Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4144: Rise of a shrine

(The first is more!)


Intercept other dominating squads and plunder the opponent's treasures.

This is actually not easy to see in the universe. After all, although there are a lot of strong players in the universe, under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to gather so many powerful ultimate masters.

Only if this Taro ruins are now in the world and restrict the entry of the Supreme Power, will there be countless ultimate masters swarming in.

It is precisely because there are too many masters in the gathering that the killing battles become extremely frequent, and this half-way interception becomes commonplace.

The reason why Chiba God and Zitong dominated the four before they chose to part ways with the nine kings and Jian Wushuang is because of the constraints of the nine kings.

King Jiujia is proud and arrogant, and he disdains to intercept those weaker dominating teams, and King Jiujia is also investigating the cause of the destruction of the team of King of the Wind, but Chiba God can not help them.

As now, as soon as the four of them broke away from the king of Jiujia, they immediately began to intercept and kill other master teams in the Taro ruins.

And this shot, the harvest is quite rich.

"Hum, this magic rain kingdom is one of the most common kingdoms in the vast universe. There are only six ultimate dominators in the strong squad they sent over, and there are only two ultimate dominators at the top level. With such a strength, he dared to move around in the ruins of Taro. "Chiba God Jun smirked.

"They were lucky before. They didn't meet the powerful team that dominated them. Unfortunately, they now met the four of us, and they only had a rout." Zitong also laughed.

"Unfortunately, the Eight Cloud Demon Lords were not able to stay. The Eight Cloud Demon Lords are the top ultimate masters headed by the six-man squad of Demon God Kingdom. For more than 10,000 years, they have received many in this Taro ruins. Benefits, it is estimated that a lot of them are concentrated on the Lord of the Eight Clouds. "Jiuyang ruled.

"No way, although the Lord of the Eight Clouds is only the ultimate ultimate master, and his strength is far less than me and Zitong, but his ability to save lives is not too weak. Even if I join forces with Zitong, it is difficult to kill him." Chiba Monarchy.

"Unfortunately, that Qingfeng God Hou has never been with us, otherwise, with his entanglement methods, he is completely hopeful to leave the Lord of the Eight Clouds." Zitong dominated.

"Qing Feng? Huh!" Chiba God is Lengheng.

Qingfeng Shenhou is just the top ultimate dominating level, but what he is best at is entanglement of trapped people. On the subject of entanglement, whether it is Chiba God or Zitong, he is far less than Qingfeng Shenhou.

If Qingfeng Shenhou was with them, just now they really have a lot of confidence to leave the Lord of the Eight Clouds.

"Qing Feng, this fool, he is willing to follow the King of the Nine Robbers, so let him continue to follow, and that sword is unparalleled, dominated by the fourth level, I am afraid that even the cannon fodder is not counted in this Taro ruins, he If we follow us, maybe we can give him a little bit of benefit, but he has to follow the King of Calamity ... Hum, with the proud and overbearing nature of King of Calamity, even if he really got any chance, there is no one Share? "Chiba said with a sneer.

The three pupils dominated each other, and nodded secretly.

Indeed, there were certain reasons why they chose to leave before, because King Nine Kings behaved very aggressively. Following King Nine Kings, even if they really got any chance, they may not be able to share any benefits, so it ’s not as good. They parted ways with the King of Nine Calamities, and they did well on their own.

"Don't bother with them, we continue to wander in this Taro ruins. With the strength of the four of us, as long as we do not meet the dominant team of the top forces in the universe, there is nothing to be afraid of, and even if we really encounter That kind of strong team, the four of us joined forces, and I have the confidence to protect myself. "Chiba Shenjun said.

Immediately, the four of them continued to wander in the ruins of Tai Luo.

In a flash of time, fifty years have passed.

In the past 50 years, the four Chiba gods have plundered other dominating squads throughout the ruins. Under the team of the four, many weaker dominating squads have been seeded.

Of course, although the four people are looting everywhere, they are also robbing by different objects, such as some masters from the great cosmic forces, or some powerful and famous ultimate masters, but they will not easily provoke them.

With the four of them working together, there are very few strong teams in the ruins of Tai Luo who can really do anything to them. Therefore, in the past 50 years, the four of them have been mixed and gained a lot of benefits. . .

It is interesting that in the past 50 years, the three swordsman Wu Jian also met once with the Chiba gods.

Of course, this encounter did not produce much stormy waves, just after a few ridicules and sarcasm, they went to each other.


A secluded corner in the Taro ruins.

The King of Nine Robbers, Sword Wushuang, and Qingfeng Shenhou were investigating the entry point of the second floor one inch by one inch.



The sword Wushuang three looked up at the same time.

I saw a void in the surrounding area, and there was a strong breath of Changhong coming at an astonishing speed.

The King of Nine Calamities was slightly stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The next moment his body flickered, and he was already standing in front of this dominating team. The team of five members of the dominating team stopped immediately.


Stopped halfway, the five who dominated the squad were a little angry.

As the body of King Jiujia gradually condensed in front of the five people, the five people who were originally angry were trembled in the heart the next moment.

"King of Nine Calamities!"

"King of Nine Calamities in the Temple of Life !!"

The five men who dominated the squad trembled.

This time the ruins of Tailuo are here, a large number of powerful and powerful masters from the vast universe, and some of the more famous and powerful masters are naturally well known.

The Nine Kings is undoubtedly one of the most famous among the ultimate dominators of the universe. The five members of this team can naturally be recognized.

At the same time, they also all know the strength of King Jiujia.

Undoubtedly, the nine kings alone is enough to sweep the five-member team directly, and they have no room for struggle.

Seeing the King of Nine Calamities standing in front of them, they were naturally frightened.

"Five people, see where you are in a hurry, where are you going?" The King of Jiulong looked over.

Jian Wushuang and Qingfeng God Hou also appeared next to King Jiujia.

Jian Wushuang also noticed that the five-man dominated team was very fast and very anxious, as if they were in a hurry to go.

Upon hearing the enquiries from King Jiulong, the five masters looked at each other face to face, and the top ultimate leader, who was immediately headed, said: "Since King Jiulong has been met by you, I will not hide you, just now we got the news, saying It is in Fengyang Canyon that a superb magic medicine was born! "

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