Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1036: Wulin Conference (11)

The first thousand and thirty-six chapters of the Wulin Conference (11)

Qin Shiyue grabbed Zhang Xiaohua, but in order to force the Dan furnace, and this Dan furnace is also unknown to the emperor and other people. If Qin Shiyue gets it, it is a great achievement, even if it is not available, there are other The relics of Xiandao intersected, so when I saw Zhang Xiaohua’s falling into the water, I knew that Zhang Xiaohua’s physiology was broken, so I wouldn’t mention it!

Of course, the power behind Zhang Xiaohua did not appear anymore, and there was no trace of clues. It also made Qin Shiyue quite hurtful, and Xu Jiaotong, when Qin Shiyue returned to Tianlong, he followed, and went all the way. This is the subordinate of the Tianlong religion. Qin Shiyue’s name is justified by Xu Jiaotong. As for what is the name, who will look after the officials?

Xu Jiaotong sees Qin Shiyue yelling at himself, stealing his eyes and looking at Galoulou, who is closed on the high platform, and whispering: "Small moon, I know that your Tianlong teaching disciples will not lack this, but...but This method sounds very powerful, and it can be cultivated into the realm of Xiandao. Even if you don't mind, if you can get it, give it to you... don't wait for you for so many years!"

Qin Shiyue frowned: "Gillian, you... If you want to, I am looking for a king to ask for one, we have no reason to disrupt the king's plan here!"

"So... then, who do you think the king will send?"

"This..." Qin Shiyue looked at everyone, whispered: "This kind of practice has no meaning for my Tianlong teaching disciple. Who will shoot for this useless thing? I guess... Heavenly King I didn't intend to let the disciples shoot!"

"Is it?" Xu Jiao's face was a joy, saying: "That... isn't that a good opportunity? You are invited to come to the stage, can not only make a name for Tianlong, but also capture this cheat for me, isn't it two?"


"You can't go?" Xu Jiaotong really dear!

Qin Shiyue was helpless. Look around and get up and go to the high platform. That Jialuoluo is really like Qin Shiyue. He didn’t take things here seriously, and he didn’t intend to let his disciples appear. Since Qin Shiyue asked for help, idle is also idle, and nodded slightly.

When Qin returned to Fujian and Taiwan, the four monks of Dalin Temple also appeared on the ring. They were four generations of disciples of Yuantong, Yuanfa, Yuanwu and Yuanfeng.

It seems that the general idea of ​​Dalin Temple and Tianlong teaches to participate!

Only the Tianlong teaches, and everyone’s gaze is to hit several tables where Tianlong teaches.

Tianlong teaches other disciples to follow suit. Only Qin Shiyue jumped on the stage and said: "In the next heaven, the disciple Qin Shiyue, I have seen you at the head!"

The face of Tianlong teach can't be sold, and several heads are nodding.

When Qin Shiyue put a note with his own name into the small hole in the ring, Xue Zhenshi took a shot and the small hole disappeared immediately. After a while, the eight platforms were light curtains.

Xue Zhenshi said too loudly: "One hundred and seventeen disciples are assigned to eight platforms. For the sake of fairness, a disciple's disciple will not appear on the same platform."

The words just fell, the sound of "嗡", on the light curtains of the eight platforms, there were two lines of characters, it is precisely the two people who are going to talk about swords in this ring.

This platform looks very fair. Qin Shiyue, who just invested in the name, was placed in the first round. When he saw his name, he didn’t feel a slight brow. When he saw his opponent again, it was even worse. Nai, his opponent is a very young disciple who drives the mountain gate.

When the disciple saw the name of his opponent, it was obviously a glimpse. He did not expect that he was so unlucky. When he first came to power, he met the Tianlong religion, stood on the platform, and then looked at Qin Shiyue’s own kind of Resistance, it seems that he is a fly, if you do not fly away, maybe you will be killed by one hand.

Therefore, the disciple knows that there is a ban on casualties on the platform, but... still a slap in the face, laughing: "In the first round, I have already been lucky, and now I can meet Qin in the ring... Brother is even more Kind of fate, knowing that it is not the opponent of Qin’s brother, so let’s admit defeat!”

Finished, jumped from the ring!

"Well, catching the mountain gate, good!" Qin Shiyue underestimated the sentence and jumped from the ring.

"Small moon, you ... good prestige!" Xu Jiaotong pulled Qin Shiyue whispered.

"Hey, I am not afraid of jokes. Where is my prestige, it is the prestige of Tianlong!" Qin Shiyue’s pride came to life.

The following are a few rounds, but they are also lacking in Chen's boring. However, all the disciples of other martial arts encounter these five major disciples, all of whom are actively jumping off the platform to admit defeat. The only one is the disciples of the floating village, and they encounter the tiger cub. Seeing that the tiger cub is tall and tall, he thinks that he is clumsy, and he wants to use his own high-minded and light-handed struggles. If there is any income, he may be famous.

