Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1076: Support on Huangquan Road

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters are supported by Huangquan Road

"Ah? Isn't it easy to shape?" Zhang Xiaohua was amazed.

"Where, where, it is exactly the same!" Liu Qian said with a smile: "However, the clothes on Xiaohu are probably made by the long-song girl. How can she not recognize it?"

Zhang Xiaohua slaps his head, but no, people are easy to shape, but the clothes have not changed, and they are reloaded, and they are still Zhang Xiaohua.

Easy to return to the original shape, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "No, two two sisters, you can be careful, when I find the right clothes, you can not tell!"

"Hey, little flowers, although you are easy to contain signs, but the brother is the brother, the tacit understanding between the close people you do not have, how can you deceive us?" Chen Chen blurted out.

"Oh, yes, intimate people!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

This provokes long songs and Chen Chen are blushing!

"However, if it is someone else, it must not be separated." Next to Mr. Liu, he was stunned with a beard and said: "If the flowers were different from the clothes of Xiaohu, the old man would not be able to recognize it!"

"That's good, then good!" Chen Chen smiled and smiled!

Seeing that everyone is not understanding, Chen Chen will say what happened in the school. Finally, he said: "The brothers are afraid that they have already thought about it, so... I want to see you, and my long sister and me..."

Speaking of the end, I peeked at Zhang Xiaohu and whispered: "Although I have not asked my sister's thoughts, I... If I can't avenge my brother, I will... I will go with my brother..."

Zhang Xiaohua moved and nodded: "Two, you... is this the same idea?"

Up to now, the long song has not been concealed, and laughed: "I will support you on the Huangquan Road, when you will not be lonely!"

Zhang Xiaohu has long understood the meaning of the two, but at this time, I heard it, or a slight blush, said: "I am... incompetent, let you... worry!"

Zhang Xiaolong caressed: "Well! People often say that 'the husband and wife are the same forest birds, and the big troubles come to their respective flying', but Xiaohu is different from the two younger brothers. Although it is not a husband and wife, it is better than a husband and wife. This kind of love is better than Jin Jian. It’s really awesome.”

The phrase "not a husband and wife, but also like a husband and wife" suddenly made the atmosphere in the hall more and more awkward. Liu Qian gave him a look and looked at some long songs and Chen Chen on his face. "Now, now, there are Let's solve this problem with the vast majority of younger brothers! The martial arts that seem to be a small flower is very high, let him become a little tiger just like a slap, and slap the **** dog thing to find the teeth, isn't it? ”

The long song and Chen Chen are also showing a sweet smile. Zhang Xiaohua said: "That... there is work!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "It’s all from family, why are you two polite?”

"Brush", long songs and Chen Chen's face are some fever!

"Small flowers, I... I still want to do it myself! If it doesn't work... you can't be late!" Zhang Xiaohu hesitated: "I am a big gang of the sect, I can't rely on you to solve all things!" ”

Zhang Xiaohua stared at Zhang Xiaohu, one word and one sentence: "Second brother, you remember, you can solve it, I will let you solve it yourself, you can't solve it, I will help you solve it, just let you do it well. Your gang is a big gang, do what you like, and carry forward the legacy of the European gang!"

Zhang Xiaohua is somewhat arrogant, saying that Zhang Xiaohu is a bit embarrassed, but Mr. Liu is arrogant: "There is some truth in Xiaohua. Xiaohu, have you heard of it? 'The big man can bend and stretch,' and the 'people are just easy to fold' If you always want to do something other than your own ability, fear... can't be good!"

"That is, Xiaohua is not a neighbor. He helps you. It is better to use you than Jingyi." Long song said next to him.

Zhang Xiaohu’s mouth is smiling: “I just want to rely on my own strength to solve the problem, and I didn’t say that I wouldn’t let Xiaohua help? You look at you, how...you are talking to Xiaohua? Could it be because he is the founder of the Beidou School? ?"

"Go~" Zhang Xiaohua whispered: "Don't say it, when is the second brother going to go back?"

"Two days after tomorrow, the appointment with the Ming and Qing dynasties is seven days!" Zhang Xiaohu has a thing to settle down, and there is no grief in his tone.

"The Ming and Qing Dynasties, when I was in the scent of the fragrant peaks, I used to lie to me; and Kun Kunheng is also the only person who will look at the big gangsters, big brother, you don't have to think about them anymore. ... I will give you a solution!"

"Don't be too risky!" Zhang Xiaohu hurriedly said: "The quiet teacher of Chuanxiang teaches that it is not too irritating. When I have a foundation, I will turn my face again!"

"Hey, listen to what you said, Li Shizu, they will soon return. The mountain is so small, it can't compare with the beginning of the letter peak. We can't last for a little secret, or it's good idea early!"

"Can... Is there any strategy?" Zhang Xiaohu could not do anything.

"Mo Ji, no hurry, poor road has its own tricks!" Zhang Xiaohua mysterious smile.

