Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1007: Lady Aya

The first thousand and seven chapters of Mrs. Aya

The women were surprised: "Isn't Xiaoya told you?"

But then everyone is showing deeper sympathy: "It seems that Xiaoya's condition is aggravated!"

Zhang Xiaohua frowned: "There are a lot of people, small... Before Yalai came here, everything was normal, but the previous memories were lost. I don't know where I went from. I didn't suddenly faint like today. !"

Although Zhang Xiaohua has studied medicine in Huichun Valley, the dream is obviously a problem of the mind. Zhang Xiaohua used to be inaccurate about Ou Yan’s relatively simple problems. For the strange condition of dreams, he was even more helpless.

"Yes?" The old woman nodded slightly: "Listen to your appearance, Xiaoya should be good, estimated... It’s because I started to forget everything here. I suddenly found it today, and I can’t accept it."

Zhang Xiaohua sighed: "The younger generation thinks the same way. Right, old lady, you are also watching the dream... Xiaoya grew up, how do you call it?"

"Oh, boy, call me nine mother-in-law!"

At this time, the little girl who had just pulled out her nine-grandmother, took a **** bowl and walked over and handed it to Zhang Xiaohua: "Brother, you drink water!"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the cute appearance of the little girl, took the big bowl and smiled: "Little girl, how old are you? What is the name?"

"Brother, my name is Niu Niu, I am five years old!"

"Niu Niu is really awkward!" Zhang Xiaohua said, just drink the water in the bowl, the water is sweet and dripping, and it is very thirst quenching.

"Young man, tell us about it. Where did Xiaoya go in the past few years? Why are you going? You... how did you know?"

"Right, you are her younger brother, you... are you the martial art of Mrs. Aya?"

"Xiao Ya... Did you find her?"

All the women seem to have never seen an outsider, or they care about the dream. You said a word to me, and asked Zhang Xiaohua not to know how to answer, like the short village woman in the parents of Pingsu Guozhuang.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and touched his nose and said, "You are not talking about me, but... but now it seems to be noon, you are at home..."

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to finish, a village woman is awakened: "Hey, I am still burning sweet potatoes on the fire....."

When I was in a hurry, I ran out. Other village women also remembered that they were cooking on their own fires. They were curious about the food here. The food on the fire was not necessary... bad!

In a moment, on the grass hall of Nine Mother-in-law, it was empty, and a smile appeared in the eyes of Nine Po.

Zhang Xiaohua look, I am embarrassed to say: "Nine mothers are not strange, these things are still good for Xiaoya himself, I am embarrassed to talk about it!"

"Oh," nine mother-in-law grinned, revealing that there are no teeth left.

"Right, nine mother-in-law, only you and Niu Niu at home?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at another room and asked.

"No, there is Niu Niu's jealousy. He went out hunting with other men in the village. It is estimated that he will come back later!"

"Well, the younger generation understands, no wonder there is no field around the village. It seems that people in the village depend on hunting for a living!"

"Yeah, this land is barren. I used to grow crops before, but the harvest is not good. This is changed to hunting. This hunting has been going on for a long time. The prey around is not there. It can only go deep into the mountains." Going to find prey, so they go every morning until the evening!"

"Hey, it’s really hard." Zhang Xiaohua sighed.

"There is no way. The labor in the village is nothing but hunting. However, the people in the wild town of the mountain are also liked. If you get the town, you can change a lot of things, but it is better than planting crops. Right! Oh, when you say it, you have to thank Xiaoya’s mother..."

“Hey? Why is this?” Zhang Xiaohua wonders.

At this time, the inner room suddenly heard the cry of dreams: "Small flowers, small flowers, save me, save me..."

Zhang Xiaohua did not hesitate, and immediately rushed into the hut, like a ghost, the nine-in-law was old-fashioned, and one accidentally disappeared Zhang Xiaohua, but she jumped.

Inside the cabin, the dream "Teng" sit up, look around, see Zhang Xiaohua rushing in, open his arms and hug Zhang Xiaohua, buried his head deeply on his chest, Zhang Xiaohua patted her Back, Wen said: "I am here, don't panic, don't panic..."

The dream seems to be a nightmare, the warmth of Zhang Xiaohua's body, and the voice that makes her feel at ease, gradually rushing her fears. After a long while, the dream raised her head and asked: "This... here is me. What about your home?"

Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "This is the village you have lived in, but your home... is still there!"