I know that people will be familiar with the copper rods. This product is confusing by the sound of the soul-seeker. When he is awake, the cooked copper rod of the goose egg has been placed on his forehead, and the goods are almost immediately. Stumbled on the platform, then the legs and legs were soft, the road would not go, or the head of the floating hills came to power and carried him down.

The disciples of this floating mountain village can also be regarded as a lesson for the latecomers. The disciples who had some careful thoughts have already turned out to be lucky. No one dared to provoke the dignity of the five major factions. The five major disciples sang all the way until the right path. League Li Feng met Dalin Temple Yuan no!

Li Feng is a man in his thirties who is tall and tall. His hand is different from other people. He used a long shot of a white wax pole. When he saw his name, he appeared at the same time as the Dalin Temple monk. A jump is on the ring.

In the monk of Dalin Temple, a disciple with a short stature and a very thin face also followed the platform and held a wooden stick that looked very ordinary. At that age, it was only about twenty years old. .

The two men went to the ring, and each gave a gift. Li Feng slammed the rifle. The red tip of the gun blew up the big guns and shouted: "There is no master, you are older, let you make a move!"

Yuan did not hold a wooden stick in his hand and danced a circle in front of him. One palm erected and nodded: "Thank you for the support of Li Shi!"

The voice landed, Yuan is not unwelcome, the wooden stick circle, is to go to the waist of Li Feng, he was originally a low-generation disciple of Dalin Temple, lucky to be selected to pass the fragrant teaching, Chang Gung elders understand that it is knowledge If you really pay attention to your face, the disciples behind you, such as empty Zen and empty seeers, have long been chosen. Where is it his turn?

Not waiting for the wooden stick to be close, the sound of "Calling" is ringing, "It’s good!" Li Feng called, and his body shape stood up, just like the blind man turned over, watching this light work obviously more than the lighter merits of the previous yuan. Half a raise!

Yuan’s absence of this stick is obviously a temptation. When Li Feng’s work is done, he immediately withdraws it. He fears that he still has a powerful trick to wait for himself.

Seeing that the monk did not pursue the monk, Li Feng was disappointed in the heart. This first made a trick really a bait. Only when the yuan was not pursued, he would come to a thunder, but it was a pity... At this time, he could only walk down. Turn the rifle and smash it!

There are very few long guns on the rivers and lakes. If these weapons are used, they are all tricks. Sure enough, Li Feng’s rifle has been dancing, and it’s like a dragon that goes out to sea, hovering around Yuan’s monk, only slightly If you have a flaw, you can break into the door!

It’s a pity that Yuan’s performance once again disappointed Li Feng. The Yuan did not see that his skills were not as good as people’s. He immediately waved the sticks, saw the move, and only took the portal tightly, never greedy, not taking the risk. Then attack a trick!

The world's martial arts out of Dalin, although this is a bit exaggerated, but there are some truths, in addition to the widely spread of the Luohan boxing, Liuhe boxing, etc. are the first source from the Dalin Temple, which is the same as the eyebrow stick method, but also from Dalin Temple. The Dalin Temple monk, martial arts may not be able to reach the peak, but the basic skills of all people are excellent, this is also the same as the monk. Since he has been close to the portal, for a time, Li Feng really has no good way. If it is normal, Li Feng knows that he only needs to attack more for a while. This monk will surely have flaws. But this time it is a sword, and there is only one time of fragrant incense. Now it has passed most of the time. The eyebrows, Li Feng does not feel that it is a little anxious, then think about the end of the game, Zhang Sanmeng's shackles, and Zhang Sanmeng's deep eyes, Li Feng will bite his teeth, will **** a long shot, "stabbing "The sound of the wind was actually driven. It was the face that went straight to Yuan, and the Yuan did not dare to sneak. The wooden stick was crossed, and Li Feng’s rifle was held up. The gun was lifted up and the gun was over. At this time, Yuan’s eyes were slightly up, looking at the tip of the gun. Li Feng’s hand was slightly moving. “咔嚓” snorted and the rifle broke open from the middle and broke into three quarters. Li Feng stepped forward and raised his right hand. At the end of the gun, just use three sticks "Brush" is heard, and that is the stick hit the stick on the yuan no monk.

"啪", two sticks of each other, a pain came from the tiger's mouth of the monk without the monk, the Yuan no monk received Li Feng several times of heavy blows, the tiger mouth has already shattered, this time Li Feng exerted his strength, where is he? Still not bleeding with both hands?

Feeling the huge force uploaded by Li Feng's three-section stick, Yuan Wu has a bitter bitterness in his mouth. However, he still has a strong internal force and will hold his arms in one fell swoop, and then his left foot spins and kicks. Li Feng's next plate, "嘿嘿" saw the empty monk has the meaning of Wei Wei Zhao, Li Feng where can not understand, he took advantage of the flash, left hand, finger movement, a flash from his sleeve, released It is a sharp dagger.

Li Feng took the dagger in his left hand and will fall into the chest of the monk without the monk!

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