Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1059: procrastination

The first thousand zero fifty-nine chapter delay

Inside the hut, Zhang Xiaohua closed his eyes and sat down, not knowing what was happening in the yard outside, and Xiaohei and Xiaohuang had already woke up on the occasion of the Xicuishan thief, but only lazy. Zhang Zhang eyes, it seems that everything in the distance has nothing to do with them, and close the eyes to enjoy the starlight.

And said that listening to the boss's foul language, the mountains thieves burst into laughter, a few people stepped forward, holding weapons in their hands will threaten Zhang Cai and others!

Zhang Xiaolong was in a hurry, shaking his hand and throwing a jade out.

"Hey? What is this?" The thief’s eye was caught quickly, and he took a closer look through the fire. He laughed loudly: "Big brother, it’s really looking for the right person. You see, this is a good jade, this 厮I actually took it and threw it at me!"

"Oh, I will say, the money of the sect is definitely here!" said the old man with a smile.

Ji Xiaohua's heart is fine. See Zhang Xiaolong's jade character has no meritorious service, and he is not anxious to throw his own jade character. When a thief walks close, he raises his arm and throws the jade character on the thief!

"Haha", the thief looked at it and didn't feel mad at it: "This kid also has jade, hey, Laozi is also jealous!"

Estimated that he could not stand the jade, the thief simply did not pick up, just greet his body, ready to reconnect with his hands to prevent the jade piece from falling!

I know, the jade piece hit the thief's body, the sound of "啪" sounded, a red spark suddenly appeared, and the clothes on the thief were instantly lit.

"This...what is this?" The thief stared at the greedy eyes of the jade piece and instantly became amazed. When he waved his hand and beat the flame, his hands were ignited by the flames, and the eyes turned into fear!

The flames in Yufu are no more than ordinary fires. They burn very quickly. When the thief’s hands are ignited, they have already burned through the clothes and are burning the skin!

"Boss... This is a bit weird, it hurts, fast... save me!" The thief shouted and ran to the boss, and the thief who rushed to Zhang Cai and others was also scared, staring at them. Zhang Xiaolong, Liu Qian and others each throw the jade in their hands, "啪", "啪", "啪", "啪", and four sounds, the other four people are also lit, this one can be Lively, no one shouted, in the yard, want to put out the flame, the thief saw the flames weird, did not dare to go forward, several people picked up the bucket next to the stove, took the water in the tank, went there Five people poured water, not watering, but watering... Worse, Zhang’s water tank is eaten by the spring water, rich in heaven and earth, now poured on the flame, is not the oil on the fire?

The fire on the five people is even bigger!

But then, just... just a few breaths of breathing, five people lying down on the ground, no longer struggling, but also a moment, five people have been turned into ashes, together with their weapons, are also gone!

At this time, the five clusters of flames are slowly extinguished!

"This..." The five people died very fast, and the boss had just raised the idea of ​​running away, and the five people turned into ashes!

"Run!" This is the first thought of the boss, but before he turns around, a few footsteps are coming from outside the door. Just a few thieves who went to the patriarch’s house were carrying **** weapons. A few big parcels, came in and laughed loudly: "Big brother...the harvest is very good...you are here..."

What they saw was the sad face of a dozen thieves!

"Come on..." The boss couldn’t elaborate, he was urging.

"What are you going to get?" The thieves did not agree. You can see everyone in the air, laughing: "I haven't entered the lane yet, how can I leave?"

"You..." The boss was angry. He just wanted to go first, but his eyes turned. He said, "Give it to you. If you catch them five, you will be more than one!"

"Really? Boss, this is what you said!" Several people threw the parcels on the ground, and the sound of "哗啦啦" presumably contained gold and silver jewels, and then took the blood-stained weapons and ran forward. !

The boss’s eyes widened, and his feet were also in a running position. Only Zhang Xiaolong would throw a weird jade piece, and he would be the first to run!

I know, waiting for a few mountain thieves are near, Zhang Xiaolong did not throw out, just listen to Liu Qian whispered: "Xiaolong, I remember that Xiaohua did not give you a lot? You...what are you going to place?"

"This..." Zhang Xiaolong is full of red: "Isn't it necessary to pull the wild in the spring and autumn? I... I use the fire of the jade!"

"You..." Liu Qian was so angry that he almost kicked him. Only, at this time the mountain thief is close, I saw the thief look back at the boss, smirked and said: "Big brother, the younger brother helped you to smash the little lady, if you used it, can you leave it to the younger brother?"

The boss saw no jade characters thrown out, did not feel bold, nodded and said: "First, everything is with you!"

"Yes!" The thief had to order, and the detective grabbed Liu Qian's arm.

I know, the thief's hand just arrived at Liu Qian's arm, a flexible force appeared immediately, and his hand was bounced to one side!

"Hey? Quirk!" The thief screamed strangely in the mouth and grabbed it, but he was still blocked.

The rest of the people seem to be like him, and they can't touch Zhang's people with their hands.

