Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1006: Where the dream begins

The place where the first chapter of the chapter begins

Yeah, first time! The place where I first met, the dream of Zhang Xiaohua’s attachment, Zhang Xiaohua’s thoughts on dreams, the place where she started.

Two strange men and women, just in the nameless ferry, met in vain.

Only one occasional encounter, the seed that must be interdependent in the ignorant heart of the two people, the kind of seed is so deep, the kind of secret is so straight, after five years, the two meet again. Gradually sprouting, and this germination is full of vitality, and the thoughts of each other for five years have been made into fertilizers, so that the feelings can be multiplied.

At this time, perhaps not the harvest season, you can snuggle in the arms of Zhang Xiaohua, standing on the bridge that stretches into the river, dreaming of the quiet flowing river, and whispering: "Little flowers, If that day, my hook does not hook you? You...will you know me?"

Zhang Xiaohua grabbed the shoulder of his dream with his hand, watched the sunset meet, and sprinkled the orange light on the running water. He said with certainty: "No! You... is the fate given to me by God, even if it is Your hook does not hook me, I will follow this stream, drifting, drifting, drifting to Dianchi, drifting, drifting, drifting to Jinghai Lake, drifting to you Go around!"

"Little flowers..." The dream was very emotional. The backhand grabbed the waist of Zhang Xiaohua and raised the small face. Zhang Xiaohua smiled and leaned down, kissed the lips of the dream deeply, and tasted the sweetness of each other.

The grassy courtyard is still like that. It seems that very few people come here. Although the dream has not been seen for several years, it is still very familiar with the dusty grass all over the house. Under the moonlight, Zhang Xiaohua and the dream, sit Where I sat five years ago, I talked about it until the moon...

The next morning, the two men joined hands and went on the road. Zhang Xiaohua walked through the woods behind the cottage with a dream. The mysterious prohibition remained the same.

Zhang Xiaohua knew that there was nothing in it, and he did not make any stop. He showed his dexterity and went straight to the west. The two of them walked for half an hour. They did not see any people, knowing that there are few people here, within the knowledge of God. I also found nothing!

The brow of the dream, gradually squinting, the eyes are all looking around, trying to find the place where I was impressed. Suddenly, I saw a thick tree, and the silvery leaves made the dream eyes bright, and immediately called it. "Little flowers, I... I remember, here... I have an impression of this big tree, it should be that Master took me, or I have walked!"

Zhang Xiaohua also listened to the spirit and asked: "That... which direction is it, do you remember?"

The dream was watched for a long time, pointing in one direction, and some hesitated: "It may be in this direction."

"Okay, let's go see it!" Zhang Xiaohua said.

Said, Zhang Xiaohua took the dream and continued to move forward, but the more forward, the more confused the dream, the more gradually the face was white... The eyebrows showed a painful look!

"Dream, you... what's wrong? Did you think of something?"

Zhang Xiaohua saw the hand and held the hand of the dream with his hand. He asked with concern.

"I don't know how, the more I go forward, the more familiar I am, and the more I think about it, the more painful my mind is!" said the dream.

"This..." Zhang Xiaohua stopped and worried: "Also... can you still go?"

"Yes, I must go this way today..." The dream insisted: "This seems to be walking in front of others, but... don't be ruined by others!"

"Well, it is also, if you can't hold on to the headache, just say it to me!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

"Oh, okay." The dream sighed and looked at the front: "I don't know what secrets the mother has, or what can be hidden in my life. Someone even erased it in advance."

"It is estimated that it is a person who teaches Tianlong." Zhang Xiaohua said: "It seems that after the last encounter with the inspection team of Tianlongjia, there have been many things happening. It should be what they did."

"But... I am just the daughter of the Holy Ghost. This... does this hinder what they teach?"

"Where do I know? Maybe it is..." Zhang Xiaohua was laughing, and suddenly it was a glimpse, and a smile appeared on her face.

"What's wrong?" Meng Qi said: "What did you think of?"

"I didn't think of anything, just... let's go into the mountains for so long, it is estimated that we should find something!"

"Enough, there are rare people here, that is, the beasts are scarce. What can happen? Hey, how do you forget to go here?"

"Oh, you haven't seen a small stream here? If someone lives, it must be relying on water. Let's follow the stream, or can we find out?"

"Ah? Small flowers, you... you are awesome, even this one knows?"

In the praise of the dream, the two men went forward for a long time, and suddenly, just in front of a mountain, a rising smoke!

"Little flowers, fast, look, there are people!"

"Is it? Don't worry, or look at it in the past, this smoke may be the life of hunting!"