"Well, little flowers, my brain is very messy, you... you must stay with me..."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "I can't ask for it!"

The dream smiled, and the eyes were a little more stable.

Accompanied by Zhang Xiaohua, the dream came to the grass hall and prayed to the nine-year-old mother: "Mother-in-law, I... I can’t think of anything here, trouble... Can you talk about it?"

Nine mother-in-law looked at her dreams and said kindly: "Of course it is ok; in fact, as long as you can be awake, not as before, often jealous, often coma, even if you forget all the previous things, then what?"

The dream nodded: "I used to think so before, but... I can think that there may be a mother waiting for me here, I can't help but come back! So... I found it all the way... Mother-in-law, can you take me? Mother, what about my previous things, tell me?"

"Hey, your mother came here for the first time, or I brought it; it is you... it’s my birth, your business... How can I not know?"

"Ah?" The dream was very amazed. "My mother-in-law, I... can't I remember it at all?"

During the speech, there was a footstep outside the cottage. Zhang Xiaohua looked up. It was just a few village women who just went out. They took the food in their hands and walked in. When they saw the dream, they all woke up: "Small Ya, you finally wake up? Come, hungry, eat something first?"

The village women took things to the front of the dream, and the whole cottage was crowded.

Nine mother-in-law smiled and said: "Let's go, I am too small here, or just sit outside."

After listening to the instructions of the nine-in-law, several village women's hands and feet put a few simple boards outside the house, and took a few animal skins to the ground, which is a table and a chair.

Everyone sat on the animal skin, but the nightmare of a few village women, a few polite meals, the rest of the boy who was heard by the sound of a small bowl, chewed with laughter.

Seeing the dream's eyes, Nine Grandma smiled and said: "Xiaoya, this is the case when you were a child."

Then, with the help of one hand pointing Zhang Xiaohua in the direction they came, said: "I can't remember when it was, maybe 30 years ago? It may be 40 years ago, then I still The children squatted outside to hunt. In the early morning of the day, the day was just bright. I was going to go hunting outside the village. But after halfway, I found that there was no anesthetic. I had to go back to the village and go to the river. I saw a white woman with a blood on her left arm, that is, your mother-in-law. Looking at her, she should be in a coma. When I was young, I was also a big five, with a little strength, just one person. She will resist her back."

"On that day, I didn't go out hunting again, and put your mother in the house. At that time, she had a lot of blood, and there was a **** red palm print on her waist. I didn't dare to shake it. Thickly helping her bandage, just wait for her to wake up, or wait for the child to come back."

"Fortunately, before I waited at noon, she just woke up and saw that I was by her side, first be alert to ask the situation, and took out several kinds of wound medicine from my arms, telling me the kind of external application, that kind of Oral, I have done it one by one."

"Later, your mother went to sleep, until she came back, she woke up again. At that time, the cottage was still small. When I was at home, I went out and found a place to sleep. I stayed here to take care of your mother. After a few days. Your mother’s injury has improved. I am a master, and there are a few men in the village. I am asking about your mother’s sake. I simply built a straw house in the east of the village to let your mother kiss. live."

"At the time, although several men in the village had a few strengths, the bows and arrows were also pure, and they could not move any martial arts. After your mother was hurt, I taught them a little effort, one was self-defense, and the other was able to hit. More prey. Young man, just said that I would like to thank Xiaoya’s mother, which means that if she does not teach martial arts, I am afraid that our life is even harder!"

"Later?" Dreams hold the gang, listen carefully.

"Later, your mother lived in this village for a year, suddenly disappeared and did not leave any message. Of course, at that time, we all know that your mother is not a simple person, and dare not ask her anything. After she left, we all thought that she would return to her previous martial art and never see it again! But after two years, your mother came back, this time is not her alone, there is another A woman older than her, that is, Qiu’s mother who will take care of you later."

"Oh, when your mother came back again, the stomach has already swelled slightly, and it seems that there should be four months of pregnancy! After your mother and my mother-in-law came back, they lived in the grass house where she lived before, but after Qiu The rectification of her mother-in-law, the grass house was a lot bigger. Look at that, I was planning to live longer. Later, I also quietly asked Qiu Po, she said that your mother was tired of living outside, and later lived in this village!"

"Your mother personally has never returned to the village since she returned to the village for the second time. Only Qiu’s mother-in-law occasionally goes out several times a year and buys something from the outside to return..."

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