Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1065: Gas shock

The first thousand and sixty-five chapters

Zhang Xiaohu’s voice is extremely light, and his tone is also indifferent. However, the words “Ming’s deputy lord” are extremely biting, and they must be extremely dissatisfied with the actions and words of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

A slight glimpse of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, look at the side, and then look at some of the sly look in the eyes of Qiankun Heng, snorted from the nose and nodded: "Yes, follow the big lord!"

That is to say, how can you look respected on your face?

Qian Kun’s heart is despised, and his mouth is also responsive: “Yes, help the lord, this is followed by the Ming dynasty to execute the order!”

After reading it, I looked at the Ming and Qing dynasties and nodded slightly. The Ming and Qing dynasties only waved: "The disciples, listen to my orders..."

The young disciples of the sects were also mixed among the disciples of the fragrant teachings. When they saw this scene, they felt shameless in their hearts and their eyes slowly looked at the ground.

Zhang Xiaohu shrank his eyes and shrank his eyes. He raised his hand and said loudly: "Hey disciples, listen to my orders, rush!"

After that, he held a long sword and crossed the class of the rich man. He rushed to the right-handed disciples of the Zhengdao League. Changge, Chen Chen, Du Feng and Ding Chao did not hesitate. They all waved a long sword and followed. Go up.

"Chong~" At this time, the Ming and Qing Dynasties did not dare to drag their legs, and waved their hands.

Next, Qin Auntie sees this, only slightly sighs, knowing that this sect is going to be on the right track, Zhang Xiaohu wants to get rid of the embarrassing situation, or a long way to go, so with a few Ming Cuitang female disciples are also involved.

The deputy leader of the class of the class of the righteous class was killed, and the four consecrations were also stabbed to death. The disciples have fallen into the situation where the group dragons have no heads, and it is the calculations that fall into the fragrant peak of the fragrant incense peak. Can definitely control it; and the righteous disciples, do you still use it? As early as when Zhang Xiaohua showed up, he made a good idea. At this time, he saw a disciple who was killed, only slightly resisted, and he surrendered!

The Lushan Villa was won, and the Sui faction has achieved a temporary victory. It can be arbitrarily sent to the public, there are many complicated things, and... there must be arming to meet the attack of the Zhengdao League. All of these are I need Zhang Xiaohu to have a lot of experience in the rivers and lakes, and there is not a lot of gang management experience "big gang" to worry about!

And said that Zhang Xiaohua shot, such as the Thunder will generally kill the head of the League of the United States in one fell swoop, the mood is great, hidden body shape went straight to Guo Zhuangfei.

When I first flew to half, suddenly, somewhere in front of him, an extremely brilliant glare flashed away, and then strong fluctuations, born, just like the vibration between the heavens and the earth, transmitted to the surrounding The invisible, violent, almost unmatched impact of Zhang Xiaohua flying in the air in the air suddenly rushed to the sky, just like the small waves that Zhang Xiaohua encountered in the sea, so that he could not grasp the figure!

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohua was shocked, and the gods had already been released. He only felt that the day’s vitality was like a huge wave on his body, and his mouth and nose could hardly breathe. His body was thrown high and then straight. The whereabouts. Zhang Xiaohua dares to scorn, handcuffs, and wants to stabilize his body shape, but his mind is moving, and his body shape flies immediately, as if he had just begun to practice the style of the wind, he could not control his actions.

“Hey? Why is this?” Zhang Xiaohua’s heart is strange, but when he has just stabilized his body shape, the huge world’s vitality has long since dissipated, and only a lot more energy in the past has proved that Zhang Xiaohua’s encounter has just happened. !

Flying again, Zhang Xiaohua’s body shape has been freely desired, and there is no such uncontrollable situation!

"Is it difficult... because of the richness of the heavens and the earth?" Zhang Xiaohua said: "If it is due to the impact of the heavens and the earth, it should be the same as the beginning, the figure can not be controlled, it is a feeling of powerlessness, The same is true in the sea, it should not be a little slap in the way, just the kind of control that flies far away!"

"Hey, I understand a little." Zhang Xiaohua's heart moved, the detective will throw the dragon ring out, the law will smash, the fire dragon will be motivated, and sure enough, as Zhang Xiaohua expected, the fire dragon is slightly larger than before. !

"It turns out that it is as true as the real person of the fire dragon. This heaven and earth is the foundation of the fairy tales. Any magical powers are built on the use of heaven and earth. If the heavens and the earth are full of energy, all spells are sharp, if it is heaven and earth. Lack of vitality, all magical powers are also inferior! Xianxie, Xianxuan, is the annihilation of the immortality!"

"If it is a fairy, Daxing, I... now the magical power... How is it? Is it faster than flying now?"

"Right, what happened just now?" Zhang Xiaohua thought, his body shape went straight and went straight to the place where Guanghua flashed.