"However, the younger brother still has a gift to give to the second brother," Zhang Xiaohua said, and Changge and Chen Chen said: "The two two sisters are resting in the courtyard of the eldest brother today. I will lend me the second brother tonight. !"

"Don't say..." Zhang Xiaohu thought that the mother looked at the long belly of the song, it was a little embarrassed, and quickly stopped Zhang Xiaohua's vernacular!

At this time, it was just in the afternoon, far away from the night, but long songs and Chen Chen arrived overnight, and I was tired. Together with the big stones that fell in my heart, I couldn’t help but yawn, Liu Qian saw, Guo Sufei I gave my eyes and returned to the small house with two people.

Zhang Cai and Mr. Liu were still chatting in the hall. Zhang Xiaohua took Zhang Xiaohu to the hut and then said to Zhang Xiaolong who came over: "I have something with my second brother, I can’t bother, my eldest brother is outside this house, Ji Xiaohua is guarding together, don't let anyone come in!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaolong glanced, then nodded, standing outside the hut with Ji Xiaohua.

In the hut, Zhang Xiaohua said to Zhang Xiaohu: "Second brother, how have you been practicing this kind of martial arts and the martial arts?"

"Very good, I haven't told you before?" Zhang Xiaohu faintly noticed Zhang Xiaohua's meaning. Some excited: "Little flowers, you...do you want to..."

"Well, yes, I wanted to give you the medicinal herbs when I was teaching the fragrant cult, but I was afraid that I would be discovered by the quiet teacher. It would hurt you. Now you are on the side of the town and become the big gang of the sect. This martial arts... must be good, otherwise, no one will serve you!"

Zhang Xiaohu has a deep feeling of nodding.

"You do it on the knees, just like before!" Zhang Xiaohua gave Zhang Xiaohu a meal of Runmai, but it was also a light car.

"Good!" Zhang Xiaohu sat on his knees, and he was eager to move his heart.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohu is ready, Zhang Xiaohua’s detective will take out the jade bottle that is good for the gas. He just wants to pour out Yiqidan, and his mind is turned, and it is put away, and a Runmai is taken out. , smiled: "The second brother has not taken Runmai Dan!"

"Running Dan? No, you are not saying that taking it has no effect?" Zhang Xiaohu honestly answered.

"Well, there is no harm anyway, you can take another try!" said, put a Runmai into the mouth of Zhang Xiaohu.

Zhang Xiaohu feels that the entrance of the Runmai Dan is turned into a pure internal force and enters its own meridians. Immediately, it calms down and sighs, and picks up the sacred mind, and slowly smelts the internal force into the lower Dantian. Among the air masses of yin and yang, after thirty-six weeks of operation, the medicinal power of Runmai Dan is not even refining, and then the operation of Suqin’s heart is natural, while continuing to quench the remaining drug power. In the meridians, I also generate internal forces at the same time!

Thirty-six weeks of the heart is also finished, and the power of Runmai is still not refining. Some of them gradually precipitate with the meridians, and many of them slowly want to dissipate.

"Second brother, pay attention, I will help you!" Zhang Xiaohu heard the voice of Zhang Xiaohua in his ear, and his heart was not good. Sure enough, Zhang Xiaohua took a sigh of relief. In the meridian, Zhang Xiaohu’s internal force was like dislocation. The wild horses generally run along the meridians, over and over again, one Sunday and one Sunday, and the sly Zhang Xiaohu’s face is a little blue. If it has not been experienced earlier, is it afraid that it will not jump early?

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how many days of the heart and the heart of the martial arts work alternately. The majority of the medicinal power of Runmai is refining, and it is turned into a pure internal force. Within the air mass, only a small part became a thin layer around the air mass.

"Second brother, you try it, how is the skill?" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"Good" Zhang Xiaohu is also welcome, urging black and white air mass, will force the internal force, slightly try, like a brow, said: "Yes, it seems to be stronger than Dan Tian before being broken! And, the internal force is very good It’s smooth, there’s no such thing as the previous one, and it’s even less powerful!”

"Breaked and then stand, really!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "Congratulations to the second brother, after the disaster there is a blessing, presumably this is a cultivation, if it is a simple cultivation, afraid not to wait for a few years?"

"Oh, yes!" Zhang Xiaohu sighed.

"Also, the second brother is now practicing the two techniques of rigid and soft, and the effect is doubled. Now there is still a small amount of medicine that is not refining, and it will get better results than before. If the power of Runmai is refining by you, Isn’t the skill worth two Runny Dans? Well, it’s about twenty years of skill!”

"So much?" Zhang Xiaohu was stunned.

"Who knows, second brother, I am also guessing!" Zhang Xiaohua shrugged his shoulders and took the jade bottle from his arms: "However, I know that just a small pickle, this is... Pancake roll river shrimp!"

"This is... what?" Zhang Xiaohu has not seen it, it is very common.

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