Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1075: Two Zhang Xiaohu

The first thousand and seventy-five chapters two Zhang Xiaohu

Guo Sufei and Zhang Cai took Zhang Xiaohu, Changge and Chen Chen, and went to the house to worship the grandmother. Liu Qian took Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua to busy with meals. Zhang Xiaohua didn’t take his hands, holding Zhang Bairen in his arms, teaching Xiaohei and Xiao How did Huang walk? In the past few days, two small things have gradually understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaohua. People are also staying on the ground before, or Zhang Xiaohua’s shoulders. Only when there are no ones, they fly in the air!

Everything is ready-made. Guo Sufei and Liu Qian have been busy for one morning. They can only be placed on the table. They have a leisure time. Liu Qian will pull Zhang Xiaohua aside and whispered his own discovery with Zhang Xiaohua!

Zhang Xiaohua’s head is like a rattle, just saying no.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaohu’s status is now said, and he is a big gang. But there are countless people on the rivers and lakes. Although it is only a shackle now, there are still sacred sects behind him. Is there any difficulty to make a long song like that?

Liu Qian believes in his own judgment and says: "I don't believe you to ask Xiaohu himself. Obviously, the long song is called Niang, and he is not unexpected."

"Is it?" Zhang Xiaohua still does not believe.

"Oh, or else, you ask the mother, is it the same feeling as me, if there is such a thing, you have to ask again, you can only ask if you are walking with the tiger, we help Busy!"

"Well, I know, big!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

In the meantime, Zhang Xiaohu accompanied Guo Sufei and others to turn around, and Mr. Liu also rushed over, Zhang Xiaohu, Changge and Chen Chen also came forward to see the ceremony.

"Little flowers ~ come out quickly, go to the mountains to get some spring water!" Liu Qian screamed outside.

"Yes~" Ji Xiaohua responded and was about to go out.

"Little flowers? Not calling you?" Zhang Xiaohu looked at the gods and looked at Zhang Xiaohua with surprise.

"嘿嘿" Zhang Xiaohua Da Le, called: "Apprentice, come over and give you three teachers to see you!"

No, it was only after this time that Zhang Xiaohua was clear that the word "Shi Niang" does not apply to Changge and Chen Chen. The earlier address in the village was really wrong.

"Apprentice?" Seeing Zhang Xiaohua so proud, Zhang Xiaohu and Changge, Chen Chen was amazed. He was surprised when he heard Liu Qian call Xiaohua, Zhang Xiaohua did not go out, but another person went out.

"I have seen three divisions!" Ji Xiaohua's rules and regulations!

"Hey, think about it." Zhang Xiaohu slammed his head and said: "You called Ji Xiaohua, Xiaohua said to me before!"

"Shi Bo is good at sex, small is called Ji Xiaohua, now is the apprentice of Master!" Ji Xiaohua nodded.

"Well, you don't have to meet up, Xiaohua, we don't lack these Beidou factions, you can go to the water!" Zhang Xiaohua's big model indicates Ji Xiaohua, it seems that Zhang Xiaohu is a big gang who wants to send disciples to the disciples... ...it looks like!

When Ji Xiaohua went out, Chen Chen hurriedly said: "Zhang Xiaohua, you...you really have to stand up?"

"Hey, the faction is still not there, just accepting an apprentice!" Zhang Xiaohua was proud of it.

"Is there a great apprentice?" Chen Chen grinned and looked at Zhang Xiaohu: "The thousands of disciples of the brothers!"

"Hey, little two, I have to correct you. First, I am a rumored disciple. Does the second brother have it? Second, I can have not only one apprentice but two disciples!"

Chen Chen was embarrassed by Zhang Xiaohua’s “Little Two”, but he was still curious: “Besides this Ji Xiaohua, who else?”

"And, this..." Zhang Xiaohua lifted Zhang Bairen in his hand: "This is the big disciple of the Beibei Dou!"

"He? Hundreds of tolerance?" Long Song and Chen Chen already know the name of Bai Ren at this time, do not cover their mouths and laugh! I feel that Zhang Xiaohua is joking!

Zhang Xiaohua knows that they don't believe it. In one fell swoop, he said: "Hundred, you see, you two new don't believe it!"

Zhang Bairen immediately raised his hands: "Master, Master" called everyone laughing!

A meal of rice, eating very hearty, during the dinner, Changge and Chen Chenfang showed the pride of the children of the rivers and lakes, frequently toasting Zhang Zhangcai and Mr. Liu, completely different from the previous manners of Liu Qianwenjing, but these two people toasted It is also a matter of course. It shows that the school has a good education. The generous and politeness of the party is not only good for Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei, but also Mr. Liu is also eye-catching.

Although Zhang Xiaohu has a very good amount of alcohol, he hasn’t been eating with his loved ones for many years. It’s a bit of a heartache. It’s unexpected. It’s even drunk, and there’s a faint confession in the speech. I heard Zhang Xiaohua. Some frowns, had no choice, Zhang Xiaohua called her mother out and whispered.

Sure enough, Guo Sufei and Liu Qian feel the same, even if the children of the rivers and lakes are more daring, in the absence of the dark end of the bead, there is no dowry, how can you just call the mother?

"Hmm~" Zhang Xiaohua nodded secretly to comfort her mother.

