Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1058: Mountain thief

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters of the thief of Xicui Mountain

At this time, the moon is slanting, the night is getting darker, and there is no shadow in the official road.

Suddenly, a hoof sounded, and a burst of fire came from a distance. It was a group of people dressed in night clothes with black masks on their heads, covering their noses and noses, leaving only their eyes.

These people held torches and weapons in their hands, rushing while watching the road carefully. When they walked to the path of Guozhuang, a thin man in front of his head frowned and slowed down.

"Daddy? Is it here?" A strong man behind him had a long knife in his hand and whispered.

"It should be, big brother, but I can't see it at night. It's also common on both sides of the mountain road. It's extremely difficult to distinguish!"

The old man’s brow wrinkled and said: “I told you to install it here for two days. How can you not even touch the road? Do you dare to listen to your old words?”

"The boss is angry, the boss is angry." The old man immediately accompanied him and smiled: "The younger brother did not remember the road, but the situation of this family is very clear!"

"Dog, how can there be such a rich man in such a small village? I can know it with my heel, but also use it to inquire. I don’t know how people who work in the wind and wind are doing things. Tell them in front of the flag owner!"

"The boss is angry, the people are very clear, the young man who sent the letter with a piece of gold for the silver, you think, ordinary people, etc. Where will they carry gold ingots? It must be a rich man. Just ...just did not expect that the young man’s family letter was sent to this small village!"

"What is the young man called? Maybe he has money, he has no money at home?"

"Hey boss, the young man, the little one has already explored it. If it is not unexpected, it should be called Zhang Xiaohua. I came back a couplet two years ago and then went out again! However, listening to the villagers, Zhang Xiaohua came back. Before, this family didn't have much money, but for two years... it seemed to be extremely rich, bought a farmer, bought a few plots, and was generous to other people in Guozhuang. So, Guo Zhuang’s Everyone said that Zhang Xiaohua’s **** had made a fortune, and he was very jealous!”

"Oh, no, I will say it, as long as I have a look, what else do you not know?"

"Actually..." The old man hesitated a little, and said: "In fact, the small thinks... I am afraid that Zhang’s money is not earned by their son named Zhang Xiaohua?"

"Hey? Who is that?"

"Oh, it is here. Boss, follow this road is Guozhuang, the small head to lead you!" The old man was delighted.

"No, I have to go to the front, what is the path? You are going to talk about it, where is Zhang’s money?"

"This is the boss, this family has three sons, the boss is called Zhang Xiaolong, working at home, smashing an extremely beautiful lady, gave birth to a son two years ago..."

"Beautiful little lady?" The boss swallowed and his throat moved.

"Well, it's really beautiful, it's a little far away, and my heart is itchy, hehe!" Laojiao smiled and said: "This old man is called Zhang Xiaohua. It is said that there is a mountain village in Pingyang City. I know some martial arts. The small pipa guessed that there was only the Tunxi Mountain Villa in Pingyang City."

"How is it possible? There are many villas in Pingyang City, are you so sure?" Boss suspicion.

"And listen to the small points." The old man is not ill: "The second child of their family is called Zhang Xiaohu. The person who listened to Guozhuang said that he is a disciple who is called a Miao pie. Boss, you said, What kind of Miao faction is there in Pingyang City? Is it definitely a sect?"

"Ah? There is actually a home for the rest of the family?" The spirit of the boss rose.

"Whether... and the small inquisition, Zhang Xiaohu, who is a disciple of the sect, has appeared in Guozhuang after the squad, and then he has not seen it, and his younger brother, Zhang Xiaohua, has always been Not at home, it didn't appear until two years ago, and Zhang's house was actually built after Zhang Xiaohu left home. Boss, is this still a little more? Let's catch a big fish, this little tiger must be hiding. The property of the sect of the sect, this family is only rich, the gold used by Zhang Xiaohua is not his own earned, it must have been taken out from the Zhang family, it turned out to be the money of the sect!"

"Hey, don't say anything about gold and silver, as long as you take this home away, it is estimated that the flag owner can also give us a lot of rewards!"

"The boss is brilliant, but... I still feel that I will get the gold and silver first and then..."

"Do you still use it?" The boss yelled.

Then look at the sky, said: "At this time there is still a while from the dawn, it is a good time to kill people and goods, fast, early hands, early back ... Xi Cuishan!"

"Yes, Boss!" The old man waved his hand and said: "Brothers, this is Guozhuang. In addition to the family in the south of the village, that is, the family in the middle of the village is known as the patriarch, and you have money. ......"

