Legend Forever

Chapter 1377: New clothes

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"So, I gave you such a big aurora, you made this for yourself?"

The ice goddess was sitting on the bed, rubbing her temples vigorously, feeling that her alcohol strength before going to bed didn't seem to have subsided, and she was even serious enough to have hallucinations.

Otherwise, there seems to be no explanation for this scene.

"Doesn't it look good, I think it's okay?"

Yi Xun Yu looked down at the clothes she was wearing, pulled the hem of her clothes, and asked strangely.

It was a light blue robe with wide sleeves, folded collar and over the knee. Lavender belt around the waist, tied in the form of a bow at the side waist. Except for the color gradient arc that comes with Aurora, there is no extra decoration on the whole, and it looks quite simple.

Although it looks a bit retro, walking on the street will not be caught by law enforcement, and it will not make people feel too strange.

And this has already met Yi Xunyu's minimum standards.

"Heh... do you dare to say what design your body is based on?" The ice goddess asked with a sneer.

"Bathrobes." Yixunyu answered naturally.


"I knew there was absolutely something wrong with your fellow's aesthetics."

The goddess of ice fell back into the bed, feeling speechless from the bottom of her heart.

"Uh, as for?"

Yi Xun Yu blinked, wondering what he did to make the other party feel this kind of stimulation.

Judging from the other party's dress, it seems that there is no dogmatic dressing. Otherwise, it would not have been such a set of clothes.

"Forget it, you just have to be happy."

Waved, the ice goddess urged: "Go get something to eat... You didn't come back all night yesterday, so you won't be watching the stars all the time."

"I made myself a suit by the way."

Thanks to the plasticity of extraordinary materials, Yixunyu should take no more than half an hour to make clothes.

"the following?"

"Is there pants?" Ixun Yu understood the other party's meaning inexplicably.

"All right." The Ice Goddess replied reluctantly.

"But there are new clothes, you can always change like this, right?"


After all, having just benefited from the opponent's hands, Yixunyu's question to the ice goddess was relatively cooperative.

"Your messy hair, don't you want to comb it. And this standing posture, why do you always like to lean forward, like a snow wolf about to rush out..."

The hair was messy because yesterday Yi Xunyu thought it was too sour after looking up her head for a long time, and she simply lay flat on the ice.

As for the standing posture,

"If you don't pay attention to the habit you formed in the past, you will be used to it."

Ixunyu straightened his stance slightly and said.

By the way, after the purple fire dissipated, her hair had already changed from lavender to dark blue, and it might be completely blue soon. The color of the eyes remained the same, because there were still some ‘emers’ in the purple fire that had not completely disappeared.

"...Also, you should be quite high in this world, right?" The Ice Goddess asked again.


"What position?"

"Probably, Ye Huang?"

"The emperor of the Eternal Night Empire?"



After two seconds of awkward silence, the voice of the ice goddess went directly to the edge of loss of control.

"Then your etiquette teacher never taught you, should a lady stand in eight instead of diagonally upward punching pose?"

Faced with this problem, Yi Xunyu just calmly put the casserole from the warehouse on the fire.

"Good question, all my etiquette teachers were sent to **** by me. As for standing posture, I usually pay attention to it in formal occasions, but isn't it unnecessary now?"

Although he has started to boil water, Yi Xun Yu hasn't thought about what he can eat for this meal. However, it is always right to boil the water first in this place.

Forty meal,

Thinking this way, Yi Xun Yu wrote a simple number 40 on the wall.

"As a hangover dish, how about some sour fish soup?"

Going to another corner to check the inventory inside, Yixunyu suggested.

"Huh? What is that?"

Before eating, the ice goddess had to temporarily put aside the questions about Yi Xunyu's strange behavior.

"There are dried plums in the warehouse, which can be used to stew fish." If it is not sour, it seems that those lemons can be thrown into it. If it still doesn't work, add more vinegar.

"No, my main surprise is that you are planning to use fish as a main course...is there in the ice store?"

It can be seen from the cauldron that the goddess of ice has always liked larger prey.

"I think that one is pretty good." Yi Xunyu pointed to a silver fish in the ice crystal with a bright red fish above his head.

The location is a bit deep, it seems that it has been some years. But since it was frozen, then it might be able to jump twice.


The ice goddess was a little confused, and then she didn't continue to wave her hand more seriously, "Probably it was frozen in with something."

The freezing of the ice store is more profound than what Ixunyu learned, so the goddess of ice still took out the fish by herself.

The color of the fish is very bright and it looks very beautiful. Yi Xunyu was also not sure if it was poisonous. However, to prevent accidents, she deliberately cut a plate of sashimi as a cold dish.

"By the way, don't you really think about dressing up?"

After the meal, the ice goddess asked the previous question again.

Yi Xunyu tilted his head slightly in doubt, looked at the face of the ice goddess seriously proposed for a moment, and asked: "How do I feel that you are different from before?"

"No, no, I thought that you were different from before." The goddess of ice corrected.


"You were lifeless before, but now you finally look like a living person."

"So, does this have anything to do with your previous proposal?"

"Just because you are suddenly human, I suggest you at least dress up like a person-there seems to be nothing wrong with this logic, right?"

In various senses, the words of the goddess of ice from UU reading www.uukanshu.com made it difficult for Yi Xunyu to answer. In the end, he could only sigh and say the last sentence: "It seems like I am not a human being."

"Well, but after all I have to watch it all day long, I still hope to see a seductive image." Without answering, the ice goddess added.

"Not necessary before?"

"Before, before you sat down at the debris pile, apart from being able to clean up and cook, it's really not much different from those around you."

Refers to the tatters in the pile of debris,

"Oh, I still pant." The Ice Goddess thought for a while and added.

"What a rude statement."

Yixunyu shook his head, feeling inexplicably tired at this topic.

"So, what do you want me to dress like?"

"I'm not very demanding, but why should I have cloud temples, black eyebrows, pink ~ cheeks and red cheeks, slender eyes and cherry blossoms ~ lips?"

Then wear two pheasants on his head, put a few flags behind his back, clear his throat and sing a piece of Kunqu Opera with Sanxian?

Listening to the description of the ice goddess, Ixun Yu inexplicably thought of the costumes on the stage of the old world.

This aesthetic is a bit different from what she thought.

"I will pay attention to my appearance in the future, but don't think about more. Anyway, I won't stay here for too long, so just take care of it."

Even if time is not worth money here, Yi Xun Yu would rather read more books instead of repetitive refreshing.

I eat repeatedly every day because I will be hungry if I don't eat, but I won't lose a piece of meat if I don't freshen up. With this idea, Yixunyu has always been naked.

"Tsk tut, you."

The ice goddess shook her hair and sighed inexplicably, but said nothing.

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