Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1056: See also two small flowers

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters see two small flowers

Don't take Zhang Xiaohu, Changge and Chen Chen, Zhang Xiaohua hides his body shape, and flies up in the air, going straight to Guozhuang.

Zhang Xiaolace immersed the gods in jade and found out the records about controlling the mind of the people.

Jing Gang is too ignorant of the jade slips that have been obtained from there. There is a kind of medicinal medicine called "Ji Dan". As long as people take it, they can control the mind of this person, and they will listen to the caster and have nothing to do with it. ! It’s just that this Dan has the same ills, that is, eating 傀儡丹 is really the same as 傀儡, his eyes are sluggish and his movements are inconvenient!

Zhang Xiaohua secretly shook his head: "This is definitely not enough. If the elites of a group of foreign disciples are turned into shackles and the role is completely lost, it is better to control them with the name of Jingyi Shitai! Otherwise, give two Brother refining the poison?"

Zhang Xiaohua thought of the means of quietness.

Zhang Xiaohua, a thing in "The Book of Toxic", has already seen it on the way back to the sacred religion. At this time, I thought about it carefully, and I don’t feel like a brow. There is also a poison called "Lost Soul" in the poisonous warfare. People lose their minds and are controlled by others. It is only a short time to lose their minds. However, during this period, all the appearances of poisoned people are the same as usual, and even martial arts will not be affected!

"Hey? Two medicinal herbs are put together... can't you?" Zhang Xiaohua is happy, and began to ponder the formula of "傀儡丹" and "失魂散", "失魂散" is fine, but it is martial arts. The poisons and herbs in the formula don't look too cold, and the "傀儡丹" can be different. It is used in the immortal. The herbs used in it make Zhang Xiaohua scratch his head and can look back. Zhang Xiaohua did not feel sigh: "I don't know if it is a poor dog, or a small dog, and this herb, there is actually a belt in the poor road!"

No, the refining of the "Shu Dan" spirit grass, are both cloudy and yin, the requirements are extremely special, usually very rare, but ... Zhang Xiaohua just arrived at the Fragrant Peak, not to the Emerald Valley What? That is known as the Ghost Valley, in which the herb has long been eroded by the black mist, the ghost mushroom... It is also the main medicine used by the "Golden Dan"!

"Is it true that the disciple teaches disciples to keep the things of the Emerald Valley and pick them at intervals? Is it the meaning of Jing Gangshi? Or... How can Yue Zhuoqun easily enter the valley?" Zhang Xiaohua thought to himself. It is a pity that these two people have already done the undead of Zhang Xiaohua's men. For the specific reason, Zhang Xiaohua will never know.

"Well, when you have spare time, you will put together '傀儡丹' and '失魂散', which may be useful! This is the first of the poor roads. How can you get a good name? How is it called '慑魂丹'?” Zhang Xiaohua thought, the gods went to the next sweep, and they didn’t feel the joy of seeing it. I saw the stars in the sky, the underground lights, and now he has reached the sky above Luzhen!

"Guo Zhuang!" Zhang Xiaohua knows the north, like sweeping away, want to see the hometown of the heart earlier!

"Hey? Who is this?" Zhang Xiaohua knows the place, just in front of the village of Guozhuang, a ragged shackle, holding a broken pot in his hand, stepping out of Guozhuang!

If you see it in Luzhen, Zhang Xiaohua will not be surprised. Guozhuang is a small village. It is also a small farmer's day on weekdays. Everyone's family is not plentiful. Where will you come here to ask for food?

The next thing was even more amazing. It took out the village, and I still tried to look back. I just walked to the path along the river. Then at the end of the path, Guozhuang went to the official road of Luzhen. One person, riding a horse, holding a horse next to him, waited for the official road, left and right to see no one, turned over the horse, went straight north!

When Zhang Xiaohua flew to the front, the two men had already gone. Zhang Xiaohua was holding his chin and wanted to not look back. He had already seen the familiar small courtyard, a white fat child. I took a small wooden stick in my hand and chased a group of chickens through the lantern under the eaves. At this time, the door of the hall was pushed open, and an old woman came out with a date in her hand. And chasing the child...

"Mother kiss ~" Zhang Xiaohua instantly stopped in the air, where to think about what? A flash is flying over the small courtyard!

Zhang Xiaohua just stood in the air, not showing his body shape, only to see the white fat child, immediately stopped, raised his face, flapped the big eyes, looked straight into the air, the old woman was chasing Then, see the child stop, quickly put a date into his mouth, looked up and said: "Little flower ~~~~"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohua, who was in the air, almost fell from the sky without fear!

Zhang Bairen can see him, even if it is, people are born as visions, their mothers, not even lifted their heads, actually called their own name, it is difficult to be ... the mother is also a fairy! ! !

"Mother kiss ~ ~" Zhang Xiaohua with a very sorrowful, but also very emotional, plus the feeling of eternal, fell from the sky, whispered.

"Let you look at the children, where did you go? Fast..." Guo Sufei did not lift his head and scolded.

Then another sound came from the pigsty: "Old lady, are you calling me?"

"Ah?" Guo Sufei stunned, Zhang Xiaohua is also a glimpse, but no, from the pigsty, there is another thin young man!

