Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1054: Quiet old lady

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters

Changge and Chen Chen saw Zhang Xiaohua, and his face was relaxed. However, he still came to the door with a long sword. He carefully looked at it and came back.

Zhang Xiaohua laughed, and he came in with the bandits. I don't know if they went to the door to see what it is!

"How? Second brother, what are you doing so nervous?" Zhang Xiaohua opened his mouth and laughed.

I don’t know if this long song is as shy as before. A serious saying: "We sent this to return to Pingyang City. It’s a strange soldier. Of course, we must be cautious. If we get the slightest message from the right way, it’s not just inside. Brothers will not be killed or injured, can you win the floating mountain village, it is also a problem! You said that you can not be nervous?"

"Right, Zhang Xiaohua, you...isn't it in the refining of the fragrant peak? How come here?" Chen Chen, next to him, asked softly: "It won't be... The quiet teacher sent you too... Oh, Also send the inner disciples to help us! And, you... you are on the shoulders... the puppy, the little sister, are you... I have hugged in the Orang Canyon? They...it doesn’t seem too long. Big!"

Chen Chen asked, while curiously watching Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei standing on the shoulders of Zhang Xiaohua!

These two little things, only walked up and down Zhang Xiaohua's shoulders, eyes also looked at Zhang Xiaohu and other three people, but did not care.

"Oh, you asked so much at once, how can I answer?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and touched Xiaohe with his hand and said: "The two little things, I don't know... they seem to grow. Slow down!"

Subsequently, Zhang Xiaohua frowned again: "Quiet Shi Tai? Inside disciple?? I remember that in the beginning of the letter, you are called the master of the Lord, and now... Hey, have all changed to Jing Shishi?"

The long song sneered at the side: "This time, for a while, I was waiting for the fish on the plate. As a disciple of the ancestors, of course, I would like to call the Lord of the Lord. Now I am waiting for a reunion, and I will change my mouth. ”

Chen Chen also bite his teeth: "No... I thought that Jingyi is too good for me to send my disciples. Although I have never seen her true face, listening to the voice is also kind, and calling a teacher is also a good thing, but no I thought... she actually played a lot of means, trying to break up the sister and the brother, and, in order to control the brothers, he also poisoned the brothers..."

Chen Chen saw Zhang Xiaohua, as if he saw a relative, he went to the adults to complain, and he said the grievances!

"What? Under the poison? Jing Yi this old aunt!" Zhang Xiaohua was furious, he did not sit down, at this time a palm shot on the table with food, a kind of anger!

"Ah~~~" Zhang Xiaohu, Changge and Chen Chen have never seen Zhang Xiaohua's anger. At this time, they suddenly became angry. It was a surprise. Zhang Xiaohua in front of him was very different from the impression. It’s like a plate of dragons with a big mouth and a glare, making people shudder!

Immediately, there was a burst of "哗啦啦", a table had been photographed as a powder, and the tableware on the table was spilled on the ground!

"Little flowers... I... I'm fine!" Zhang Xiaohu was a little scared, and some did not dare to know Zhang Xiaohua, whispered.

"Oh ~ second brother, I ... some ruin!" Zhang Xiaohua saw his own state of affairs, quickly smiled and said.

Outside the yard, some disciples heard the sound and had arrived.

"Two, you send these disciples, I will hide first!" Zhang Xiaohua's shackles are hidden.

Zhang Xiaohu saw that Zhang Xiaohua suddenly disappeared, and he was not surprised. Only Changge and Chen Chen looked at each other in a daze!

It was Ding Chao who came in. I saw Zhang Xiaohu and other three people innocent, and he let out a sigh of relief. He said, "Zhang Bangzhu, no... anything? This table...?"

At this time, the long song woke up, and took a look at Chen Chen with his arm. He smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with Ding’s brother. Just now Xiaohu’s practice is a little distracting, careless... The table is shattered, hey, you know, tomorrow or The next day will be able to kill back to the mountain village, the little tiger is a little excited, and the training is hardworking a little..."

"Long songs...Sisters, Zhang’s mood, the subordinates understand that the disciples of our sects are all gearing up in the past few days, waiting to kill the peaks. Oh, but Zhang’s main body, more rest. it is good."

Saying, greeting the disciple to go up, but when he saw the table that had been shaken into powder, he didn’t feel stunned. This... What kind of internal force is it that can shake a table? Evenly broken wood chips? It’s hard to be... This lord has been in Tibetan mastiffs?

When Ding Chao turned his gaze to Zhang Xiaohu, who was calm and calm, he affirmed his own thoughts: "Zhang Xiaohu really is hidden, oh, I said in the back of the show that people can’t do martial arts, but they don’t know that people are fundamental. I didn't plan to compete with us for this name!"

Zhang Xiaohu still reminisced about Zhang Xiaohua's anger. He did not expect Ding Chao to think so much. Of course, this table is not shattered by him. He does not have to pay copper coins. The look is naturally calm!

Waiting for Ding Chao to greet his disciples with a sly mood, he will pack up and retreat, and Zhang Xiaohua’s figure will appear from the original place!

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohua’s figure was not moving, Chen Chen’s eyes turned and said: “Zhang Xiaohua, you... are you a blind eye?”

