Legend Forever

Chapter 1351: Not fit

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After thinking about the possibility of extinguishing the fire in the past, Yi Xunyu finally gave up the idea.

It is not that she is afraid of the consequences, but when the other party is already vigilant, the probability of her success in making small moves is almost zero.

So there is no need to do this.

"You just seemed to say that this thing is something that countless people dream of and can't do?" Yi Xunyu asked, still unable to swallow this breath.


"As a result, you just rubbed this thing out so easily?" Yixunyu asked, pointing his finger.


"Okay, I get it."

Yi Xun Yu sighed and did not continue to ask.

The answer is nothing more than that the so-called countless people are not at the same level as the guy in front of them.

In nature, just a small amount of food residues dropped by humans is enough for one fly to feast for one or more than two meals, and it may even be regarded as a delicacy. In the world of transcendent existence, this size difference will also be reflected in strength, life level, and personality.

The guy in front of me is the ‘people’ in the example, and the countless people in his mouth represent ‘flies’.

"I can see that your soul once possessed a good quality. It is not difficult to understand this truth from your perspective."

The still unknown person took out a spoon and started stirring.

Ixunyu, who was deeply inconvenient in communication, scratched his head and asked: "It's not too difficult to understand...what's your name?"

"real name?"

"No, you must at least let me know what I can call you."

"Well, then you call me a goddess. People used to call me that way."


"Goddess?" Yi Xun Yu used a question.

She was a little unsure about what the goddess meant by the other party, whether it was narcissism, or that some survivors had called her this before, or whether the guy in front of him was really a ‘He’.

The last possibility is very low, because so far she has not felt a divine impact at all.


"All right, it doesn't matter to me that you call the queen anyway."

After sighing, Yi Xunyu gave up this question naturally, stood up and walked towards the person who claimed to be a goddess and asked: "So, goddess, what is this fire, can you tell me about it?"

"Do you know what I am doing?" the goddess asked suddenly.

"It should be cooking something, but I just turned off the fire, won't the contents break?" Yixunyu asked as he walked.

The distance that the other party can walk easily and comfortably in two or three steps, to her is a half of the length of the room, from the bed to the debris pile, even if it is fast walking, it takes a minute to walk.

Such a long-distance dialogue is also quite difficult.

"The taste is indeed a little worse, but it has little effect."

The goddess took out a spoon of soup with a long-handled spoon in her hand and blew it slightly, put it in her mouth and took a sip, and answered her last question: "This iron pot is my soup pot, wait a minute, I will also use it. This pot is here to rinse the meat off your body."

"That's it."

Yixunyu yawned and sat by the iron pan, nodded and asked, "So, what is this fire?"

"You are dying and still care about this?"

"I don't care, but just waiting like this is quite boring. When the story listens to kill the time. You see, I took the initiative to cooperate with you to walk to the pot."

Hugging his knees, Ixunyu raised his head and said, "It's not a close-knit. In fact, I used to major in ice element, so I can understand the strangeness of this flame more clearly. Although it is also below zero, the temperature of this igloo It’s much higher than outside, and it’s impossible to achieve this level just by accumulating body temperature. And I just circled the house, and in the end only saw such a flame absorbing the surrounding ice elements, so inside the house The temperature change must have something to do with this... and what I wonder is why such a flame that absorbs a large amount of ice all the time will take the form of heat?"

After a pause, Yi Xunyu added: "And it's still this kind of tepid flame?"

In fact, it is not impossible for Yixunyu to convert ice elements into heat energy... For example, using kinetic energy to generate heat energy by colliding with ice. Simple and savage, but also an indirect transformation.

And the burning method used to directly convert the ice element into heat energy, Yixunyu was simply unheard of.

This is equivalent to the technical difficulty of converting thermal entropy into usable resources and converting antimatter into matter.

"Things must be the opposite."

Yi Xunyu nodded, and after waiting for a long time, he found that the other party had no intention to continue.




Yixunyu wanted to keep asking, but the guy who claimed to be a goddess interrupted her.

"The water is boiling."

"Oh... Then you do it, remember to keep my head." Rolling his eyes, Yi Xunyu sighed and closed his eyes.

Another wicked guy.

Then, once again everything was ready but nothing happened.

Inexplicably a little angry,

"I didn't seem to say I want to eat you now?"

A bowl of hot soup was handed to Yi Xunyu, "Here, you shouldn't have eaten for a long time."

Yi Xunyu glanced at the milky soup in the bowl, was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry."


An untimely cry of his belly sounded, and Yi Xunyu looked down without saying a word, only to feel that this coincidence was full of maliciousness to him.

"Aren't you hungry now?" After chuckling, the voice of inquiry came again.

"Well, it's not that you are not hungry, but that you have no appetite."

Yixunyu sighed and shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I really don't want to eat."

The feeling of hunger in the abdomen is indeed clearly present, but on the contrary, it is Yi Xun Yu who feels sick and nauseous no matter what food she looks at. For example, the thick soup in front of ordinary people seems to be meaty ~ fragrant, but Yixunyu only smells greasy.

If you really want to eat, in the ruins, or when you use snow wolf meat to condense your body, there will be ways to get some.

But Yi Xunyu did not.

"The soup was boiled recently and there is no meat in it."

"Ah, this doesn't matter to me, I just have no appetite."

"Then you are so hungry, how can I eat when I am hungry and thin?"

"Well, it seems that you have to hurry up, UU reading www.uukānshu.com before I lose weight from starvation." Yi Xunyu continued to die in words and deeds.

"Really not eating?"

"no appetite."

"You have to eat something, I told you so much, you can't even give me this little face."

"That's what you want to keep me alive?" Yi Xunyu asked suddenly.

"For now, yes."

"...Give me a glass of water, clear water, I should be able to drink it."

This time, Yi Xunyu was silent for a moment, and said helplessly.

"Just water?"

"Even if I don't consider my appetite, in my current physical state, water is the only substance that can be taken in." Ixun Yu explained.

Although I don't want to admit it, this body has already reached its limit under excessive pressure. In this case, eating is as dangerous as stuffing razor stones into a flat balloon.

Yi Xun Yu still didn't want to die from the shameful death method of "Because of excessive hunger~a stomach tear caused by eating".

Naturally, it was like receiving water from a faucet. Yixunyu took the water handed over by the other party, and after taking a sip, he realized that the warm water temperature spread in his body, and new doubts appeared in his heart again.

This time she saw clearly that there was no energy fluctuation in the opponent's body, and the process of ice turning into water seemed natural as it should be.

But even if you ask, the other party shouldn't say it easily, just like a deliberate interruption when asking Binghuo before.

Yi Xunyu thought for a while, silently put the question away, did not say anything, just held up the cup in his hand and sipped the warm water inside.

Everyone has their own secrets. After losing the real eye, she no longer has the ability to see other people's secrets at will. Things that were once easy to know are now unknown.

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