Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1008: Dream forgetting things

The first thousand and eight chapters of dreams forgotten

"A long time, the talents in the village have gradually become familiar with your mother and my mother-in-law. Your mother told us to call him Mrs. Aya. We don't know her specific name."

"But your mother is very generous. Every time Qiu’s mother buys something from outside, she sends some to each household, so we are very grateful to her. Especially me, because she saved her, every time she sent something, More than others."

"In the spring of the second year of your mother's arrival, you were born. There are not many outsiders in this small mountain village. There are few children who have children. There is no stable woman at all. Therefore, I volunteered to bring you out! Let me think about it. You...this year should be 18 years old, 18 years ago, a blink of an eye is over!"

After the nine-year-old mother-in-law’s feelings are finished, she went on to say, “After giving birth to you, your mother’s body has always been bad. I am often bedridden. I was very surprised at that time. After I gave birth to a child, there was not much. The change, and then my body is more solid, your mother knows martial arts, should be better? Later, I heard your mother said, because the last injury was too heavy, has not been cured If you are born, you will be hurt and you will not be cured!"

"What is the name of the old man? The misfortunes are not alone. Your mother's body is getting weaker and weaker. You have a problem. From the time you were born, you have been looking good in the first few years, but you don't know what happened. From the age of five, I often have some embarrassment. Sometimes I don’t even know who I am, I don’t know your mother, and I often lose it outside the village. We all advise you not to live here. Go back to the town or the bigger town, let the doctor there give you a kiss and treat you. However, your mother does not agree with her life, only to say that your illness is related to her injury before, it is her strength. A big injury, what damage to the yin pulse will cause you to be congenitally deficient. When you grow up, you will slowly get better!"

"Of course we have no choice. We have to leave a little more thought. Anyway, this village is small and it will take care of you. But when you are seven years old..."

"Nine mother-in-law, not seven years old, is eight years old, I just came here that year." A village woman corrected.

"Oh, that's eight years old. You are ill, no one knows, and you are shooting with a small bow and arrow. Your mother is also seriously ill. Finally, I can't pass it and let go."

"That... Nianga... Where is she buried?" asked the dream sadly.

"Of course it is behind the village, there, on the mountain." Nine mother-in-law said, pointing to a mountain beam.

"When I finish, let Niu Niu accompany you. When Qiu is in the middle of her, she often takes you to worship. Hey, after your mother went, your illness is even worse, it is just a change of personal. Qiu’s mother got your mother’s prostitute and took care of you wholeheartedly, but...but when you are awake, you are like a kitten. When you are confused, you are going to hit her. Your child does not know, your strength is not Big, can be hit on the body is also very painful, Qiu mother-in-law is tolerant, hey, will take care of your mother is not the same."

"It’s been another year. You should be nine years old at that time. It’s winter, it’s... It seems to be snowing. It’s a bolt to play with you that day. In the morning, Qiu’s mother couldn’t stand cold. Going back to add cotton quilts, and staying tied with the shackles and thinking about using the shackles and sparrows, I forgot you for a while, and when Qiu’s mother-in-law added a cotton-padded jacket, you have disappeared, so we chased along the traces you left in the snow. Next to the creek, I never saw your footprints. At that time, Qiu’s mother was running crazy along the creek. We followed the look around, but looking for a whole day, life and death is no trace of you... no Know where you are going!"

"We returned to the village, but Qiu's mother did not come back. She even looked for four days and four nights. She didn't close her eyes. She could still follow any traces. She found the town in the east, and she didn't. After she came back, she was sick. I can’t afford it, but I’ve been away for half a year!”

The dream heard tears in tears and cried: "Nine mother-in-law, I... I don't know all of them. When I woke up, I was already with Master, and... and it was five years ago. The thing, just at the ferry in the distance, I..... I also saw the younger brother... You... why didn’t you find it?”

"Stupid child, we almost rummaged through the whole mountain. How did the ferry not go? That...the cottage was covered by us before! But...but when we went, there was no one at all. Yeah!"

"Dream, don't think so much. Nine mother-in-law is talking about your nine-year-old thing, and what you said is a thirteen-year-old thing. There are still four or five years of blank space in the middle. Maybe... maybe you go first. Other places, and then saved by Jing Xuan, you don't forget, Nine mother-in-law said that at that time, you are unclear, but when I met you, you are very awake, these four or five During the years, maybe you have encountered something, and then you will be taken to the ferry by Jing Xuan Shi Tai!"

It’s easy to stop crying and nodded slightly: “You’re right, you’re making things, and things are always like this.”

Seeing the sadness of the dream, the village woman next to him was accompanied by tears. After a moment, she dreamed of her body: "Nine mother-in-law, I want to worship the mother-in-law and Qiu's mother-in-law."

