Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4210: Look up

(Second more!)


This was his first encounter. Someone said to him, "Your talent is not as good as me", even if it is the same perfect soul level Jiujia King, in terms of talent, in the face of Jian Wushuang are considered inferior.

Jian Wushuang didn't sound angry, but felt a bit fresh.

"Looks ... Is finally going to meet a strong man?"

Jian Wushuang's eyes flickered, and finally there was a sense of war.

Along the way, the opponents he met almost let him have no interest in fighting, and his hands were itching to the extreme.

The person in front of him, although it doesn't look very strong, but listen to it, he should be a person who is very confident in his own combat power.

Self-confidence often comes from affirming one's own strength.

In other words: he is strong!

"It seems that you can't deal with it at will." Jian Wushuang muttered to himself.


The next moment, Wu Weeping Sword appeared in Jian Wushou's hands instantly. Sword Wushuang looked at Mu Chong Shen, his eyes flickered with war, and he said, "Mu Chong Shen, let's fight."


Mu Chong Shenjun stepped forward, turned his head to look at Jian Wushuang, raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

"OK." Sword Wushuang said.

"Also, I hope this battle will not let you leave a shadow of fear." Mu Chong Shenjun sighed and shook his head again, as if he was sorry for the sword unparalleled.

Immediately, he lifted the cold-moon scimitar, and when he stepped on it, he turned into an afterimage, splitting towards the sword.

"Nine ways cut!" Mu Chong Shenjun drank.

call out! !! !!

Suddenly, the cold moon scimitar in his hand cut out a cold moon sword mang, and after shooting from the machete, the cold moon sword man was divided into nine in an instant, and at the same time turned into nine hundred feet Daomang, folded from the void, split like lightning!

A sharp divine power, and the laws of the universe, covered this sword, it seemed extremely powerful and mysterious, giving people a sense of dazzling and unrivalled.

"Nine Road Slash! This is the mastery of Mu Chongshen!"

"These nine cuts are far more simple than being divided into nine. The nine cuts are like the tide of a rising tide. One cut is stronger than the other. The whole nine cuts are enough to instantly kill an ordinary ultimate master!"

Behind Jian Wu, many ultimate masters had their eyes fixed and said.

While sword unparalleled, his brow was slightly frowned.

The divine power fluctuations from these nine swordsmanships appear to Jian Wushuang, although they are a lot stronger than the ultimate masters he encountered before.

However, it is only limited to this.

"It seems ... that's it?" Jian Wushuang felt the fluctuations in the power of the nine swords, and his brows could not help wrinkling and tightening.

"No, there must be something wrong! This person is so confident that he can't be so weak!" Jian Wushuang murmured to himself, then clenched the Wu Cry Excalibur in his hand, and exploded into 20% of the divine power in his body. Dadaomang beheaded!

This is the first time that sword Wushuang used the sword after breaking through the fifth level.

Although this sword has only 20% of the magic power of Jian Wushuang, the burst of power is much stronger than the full blow of Jian Wushuang when it was dominated by the fourth level.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, the world was eclipsed, and a scarlet swordman, like a big python swallowing the sun, cut it out fiercely!

At this sword place, as if the same stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, it was full of surprise!

It is impossible to use any words to describe the horror in the eyes of everyone after seeing this sword. At this moment, the entire First City shuddered at it. The scarlet sword horn shattered countless air machines directly. , Carry the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, and chop down towards Mu Chong God!

Huh! !! !!

It was almost the moment that this scarlet swordmang collided with the nine **** moonblades of Mu Chongshen, and the nine **** moonblades were smashed one after another.

And this scarlet sword mang, only after the light dimmed a little, then it was chopped down towards Mu Chong Shenjun again!


Mu Chong Shenjun's face changed suddenly, and he could no longer maintain the indifference and confidence on his face. He looked at the sword that fell from the sky with the power of destruction, and his mouth began to tremble.

"How could it be so strong?" At this moment, not only the face of Mu Chongshen changed greatly, but the ultimate masters who followed behind Jian Wushuang were astonished and took a breath.

They had expected that Jian Wushuang would be strong before, but they did not expect it, but when Jian Wushuang really shot, they would be so powerful!

"Break it for me !!!"

At that moment, the face of Mu Jun Chong Jun's Zhang Junyi was flushed, and his expression shouted loudly.

Suddenly, several pieces of defensive rules were treasured, and they were taken out by Mu Chongshen's backhand to stop this sharp sword!

This is not enough, Mu Chong is biting the tip of his tongue and directly bursting out the mystery of burning **** power, one after another slicing 999 swords to resist this sword!

Rumble ~! !!

Suddenly, a blast of noise came, blasting huge pits in the first city, raising huge smoke and dust.

However, under the rules of the ancient road in the sky, these giant pits soon returned to their original state.

Finally, the dust gradually dispersed.

Mu Chong Shenjun circulated with his hair, his wolf was trembling to the extreme, and his mouth was panting, and he calmly calmed down before.

"Is this just strength?"

Jian Wushuang secretly whispered in his heart, and suddenly came to understand, I am probably overestimating this Mu Chongshen.

Before stepping into the Xingkong Ancient Road, whether it is the Supreme of Blood Wave or the King of Nine Calamities, the instilled thought to him is that the people in the Xingkong Ancient Road are very strong.

This also led to Jian Wushuang's "cautious" mentality after stepping into the ancient sky.

This made him, when he met Mu Chong, the king subconsciously overestimated the strength of the opponent.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Jian Wushuang Chaomu Chong Shenjun arched his hand, and said lightly: "Leave."

Mu Chongshen heard the words, his lips twitched.

He is proud and arrogant, but he is not a narrow-minded person, he can feel it, Jian Wushuang closed his hand at the last moment, otherwise, he would never be able to stand here unscathed.

"Thank you for your close." He took a deep breath, and Mu Chongshen convinced himself.

Jian Wushuang nodded his head and went on to the first city.

"and many more."

Just then, Mu Chong suddenly called to him.

Jian Wushuang turned his head and looked at Mu Chong Shenjun with a doubtful expression.

"His blood sword, your strength should not be in our first city, the city behind you should be the place where you go for hegemony, therefore, your blood sword, you might as well go directly to the second city." Mu Chong Shenjun Christine.

Jian Wushuang has revealed his strength, and naturally it is impossible for Mu Chongshen to treat Jian Wushuang with the same attitude as before.

The strong is the most important thing everywhere.


PS: Two more arrived today!

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