Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1055: arrangement

The first thousand and fifty-five chapter arrangements

Zhang Xiaohu Daqi: "Where are you going? Don't you come over... don't you want to help me?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Is this second brother not a nonsense? I am not helping you, why are you here?"

See Chen Chen still have to talk? And again: "But help you, don't you have to join the sect? And... oh, poor road... can't you also build a mountain?"

"What? You want to build a school?" The three men were all in unison, all screaming.

"How? Can't you?" Zhang Xiaohua licked his nose, extremely helpless.

"Well, I really want to come. You have been hanging a Beidou faction in your mouth. You don't want to build a Beidou faction!" Zhang Xiaohu wakes up.

"Exactly, the second brother, the younger brother really has such a plan!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

"But... do you know what it takes to build a school? How do you manage your money, your disciples, and your livelihood?" Long Song asked.

"This... I know where!" Zhang Xiaohua said bitterly: "I just need to build this door, and let others do it!"

"Ha ha ha" three people just realized this time, they all laughed, and the heart has already determined that Zhang Xiaohua is just playing the game of the family!

"Well, that second brother would like to wish you the Beidou faction...weigh the rivers and lakes, and unify the mountains and rivers!"

When I heard Zhang Xiaohu’s unconcerned message, Zhang Xiaohua knew that the second brother did not believe it at all, but he did not say it.

"Small flowers... How do you plan to do it in the future..." Zhang Xiaohu just opened his mouth and shut up. Zhang Xiaohua is going to open a sect, and asks himself!

"Right, Xiaohua, you said the martial arts meeting, you...what did you listen to?" The long song reminded me of my own problems.

"Two 嫂..." Zhang Xiaohua said tempted: "When I went to the martial arts conference, I only watched the end. However, I heard Chen Chen tell me something!"

"I?" Chen Chen glanced, then immediately understood that this Chen Chen is not her.

The long song did not mind the name of Zhang Xiaohua, frowning: "Small flowers, lying words are not good children, the martial arts conference opened half a month ago, how can you participate?"

"Yeah, Xiaohua...you..." Zhang Xiaohu is also a glimpse. He always believes in his younger brother. He never doubts. At this time, is there any problem at this time?

"Hey, I spent half a month from the fragrant teaching to Pingyang City to chase you, can't you?"

"How could it be?" Long Song and Chen Chen blurted out, but they immediately took a forehead and seemed to think of something. They all looked back at Zhang Xiaohu. The little tiger was calm, and Shen Shen said: "It seems that you were at the beginning. Xinfeng said that it is true to return to Shangxiang Peak at night!"

“Oh, of course!” Zhang Xiaohua patted her chest and said, “How many times have I lied to you?”

"Just... just now you still lied to me, let me..." Zhang Xiaohu thought about poisoning Dan!

"Oh, what an accident, there will always be!"

"That... how did you come over?" Zhang Xiaohu has begun to believe.

"That is still used? Naturally flying!" Zhang Xiaohua is a serious man.

"Hey nonsense, you think you are a bird!" Chen Chen said this, but he was blushing.

Immediately, the three were a glimpse of what happened to Zhang Xiaohua flying in the air in the Grand Canyon. This matter has been going on for a long time, three people... seems to have forgotten some!

"You... are you...is the person of the immortal?" The long song remembered something, and pointed at Zhang Xiaohuadao with surprise.

"Maybe, I don't know myself!" Zhang Xiaohua shrugged and looked innocent!

"Great, great, I have saved it!" The long song is almost a combination of hands, thank God!

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Xiaohua said: "The second brother, the second brother, don't say me, you... What is going on here? After the martial arts conference, Jingyi Shitai announced that he left the sacred religion. Re-establishment, I am in a hurry, and I have not inquired in detail!"

"Is it? Jingyi Shitai has already announced the world? Isn't that already known?" Zhang Xiaohu frowned: "What does she mean?"

"Oh, the Zhengdao League already knows that I have encountered a subpoena on the road. However, looking at this, the disciples of the Zhengdao League are still unknown!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

"That's good, I was going to rest tonight, recharge my batteries, and start tomorrow morning. Now it is going to change!" Zhang Xiaohu, a high-five, stood up and said: "I will arrange it, you will wait for me." !"

The long song also stood up. When he left, he was stopped by Zhang Xiaohua: "Two sisters, don't leave, let the younger brother tell me something!"

"Yes..." The long song is hesitant. Zhang Xiaohu waved: "Long song, you talk about the things of Mo Zhen Palace with Xiao Hua, he knows more!"

"Yes..." The long song is still hesitant. Although the things of Mo Zhengong are very important, but... the insiders are still the children’s private feelings. They are all quietly planning, let her say it, but there are some Difficult.

"Sister... Do you want me to say, you are listening to it, if it is not, you will talk to Zhang Xiaohua?" Chen Chen is quite understanding and whisper.

"You say, I am leaving!" Zhang Xiaohu left in a hurry.