"Well, I should go, your mother should worship, and Qiu’s mother should pay more, and she is still chanting when she dies!"

The eye of the dream is red again!

Under the leadership of Niu Niu and other children, Zhang Xiaohua and her dream came to the mountain ridge behind the village. There are more than a dozen graves on the mountain beam. In the south, there are two small eyes, and the front is vertical. Two wooden brands, one can't see the writing clearly, and the upper one is also fuzzy, but it can be blurred to see the "Qiao mother-in-law" look.

Niu Niu is childish and childish: "These two are Mrs. Aya and Qiu's mother-in-law. When I come to worship every year, my grandmother will always talk about it. I remember very clearly!"

When I heard Niu Niu’s words, the tears of the dream couldn’t help but the pearl that broke the line. The whereabouts of the “buzzling”, quickly walked to the grave of the Niang’s pro, and dreamed of it, and smashed nine heads. Mouth in the mouth: "Mother, the baby is back, the child is not filial, I have never known that the mother is buried here, can not come to worship the mother..."

Seeing the lush green grass on the grave, Zhang Xiaohua was also awkward. He walked over and pulled up the green grass. Then he let the shovel be taken from the village with Niu Niu and added new soil to the grave.

Then the dream is also cleaned up for the grave of Qiu's mother-in-law. When she finishes her dreams and scratches her head, she also wants to express something, but she doesn't know how to do it. Can she not squat down? So, the temptation asked: "Dream, I..."

The tearful eyes of the dream, I heard Zhang Xiaohua call myself, look at the lover standing next to me, bite the lip, said: "Thank you, Xiaohua, Niangjia... and Qiu’s mother knows that you can help them repair the grave, they are sure Would be very happy!"

Immediately, I looked down at the two inconspicuous little graves and murmured: "The child wants to be filial and not in love, the mother is pregnant, the daughter is now...has grown up, sick...should be good, but... ...you are gone! You are gone, taking all your daughter’s memories away, even if your daughter wants to miss you, you can’t! Are you a distressed daughter?”

The dream is still shaking shoulders, crying slightly.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at it, didn't know how to comfort, thought about it, found a place to sit, and a few children around to play for a while, feeling boring, all yelling back to the village, next to this bleak little graveyard, There are only pretty dreams, infinite embarrassment, and Zhang Xiaohua who are sitting alone, wanting comfort, but being powerless.

One afternoon passed very quickly. Nine mother-in-law and the village woman in the village knew the mood of the dream, and they didn’t bother to disturb. Just wait for the sky to get darker. From the other direction of the village, I came back with several bows and arrows in my hand. Rough rifles, simple knives, and some prey of shoulder-shoulders.

These people have been on the mountain ridge. When they are far away, they see someone on the graveyard. They are a little faster at the foot. When they see the dream, a younger man screams in amazement: "Xiaoya...you... You're back?"

Then, after rushing, he shouted: "Four public, Xiaoya of Qiu's mother is back!"

"Ah, small... ya...." yelling, running away from behind is a very old man.

"It's really Xiaoya, you...you can come back, you don't know, Qiu's mother... Hey, I can blame and break, until she comes, I will talk to me..."

Looking at the eager smile of Sigong, the tone of concern, the dream is a little overwhelmed, looking at Zhang Xiaohua for help, where is the spirit of assassination of the bad guys in the Dragon Mountain?

Zhang Xiaohua quickly stepped forward, and said: "Four public, in the next happy, is a dream... Oh, Xiaoya’s younger brother, Xiaoya’s memory is now completely lost, fundamentally... I don’t recognize the four public... and the uncles in the village of!"

"Know, know." The four publicly nodded nodically: "Xiaoya used to do this often. I haven't seen it for a few years. Seeing that everything is normal now, I will be fine in the future!"

"Well, I know that I don’t remember the previous things, the others are very good!"

"Oh? Well, which doctor is healed? The old man should thank him well."

Some dreams are not suitable for the kind of care that is different from ordinary people, and some are embarrassed: "Four public...you...have me...is familiar?"

A man next to him listened and smiled: "Xiaoya, Sigong is not very familiar with you, but... very familiar with Qiu's mother!"

Four people are full of wind and frost on the face, a handful of gestures: "Well, you are good to come back, Xiaoya, go back to the village, here is a big wind, don't regenerate, otherwise you will blame me." ......"

The dream circle is red again, nodding: "Yes, four public."

With a few hunting and returning men, Zhang Xiaohua and his dreams returned to the small village. Si Gong pointed to a large wooden house in the north of the village and said: "Xiaoya, this...you live with my mother and my wife." The place, you... still have an impression?"

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