Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1009: Relics of the mother

The relic of the first thousand and nine chapters

This is a very common wooden house. It looks more worn than the house of Zhang Xiaohua Guozhuang. At this time, the wooden house has been lit with lights. It must be that the village women know that the dream is to live in the village tonight.

"We are back!" A man was screaming at the scorpion, and the birds on the tree next to him were all flying.

In a moment, the quiet village just boiled up. First, I ran out of a few children from various huts, and called "爹爹" in my mouth. One by one, I was rushing to the side of these men.

When they came to the front, the men put their weapons and prey on the ground, hugged their children, raised them high, and then put the unshaven face on the child’s face. "Giggle" smirk...

And a few village women, this time also came over, took the weapons and prey that the man dropped, stood next to his man and children, looked at him with a smile, and from time to time also reached out, the grass, branches, etc. of the man The objects were destroyed, and then the men and women and the children slowly walked back to the village and returned to their respective cottages.

Dream and Zhang Xiaohua walked in the end, watching a warm family fun, while the tenderness in the heart, but also a slight pain, although the two people have different content, the hands of each other are quietly clenched, Zhang Xiaohua whispered in the ear of the ear: "These... we all have..."

"Well..." The dream promised a lower voice, and the face was also reddish. Although the words behind Zhang Xiaohua made her disappoint, it was sweet in my heart.

"My mother's mother... I am waiting for me. The big brother's children have grown up. You go back with me and are as happy as they are..."

"Xiao Ya, you... go back to the house first, wait for me to go back and clean up, bring things in the past... You haven't come back for a long time, the uncles in the village will welcome you!"

After the four publics finished, smiled and took things to the hut not far away.

Zhang Xiaohua and the dream came to the front of the wooden house that was lit up, just to see the nine mother-in-law coming out from the inside and seeing them laughing: "I still want to let the children call you, but I can meet them." ""

"Yes, where did they go hunting?"

"Who knows where to go? It’s early to come back today. It’s estimated that the harvest is not small, Xiaoya, um, and happy, you are sitting in the advanced house. I have already packed the house with other big sisters. I Go back and see the girl, he is good, then do something delicious..."

Dreaming: "Nine mother-in-law, no trouble, I... I have no appetite..."

"Hey, children, people can't be resurrected, you have to live well, your mother and Qiu's mother can be relieved under Jiuquan. Yes, I made your favorite rabbit broth, and I have to drink a few more. bowl……"

Said, the nine mother-in-law is leaving in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the nine-in-law, the dream muttered: "They are very kind to me."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Yeah, you are the ones who grow up, just like their own children, of course, they like it!"

"But... they also have their own lives, I...not their family after all!"

Zhang Xiaohua held the hand of her dream and said, "They are not, but I am!"

"Well, I know." The dream bit his lip and pulled Zhang Xiaohua into the log house.

The wooden house is very simple. It is a hall with the same hall. There is a large low wooden table. There are several low stools next to it. There is a tea set on the table. It doesn’t look expensive. Some of the common furnishings in the village are similar to those of Guozhuang. There are two wooden walls on both sides of the hall, and two rooms are separated. The dream is slightly hesitant. First, walk into the right hand, Zhang Xiaohua took the light. The candle is accompanied.

This is obviously a woman's boudoir. When I enter the door, I see a dressing table. There is a dusty bronze mirror on the table. Next to the bronze mirror is a small box. Next to the dresser is a jujube wood. The cabinet, which was not locked, was placed on the side of the wooden wall with a wooden bed that looked rough.

There was nothing on the wooden bed at this time, leaving only bare wood.

The dream went to the dressing table, lifted the hand to wipe off the dust on the bronze mirror, then the light in the hand of Zhang Xiaohua, look at his face, sly, it seems that under this light, in the bronze mirror, she saw it for ten years, My own mother-in-law's scene of the mirror-decorated yellow.

After a long while, the dream sighed and raised his hand to open the small box. There were a lot of squares in the box. However, the lattice was empty, the dream was about to be covered, and the eyes were condensed, but it was seen. In a small box on the lid, there is a faint thing. When she reaches out and takes it out, it is a wood bun. The hair is very rough and has no pattern. It is similar to a chopstick. Dream is careful. The Capricorn is held in the hand.

Looking up at the wooden cabinet, the dream is open again, as expected, and it is empty.

The dream is still a closer look, only to fall in love.