"Don't talk!" The boss said: "We are coming to make a fortune, of course, we are looking for money. You, you, you, a few of you go to the patriarch's family, others are going to Zhangjia with me. Surround them!"

"Yes..." The people took the lead and entered the village with a torch!

The thief of Xicui Mountain did not hide the trace. As soon as he entered the village, the rush of horseshoes awakened the whole village, and each small courtyard ignited a light.

"Xicuishan brothers are doing things here, don't worry about it, they are all sleeping hard!" The boss shouted, and it was like a thunder in the sky above Guozhuang. In an instant, the lights that had been lit, one by one, gradually Extinguished, it is Zhang’s own light, and it is extinguished!

However, it didn't take long, the thundering horseshoe sound stopped at the door of the house, and then there was a slamming voice and a noisy voice: "Zhang Cai, the old man, will bring your family's gold and silver jewelry to Laozi, Laozi can Free you from dying, or... ruin your home!"

"Ah?" Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei were embarrassed, extremely afraid, and did not dare to light, whispered: "Old man, this... How do the thieves of Xicui Mountain know that we have gold and silver jewelry?"

"I...what do I know?" Zhang Cai is also awkward: "I don't even say anyone, even... Mr. Liu didn't talk..."

"This... what can this do? Will it be the same as Mr. Wu from the neighboring village a few years ago?" Guo Sufei immediately thought of the thing that the neighboring village was destroyed by the Xi Cuishan thief several years ago!

"I... I know where!" Zhang Cai lost his sense of proportion!

"啪啪啪" banged the sound of the window.

"Ah?" The old two scared almost jumped up.

"Mother, oh, you...nothing, come out!" It was Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Qian who came over the wall.

"You...what did you come over, how are you.....not running?" The old two squatted and opened the door. At this time, Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Qian were at the door, Ji Xiaohua was already awake, and his face was very scared. Doorway.

"Xiaolong, this... what can I do? The thief of Xicui Mountain is here!" Guo Sufei said with a trembling voice.

"Mother, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if they came last night, it would be a curse, but... can the little flower come back tonight? Yes...have him...!"

"Right, small flowers..." Guo Sufei and Zhang Cai suddenly realized that their little son is at home!

But then, the two were panicked again: "Hey, I knew that the thief had come yesterday, Xiaohua, my poor little flower, just got home, I just met these scourges!"

The slap in the gate is even louder, the thief has begun to slam the door, the martial arts is slightly high and strong, and began to ponder how to overturn the wall!

Fortunately, Zhang's two yards, the wall between the middle is very short, the surrounding walls are quite high, for a time, the thief can not enter!

"Mother, hold it." Zhang Xiaolong handed over two jade pieces.

"What is this?" Guo Sufeiqi said.

"Mother, have you forgotten? This was given when Xiaohua last walked, saying that it is defensive, I have tried it!"

"Hey, I remember!" Guo Sufei immediately took out a jade piece from the jacket: "I am also carrying it, but I forgot it."

"Well, mother, you are crushing!" Liu Qian urged.

"Good!" Guo Sufei said at this time, the fingers force, the jade is crushed, a shimmering invisible to the naked eye, the defensive mask is appearing around Guo Sufei!

"Give you, little flowers!" Zhang Xiaolong handed two jade symbols to Ji Xiaohua, Ji Xiaohua took over, picking up one will be crushed, "not this!" Zhang Xiaolong hurriedly stopped: "Red is able to get angry, hit In the thief! This is what I use."

"Yes, Grand Master!" Ji Xiaohua still did not forget to call.

When the five people crushed the defensive jade, Zhang Xiaolong just gave the remaining jade in his hand to everyone, and Zhang’s door was opened by the mountain thief!

A dozen people swarming in, surrounded by five people, and there are some fires outside the wall, it should be a thief who winds outside.

When the boss entered the yard, he immediately stared at Liu Qian. It seems that the wolf saw the little white rabbit!

Zhang Xiaolong frowned and blocked Liu Qian behind him.

The boss coughed and looked at Zhang Cai, who was shocked and stunned. He smiled and said: "Zhang Laozi, who is not in the next place, is the life of Xi Cuishan. I heard that your family has some money. Can you tell us some brothers? ?"

Zhang Cai angered: "Who do you hear that my family has money? You look at our Guozhuang, who has money? They are all too poor, you... are you wrong?"

"Old boy, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, Laozi will talk to you well, you are not honest, forget it, forget it, brothers, first grab these few, go into the house to search, I don't believe The disciples of the sects will not leave money for their families before they flee!"

"Oh, yes, the little lady must be gentle. If she is interested, maybe it will be your big sister later!" said the old man.

"Ha ha ha" people laugh, a few people are going forward...

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