Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1060: Windfall

The first thousand and sixty chapters of the windfall

Zhang Cai and others listened and changed their face. Two years ago, they were interviewed by Zhang Xiaohua for the power of Yu Fu. At that time, they tried it with a steamed bun and a wooden stick. But... without burning with fire, this jade can Resist the fire?

Seeing that his threat is useful, the old man laughed and said: "I know that your son is a disciple of the sect. It is normal to have these strange things in your hand. Laozi is just a picture of money. If you hand over gold and silver, Laozi Just spare your life!"

Zhang Cai looked at Guo Sufei, but also looked at Zhang Xiaolong, and then looked at the sky, bite his teeth and said: "Hello, since you said so clearly, Xiaolong, go... will... those things for the good guys! ”

"What?" Guo Sufei blurted out, Liu Qian is also a glimpse, then rushed to his mother-in-law to blink, thinking that this is the same acting as just now!

I know, Zhang Xiaolong and Laji Xiaohua, said: "Little flowers, come over!"

Ji Xiaohua did not know what happened. As Zhang Xiaolong walked to the corner, the greedy eyes flashed in the eyes of their thief, and they flashed aside.

The two walked to the corner, picked up the two hoes in the corner, and returned to the hut where Zhang Xiaohua was located. The hut was on the side of the wall, without the slightest light. Therefore, the thieves did not even look at it.

When I saw the two people walking into the hut, the thieves were happy. Needless to say, things must be there.

Liu Qian is as earthy, she has been nervous, but she insists on not letting her eyes look at the hut, because her son Zhang Bairen is inside, she has been trying to calm down and play, but also wants the thief to pay attention to herself. Keep your son safe. Now I saw Zhang Xiaolong going to the house, and my heart was jumping wildly, not screaming: "Xiaolong, you..."

And Guo Sufei is also the same, she stunned Zhang Cai, secretly worried about his Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua entered the hut, and Zhang Xiaolong immediately went to the front by the darkness. Wherever he still cares whether Zhang Xiaohua would go into flames, one is to pull him down and throw it in the broken cabinet of the horns. Then he threw the forbearance in the arms of Zhang Xiaohua, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang pulled them with their hands, letting them beside them, and holding a quilt on their heads.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang Yan looked at it and saw Zhang Xiaolong. They were too lazy to pay attention and closed their eyes.

When Zhang Xiaolong just finished this, the thief's torch went into the hut!

"Hey? This room is also occupied by someone?" The thief looked around.

"It's a small one!" Ji Xiaohua answered honestly.

"Well," the thief looked at it and did not suspect him. After all, the thief who was dressed as a scorpion only found out that there were five people in this family.

"Is this underground?" The boss entered the house, looked down at the ground, and frowned.

"Yes, good man, but you always have to be trustworthy, just take the property away, don't wait for my life!"

Zhang Xiaolong’s routine question, the thief boss is also a routine-like answer: “I’m most trustworthy, otherwise I won’t be sent by the Zhaizhu, you can rest assured!”

"Hey~" Zhang Xiaolong sighed, "呸呸" spit out two spit in the palm of his hand, and he was weak on the ground of the hut...

"You, call Ji Xiaohua, and hurry!" See Zhang Xiaolong alone slow, the thief also instructed Ji Xiaohua.

Ji Xiaohua took the **** and walked to Zhang Xiaolong. He also started to plan. Although he didn’t know what Zhang Xiaolong meant, he could work with Zhang Xiaolong on weekdays. At first glance, Zhang Xiaolong couldn’t use his strength. Light and light work!

Seeing half the meal's effort in the past, I just dig a shallow pit on the ground of the hut!

"You..." The thief boss saw it and threatened it. He could look at the skylight that had gradually become brighter. He waved his hand and said, "You two come over and go for them!"

Two thieves took over the gimmicks of Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua and began to work hard!

"Daddy, what's the situation in the village?" The boss did not forget to ask.

"The boss is assured that this village is no different from other villages. It is timid and afraid. No one dares to speak out. I can’t help but smother this home. Go faster!"

"Right, boss, this... I didn't see the children of Zhang in the next room!"

"Hey?" The boss looked up and looked at Zhang Xiaolong: "Where is your son?"

Zhang Xiaolong rolled his eyes and didn't answer at all!

The boss is very boring, just about to roar, just listen to the hoes in front of the ground, and hit the sound of the board.

"Boss, found it!" The thief was excited.

"Fast, come over and help!" Boss waved, a few thieves picked up all kinds of guys and came over, and left the matter of asking Zhang Bairen early.

But for a long time, a huge box was smashed out of the soil by the thief. These thieves were already prepared, but... see the gold in the box, or... for a long time...

"啪", the boss hit the face of the thief, the thief "exciting" awakened, holding the face: "Boss, and ... what happened?"

