Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1066: First sight

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters first saw the secret

On the five-pronged peak, the jungle is sullen, the grass is sturdy, and all kinds of strange stones are beautiful. The scenery is quite beautiful.

Not time, there are also a few young men and women, laughing and dancing, each eyebrows are full of love, I want to meet the mountain.

There are more cowards, along the mountain road, carrying the mountain firewood, and marching vigorously.

Empty mountains and birds, streams and streams, when it is a wonder.

"Weird, everything looks normal. Where is the treasure map?" Zhang Xiaohua stopped in the air, hiding his body, letting go of his mind, and taking a general look, although he greatly appreciated the beauty in front of him. But the place he was looking for, but there is no clue.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaohua still took the piece of sheepskin roll again.

This piece of sheepskin should be the one in the upper right corner of the four sheepskin rolls. It is the half finger, the ring finger and the little finger of the five claws. I look at the sheepskin roll and Zhang Xiaohua recalls the previous The sheepskin roll that I saw, which should be the upper left corner of the entire sheepskin roll, painted the thumb, index finger and the other half of the **** of the five claws. This sheepskin roll is definitely a five-pronged peak. It can be seen from the two sheepskin rolls alone. It is impossible to see where the treasure map is.

"It seems that we have to find a fragrant sect and ...... 灭? In the four factions of the sect of the sect, it is necessary to say that there is a sheepskin roll. The monk helped out, and the Xinrong gang should be a subordinate of Dalin Temple? Well, then, the sheepskin roll that I saw before should have been obtained by Dalin Temple. Hey, if you knew it before, you would take the sheepskin and take it, why bother? Is it here?"

"The last sheepskin roll is definitely the result of the right gang, the right gang... oh, actually dare to start with Guo Zhuang, and also support what the dark organization makes these dark organizations, is it for the 'Zhengdao League' Three words, it seems, if there is an opportunity, you have to go to the Zhengdao League to see, take their sheepskin roll and let them cry!"

Zhang Xiaohua took the idea and was waiting to put the sheepskin roll away, but the eyes saw it inadvertently. On the sheepskin roll, the bottom of the ring finger corresponds to the bottom, there is a small arc!

"Well? This is..."

Zhang Xiaohua hesitated, his eyes were carefully read several times, and then the gods let go, only to see the five claws, the place where the ring finger mountain is located in the middle of the lower part, there are several clusters of forest, it is to deal with the sheepskin roll The position with the arc.

"Is it not... the mark of the arc is the place where the treasure is located? Most of the other marks are on another sheepskin roll, and this sheepskin roll has only a small part?" Zhang Xiaohua took a chin and thought for a moment, flying On the peak of the ring finger, it is no different from what I saw before. There is no fluctuation in the atmosphere, and there are no rare herbs. Only a few clusters of jujube forest stand in the sun and the mountain wind.

"Jujube forest?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at this plain and sour jujube forest, almost bitterly laughed out. He was very poor at home. The two brothers had nothing to do with the surrounding mountains and forests. It is a special product in the town of Luzhen. Well, it cannot be said to be a specialty. Near the entire Pingyang City, almost all the common things in the mountain forest. When Zhang Xiaohua was a child, following the **** of Zhang Xiaolong and Zhang Xiaohu, he did not eat this kind of sour and sweet little date, that is, the teeth were also poured by this jujube acid!

“Is things in this jujube forest?” Zhang Xiaohua released the knowledge. The whole jujube forest was like the eyes, and it was the same as the jujube forest in his childhood. It was only the deciduous leaves in the forest, and the jujube ratio in twos and threes. He has seen a lot more in the past.

"This is strange, and I haven't seen any difference. Is it difficult to go in and see?" Zhang Xiaohua was hesitant. After all, what God sees is no different from what the naked eye sees, and his time to leave Guozhuang is not short. The last time I asked my mother to worry, this time... it’s good to go back in time!

Zhang Xiaohua wanted to finish, just turned around. Suddenly, a cold thought came from his heart and spread all over the body. "Spiritual spirit" Zhang Xiaohua was a cold war, and the hair of the whole body was inverted!

He... finally thought of something!

It was with Zhang Xiaohua that when the fragrant teaching of the fragrant orchids was refined, the forest in the valley of the Grand Canyon was the same feeling. The whole jujube forest was dead... silent! ! !

No, any normal mountain forest, whether it is jujube forest or wild woods, as long as there is a tree, there must be a bird, and with a bird, there must be a bird called, the forest of the valley of the Grand Canyon is a battle, and There is no bird called, is it difficult to form this jujube forest?

However, the woods in the mouth of the Grand Canyon of the Grand Canyon are usually covered with fog. Only when the orchids are refined, the fog dissipates, and people can know at a glance that this is the formation. It was a pity that Zhang Xiaohua’s knowledge was suppressed by the sect of the fragrant education and education. It was not far away. I didn’t know the whole situation of the mountain forest. I don’t know if the situation of this jujube forest is similar to that of the mountain forest.

