Legend Forever

Chapter 1376: Extinguished purple fire

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My own feeling of pain, perhaps already numb——

Yi Xunyu thought silently in her heart.

It seems that from the beginning, when her peers were crying because of pain, the first reaction to her injury was how to stop the bleeding.

It's not that it doesn't hurt. She has the same clear perception of pain as others, and she also knows how to avoid injury. But even if she doesn't know why, it is difficult for her to give a face-to-face reaction to this kind of pain, nor will it affect her judgment because of this kind of thing.

It's always been... She just can feel the pain, and then use an almost ‘taste’ attitude to quietly experience the feeling. Occasionally, they pretend to behave like a normal person in front of other people.

It has nothing to do with being strong. Yi Xunyu always believed that it was caused by a lack of a string in his mind. Unfortunately, no evidence has been found yet.

What you feel now is very similar to toothache... You know that you are hurting, and you know that the pain comes from your body, but you can’t find where you are hurting, and then you suffer from this pain. Become dead and alive.

It makes people want to twist themselves like a towel a few times to get a moment of peace.

Very uncomfortable,

At the soul level, the conflict between the enhanced feedback of the domain and Zihuo has become more intense. This feeling is as if there are two energies in the body, both of which belong to oneself but face each other tit-for-tat, showing an attitude of incompatible.

Although it was his own energy, the positive transformation brought about by this cultivation could not be controlled.

And the few purple fires left in her body are used to keep the soul from breaking on the one hand, and on the other hand to resist the power of transformation from the domain.

Under the circumstances, it is difficult for Zihuo to continue.

This is also the reason why Yi Xunyu left the igloo—just like I said before, it’s too embarrassing to be harassed here for so long, and to blow up the house again when I leave.

With his eyes closed, Yixunyu could clearly feel the weakening of the purple fire in his body. As the energy in the body gradually increased, the resulting strengthening feedback became stronger.

Zi Huo's small existence space was further compressed, and as it dissipated, the protected soul was gradually revealed.

This feeling is more profound than taking off the last piece of clothing in the cold wind, as if it was the skin of the body that was peeled off at this time, and the bright red muscles under the skin were exposed...The fragile soul was in the cold. I feel the feeling of losing weight in the wind, as if being fluttered by a knife.

The purple fire, weaker than the candlelight, and lighter than the embers of the match, finally extinguished in a tremor.

Feeling this scene, Yi Xunyu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling that the dust had settled.

Icy cold followed the soul to climb up, and the temperature of the soul gradually decreased. In this extremely clear and flashing memory, Yi Xunyu thought that he had left no regrets.

But for some reason, the soul that had lost Zihuo's fixation did not dissipate in this way, but was wrapped in chill and gradually stabilized in the trembling.

Waiting for a while, except for feeling a little cold, the soul no longer has any symptoms of discomfort... as if it has stabilized.


Opening his eyes, Yixunyu opened his mouth, revealing a wry smile.

She can't tell how many times this is the first time she has been preparing for [THEEND], and then she continues again in a subtle mood.

This feeling is like bungee jumping, watching you fall, and then there is a rope on your foot that pulls you back, and even bounces repeatedly and swayed twice.

Want to talk dirty,

As for the reason, Yi Xunyu had already reacted to why in a short period of thought.

Although Ixunyu’s reliance on the real eye has not reached the point where he would die without it, but for this kind of thing that has been with him since birth, he will definitely subconsciously take it as a reason, and retain it after losing it. A lot of habits based on this.

For example, even if the means of perceiving the outside world is guessing, Yi Xunyu is still used to memorizing his guesses in the form of'affirmative sentences'.

That is, she will subconsciously regard her ‘guess’ as the ‘truth’ of things.

She felt that Zi Huo would die when she ran out, so she took it as a fact. But in fact, there is no evidence to prove that this guess is correct.

In the brief conversation before going to sleep, Kasar once said that after Yi Xunyu asked the question ‘Is I now Yi Xunyu or Annie?" Yi Xunyu now is no different from before.

This sentence is not a kind of comfort, nor is it an indifferent rhetoric from Cassman.

When tearing the soul apart, Yi Xunyu did indeed tear off the part of his own'Anne Mode' soul and threw it out. The purple fire outside the soul is also due to the protection mechanism of energy spontaneously protecting the lord, protecting the part of Yi Xunyu's soul from disappearing due to incompleteness.

However, the Annie model is only a ‘model’ after all. When the purple fire dissipated, the fragment of Yi Xunyu's soul just ended from the Annie mode, and then returned to Yi Xunyu's original state.