Zhang Xiaohu also said: "No, Xiaohua, you haven't moved at all, not quite the same as before!"

Zhang Xiaohua calmed his face, did not speak, went to Zhang Xiaohu and said: "Second brother, give me the hand, I look at the poison in you!"

"Oh, nothing, quiet teacher said too, this poison only once a year, as early as two months ago, it has already been attacked, and now there is no feeling!" Zhang Xiaohu laughed, afraid of Zhang The little flower is distressed.

Zhang Xiaohua didn't talk. He took Zhang Xiaohu's wrist with his hand and took a closer look. It was useful to take a look at it and check it out. The face was relaxed, and the detoxification was taken out from the arms. One, said: "Second brother, you eat first, I look at the effect!"

"Small flower, Jing Yi teacher said too, this poison ... can only solve her, perhaps the emperor released the sky, the longevity can solve, you this medicine ... nothing..." Long song worried.

Zhang Xiaohu ignored the long song, reached out and took it, and opened it.

"Nothing, second, I can solve, that is to solve!" Zhang Xiaohua does not care about the long-lost mistrust, people are also planning for their second brother.

After a sip of tea, Zhang Xiaohua’s hand was released from Zhang Xiaohu’s wrist and smiled and said: “Two brothers, if you just took it, I will be able to force this poison immediately, but... It’s been two months, and I can’t help it...”

"Little flowers... really no way?" The long song next to him.

Chen Chen is also going forward, with a begging on his face...

And Zhang Xiaohu suddenly turned red, and when he slammed his hand, he rushed out...

"Hey, you... what are you doing?" Changge and Chen Chen chased the past.

"Don't follow..." Zhang Xiaohu hurried, and then he heard a "bang" sound, Zhang Xiaohu's face was redder, and a stench came!

At this time, how can Changge and Chen Chen not know?

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile behind him: "It has been two months, I can't force the toxins out, I have to trouble the second brother to pull them out! Hahaha!"

Know that detoxification Dan can solve the poison of the second brother, Zhang Xiaohua is also a big mood!

The long song and Chen Chen had a red face early, and they returned to the hall with a nose, and all the windows in the hall were opened!

Chen Chen quickly rushed into the back room. After a while, long songs entered the back room, took some clothes from the back room, and handed it to Zhang Xiaohua. The redness on his face still did not retreat. He said: "It’s all good things you do, you Send this clothes to your second brother!"

"I? Why am I going?" Zhang Xiaohua looked innocent and raised his hands and said: "I... I haven't finished my words yet, my second brother...he will..."

"You don't go, want me to go?" Long song angered.

"Okay, okay..." Zhang Xiaohua had to stand up and take the clothes. The yard was very similar to the courtyard of Zhang Xiaohua Guozhuang. It was not worried that Zhang Xiaohua could not find it. Well, Zhang Xiaohua took it by the way. Clear water and tub!

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohu to change his clothes, his face still lingered, and Zhang Xiaohua took a few eyes, and this was back to the house.

In the hall, Changge and Chen Chen saw Zhang Xiaohu’s wolf howling, and they all laughed loudly.

"Laughter, what are you laughing?" Zhang Xiaohu said helplessly.

"Ha ha ha" He did not say okay, this word is an exit, long songs and Chen Chen smile more prosperous! It seems that the troubles that Zhang Xiaohu worried about these months have to laugh out.

"Second brother, let me see!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and reached out.

Zhang Xiaohu gave him another look.

"Well, well, my second brother, there is nothing wrong with it. There should be some residual poison in the body, but it will not affect it." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile, and then handed the detoxification to the past: "If it is appropriate, Just for another three days, one every day!"

"That is of course, do you still use it?" Zhang Xiaohu grabbed it and put it in his arms.

"Oh, yes, will it be the same as... just now?" Zhang Xiaohu's face was reddish.

"No, no!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and waved.

"Oh, that's good!"

Going to the heart of the big trouble, all three are relaxed, Chen Chen still asked: "Zhang Xiaohua, just asked you, how come you come to Pingyang City? Is it quiet to send you too?"

"Don't mention the old aunt!" Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand and said: "I have nothing to do with the sacred teaching!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohu said, "Did you still be a disciple of the fragrant teachings a few months ago? You also went to Dalin Temple to send invitations, how... Are you doing the errands?"

"The disciples of the scent of the fragrant teaching? How can I not know?" The long song and Chen Chen are the same voice, the gaze is to look at Zhang Xiaohu, Zhang Xiaohu shrinks his neck, did not dare to speak.

"Where, where~" Zhang Xiaohua waved: "Where is this Shaoxia shot, where can I do it? This martial arts conference has already been finished, and everything is going well. Ben Shaoxia’s departure from the fragrant teaching has nothing to do with the errands. It is another reason. ""

"Another reason?" Zhang Xiaohu wonders.

The long song asked: "The martial arts conference heard that it was opened more than half a month ago. How do you know that?"

Chen Chen is clapping: "Great, great, Zhang Xiaohua, then... you can join us to teach you, huh, huh!"

The three people asked differently, but Zhang Xiaohu and Changge listened to Chen Chen’s words, and they all looked at Zhang Xiaohua!

"Don't..." Zhang Xiaohua quickly waved his hand: "I... there is still a place to go, this is not to mention it for the time being!"

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