The rest of the three, Chen Chen heard the long songs and told the story. At this time, it is also detailed!

After listening to Chen Chen’s completion of the events that took place on the day of Mo Zhengong, Zhang Xiaohua nodded secretly: “This quiet teacher is really the helm of the sacred religion. It’s not the average person to count! * Your own disciple will treat the whole sect as a sly."

Then he secretly erected a small tail: "If you are not a poor hand, you will cure all the internal injuries of the people. This is because the sect is afraid of being surnamed Zhang, but the surname is still!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua’s heart was moved, remembering the jade slips from Jing Gang’s master, and Chang Geng’s “Drug Jing”. There seems to be a way to control how to control others. If it works, hey, quiet teacher is too stealing. The chicken does not erode the rice!

When I want to finish, Zhang Xiaohua stands up, right in the clothes, and corrects the long song to swear: "Two sisters, the younger brother just called some random, from now on, the younger brother is just a serious name!"

The long song was previously heard by Zhang Xiaohua, and there was no blush. At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was suddenly a child, and his face was hot. He quickly got up and returned to the ceremony. He said: "I am suffering with the tiger. I can have this ending. I will be able to get your help in the future. It is a great fortune!"

Zhang Xiaohua laughed happily: "That is nature. If the mother and the sister know, I might have a good time."

Said, and there are no traces to see some Chen Chen in the side! Long songs have been quietly mastered too, but it is already a helper lady, but she Chen Chen? There seems to be some resentment in this little tail! Nowadays, there is no longer a need for the approval of the quiet teacher, but Zhang Xiaohu has always been unclear, and the long song is also busy with the sects. I haven’t put her in the heart yet!

The long song was blushing and whispered: "When I will take down the mountain, I will... I will go to Guozhuang with Xiaohu to see..."

Seeing that I didn’t mention myself, Chen Chen was even more unhappy, and some looked down at the ground!

"Well, ok, then I will go back and tell my mother, let them be prepared!"

After that, I just looked up and saw that Zhang Xiaohu had come back. When I entered the door, I asked, "What do you say to your mother?"

Immediately, I understood: "Hey? Little flower, what do you mean... Are you going back to Guozhuang first?"

"Well, yes, my second brother, although I have already sent the letters to the mothers and sisters a few months ago, I can't worry about them. Now I have already arrived near Pingyang City. At my speed, I can get home in a while, first with you. Mother said it!"

"Well, Xiaohua... You said to my mother, I... I am not filial, wait... Wait until the end of the sect, I... I..." Zhang Xiaohu said, stealing a long song.

Long songs are ashamed: "I have said it with Xiaohua!"

"Oh, that's good, wait until the party is finished, I will bring a long song back to Guozhuang!" Zhang Xiaohu laughed, but then woke up, said: "Yes, your... that dream? She... ...how didn't you come?"

"Halo~ I remembered it at this time!" Zhang Xiaohua secretly despised Zhang Xiaohu and said: "There is no way for people!"

"Is it too quiet for the quiet teacher?" Chen Chen was curious.

Long songs said: "Yes, how did you teach from the fragrant incense? We said for a long time, you still have nothing to say!"

"Things are like this!" Zhang Xiaohua then said to himself about the dream, and finally said: "Dream and the emperor released the Tianlong religion, where is her home after all, when her illness is cured. , we... meet again!"

"Ah?" The three people listened to the story and listened to it, almost to stay.

"Dream is actually the daughter of the emperor!"

"The daughter of the world's largest church leader!"

"The daughter of the first person of the world martial arts!"

"Dragons are unique to the Virgin!"

"Small flower, you... Didn't you become the aunt of Tianlong?" Zhang Xiaohu muttered: "You will have no trouble in the future!"

"Go ~" Zhang Xiaohua really despise the second brother: "It is more than a grandfather, as long as the young man is willing to be a emperor in the future is not impossible!"

"You are the emperor?"

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohu grabbed Zhang Xiaohua's hand and smiled and said: "I am a gang to help the Lord, you are the Dragon Master of the day, let's open one door and two doors! Come on! Come on!"

"Going to go" long songs with elbows and Zhang Xiaohu, took out the majesty of the wife of the lord: "You know, oh, Tianlong teaches is a cult, is their emperor a good day?"

Then I turned around and asked: "Do you say yes, small flowers?"

"Well, what the second singer said is that I am now a fairy tale refiner. How can the emperor of the dragon teach the day? This is really impossible!"

"But, Zhang Xiaohua... If you don't want to be a emperor, how can you dream?" Chen Chen was extremely worried about the marriage of the two.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly: "What? Can you say it again! Hey~~"

Then, look at the sky, said: "Two brothers, I will not tell you, time is not early, I still go back to Guozhuang, do not go back, I am not practical!"

Say, take a jade from his arms and hand it to Zhang Xiaohu, saying: "When you are coming to the mountain village, crush this jade, I will help you!"

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