“Hey?” Guo Sufei suddenly turned back and saw Zhang Xiaohua, still in the air, next to Zhang Bairen, who was still holding a small stick and poked on him!

"Little flower is you?" Guo Sufei blinked hard.

"Mother, of course, me! I am a small flower!" Zhang Xiaohua fell to the ground!

"Ah? My little flowers, you can come back!!!" Guo Sufei had some tears, and shouted: "Old man, come out, our little flowers are back!"

Then he said to the "small flowers" that appeared later: "Small flowers, go, call your big brother, and say that the flowers are back!"

The "small flower" behind it was heard, and it was also happy. The mouth was not close together. When I jumped, I said that I rushed out of the small courtyard!

"Nanny... This... What is going on here? How do we have a small flower in our house?" Zhang Xiaohua is really inexplicable, not a mother who wants to be herself, and has a child from the outside!

"Go, go, forbearance, don't poke your uncle with a wooden stick!" Guo Sufei yelled at Zhang Bairen and hugged him. And Zhang Bai’s cockroaches said in his grandmother’s arms: "Milk... He flew from...the sky! No... is walking!"

Although Zhang Bairen is small, he can basically say that he is very good. His eyes are curiously watching Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huang on Zhang Xiaohua’s shoulders. After listening to his grandmother’s words, the small wooden sticks are poked on Xiaohei!

Guo Sufei, where his son is flying or running, slapped on Zhang Bairen’s **** and smiled: “What do you say, this is your uncle, not the fairy in the story!”

The voice did not fall, Zhang Cai rushed out from the hall, ran to Zhang Xiaohua, stopped, not close, looked up and down, slightly nodded: "Well, okay, no change, almost two years ago !"

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes are a little moist, laughing and watching, although not coming forward, can mourn his own embarrassment like the mother.

During the conversation, the threshold was pushed away. Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Qian also ran in. I saw Zhang Xiaohua at a glance. Zhang Xiaolong’s face was delighted. He rushed over and put Zhang Xiaohua in his arms. He smiled and said: “There were people sending letters some days ago. Come, say you are in the South... What Mo Zhencheng, how come back today?"

"Hey, big brother, loose, you can't breathe!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"Oh, Xiaohua, it’s two years gone, you can’t change it at all, it’s weird!” Liu Qian walked to Zhang Xiaohua and said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his arm to find the mother, Liu Qian reached out and hugged, Zhang Bairen giggled, turned back and threw the stick, and had a small hand, a small donkey and a puppy.

Seeing the home is so warm, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Da, you are the same before you married to your eldest brother, um, even more beautiful, what reason do you say?"

This is exactly what Liu Qian’s heart is, and she has not changed much in the seven or eight years of her marriage to Guozhuang. After she has finished Zhang Bairen, she is more beautiful, and she is still younger than her. Liu Yueyue, nowadays Already... terrible!

See Zhang Bairen like two small things, Zhang Xiaohua took Xiaohei and Xiaohuang from his shoulders and handed them to the hands of Bai Ren. The two small things have long been seen for a long time, and they are not rejected at this time. The arrogant Ren Bairen’s little hand hugged.

At this time, the young man standing behind Liu Qian stepped forward and respectfully said: "Young Master, you are back!"

"Young Master?" Zhang Xiaohua was a sneak peek, and then some awakened, then unbelievably looked at the head of the young man and called: "Ji Xiaohua???"

"You... your girl... Where did you go??"

This person is not Ji Xiaohua?

It’s no wonder that Zhang Xiaohua doesn’t know Ji Xiaohua now. Let’s not say that it’s night, just use lantern lighting, or say that Zhang Xiaohua hasn’t seen Ji Xiaohua for more than two years. Now Ji Xiaohua is much higher than before and fat. A lot, there is no previous small firewood! Just saying that his eye-catching gimmick is gone, is to let Zhang Xiaohua... stunned!

"Oh, the old lady was cured with a prescription!" Ji Xiaohua did not care about Zhang Xiaohua's words, respectfully answered.

"What old lady is not the lady, not to tell you, to call the mother." Guo Sufei was not happy at the side.

"No, this little flower is really... polite, how many times have you said it, and called my great lady, called Xiaolong, the young master, ah, also called Bairen Little Master!" Liu Qian also laughed.

"But... you are not in Songning Town? How did you go to Guozhuang?" Zhang Xiaohua still puzzled: "Right, what about Daxie? Her old man will not stay in Songning Town!"

Referring to the mother, Ji Xiaohua’s eyes were reddish and cautiously said: “It’s good to tell the young master that the small one is on the road to Guozhuang. The mother is sick, so it’s easy to find it. Her old man is dying and seeing a small Passing the message that the young master wants, this will let go..."

"Speaking? What message do I want? You..." Zhang Xiaohua suddenly thought that he had come to Chu Yunfei, a disciple in the wilderness outside Songning Town. No, it’s just that he told others. If there is news of Zhang Xiaohu, let Chu Yunfei take it to Ji Xiaohua, Songning Town, and he is going to send Nie Qianyu back to Songning Town, but...because he has already passed the fragrant teaching, he also sees Zhang Xiaohu. Songning Town... but forgot! ! !

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