However, one thing is certain, this jujube forest... is definitely unusual, and maybe it is where the sheepskin rolls are.

Since I know that it is a formation, Zhang Xiaohua certainly does not dare to care about it. He suppresses the horror in his heart and flies in front of the jujube forest. His back is behind him and he looks carefully.

This jujube forest is about three acres in size. It is planted with sparse jujube trees. The jujube trees on the trees are also sparse. Some mature dates are also dropped on the ground. The mountain wind blew, the top of the jujube tree, the small branches with the swing, and there are still a few small jujubes falling on the ground, except that there is no sound, there are no birds on the tree, everything is exactly the same as the ordinary jujube forest.

After watching it for a long time, Zhang Xiaohua did not see what this is, and naturally he couldn’t talk about it.

Frowning is a hesitation for a moment, Zhang Xiaohua walked toward the jujube forest, and waited until the edge of the jujube tree, this stopped, the naked eye sees, as in the knowledge of the gods, the two jujube trees can pass A carriage.

“Is it still in?” Zhang Xiaohua’s heart is quite drumming: “Maybe try it first?”

Zhang Xiaohua is too convinced of his character.

However, when he just stepped into a jujube forest, a kind of alertness was born from the bottom of his heart. This feeling is exactly the sentiment of his understanding of the cause and effect. It is shocking and shocking. It seems that there is an unrivalled breath in front. Let him feel the danger of never before!

Just a moment of alertness, Zhang Xiaohua felt a huge suction, coming to the mysterious jujube forest in front of him. This suction was sucked, neither his feet nor his body, but...he God sent out! The weirdness is not only that, but at the same time as the suction is generated, Zhang Xiaohua has a flower in front of him, a huge and unparalleled, magnificent palace flashing from the jujube forest, appearing in front of Zhang Xiaohua! Just at the moment, where does Zhang Xiaohua dare to hesitate? As soon as the alert appeared, he immediately slammed the law and turned his head and flew....

As Zhang Xiaohua's figure flies, the suction of the jujube forest is also abrupt, just like the big mouth of the behemoth, sucking into the body of Zhang Xiaohua! I saw Zhang Xiaohua’s body just flew away, and then stopped in the air, the foot is still in the range of jujube forest!

"Go ~" Zhang Xiaohua's face changed greatly, not thinking, the other method changed, it is Zhang Xiaohua's raft from the water cloud! A blue brilliance flashed, although Zhang Xiaohua's body shape did not go away, but on that foot, Guanghua flashed, and immediately took out the range of jujube forest! Immediately, Zhang Xiaohua did not dare to stay, the law moved, the body shape immediately flew away, far away... until it flew to the vicinity of Luzhen, did not dare to look back!

"Khan~ This is what weirdness is!" Zhang Xiaohua wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in his heart: "The poor people have come to good character, how can they be folded here today? Shirenfeng, Wuzhufeng, Luzhen also Not too far...how the poor road has never been..."

When I got here, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly saw a glimpse of it, and some of the questions in her heart immediately became clear!

"But don't... the sects got this sheepskin roll five years ago, and got the treasure from the treasures of the five claws, and then... the sects were devastated! Counting time... ... At that time, it wasn’t Wen Daxia, Xue Xia, um, and Lu Daxia and others appearing around Luzhen? Maybe Wen Daxia, Xue Xia and Lu Daxia are going to the jujube forest of the Five-Prongs!"

"Causality...causality..." Zhang Xiaohua didn't feel it was a sigh of emotion... It was a matter of enlightenment in his heart, and he closed his eyes and realized it.

If Wen Wenhai and Xue Qinglai Luzhen, how can they save Zhang Xiaohua's family, if they don't see the martial arts of two disciples, Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaohu will give birth to martial arts? If there is no such thought, how do the two go back to Guozhuang and go to Pingyang City? Without going to Pingyang City, how can Zhang Xiaohu enter the school? How can Zhang Xiaohua learn "Worry-Free"? Without these two possibilities, how can it happen afterwards? How can Zhang Xiaohu regain his hand and Zhang Xiaohua to help the whole school?

And if there is no Lu Yueming, Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaolong may have died in the hands of the three wolves in Xicuishan. Liu Qian has long been a thief's wife, and that Zhang Bairen can't be born in the scenery!

However, without Wen Wenhai, Xue Qing, and Lu Yueming’s five-pronged peaks, I am afraid that ... the sects may not be ... being targeted by the Orthodox League, and may not be destroyed by the sect of the fragrant religion, the Dalin Temple and the Zhengdao League. Let's go!

Causal... Because of one fruit, this cause or the other, this fruit or the other, a set of rings, interlocking, such karma, when is the end?

"Boom", Zhang Xiaohua's mind roared, the cause and effect road banged, under the starry sky of Zhang Xiaohua, five huge fingers, constantly swaying the law, seems to demonstrate the essence of the cause and effect And it seems to be demonstrating the law of causality...

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