Legend Forever

Chapter 1349: Wantonly

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Have a good night's sleep after a long absence?

Opening his eyes, Yi Xunyu rubbed his neck subconsciously, got out from under the cover of a pile of animal fur, looked around with a bit of blankness, and realized where he was for a while.

I don't know how long I slept... Suspiciously yawning and stretching, Yi Xunyu looked around for a while, and found the guy who dragged him all the way over on the other end of the bed.

I'm still asleep, I think I haven't slept for long.

Getting up from the bed, Yixunyu bent over to pick up the clothes she took off yesterday, feeling the clammy sensation of her hands, and threw it back to the ground again after a moment of silence.

Wearing this thing on your body is like standing in the snow in the winter and pouring cold water on your head...For now, Yi Xunyu still doesn't want to wrong him to do such a thing.

Looking left and right, Yi Xunyu locked his eyes on a huge wooden cabinet not far from the bed.

The color of the wood is light gray, it is only slightly cool at first, and at the same time it seems to have a slight fragrance into the nose, which is refreshing.

With a squeak, Yi Xunyu stretched out his hand to pull open the wooden cabinet, and after hearing the sound, his hand slowed down unconsciously.

The folding leaves are a bit serious.

Thinking about this, Yi Xunyu looked into the cabinet, and opened her mouth slightly when facing the dazzling array of services that suddenly ran into her sight.

Space magic is used in the cabinet, and the structure inside is much larger than the real space.

Rather than calling it a cabinet, why not call it more vividly... an exhibition hall?

All kinds of clothes are displayed on the whole body hangers. Various colors, various styles and various materials. From the simplest ordinary small shirts to complicated court dresses. Everything that Yixunyu knows can find the corresponding styles here, but besides that, there are more that Yixunyu doesn't know.

Some kind of magic seems to be applied to the wardrobe, just standing at the door, Yi Xun Yu can see all the clothes in the wardrobe.

Looking from front to back following the arrangement of the clothes, Yi Xunyu's gaze stayed on one of the flowered skirts for a while, then turned his gaze to the last robe, trench coat, rain boots and dome cane.

Even before, there is also animal skin sewing, with feathers and animal tooth necklaces.

The costumes here seem to be arranged in chronological order, but Ixunyu is not sure when the time starts.

And the priority now seems to be finding yourself a set of clothes?

Just standing for a while, the skin was frozen to get goose bumps. If it freezes for a while, it will start to turn blue.


Yixunyu stretched out his hand to measure the size of these clothes, and then slid parallel to measure his height. After a moment of silence, he closed the cabinet door blankly.


The unknown sleeping guy Zhengxiang behind, obviously has everything in the closet, from swimsuits to pajamas, but what he is wearing now is just a simple light blue long-sleeved white sarong. A little bit of decoration, and it is full of folds.

Looking around again, Yi Xunyu returned his gaze to the bed he had slept in, and pulled out a piece of animal skin thoughtfully.

The quality of these animal skins is very good, soft and odorless, and has a hairy smooth feel to the touch.

Moreover, no matter what animal it is, the wound on the body is quite simple to cut off the head, and then slashed in the stomach.

This structure can parallelly refer to sleeping bags without zipper, or the old puppet pajamas. In other words, this thing should also be able to be worn on the body...?

With a strange idea that suddenly popped out, Yi Xun Yu found a piece of animal skin that was about the same height as her. It seemed to be some kind of fox creature. First, he shook and tried to put his feet in like wearing pants , After landing on the ground, the whole person got in.

With his arms straightened, Yixunyu folded the animal skins on both sides of his chest toward the middle, and then wrapped the big tail hanging down behind him around his waist and tied a slip knot.

This dress feels strange... but at least it can keep out the cold. After lowering his head to meditate for a moment, Yi Xunyu no longer struggled with the problem of his own image, and began to wander around in the igloo, looking at the layout here.

A lot of space, but not much furnishings.

There is a food freezer stacked in one corner, a wardrobe is placed in one corner, and there is a large bed between the two cabinets, and it takes Ixunyu one to two minutes to go from one corner to the other.

The opposite side of the bed corresponds to the door when she was dragged over. Behind the door is a larger ice cave where there is a lake of ice that almost froze her to death.

As for the other side, because I was too sleepy yesterday, I didn’t take a closer look. I just remember that there seemed to be a lot of things piled up, um...

Tattered piles piled up to the ceiling?

Yi Xunyu stepped forward and found that there were mostly strange things inside.

Freeze-dried dark blue lizards, translucent plant roots, skulls of unknown creatures, cloth bags that don’t know anything, and small locked wooden boxes (the key is inserted into the lock). In addition, there are some things that Yixunyu can be famous for, such as Rubik's Cube, puzzles, four-sided dice and other small toys.

Yi Xunyu didn't touch those suspicious extraordinary objects randomly, and instead cast his gaze on a not very thick book above his head.

It's okay to have nothing to do, read a book to pass the time. Thinking this way, Yi Xun Yu reached for the book.

Not able to reach ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and waved his feet for a moment, Yi Xunyu looked back in silence, and after making sure that an unknown guy was still sleeping, he stretched out his hands and jumped upwards, twice.

The distance is still not enough.


Putting down his hand, Yi Xunyu raised his foot to find a decent foothold on the pile of debris and wiped it. After confirming that he could step on it, he raised his other foot and stepped on another foothold, then stretched his hand upwards. , Lower your head and aim at the next foothold to continue upward.

After a while, Yi Xunyu held one hand on the pile of debris, and the other hand reached out to the previously selected book and pulled out, bowed his head and started to return.

However, she overlooked a problem.

Under the condition of extremely low mastery of the new body, she couldn't hold the book in one hand at all~ as before, she kept her balance with her hands, and even the center of gravity of her body changed slightly.

Getting down a tree is often more difficult than getting up a tree.

After slipping under her feet, Yi Xun Yu only had time to protect her face and fell firmly on the pile of debris, falling down along with the various small pieces around.

Above it, the extraction of a book means that the structural stability is destroyed, which has a chain reaction with the movement below. Accompanied by an unstable shaking, a small mountain of debris poured down and slid down, submerging Ixun Yu.

"..." I seem to be in trouble?

As soon as he got his head out of the pile of debris, Yi Xunyu saw a pair of sleepy eyes, and murderous aura spewing from his eyes. Or maybe it's getting up.

"I should eat you before going to bed!"

The person in front of him said angrily.

The noise made before was too great, unexpectedly awakening the sleepy guy.

"Indeed." Yi Xunyu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Smoothly, hide the book that I had worked so hard behind me.

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