One of the thieves was furious, picked up **** weapons, and slashed to Zhang Xiaolong, but... the weapon was the same as the hand, cut to the neck of Zhang Xiaolong, it seems that he could not cut down, only Zhang Xiaolong could close his eyes and shrink his neck. !

"Ah! How could this be?" Several thieves are dumbfounded! Picking up the weapons and urging them to greet the five people, but the five people seem to have invisible walls, and the weapons will be blocked by death, and no one can hurt five people at all!

The thieves are dumbfounded. Guo Sufei and Zhang Cai’s face gradually recovered their blood color, and their hearts became more and more practical. Because Zhang Xiaohua gave them a lot of defensive jade on the same day, the attacking jade is afraid that they will get into trouble, giving less. Look at this, even if it is a jade, the two three are absolutely no problem.

"Boss, this... what can I do?" The thieves were a little discouraged.

The boss looked at the five people standing in front of the door, quite scratching his head. This couldn’t catch it, he couldn’t cut it, it’s really hard! Is this the secret of the school?

Suddenly, the boss’s eyes lit up and waved his hand. “If there is no way to catch it, then take the rope and tie it. If you pick them up to Xicui Mountain, I will not believe it. What secret skills they have for them for a lifetime!”

After listening to this, Zhang Xiaolong and other five stunned, this thief said yes, five of them can not be touched, but ... can be trapped by the rope, or can be thrown on the horse, carriage On the West Hill, even if you have more jade, there are times when it is exhausted!

Liu Qian’s eyeball turned sharply and suddenly saw the hut. In my heart, there was a fixed plan. I kicked Zhang Xiaolong with my foot and my eyes tilted over the hut.

When Zhang Xiaolong saw it, he immediately understood that Yu Fu was given by Zhang Xiaohua. At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was not in the hut? As long as Zhang Xiaohua wakes up, a few fires will be thrown, who will be afraid of the thief? But he looks at the sky, it seems to be some time away from dawn!

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaolong stepped forward and said: "You are a good man, listen to the next words!"

"How? Kid, scared? There is something to say, there is a fart and let go!" The boss said that his intimidation was smug.

"The good guys are just for the sake of earning money. Although I don't have much money for Zhangjia, if you are happy, you will take the money. If you leave the lives of these five people, everything is fine!"

"Oh, good! This is the hero, the truth, the knowledge and advance!" The boss caressed.

"Thank you for the hero's compliment." Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "In the next room, in the dressing box, there are several jade, in

In the lower left corner of the raft, there is a adobe, you take it down, there are a few silver tickets inside! "

"You, go see!" The boss is not at ease, although Zhang Xiaolong said that there are not many things, he still still let people take it, and sure enough, the mountain thief will soon come back, holding the things that Zhang Xiaolong just said!

"What else?" The boss smiled.

"This..." Zhang Xiaolong hesitated, saying: "In the south side of the firewood house, on the ground of the Western Wall, there is a dilapidated wooden box with a few silver tickets!"

“咦” Liu Qian was surprised: “Zhang Xiaolong, how can there be a silver ticket for the firewood house?”

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Mrs. No wonder, that is my private money!"

"You...you dare to hide private money! Hey, mother, you must be the master for me!" Liu Qian actually cried at this time.

"Oh, little lady, see it, your husband is actually carrying your own money, maybe you still have a gold house, this person is already unreliable, I think you are better to follow me, let’s spend time in Xicui Mountain. Isn't it pleasing?" the boss said.

"Yes? You... this is true, but... When the thief is really hard, he has to be afraid, and he is so afraid... I can’t stand it!" Liu Qianjiao drip.

"Good little girl knows, Laozi is not..." When it comes to this, the boss seems to be awakened, stayed up and looked at the thief next to him, and said: "Is not going to go, find out the private money?"

However, this time the thief went for a long time, only to come back empty, said: "Boss, the box found, but no private money!"

"Impossible!" Zhang Xiaolong cried: "I only put it there yesterday!"

Then I woke up and turned back: "You... you actually even have money in my private house!"

"嘿嘿" Liu Qian sneered: "You thought I didn't know. I have already seen your two hearts. All the private money is gone. I see how you go out!"

Zhang Xiaolong glared at him...

The boss looked at the sky and yelled: "Don't make a noise, then you can ride the carriage again!"

Zhang Xiaolong and Liu Qian lived in the mouth, and some worried about the sky.

"Old boy, you can tell, your oldest son has already said, if you don't say it, he can say it, and Laozi will take you all away."

Zhang Cai seems to have understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaolong at this time. He also thought about it. He said: "The old man does have some savings. You can wait to get it!"

Sure enough, with Zhang Cai’s remarks, the public thieves found a lot of silver tickets in the Tangwu and Zhang Cai’s East House!

However, these silver tickets have been put together, but it is not as rich as the people’s family at the patriarch’s home!

The "old boy" boss was angry, look at a few black imprints on the ground, and smiled and said: "I have folded a few lives here, you are still so stingy, forget, Lao Tzu does not want your money, Don't take you away."

Turning back and shouting: "The brothers, rushed the five people into the hall, let's put the fire, I have to see, can you burn you!"

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