Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1035: Wulin Conference (10)

The first thousand and thirty-five chapters of the Wulin Conference (10)

Yes, wait for the future... what can you do?

Zhang Pinger went to Tianlong to teach with Jialou Luo, and did not say whether it was capable of returning Zhang Pinger after the fragrant teaching. Even if the scented teacher would return Zhang Pinger, Zhang Pinger was still present. Zhang Pinger?

Seeing Yin Yin silently, Jing Yi Shi is also silent, next to the peacock and Chen Chen is silent.

Peacock and Chen Chen, I am afraid... At this time, I am more fortunate to have become a disciple now, and I am fortunate that I am not born with it!

"Hey, poor Zhang Pinger!" Chen Chen quietly for a moment, did not feel the opening: "First, it was smashed by Yue Zhuoqun, and was also played by Ren Xiaoyao. Now... it’s easy to calm down, and it’s being valued by Jia Louluo... .... Sister, is this the legendary red face?"

"You... Shut up!" Waiting for the peacock to open, the quiet teacher couldn't help but yell: "Yue Zhuoqun... My body doesn't know where it is, and then he and Zhang Pinger have nothing! Ren Xiaoyao... Not to mention it! It is a thoughtful look for Zixia, Zhang Pinger is just wishful thinking!"

Chen Chen grinned and said: "I just take care of the happy, this is a tight heart!!!"

"Oh," the peacock next to it heard clearly, and there was no reason for it!

Jing Yi Shi did not care about her, turned her head to Yin Yu: "Yin deputy master has been away from the fire hall for many years, the teaching is also paying attention to you for a long time, you are excellent in all aspects, now it is my fragrant teaching The moment when you walk out of the rivers and lakes is also the moment when you show your talents. It seems that you should change places and add some responsibility.

Yin Yin listened, and his face was pleasantly surprised. He leaned over and said: "Thank you for your promotion!"

"Well, this is the result of your many years of merit, don't thank me!" Jing Yi is too arrogant: "You go on, talk to Zhang Pinger, her shoulders, shoulder the hope of my revival of the fragrant religion, Responsibility is also great. Let her remember that as long as it is a sacred disciple, no matter where it is, it is a sacred disciple, and there are counts in this book!"

"Yes, the subordinates know."

"And, Zhang Pinger's sacrifice today, the church allows disciples to record in the history of teaching, her sacrifice today to exchange the brilliance of the sacred religion of tomorrow, will be respected by the disciples of the next generation! Her tears... will not flow !"

"I know under the genus, and this will tell Zhang Pinger about this matter. Hey, things can only face reality now!"

Yin Yin promised to quit, and when she went far, Chen Chen called again: "Teacher adults... these things... how can I record..."

The peacock yelled at the side: "Chen Chen, you shut me up!"

"Sister, but..."

"If these things are to be recorded in the classics, how can the masters let others go down? Only leave me and wait for two?" The peacock frowned: "You and I are the descendants of the sacred sect, and the masters are well-intentioned. It is precisely for me to wait and see the cruelty of the rivers and lakes, and my ferocious female disciples are not easy to survive on the rivers and lakes. If it is not forced by the situation, how can the masters of the masters let their disciples feed the tigers? If I wait for the iron With a heart, not a few minds, I can't bear the burden, how can the sacred teachings be carried forward in my hands!"

"But..." Chen Chen is still dissatisfied: "Isn't the Master of the Master not talking about it? As long as there is a magical power that no one else can do... can it be said that the sacred religion can be carried forward?"

"Chen Chen... You still don't quite understand it. If... This is the first person in the rivers and lakes, will this school make such a decision today? If...the teaching is to fly in the air before the Spring Valley, use the flying sword to smash Killing the predecessors of the Longteng Mountain Villa, this teaching... can still be so... What choice?"

"Everything is determined by strength. This river and lake... only believe in strength!!!"

A whisper of "哗......." came from outside the temple.......

"Oh," Jing Yi Shi Tai Shen, a smile, is a smile: "Well, things will always have results, we have to pass the fragrant education days, let's talk about this martial arts conference."

When the quiet teacher led the peacock and Chen Chen back to the hall of Huaiyu Palace, a hundred of the last winning disciples had been decided on the 100 platforms outside the temple. The voice of the "哗哗" was positive. It is the jade bottle of the scented inner-door disciple who has the jade bottle containing "Yu Dan Dan", "Xiao Ning Gu Dan" and "Xiao Dan Dan", and when it is sent to the 100 disciples, the cheers and applause from the crowd sound!

For the 100 disciples and their teachers, this is the final victory. It is enough for them to be recorded in the books of their own divisions. The rest can only be fought for honor. Those who collapse The protagonists are not destined to be theirs!

Subsequently, the fifty plazas on the square slowly retracted to the ground. The fifty squats in the Huaiyu Palace, in addition to the eight squats in front of the platform, the other 42 were also shrunk back.

Everyone knows that in the second round of the sword, the 120 people will decide the last eight places on the eight platforms.