Looking around at the empty room, the dream came to the room on the left.

The room on the left is significantly larger than the one on the right. There are two wooden beds in it. One is slightly smaller and the other is slightly larger. This room is more empty than the house. Nothing except the wooden bed.

However, the dream still walked over, sat on the small bed, closed his eyes, and seemed to be thinking about it... At this time, a footstep sound came again. When Zhang Xiaohua looked back, it was the four males.

At this time, the four males had changed their new clothes, and their faces looked a bit fascinating. Four public entered the wooden house, with Zhang Xiaohua's lights coming in, look at the dream sitting on the bed, smiled and said: "That is the bed that you have been sleeping since childhood, or I help... Qiu Popo hit, Qiu Po ​​lived here On the side, it is convenient to take care of you at night."

Then I looked around the whole house and said, "Before your mother left, I left half of my things to you and Qiu, and half of them to other people in the village. She... she hopes that the villagers can be good. Be kind to you... Later, when you lost, before Qiu’s mother-in-law left, she sent the things in the house to the village.”

"You know, the people in the village are very kind, but... they are all very poor..."

"It doesn't matter, the four males, the uncles and the aunts have a hard life. They have taken care of me since childhood. These things should be given to them... I... I just want to see what I used before my mother..."

The eyes of the four public fell in the hibiscus in the hands of the dream, saying: "This raft is your mother's kiss! No one gave it in the past, but when Qiu's mother-in-law went, she stayed. I don't know the intention, I must I want to leave it to you!"

"Oh, that's good, four guys, I don't want anything, I will take this raft away!" The dream nodded.

"Right, Xiaoya...you...had you staying here?" Sigong suddenly asked.

The dream shook his head: "I don't live, I..., although you are very kind to me, when I am my own relative... but... I can't find the impression of you at all... I..."

The dream is a little sad.

Sigong sighed: "If you don't live, you are still young. The days are still long. The life here is simple, but it is also hard, not suitable for you... maybe waiting for you later... when you want to come back to live, then Come back.....this wooden house, I let everyone keep it for you..."

The dream shook his head: "No, four people, the life in the village is very difficult. I see that the nine-in-laws live in the grass houses. If they can, I will give them to the house!"

"Hey, your mother is very good to the people in the village. Everyone in this wooden house is not willing to live. It is a memorial..."

"One year, ten years, forty years, can also be commemorated, fifty years, sixty years? Four public, the commemoration is in the heart, this wooden house is empty and empty, it is better to let everyone live! ”

"Well, ok, I will talk back to my nine-year-old mother."

"Right, Sigong, I... I don't want to leave my mother, but... Niang is buried here... I will miss her..."

Four public thought for a moment, said: "Xiaoya, you are still small, may not think so much. Your mother is definitely a storyteller outside, she... Why come to this isolated place with you? Is it a few years to live? Isn't it just like the cleanliness here? After she died, she also wanted to bury herself on the mountain ridge. She did not say anything else. Isn't she trying to die and breathe the free air here?"

"I feel that you still respect the wishes of your mother, don't touch your mother's grave, let her rest in peace here. If you miss her, you can come and see, anyway, you already know how come! ”

"Well, the four public said that it is extremely, I owe it!" The dream sank and said.

"And...four males, my mother-in-law... did she say...she is outside?"

Sigong shook his head: "No, we are just because your mother kissed us martial arts, guessing that she is very powerful outside..."

"That... my mother kiss...has there been anything about me...hey?" Asked this question, the voice of the dream was a little trembling, and the eyes flashed!

However, Sigong still shakes his head: "You never talked about when your mother was alive, and... I also asked Qiu, if I was sick, I want to send you to your place, but Qiu’s mother is also ignorant...”

"Hey~" Meng sighed and didn't know what to say.

"Young man." Four directors turned to Zhang Xiaohua: "Xiaoya, is the child of our whole village, you...you must be good to him in the future, if...the old man knows that you are not good to her, I am Fighting your life, you are also looking for your account!"

Zhang Xiaohua hasn't spoken yet, and the face of the dream is red first.

Zhang Xiaohua held a lamp and said with a smile: "Four people are relieved, Xiaoya is my sister, martial arts is taller than me. In the future, she only bullied me. Where can I bully her? You are still worried about me." The tragic life!"

"Zhang Xiaohua..." The dream is full of red, and I forgot to call Zhang Xiaohua a happy person!

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