Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4209: Mu Chong

(The first is more!)


Many of the ultimate masters looked at the glittering word "blood sword" on the stone tablet, but felt that a chill ran straight from the spine to the top of their heads, and they trembled, and never dared to speak wildly.

"The Blood Sword hasn't stopped yet, I'm afraid the target is for the No. 1 lord of the No. 1 city." The former master who broke the truth before, said to himself.

The rules of the Xingkong Ancient Road are not that you must go to the front of the first city to be able to challenge the second city. If you want to, even if you are the last one in the first city, you can directly challenge the second city. People.

For example, as the main character of the first city, he is dominated by the skeleton. As the first person ranked first in the first city, he naturally has the ability to break into the second city and even the third city.

However, instead of doing the crane tail in the second and third cities, it is better for him to be the city owner in the first city.


On the streets in the first city, Jian Wushuang's expression was calm and he walked slowly.

The Wu Crying Excalibur, obliquely attached to his waist, has not been sheathed from beginning to end. For Jian Wushuang, these ultimate dominators were enough to crush when he was dominated at the fourth level, not to mention he now broke through the fifth After level domination.

No one was able to pick him up.

Five hundred and tenth place.


219th place ...

Third place! !! !!

The speed of the sword unparalleled, without a pause, rose to the third position in just half a day!

At this moment, not only the people outside the city, began to pay attention to the ranking of Jian Wushuang. Even those in the first city who were defeated by Jian Wushuang went to the streets, followed behind Jian Wushuang, and said nothing. Row.

At first, there was only one person behind Jian Wushuang.

With more and more people defeated by Jian Wushuang, the rankings are getting higher and higher. Gradually, the number of people following Jian Wushuang has become black with the naked eye.

They followed behind Jian Wushuang far away, looking at Jian Wushuang's back, full of awe.

Many of them first saw Jian Wushuang's fifth-level cultivation, and despised the ridicule, but now, they have been completely convinced by the strength shown by Jian Wushuang and are in awe.


In countless eyes, Jian Wushuang took the wooden sign of the second palace and knocked on the door of the second palace.

A moment later, a young man in white clothing, with a machete in italics, with a cold face, walked out of the temple.

The first city, the second place, Mu Chong Shenjun!

The first city of Xinggong Ancient Road, the ranking on that stele often changes. After all, everyone is the ultimate dominator, and the particularly strong has already taken the lead. Therefore, the remaining ultimate dominators, in fact, there is not much difference in strength, and the ranking is often Transformation has also become a regular occurrence.

However, in these thousands of years, the names of only two people have never changed from beginning to end!

These two people are the masters of the bones, who occupy the top and second lists, respectively, and worship the gods!

It is said that Mu Chongshen has amazing talents. From the beginning of his practice to the ultimate master, it only took a few chaotic times. It may not be comparable to those gods and sons in the universe, but it is placed in the level of ordinary ultimate masters. Can be counted as one of the best!

In these thousands of years, Mu Chong Shen has firmly occupied the second place since he stepped into the ancient road of the stars, and has never changed!

"I don't know the Blood Sword, this time I can still continue the previous sturdy record and defeat Mu Chongshen."

"Mu Chongshen is the pride of heaven in our first city. I don't know how many people have been defeated in the hands of Mu Chongshen. Although this blood sword shows great strength, can it be the opponent of Mu Chongshen? It's really unknown. "

"Yes, Mu Chong has not shot for nearly thousands of years. No one knows where the strength has reached now."

Outside the gate, many of the ultimate dominators looked at the stele and began to discuss.

If someone said to them before that there is a fifth-level master who can be promoted from the last one to the third position in the first city, they will definitely sniff and treat it as a joke.

But now, the fact of iron strikes is in front of them, and they have no match for the sword in their hearts, and they have long lost their contempt.

However, it took tens of thousands of years for Mu Chongshen to build the prestige to keep them in his heart, and he was more inclined to believe that Mu Chongshen would win.

At the same time, a fierce discussion broke out in the First City.

"Of course, Mu Chong Shenjun is very strong, but the strength of the Blood Sword can't be underestimated. You have to know that the Blood Sword came here, but only one finger from the beginning to the end!"

"This match, I bet the blood sword will win!"

"Anyway, there was a good show this time."

People inside the city know the horror of Jian Wushuang more intuitively than people outside the city!

Outsiders only saw Jian Wushuang's ranking soar, but did not see that Jian Wushuang's defeated enemy has only shown one finger from start to finish!

In the sound of the discussion, Mu Chongshen stepped out of the temple step by step ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He ignored the discussions of the crowd, but looked up and down Jian Wushuang, and then frowned: "The fifth grade dominate?"

Jian Wushuang's expression was calm. After such questions, he had heard it no less than a hundred times after entering the ancient sky.

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded calmly.

"It's a bit interesting." Mu Chongshen smiled slightly and continued: "It is not easy to come here with the cultivation of the fifth grade. Even if I want to be a talent, I'm not much worse than me, so let me give You have a chance, you first practice to the ultimate master level, then come and fight with me. "

After speaking, Mu Chong Shenjun planned to return to the temple. He was still quite interested. For thousands of years, someone finally came to him and shot at him.

As soon as the result came out, what he saw was only a fifth-level master.

He became famous in his youth and was always proud. In his opinion, even if he was not fighting with him, he was not the young emperor of the kingdom of God, the **** of the holy land, but anyway, he must be the ultimate master of the top level?

What is it that a fifth grade dominates?

Many of the ultimate masters who saw this scene shook their heads when they saw the situation.

"No one in Mu Chong's eyes, as always."

"Huh, it seems that in these thousands of years, the pride of Mu Chongshen has come to the point of conceit."

"Look at me, this blood sword is coming at the right time, this is the first city of the ancient sky, it is also time to reshuffle!"

They all whispered.

The sword Wushuang squinted his eyes, and there was a strange color on his face.


PS: It's a little urgent right now, the second one will be a little later!

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