Legend Forever

Chapter 1350: Talk

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The mess in one place has not been cleaned up.

Yi Xunyu didn't know what this person thought, and came over angrily, but turned around and left after saying a word.

Seeing the other party just put the cup under the ice cube, the ice will naturally merge into water and flow into just the right cup. The cup is drunk, gulped, spit out, and then another cup is washed, and then another cup is drunk...Ixun Yu stared in a daze for a while , Shook his head and crawled out of the pile of debris, and once again began to look around randomly.

She didn't feel conscious of causing trouble at all. In other words, after knowing that she would be eaten later, she had a sense of righteousness when she did bad things-anyway, she was going to be eaten, what happened to something that broke you... or something.

After not caring about life and death from the heart, now there is nothing to threaten Yi Xunyu.

The icy blue flames beside the pile of debris attracted Yi Xunyu’s sight. The dark blue flames stood on the ground like the flames of alcohol lamps. Four ice racks supported a huge pot on the top, and the inside was gurgling. Don't know what's cooking.

Reaching out for a touch and then quickly retracted, Yi Xunyu squatted down looking at the flames on the ground, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

It's amazing. This flame is obviously of ice properties, and it is also absorbing the ice element in the air to burn as fuel, but in itself, it is a kind of heat.

You can boil water and put the iron pan on a hot fire.

After losing the real eye, Yi Xunyu could not obtain all the information of things through observation. When encountering something unknown at the moment, and there is nothing to do, I can't help but feel curiosity.

Picking up an ice cube from the ground, Yi Xunyu leaned it close to the blue flame, trying to see if it could ignite the ice.

"Don't touch that thing."

The voice came from afar, with a sense of inefficiency, "It is ice and fire, and you will be burnt with ashes if you stick it on it. Of course, it is also the treasure that countless people dream of."


Yi Xunyu paused for a moment, looking at the flames he accidentally extinguished, and the wisps of smoke that were drifting away. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Well, you said this thing is dangerous?"

Under Yi Xunyu's gaze, the other side was expressionless and nodded stiffly.

"Then, this thing is still very valuable?"


"Sorry, I seem to have lost this thing."

Yixunyu removed the ice in his hand, looked at the ground that was not left on it, and spread his hands awkwardly: "Moreover, I don't seem to be able to afford it."

This is quite deliberate, but it is caused by Yixunyu's low body control...There is always a slight difference between the actions of a person's brain directing the body and the actions of the body. It's like throwing a dart, the heart that was originally aimed at, but the dart that comes out of your hand will always fly to various strange places.

With a shake of his hand, he accidentally suppressed the flame.

It really flicked like that,


The cup made of ice was smashed, and its forehead seemed to burst with green veins: "Do you really think I dare not eat you?"

"You can eat it if you want."

"Damn it, obviously I have stopped eating people recently."

"Ah, don't worry about this issue. Actually, my body is made of the flesh and blood of a snow wolf, not a real human body." Yixunyu explained.


Yi Xun Yu was caught in front of an unknown celebrity by invisible force, only to see that the other party drew a sharp knife from the ice crystal, put it on Yi Xun Yu's shoulder, and casually scratched Yi Xun Yu's neck. : "Although you are not very hungry, since you are so active, it is also good to have a tooth-and-fight festival."

"How are you going to eat me?" The neck is cold, but this feeling is inexplicably comfortable... Facing the threat of death, Yi Xunyu only asked curiously.

The other party really can eat people. From the beginning, Yi Xunyu had not doubted this problem.

Living here, different lifestyles and habits from humans, shows that the other person is not a human being. Probably it was an ice demon, ice elves and other creatures, or simply some animals cultivated into refined forms. Of course, this is just Yi Xunyu's guess and cannot be used as evidence.

However, among the bone residues piled up in the corners, Ixunyu had long discovered many human skulls. There is no rot in the rare mixed residue. Either the death time is not short, or these people were once powerful.

The high probability is the latter.

The skull alone does not explain the problem. The problem is that these skulls are thrown together with the leftover bone sticks, small broken bones and the like, like garbage.

Since so many people have eaten it, it is certainly not bad for me. For his position, Yi Xun Yu has always been very correct.

"Oh, how do you want to be cooked?" the other party asked interestingly.

"Whatever, I'm just curious to ask." Yi Xunyu said indifferently.

"I think about it, the weather is good these days, it's suitable for hot pot. How about I just take the meat off of you piece by piece, and then eat it in front of you?"

"It's fine if you are happy. By the way, are you going to prepare a clear soup pot or a spicy pot?" Yi Xunyu asked with a shrug.

"Huh? Spicy hot pot of course."

"Tsk, heresy, the Ming and Ming Qing soup pots can better highlight the original flavor of the ingredients~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huh? You are a guy who uses snow wolf meat to condense his body, do you think your meat is so delicious?"

"Uh... also, you have to say so, really add a little more spice."

Yi Xunyu thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and stopped arguing about the red and white pot.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xunyu asked again, "By the way, do you have a habit of eating brains?"

"No, that thing is too high in cholesterol and bad for your health."

"In that case, can you leave my head intact?"

"Oh, now you know you are afraid?"

"No, I just feel that I've squeezed my face for a long time, and it's a pity to be eaten by the shabu."

"...Hey, weird."

Staring at Yi Xunyu's face for a long time, the other party suddenly shook his head, put away the ice blade in his hand, swung Yi Xunyu back a few steps with a gentle force, stood up and walked towards the iron pan next to the pile of debris.

Yi Xunyu's gaze stayed on the ground for a moment, calmly watching the ice blade fall on the ground without making a collision, but silently submerged in it, melting into the ice surface.

She still didn't feel any element fluctuations, everything happened so naturally.

On the other side, I saw someone who still didn't know the name came to the iron pot, reached out and touched it, sighed and muttered, "It's really cold."

Then he squatted down, and rubbed his thumb and **** underneath with his hand... Only after hearing the sound of ‘poof’, a dark blue flame ignited from below, looking exactly the same as the one Ixunyu had destroyed before.


It is very dangerous, and countless people dream of it, but you just rubbed your fingers like this and hit another one?

I always feel like I have been tricked.

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