Still use it? Turning over the mountains, the face is a small village. Zhang Xiaohua took a look at the gods, that is, the ten families, and then went around the village to see, there is no farm.

The village is really small and looks very poor. Every family has no walls, only a adobe house, and many are simple grass houses.

At this time, it was approaching noon. Some simple chimneys on the roof had already started to emit some smoke. In the small village, several children of three or four years old were playing and laughing, and there was no adult care next to them.

"Is it here?" Zhang Xiaohua turned his attention back.

The face of the dream was pale, the brow was tight, the little hand was a little cold, and it began to tremble slightly, clutching his teeth tightly, and looked at the little village with a complex look in his eyes.

At this moment, the children who played seemed to find strangers standing not far away, all showing vigilance and curiosity, and then they rushed.

A little girl ran into the nearest straw house, but for a moment, she took an old man's hand and walked out. She walked or said something, and pointed her finger at the direction of the little flowers and dreams!

When the old man came out, he took a hand on the pergola and looked at it for a long time. He did not speak, and then waved his hand to signal them to pass.

Zhang Xiaohua’s dream is still a while. After a while, he is worried. “Don’t think about it, ask the old man, maybe she can know anything!”

I dreamed a little. I walked half a step forward and stopped. I held Zhang Xiaohua’s hand tightly by hand. Zhang Xiaohua knew that the dream was a bit timid, patted his vest, and held her hand with his hand. Encourage, so that the dream goes forward...

The old man standing at the door took the girl's hand, the sullen eyes looked at the gradually approaching Zhang Xiaohua and the dream, and when he walked closer, the old eyes blinked, and there seemed to be some surprises in the eyes. Start, point to the dream, do not dare to channel: "You ... you ... is Xiaoya?"

"Yes, you must be Xiaoya!" The old man asked himself, "You, the child... Where have you been in the past few years? Why don't you know that you are coming back?"

I dreamt that the old man called himself Xiaoya, and his body was fierce. Then he seemed to be in the thunder, and some of his violent groaning, his mouth muttered: "Yeah, I... I am Xiaoya, Xiaoya is me." !"

It is said that from the other cottages, a few younger middle-aged women are also out. After seeing the dream, they are also exclaimed: "Xiaoya... Are you still alive? We....... Hey, where did you go?" One walk is four... five years!"

"When Qiu Yu passed away, he still recited you."

"Yeah, Qiu Yi has never closed his eyes and said that I will lose you, sorry for your mother!"

"Hey, your child, finally came back, look at Qiu Yu’s grave, slap a head, and let her rest in peace under Jiuquan!"

"Hey, who is this guy? Xiaoya, you..."

A few people are talking, and the color of the dream is not changing. Then, when the forehead is lifted, it is fainted in the arms of Zhang Xiaohua!

"Ah~" Zhang Xiaohua was shocked, and quickly caught the dream, some hands and feet flustered.

"Children, don't worry." Seeing Zhang Xiaohua panicked, the first old man said kindly: "Xiaoya has always been like this, as long as it is better after a while. Well, Qiu Yi's grass house has not been cleaned for many years, you still Let me come to my house with Xiaoya!"

A few women on the other side of the face also showed a common look, have to come to help, Zhang Xiaohua where to use them, easy to hold the dream, is into the old man's cottage.

The cottage is not as small as the outside, but it is also divided into three. The old man pointed to the left side of the cottage. "This is my living. You put Xiaoya on the straw. It is estimated that half an hour, she can wake up. Come."

Zhang Xiaohua went into the hut according to the words. This hut is really small. There is only a thick straw on the ground. There are some hides on the straw. Zhang Xiaohua puts his dream on the hide and will be insane. A little look at the meridians, it is to take a look at her pulse, knowing that there is nothing wrong with this, then went to the middle of the room.

The house was not big, and a few women came in and it seemed crowded.

Zhang Xiaohua swears at the ceremony: "You are a big brother, this mother-in-law, who is called Xiaoran, is... Xiaoya’s younger brother..."

"Teacher?" The mother-in-law listened and frowned, saying: "Xiaoya... Where have you been in these years?"

"This..." Zhang Xiaohua listened to some hesitation. The dream came to the small village and it was fainted. It is still uncertain whether she is related to this small village. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohua does not want to casually say things about her dreams.

The old woman did not speak, and several women laughed. "The young man, Xiaoya was born here, grew up here since childhood. We are very familiar with Mrs. Aya..."

"Mrs. Aya?" Zhang Xiaohua said: "Is it... is Xiaoya's mother-in-law?"

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