Sure enough, the hundred disciplinary disciples who monitored the first round of the swords of the Taiwanese martial arts went to the front of a ring. There was already a small hole in the ring. These female disciples put the papers with the winner’s name in their hands. In the small hole.

"Well, on the first round of Jiantai, a hundred disciples have been decided. The old body represents the scent of Confucius. Congratulations to these disciples. I hope they can make persistent efforts. The martial arts will take it to the next level and give a strange glory on the rivers and lakes!" Zhen Shi jumped on the ring and smiled and said: "The next step is to talk about the second round of the sword. Everyone has seen it. This is eight downfalls. Plus, I have four disciples, and four disciples of Dalin Temple. There are four disciples in Zhengdao League, four disciples in Shuiyun, and four disciples in Tianlong. A total of 120 disciples compete for these eight places."

"The eight winning disciples will decide four disciples, and the four disciples will catch the opposing swords. The winners will compete for the champion of the sword. The losers will compete for the sword of this sword!"

"Well, I have sent four disciples to the fragrant teaching, and put the names into the ring. The other four factions also put the names of the disciples who participated in the sword to the downfall."

Xue Zhenshi’s words fell into the crowd, and four people from the outside of the hall, a woman and three men, saw the appearance of the female disciple, not only Xue Zhen’s teacher, but also all the disciples who were guarded by the side. Xue Zhen teacher turned too strangely to look at Jing Yi Shi Tai, only to see the quiet teacher too nodded, she just pressed the heart of the puzzle!

The four jumped onto the platform and sneaked on the platform where the teacher was sitting on the platform. He said: "The disciple is sharp, the golden tiger, the Qingmu Temple, Yang Yu, the thick earth hall, Li Yifan... From the fire temple Xia Qing, I have seen you door!"

The Jingyi teacher waved his hand, and the four men threw the paper in their hands into the small hole in the ring, standing on the side of the ring.

Then, from the disciples brought by the Zhengdao League, there are also four disciples who are flying out of the body. They are all older, and they are on the stage. They are all ceremonial: "The disciples are all right, Liu Zhihua, Qu Feng, Wu Shanghong, Li Feng, have seen you. door!"

On the platform, Zhang Sanmeng’s face was a bit gloomy and his eyes twitched. He knew in his heart that although Zhengdao League was famous on the rivers and lakes, these decades of screaming and screaming rain can do everything, but...this is the feeling of ordinary martial art on the rivers and lakes. And really compared with the several sects next to it, my own heritage, still worse... it is too far! Do not say anything else. At this time, on the stage, these younger disciples, although not famous on the rivers and lakes, are already extremely outstanding figures in the next generation of disciples of the Zhengdao League. Let them see it, they didn't intend to show them, but... the rewards of the scented sects are really making him feel good. He has been running the right way for so many years, and every time he thinks about the four schools of the fairy tales, they all send out from the bottom of my heart. A little inferiority has always been devoted to the search for the ruins of the immortality, and to find a way to enter the fairy tales, but... even though he has spent a lot of hard work, he has obtained a lot of cheats, jade slips, etc... Looking at the fairy tales, this time, the martial arts conference to participate in the fragrant teaching is really unexpected. Such a wonderful opportunity is in front of us. Of course, he also believes that the quiet teacher is too much in these three things. It’s greasy, but... who is he?

The lord of the Zhengdao League, one of the three super-big facties, he firmly believes that even though the quiet teacher still has one hand, as long as he gets these three things, he can crack the secret of entering the fairy road!

After the Zhengdao League, of course, it was a disciple between the water and the clouds. It was only that Bai Yanqiu between the water and the clouds seemed to have the willingness to get it. The four disciples including Liang Cangxu were sent up.

At this moment, only the disciples of Dalin Temple and Tianlongjiao are particularly leisurely. The disciples of Dalin Temple do not say it. They are all standing cautiously, with their hands together, their faces smiling, and they are extremely friendly looking at the scene. The sword. Compared with the rules of Dalin Temple disciples, Tianlong teaches it is really informal!

There are about twenty disciples in Tianlong, sitting at five tables, scratching their heads, or closing their eyes, and several chairs are empty, and I don’t know where to go! At one of the tables, it was four people sitting. A woman with a good face was holding a white hair in her hand. But she looked like a middle-aged man in her thirties. She whispered: "Little Moon. You said who will be the king of heaven?"

"Hey, Gillian, don't talk, who is the king, who is it, where is it for you to comment on it?"

These two people are Qin Shiyue and Xu Jiaotong, who have long been familiar with Zhang Xiaohua. They are scattered with Zhang Xiaohua on the sea. Zhang Xiaohua falls into the sea. Naturally, there are other opportunities. The two also teach in Tianlong. In the contest with the government, there is no damage. The overseas war is just a loss of many people. When the ship is close, the advantage is taken. Of course, it is the rivers and lakes headed by Xu Weiwang and others! Of course, Tianlong teaches not to be too guilty of the government. It is obvious that the chasing fleet is privately out of the sea, but it cannot be completely annihilated. It only dispels the arrogance of the people and goes away!

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