to this road? In case the end is a dead end, I seem to have to come back again. Don't go back first'

some type of.

This is the most common response of most people when facing uncertain unknowns.

"Would you like some more cookies?"

"Okay thank you!"

Perot-chan cheered the paper bag that Monta had handed over, holding the hot biscuits and exclaimed, "Manta, your craftsmanship is really amazing."

"After all, fresh ingredients have just been baked." Monta smiled, and he was in a good mood for someone who liked the food they made.


As he was speaking, Mu Tian in front of him suddenly gave a soft huh and walked forward two steps quickly.

A person is lying in front.

A golden sharp blade was inserted in the chest, and the golden armor on his body failed to give him the protection he deserved, and blood almost flowed into a lake around him.

In his hand, the rings inlaid with bright gemstones seemed to illustrate its extraordinary value.


Dream Tower couldn't help raising her voice slightly.

A corpse is here, and it doesn't seem to be anything.

But when the objects on this corpse have not been passive, it is suspicious.

Because most of the fights that occur in the secret realm are for profit, or for their own profit.

Right now, this corpse that seems to be able to get a lot of harvest with a little bit of picking up, it is nothing more than several possibilities to just put it on the wall.

One, this person committed suicide.

One is that someone was disdainful of picking up the corpse after killing this person, or because of the lack of time and other reasons, they turned their heads and left.

And, someone is fishing with this corpse.

Obviously, the last one is more likely.

As if he hadn't heard, Mu Tian walked forward in doubt, came to the corpse and looked at it carefully, and even squatted down.


Monta sighed and stopped talking.

"From the perspective of cell activity, this person has been dead for nearly an hour."

Poke the corpse with the wooden stick in his hand, Mu Tian said.

"It must be uncomfortable to be pierced through the energy core by your own weapon. And the amount of bleeding on the ground... It seems that it is more than just a person."

With that, Mu Tian's expression changed and he suddenly bounced from the ground.

The corpse was placed in a clever position, at the fork of the long passage, which is behind the intersection.

This also means that corners are very suitable for sneak attacks in places where the mental power detection effect is broken.


An arc of light was released from the side, spinning at high speed in the air like a boomerang, sweeping towards Mu Tian's neck.


A trace of disappointment flashed in Mu Tian's eyes, and he squeezed the ketchup used to pour the biscuits into his mouth quite perfunctorily, and then squirted out with a ‘poof’.


The kind with excessive bleeding.


Then there was the sound of a rag bag falling to the ground.

It sounds like a thief hurts.

Mengta dumbfoundedly looked at each other with Yixun Yu Pero sauce, then sighed silently, rubbed their faces and made themselves panicked.

"Mu Tian! Are you okay! Mu Tian! Mu Tian!"

Yi Xunyu raised his hand to condense an ice blade, and put it on Perot sauce's neck.

Want to yawn, hold back.

"Thanks." Perot sauce whispered.

Yixunyu pressed the knife down again.


In the collision of the armor, a man who covered the entire face with his visor walked out from the corner, holding his hand on the golden sword at his waist at all times, and every step of his step was measured neatly.

"One, two, three...four. Are you all here? Oh, didn't you expect to be a heretic who came in?"

The hoarse voice sounded like the friction between charcoal.

"No, there is another..."

After pondering for a while, the person in front of him turned his gaze to the Dream Tower.


Dream Tower raised his hand slightly embarrassed: "Here Judge Captain, if possible, can you save me."

Oh, does this guy belong to the heretical judge.

The captain seems to be a little official who is just a little better than the ordinary members.

And, judging from Perot's reaction, this guy should also be considered a more famous... a member of the star-making team?

"Have I met you..."

The person in front of him thought about it carefully, then shook his head, as if he had a memory problem.

"Although you don't know who you are, but if you are captured by the people of Yongye, you should explode right away. They are all vicious demons. They will extract your soul and burn out the secret of the holy light with flames."

"Ha..." Perot sauce's face was a little stiff.

It’s not because of the other party’s evaluation of Yong Ye, but the phrase ‘Although I don’t know who you are’

This is undoubtedly a denial of his career as a singer.

"Don't worry, I will help you out, by God's will."

With that, the heretical judge took a step forward.


The golden flames ignited and condensed into sharp beast heads on his body, making a low roar.

"I will purify your sin, so that you can return to the Lord's embrace with a pious attitude. I will make these sinners regret that they stepped on the land of the Holy Light, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com by God's will. "

Mengta's complexion twitched, as if unable to withstand the pressure of the breath from the person in front of him, his face turned pale and retreated.

The movements were stiff, and the body couldn't help shaking.

So, the Dream Tower stepped back, and the heretical judge in front of it stepped forward.

"Being able to get here, you undoubtedly have enough strength, but in the presence of the Holy Light, your sinful power will eventually become useless, by God's will."

Dream Tower continued to retreat, and was about to push it to where Yi Xunyu was.

"I was thinking of using this fallen guy as a bait to clean up a few fallen scum for the gods, but I didn't expect such a gain."

"and many more!"

Yi Xunyu suddenly said loudly.

"You take one step forward and I will kill her."


Without any hesitation, the heretical judge in front of him took another step forward.

"Justice will eventually be done, and I will avenge the weak you killed, and let the Holy Light judge your sins."

"It's boring."

After sighing, Yi Xunyu shook his head, only thinking that he was stupid would try to communicate with a fanatic.

Probably you have been with the people around you for a long time, so you have been degraded?

"Then, do it."


The violent booming sound was like the collision between an iron barrel and a container.

The heretical judge, who was still gathering momentum the moment before, was crashed to the ground.

"Really, such a weak guy, he has no sense of accomplishment when he is overcast."

Mu Tian twisted his neck and threw aside the baseball bat folded into a right angle.

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