"Are you hurting?" asked the boss.

"Of course... it hurts!"

"Not a dream!"

"Boss... Can't you try your own face?" The thief muttered and couldn't help but keep his eyes on the gold.

"Quick ~ days are bright, don't let too many people find out, and quickly collect this gold!" The boss confirmed that this is not a dream, the happy voice is trembled, extremely swearing: "One person takes some, to Xi Cuishan subdivided! His grandmother, I knew that Zhang is so fat, I should have pulled a big carriage! I have lived for so many years, still... I have never seen such a lot of gold! I am afraid... I am afraid that Zhang Xiaohu will take all the gold from the sects!"

When the thieves saw the situation, they all came forward. They took the sacks and took away the gold. The women who stood outside the door, Guo Sufei and Liu Qian, had long been stunned. They simply didn’t know that they were at home. !

Waiting for the thief to divide the gold, turn his head to Zhang Caidao: "You old boy, really... can be loaded, so much money is given to Laozi, even this ingot gold... can't match... ”

Zhang Cai was anxious, look at the slight white fish in the sky, and smiled and said: "Good guys are forgiving, I wait... all are the lives of the bitter people. I have taken so much gold and I don’t know how to spend it. Now the heroes are taken away, can you...now Just leave? We promise that we will never go to the official!"

"Hey, I want to think about it..." The boss smiled a little, and looked at Liu Qiandao: "I only said that I have let go of your life, but I didn't say..."

Liu Qian was scared to retreat, Zhang Xiaolong quickly said: "This hero, that ... if ... small and then send a box ... .... Is it possible to exalt your hands?"

"Ah? There are!!!" The thieves of the mountains are stunned, and the greed in the eyes is even better!

"Fast, dig again, hurry to dig!" The boss was clever, and instead of looking for Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua, the two thieves made their own hands, and it was a bag of smoke. Sure enough, another box was dug out. When you open it, the jewels are full of dazzling jewels.

"Re-digging..." The boss decisively waved!

With a full meal of effort, the remaining three boxes were also dug up.

"Take!!!" The boss is not surprised, immediately ordered, but ... everyone went up but did not do anything, nonsense, three full boxes of gold, two full boxes of jewelry, each box is afraid of not two thousand pounds? Five boxes can be 10,000 pounds? I don't know if the sacks can be loaded. If you say these thieves, everyone can get about five hundred pounds of gold and jewelry. How can they get it?

In the past, there were few gold and silver jewels. Now they can blame gold and silver jewels, but if they let them take only fifty pounds, you said... are they happy?

Crazy thieves are biting their teeth, watching so many gold and silver jewelry, reluctantly!

At this time, the old man whispered and said: "Boss... It seems that we are blind, you are always right, this money is estimated to be here! You say..."

"Grandma's, Laozi... How did Laozi not bring a carriage?" The boss regretted it!

Then the eyeball turns and bites the tooth: "In this way, the boxes are buried first!"

"Ah? Why?" The thieves are not doing it. How can they be willing?

"Stupid, can't take it, let's not bury it?" The boss said: "Fast!"

"You, you, and you, you three have quickly buried the box!" The boss pointed a finger, and then waved the weapon in his hand, swearing: "The rest, armed with weapons to drive these five people to the hall! ”

Dozens of thieves have their own division of labor, and Zhang Cai and other five people have arrived at the hall!

"Is it buried?" asked the boss.


"That's good, ready to set fire!" Boss laughed.

The old man next to "Ignition?" said: "Don't the boss want that little lady?"

"Fat, so many gold and silver, where can't find Meijiao Niang? Moreover, Zhang Jiaran has all the gold and silver jewels. The Zhang Xiaohu is definitely not simple in the sect, although now the sect is gone, can't I promise that someone will find it in the future. What does Laozi have to do with her?"

"That's all killing!"

"Crap, I am not killing? Are you killing with a knife?" The boss did not have a good air: "First put this home on fire, one can burn them, and the second can cover up the traces of our digging." Live, wait two days, no one pays attention to this side, let’s drive the carriage and dig the underground box!”

"High!" Everyone is a thumbs up!

Inside the hall, everyone was in a hurry and looked at the gradual light on the window sill. It was hoped that Zhang Xiaohua would wake up quickly, but he was afraid that Zhang Xiaohua would wake up not to be an opponent of others, and he gave his life in peace! After listening to the plan of the West Cuishan robbers, such a vicious plan, everyone's heart is wow, the hut must be burned, Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Bairen can not escape!

The sound of "Teng" sounded, and the thieves threw the torch in the hand on the pile of wheat straw next to the house. The fire immediately burned, but the house was lit in a moment...

At this time, the sky is white, the sunlight is the same as the fire, and it is shot into the hut...

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