The power system condensed after cultivating the path of ice, relayed to keep up after the purple fire dissipated, and once again protected Yi Xunyu's soul. Among them, there was also a factor that Yi Xunyu had practiced the way of ice, and the affinity of his soul to ice had not disappeared.

There are many reasons for the current situation, but what Yi Xunyu wants to say most is the simple "good fortune and make people".

She doesn't think how lucky she is. On the contrary, she only thinks that the world always seems to have a kind of nasty interest to herself, which makes her constantly wandering on the edge of not getting better.

Without the ability to reverse the overall situation, these small fortunes will not only make her feel hopeless, but will even have the opposite effect.

"It looks like it won't explode."

On the one hand, the ice goddess raised her head and drank the liquor in the bottle, and said casually: "It's rare that you are in the mood to dress yourself up."

"Oh, anyway, it's a matter of time, it's a drill."

Yixunyu made a dry laugh.

"The waist is straight, the shoulders are back...really, when you see it's okay, you just fell down like a boneless."

The ice goddess patted Yi Xunyu's back suddenly, and whispered: "It's pretty seductive when she's serious, but she usually likes to stare at a dead fish-eyed, listless."

"The guy who has eaten and slept all the time, so embarrassed to say seductive?" Yi Xunyu replied casually, even shaking the clothes on her body, turning it into a style of wide-sleeved pajamas.

"You are better than me?"

"In terms of image, you are no better than me."


The ice goddess sneered, waved her hand to show that she was disdainful of the naive argument with Ixun Yu in such a place, and then changed the subject.

"I didn't just come out this time to find you."

"and so?"

"It's almost time, here, look up."

Ixunyu subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction of the ice goddess.

Through the thick and transparent ice wall, the colorful and blurred halo of the horizon emerges silently, and the colors and colors are intertwined and smudged. If the tulle is light ~ full and transparent, if the white canvas is floating in the wind, it outlines an erratic and illusory color. scene.


It is more real than the image data, and the color is more vivid. It is a natural miracle between the illusion and the reality, knowing that it is the light but can't help but want to reach out and touch it.

Aurora is one of the beauty of the polar region.

Seeing the sight of a tulle from the sky, the goddess of ice silently opened another bottle of wine beside her and took a sip, as if she was drinking with this thing.

"Seven-color aurora, a miracle seen in the polar region for a hundred years. Whenever this thing appears, the sky will be quite clear for a period of time... Although the time interval is not long, this kind of sight will feel very beautiful no matter how many times you see it. I heard that, There is also a saying in the polar regions that you will see colorful aurora as a symbol of good luck."


Ixun Yu patted her cheek, feeling that the stamina of the alcohol she drank before started to surge, making her face flushed like a fever.

I forgot to get rid of alcohol from my body before.

"But it's just a statement, how many people really believe it."

The goddess of ice shook her head and sipped herself again.

After half a bottle of wine, the goddess of ice interrupted Yi Xunyu who looked up, "Aurora is going to disappear."

"So fast?"

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, in addition to appreciation, the colorful aurora is actually a treasure produced in the polar regions."

As the ice goddess said, she suddenly raised her hand and tore her hand at the aurora above the sky.


Although there was no sound, Yi Xunyu's heart seemed to have a very harsh sound of tearing cloth.

In the hands of the Ice Goddess, there appeared a halo of irregular shape, the color close to light blue and lavender, and the continuous flow of light on the surface.

She tore off the aurora.

Afterwards, countless black shadows flashed across the horizon, flashing with the collision of energy. In just a moment, the complete aurora in the sky was cut up.


"Don't regret it, I won't be the first to take the shot and no one else dared to move. After waiting for such a long time, I guess they are already anxious."

The ice goddess looked at the undisguised regret on Yi Xunyu's face, and slammed the aurora in Yi Xunyu's hand.

"It's a treasure, but it tastes really bad. Let's make a piece of clothing. Don't always use ice to condense it... For me, there is really no difference between you and not wearing it."

Looking at the clothes in his arms, Yi Xunyu was silent for a moment and shook his head: "It's like how many you wear."

"Ha, I'm going back, don't forget that you haven't cooked yet."

"You go back first, there are still a lot of quick frozen vegetables in the warehouse. If I want to stay here a little longer."

Yi Xun Yu slightly hugged the weightless Aurora in his hand, looked up at the sky and said.

After the aurora, stars gradually appeared in the night sky. As time went by, these star points became more and more, and there was even a tendency to cover the sky.

Yi Xunyu had no idea how long he had been, and he hadn't looked up at the sky like this.

The stars...

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