Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4208: Wuhai

(Second more!)


"Unexpectedly, I still underestimate this person, but this blood sword should be almost the same here. Wuhai is in the 518th place. This blood sword meets Wuhai and it is definitely not good. The ultimate master of the Sanshou Alliance, smirked.

However, it was such a discussion of everyone that Jian Wushuang's ranking suddenly surpassed Qinglin's dominance and reached a point farther ahead.


The first city, inside the city.


The sword spoke without expression on both sides, and then proceeded to the temple in front.

From beginning to end, Jian Wushuang only used one finger.

No matter what the ultimate dominator, Jian Wushuang only pointed to the past, and the majestic and powerful power directly crushed it.

Time passed slowly, and Jian Wushuang's ranking also skyrocketed accordingly. In just a few hours, the ranking of Jian Wushuang reached 519.

The next one is the Wuhai master who has previously recruited Jian Wushuang.

With a calm expression, Jian Wushuang walked step by step to the door of the hall with the wooden sign of “Five One Eighteen” and reached out and knocked on the door of the hall.

Immediately, the master of Wuhai came out of it.

"Um? Is it you?"

When Wu Hai's master saw Jian Wushuang, he was suddenly shocked, and then there was a cloudy look on his face.

He is not a fool, otherwise he would not have killed so many newcomers at the gate of the first city without ever kicking the iron plate.

Jian Wushuang's ability to come to this position naturally represents Jian Wushuang's strength, far beyond his imagination.

"Blood Sword, I didn't expect you to be able to come to this position. No wonder he was unwilling to join us at the beginning." Wu Hai's dominion re-suspended a kind smile on his face, with his rather thick fat face, it seemed to be inhuman harm.

Jian Wushuang sneered in heart, this person is a smiling tiger, looking at the thick and kind, but in fact he is not sure what kind of bad tricks he is holding.

"Master Wuhai, let's get started." Jian Wushuang said lightly.

"Blood sword, I do n’t need to fight between us. I exhausted the strength of nine cattle and two tigers, and finally managed to climb to this position, and you really look relaxed with blood sword. I know myself, I do n’t think it will be your opponent. ”Wuhai's master scratched his head and grinned broadly.

"Oh? Are you serious?" Jian Wushuang raised his eyebrows, smiling nonchalantly.

"Of course, Lord Blood Sword, I have spent so long in this starry sky ancient road. I may not have learned anything else, but I have developed a good wink. Lord Blood Sword must be like a dragon in the sky in the future. Characters, I do n’t have to show ugliness, I would like to admire the wind. ”Wuhai master said with a smile.

After speaking, the master of Wuhai turned and walked towards the temples behind Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang saw this, with deep eyes and eyes, he no longer cares about him, and continued to walk to the higher ranking temple.

At this moment, the abnormality suddenly rises!

Wuhai's master turned abruptly, and the kind smile on that fat face became full of violent killing power. He took out a dark flag in his right hand, and fiercely killed the sword Wushuang!

For a while, a horror of black fog sprang up, emitting a scream of nine evil spirits, turning it into a huge mouth, and beheading it towards Jian Wushuang!

The sword unparalleled, as if he did not notice the horrific murderous power behind, and continued to move forward.

Wuhai's master saw this, and a smirk appeared on his face.

He could already imagine that Jian Wushuang was shattered by the evil spirits in this banner.

"Blood sword, go to death !!!" Wu Hai's dominance was extremely incomparable.

However, he didn't realize that an icy sword-mantle had already shot from the sword-finger's fingertips and killed him.


Without any hindrance, it is like a knife-cut tofu. This icy sword is directly broken from the heavy black mist and passed through Wuhai's dominated eyebrow.

Suddenly, the arrogant and powerful sword will directly destroy every inch of divine power in Wuhai's main body.

Until his death, Wuhai's master still had a big smile on his face.

Jian Wushuang still hasn't looked back, not even a footstep, his black hair slightly raised, and continued to move forward.


Outside the city gate, many ultimate masters are watching this scene without blinking.

"Now Wuhai is dominated. The guy in Wuhai has always been scheming and cruel. He is not an easy character to deal with. I don't know if Blood Sword can survive this time."

These ultimate masters are all being discussed at will.

At this moment, their faces are no longer laughing.

To this day, anyone can see that although the blood sword's cultivation is only the fifth level, its combat power is definitely the terrible existence of the dominated ranks.

So they turned to Jian Wushuang and started to look forward to it. They wanted to see where Jian Wushuang could go.

After all, if you can see the rise of Tianjiao with your own eyes, it will be a beautiful conversation in the future.

Outside the city gates, the people who scattered the Alliance alone did not look so good.

"Well, who are they blood swords? The three princes who worship the kingdom of God or the young emperors of the kingdom of God of the Sun? Or the ancient holy places, the immortal inheritance of the Son of God? The rise of Tianjiao? Maybe it is too mythical? "A master of the Sanshou Alliance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said in a sour tone.

Wuhai Dominant As their leader, they naturally want to support Wuhai Dominant. Correspondingly, naturally, they do their best to degrade the sword unparalleled.

"You see, the ranking of Blood Sword has stopped!"

Sure enough, it seemed to verify their guess. When Jian Wushuang rose to the 529th place, the rising speed stopped abruptly.

"Hahaha, I said, how could this blood sword be the opponent of Wuhai?"

The man who had previously belittled Jian Wushuang, who had previously belittled him, laughed suddenly.

However, before he laughed, it seemed as if he was choking his throat stiffly. Zhang's arrogant laughter came to an abrupt end, and his complexion turned into a liver.

I saw a flash of golden light on the stele, the name belonging to the master of Wuhai, slowly erased by a large invisible hand.

"Wu Hai ... he lost in the kid's hands?" The Sansu master shouted unbelievably.

"Not lost, but dead."

Not far next to him, an ultimate master shook his head, his eyes sharp.

As people who have spent many years in this starry sky, they can naturally see the difference between defeat and death.

If it is only a defeat, except for the master who ranked last in the stele, he will be kicked out of the gate, but the others will only be dropped by one place in order.

And if you die inside, the name of that person will be erased directly!

"Dead ... dead?"

The Sanshou Alliance heard the words, and they were extremely scared.

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