The flash of glare just now, the explosion of heaven and earth, is only a matter of a moment, and also in the distance, Zhang Xiaohua only knows the general direction, and can not determine the specific location, so wait for him to fly for a while, already passed Luzhen, came to a place with a beautiful scenery, and no discovery!

"It should be here, look at my feelings!" Zhang Xiaohua feels about himself... There is really no confidence, so I have a **** now, otherwise... I will get lost!

I saw the gods in this large mountain forest and swept it myself. There was nothing unusual. Zhang Xiaohua looked up at other places, and flew for a while. It was still worth noting. I felt a little frustrated and was about to turn.

“Hey? Is there someone here?” In the knowledge of God, a man dressed up in a hand, holding a wooden barrel, suddenly appeared on a rugged mountain road.

"Well, it may be water!" Zhang Xiaohua scratched his head and turned back to Guozhuang. This mountain is quite large, and it is impossible for no one else. Zhang Xiaohua just saw a couple of cowards and hunters. And there is spring water in the place where the man is about ten feet in front of him. Isn’t it normal for people to fight water?

However, Zhang Xiaohua just flew for a while, but I felt that something was wrong. This... The man’s appearance is really abrupt, as if it came out of the air, I haven’t seen it in my own knowledge, and then I appeared in the mountain road. And... This man is obviously a strong suit, there are no weapons in his hand, and he still holds a wooden barrel. This is to make Zhang Xiaohua feel unusual!

"No, the poor road has to go and see, things are abnormal, that is the demon!" Zhang Xiaohua turned his head again, and then went to find, hey, dumbfounded, the man has disappeared, and the mountain spring is more than one place, the mountain road also has a pole More, Zhang Xiaohua just did not mark the gods, where can I find it?

"Don't say it, there must be something stinking in it!" Seeing that the man had a sudden disappearance, there were no traces in the surrounding circle, and Zhang Xiaohua was sure.

It’s just... He used his knowledge to read it all around, and it’s still the same as before. So, no matter what, I have to leave a glimpse of God and turn back!

Zhang Xiaohua flies very fast, but the tea of ​​a tea, the knowledge of God has already been seen in Guozhuang, everything in Guozhuang is normal, Zhang Bairen is outside the yard, while walking, while scratching the black around him Xiao Huang!

Zhang Xiaohua knows the place, Zhang Bairen seems to be aware, look up, just Zhang Xiaohua is still far away how can I see? Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang are more excited, they have broken away from Zhang Bai Ren, and want to fly to meet Zhang Xiaohua.

"Halo~" Zhang Xiaohua had already seen Zhang Bairen next to several Guozhuang children, looking at Zhang Bairen with envious eyes. At this time, two small things flew out, it was not that people could see the flaws, but he did not Knowing how to order two small things, I have to desperately say in my heart: "乖小黑,乖小黄, don't fly, don't come, wait... I'm going back to give you something delicious!"

It is strange to say that the two little things just took off Zhang Bairen's little hand and immediately stopped and looked up. It was very weird to shake his head and fall again, as if nothing had happened.

"It's a good boy!" Zhang Xiaohua sighed in his heart.

Two small things seem to be heard, one by one in the air, and the excitement.

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua is also open-minded, it seems that these two little things are really their own children!

"Yes, two little nephews" Zhang Xiaohua has a role in the mid-air as a strict father and mother: "After ordinary people, as an ordinary small animal, do not fly around, only with Hey... when the mother is gone, can she fly, do you know?"

Halo, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang know what is "after the predecessor", that is, "flying" is also to listen to Zhang Bairen, let alone how ordinary small animals go, how do they know? Zhang Xiaohua, the mother-in-law, is really incompetent!

"Oh," Zhang Xiaohua smiled, suddenly squatting at the present, how do you say?

Because Zhang Xiaohua was flying past the five-pronged peak at this time, the five-pronged peak was a long way from Guozhuang. Zhang Xiaohua was only heard that he did not come with the adults, so there is no direct impression. But at this time, the sky is straight, like the peak of the five fingers, if you are shocked, the memory of Zhang Xiaohua is opened!

"This... seems to be somewhat familiar!" Zhang Xiaohua landed on the height, holding his chin and carefully scrutinizing it. He was convinced that he had not been there! I remember when I was young, I wanted to play with my eldest brother. People suspected that he was in a hindrance and shook him once, causing him to cry at home. The grandmother took a long time to forget things.

“Where have you seen it?” Zhang Xiaohua turned his eyes. Immediately, what he remembered, quickly put his hand into the pocket of his arms, and explored the sheepskin roll that Ou Yan had kept in his custody. Look at the above picture, but no, that sheepskin roll is one of the four volumes, the two half-shoulder fingers are not similar to the five-pronged peak?

"Here is the place where the sects are found... the treasures that are found?" Zhang Xiaohua’s face was a joy, and the sheepskin roll was taken down. The gods knew how to practice, and carefully examined the entire five claws!

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