When the two returned to the table, they were already in a mess. After Zhang Xiaolong, Liu Qian and Ji Xiaohua cleaned up the hall, they brewed the cloud tea and the room was quiet.

Zhang Xiaohu and other three people first praised the fragrance of tea, waited for a few mouthfuls of tea underwater belly, the ethereal world of heaven and earth will wash the meridians of the three bodies, the wine will go, Zhang Xiaohu’s eyes are empty.

Thinking of the demise of my own time, I was quite remorseful in my heart, so I only looked down and said nothing!

Long songs and Chen Chen are also, see the lover does not speak, but also bow down to tea, be a stuffy gourd.

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at Zhang Xiaolong and Zhang Xiaolong coughed and said: "Xiaohu, you are just coming back. I came back a few days ago and told us something, I want to ask your opinion."

"What?" Zhang Xiaohu looked up.

"This is the case. Let's Zhangjia can't live in Guozhuang now. Listen to Xiaohua. You have a Tunxi Mountain Villa. It's quite good. You also agree, just wait for you to come back, you see... ”

Zhang Xiaohu stunned, and his heart panicked. He quickly said: "Why... Why? Guozhuang is not living well? How do you suddenly want to move to Tunxi Villa?"

"This is the case..." Zhang Xiaolong said the matter of the Xi Cuishan thief, and then he said: "If it is not a small flower that day, the family is estimated to be burned to ashes, you...what if you are Help the Lord, I can't see us anymore!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohu and other horror, turned to look at Zhang Xiaohua.

"Well, my older brother said that if I don't come, I am afraid that you can't see your family now!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded. "And you are now a big gang of the gang, your bottom will definitely be Zhengdaomeng and other sects have found that although the rivers and lakes do not allow them to start with their families, they do not rule out some small secrets, so I feel that it is not appropriate for my mother to live in Guozhuang, or to move to Tunxi Mountain Villa! Afterwards, I will say later, since you are coming back now, I think it is better to solve it earlier, fearing that there is anything in the event!"

"But..." Zhang Xiaohu was very embarrassed and pushed: "There is a lot of disciples in the mountain village, and I don’t listen to my orders. But the Tunxi Mountain Villa is the industry of Miss Ou, I... I’m afraid I can’t do it either. Go to the Lord!"

Zhang Xiaohua frowned and said: "The meaning of the second brother... don't want us to go to Pingyang City?"

"Pingyang City can go, but... don't have to go to Tunxi Villa!" Zhang Xiaohu has some guilty conscience.

"Second brother, you... is there anything... squatting at us?" Zhang Xiaohua suddenly said.

"No... nothing!" Zhang Xiaohu repeatedly shook his head and denied it!

When I saw the lover, the long song opened the topic and asked: "Yes, those thieves of Xicui Mountain are killed by small flowers, Xi Cuishan? If we don't wait for us to go back, send a team of disciples to Xi Cui The mountain thief is annihilated!"

"Oh, get it, the thief of Xicui Mountain has been killed by Xiaohua!" Zhang Xiaolong laughed.

"All... killed?" Chen Chen masked.

"Well, the Xicuishan thief is a subordinate of Qingyan, and Qingyan is the secret organization of the Zhengdao League." Zhang Xiaohua did not hide it, said the following things, and said: "So... That day I started killing Ban Fugui and four offerings!"

"Ah?" The three people were even more surprised, as if they had seen a ghost: "That... is that immortal really you?"

"Of course!" Zhang Xiaohua said proudly: "Do you think that someone will help me for no reason?"

"But..." Chen Chen still didn't believe it. He still didn't know each other: "The face of the immortal is much more handsome than you, and it is a lot shorter, even though it is in midair, but it can be seen clearly! ”

"Ha ha ha, apprentice, and let you see the master as a teacher!" Zhang Xiaohua said this to Ji Xiaohua, I saw him grow up, stand up from the chair, handcuffs, but for a moment, A beautiful Pan An is in front of everyone!

"This..." Not only is Ji Xiaohua stunned, but everyone in the hall is shocked. Only Zhang Bairen still calls "Master, Master!"

And then, the long song and Chen Chen are the face of joy, um, almost ecstasy!

It’s all one step forward: “Small flower, you... can you become your second brother?”

Zhang Xiaohua Daqi: "Why become a second brother? It is difficult... Do you have to hold two weddings at the same time?"

"Hey!" Long song said: "If I agree with your second brother, can Nie Qianxi and the dream agree?"

"Second brother ~~~" Zhang Xiaohua yelled and looked at Zhang Xiaohu and said, "This is how... can you say now?"

"Nie Qianxi? Dream?? Who is it?" Guo Sufei stunned, and immediately took a look at Zhang Cai, his face smiled.

Zhang Xiaohua was "grown" and went to Zhang Xiaohu. When he reached out, Zhang Xiaohu was arrested. Then, the two quickly changed their positions. Immediately, the two Zhang Xiaohu, who looked exactly the same, appeared in front of everyone!

"Ah????" is full of surprises, even more shocked than seeing Pan An.

"Who are two of us who are Zhang Xiaohu?" asked one of Zhang Xiaohu.

"Hey" long song laughed: "Is it still used? It is definitely not you!"

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