Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4136: Interception

(Second more!)


After the four Chiba gods left, only three of the nine kings, Jian Wushuang and Qingfeng Hou were left in this towering hall.

The King of Jiuzai looked slightly up, and he first glanced at Qingfeng Shenhou.

Qingfeng is a gentleman. He has a gentle temper, and he had some conflicts with Chiba Lord. He chose to stay. It is not surprising that King Jiucai.

But Jian Wushuang even chose to stay, which surprised the Jiujian Wang.

"Jian Wushuang, you didn't leave with Chiba God the King? Are you not afraid to stay here, and I rob you of the rule of Chinese goods? After all, I am in this squad, but no one can stop me from doing anything "Jiu Jie Wang looked at Jian Wushuang, and Pi Xiaorou did not smile.

"Oh? Then you can try." Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He now breaks through the fourth level to dominate the realm, his strength has risen, and he has the top quality warframe bestowed by him on the body. Although it is still impossible to be the opponent of the King of Nine Calamities, he wants to leave, but he is afraid of Nine Wang couldn't keep it easily.

And he knew very well that no matter how the King of Nine Kings looked at him unpleasantly, he would never dare to shoot at him.

After all, they are all from the Palace of Life. Once King Jiulong shots at him, he only needs to send a message directly to the Supreme Master of Blood. The consequences that King Jiulong will face are not what he can bear.

"Forget it, that time in the trial ground, since this seat was lost to you, the Zhongpin rule is so fruitful, I will not make another idea." King Jiujia waved his hand and said.

Jian Wushuang heard the words, just smiled slightly.

In fact, the reason why he did not leave with the Chiba gods just now, in addition to he really did not want to intercept and kill other master teams without any reason, to plunder the treasure, there is an extremely important reason, that is, the nine kings and the Chiba's character is character.

Although Jian Wushuang and his two have not been in a squad for a long time, they can still see some of their temperaments.

The King of Nine Calamities, in addition to being proud and a little bit arrogant, cannot be disgusted in other respects.

But the Chiba prince is different. In these years, in a small team, many of Chiba prince's small movements and careful thinking of swords and swords can be seen in the eyes. And the inner arrogance is not weaker than the King of Nine Calamities.

Compared to the two, Jian Wushuang is more willing to stay with the King of Jiujia.

"Okay two, God of Chiba they have left, our team is now only three of us, the strength of the sharp decline, and then in the Taro ruins, the two have to work together." Qingfeng Shenhou smiled.

Is it the same as Jian Wushuang, the Qingfeng prince knows who the Chiba prince is, and just didn't leave with the Chiba prince just now.

"Huh, it's just four wastes less." Lengheng of Jiujiawang snorted, disapproving in his heart.

Jian Wushuang and Qing Feng Shenhou looked at each other, and both of them smiled helplessly.

Next, the three of them continued to wander through the ruins of Tailuo, and at the same time, they continued to inquire about the team of the King of the Wind.

And on the other side ...

Above the vast void, the two dominant teams met.

The two dominating teams, one of which is the four-man team headed by Chiba God and Zitong, is the other one. As for the other team, there are six people, and they are the ultimate dominators.

There is a clear gap between the two sides in terms of numbers. However, the six-member squad became extremely gloomy after seeing the four Chiba gods.

This six-man squadron, from the kingdom of the demon rain god, is headed by a top ultimate master of the Eight Cloud Demon Lord.

"The Lord of Chiba, Lord of Zitong, Lord of Jiuyang, and Lord Jiuyang." Lord Yakumo frowned, "Four, why are you waiting for me?"

"Dominated by Yakumo, if I remember correctly, the Taro ruins have just been discovered, that is, more than 10,000 years ago, your team has arrived?" Chiba God with a weird smile, Looking at the six masters of the eight clouds.

"What's the matter?" Bayun Demon said lowly.

"It's nothing, I just want to know, what have you got in this Taro ruins for more than 10,000 years?" Asked Chiba God.

"Well, there are so many dominators in the ruins of Tai Luo. Our team is not too strong. Even if we encounter opportunities, we can't grab them. After more than 10,000 years, our team, but everything Didn't get it. "Eight Cloud Demon main road.

"Nothing?" Shrine Chiba shook his head. "I don't believe it, so, six of you will take out their respective sacred rings, let's check it. If you really don't get any decent treasure, I Just let you go, how? "

"Miscellaneous accounts!" The Lord of the Eight Clouds suddenly became furious.

The other four ultimate masters of the Moyu Kingdom were also glared.

Want them to take out the Qiankun Ring and search for each other?

How can it be?

"Haha, since you are not willing to surrender Qian Kunjie to www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then it is no wonder I waited, three, kill it!" The laughter of the God of Chiba spread.

As soon as the words fell, Chiba's body suddenly rose up with a shocking breath, and his body suddenly surged, killing him directly.

The three pupils, Zitong, Jiuyang, and Qi Nan, who stood next to him, also made a sneer, and then shot directly.

The war broke out instantly.

And this fierce battle did not last long, it was just a moment of effort and it was over.

Although the Chiba God Jun team only has dead people, the Demon God Kingdom has six ultimate masters, but four of the six ultimate masters are only close to the top level. The other two are even the strongest Yakumo The Lord is just the normal top-level ultimate dominating level, which is comparable to Jiuyang's dominator and Qi Nan's dominator. It is much weaker than Chiba God and Zitong.

Such a lineup, the Chiba God alone alone is enough to kill him, let alone four of them shot at the same time.

In just a moment of effort, the six ultimate masters of the Demon God Kingdom were beheaded and killed on the spot, including one top ultimate master, and the remaining eight cloud masters and one ultimate master escaped by chance.

After the war, the four gods of Chiba gathered together to divide the battle results.

"Haha, I know that this team of the Demon God Kingdom has spent more than 10,000 years in the ruins of Tailuo. It is impossible to gain nothing. Look, we just killed four of them, and Let the strongest Lord of the Eight Clouds escape, but our gains are still extremely huge. "Chiba God with a strong surprise in his eyes.

The other three were also very happy.


PS: Two more arrived today!

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