The first one hundred and eleventh chapter

"Please rest assured that the disciples are discouraged, and the disciples are measured in their hearts." Ou Yan smiled.

"Okay, okay," Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand and said, "This teacher also worships, and the brothers have found it. Then I will be busy with each other!"

In the alchemy room of the palace, there are seven gossip purple gold furnaces in the alchemy. Zhang Xiaohua is just busy sneak out, come out and see, he has to help Zhang Xiaohu to completely slap the disciples in the hands!

"Master brother..." Nie Qian did not follow, and asked: "I am just coming to the sister, we are... What should we do?"

"Nie Xiaoyuer!" Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but use her original tone and reached out and patted her head: "Since all come, are you afraid of seeing no face? If you are free, send me to you." The heart of the law is slowly taught to Ou Yan. Like you, she can't practice martial arts and see if she has a chance to see the fairy tales."

"Xie Zhangmen brother!" Ou Yan almost jumped up next to the joy.

"Right, Nie Xiaoyuer, how is the small orange injured?"

"Thank you for the care of the masters, thanks to the elder brother of the brothers, the small oranges are innocent, and the broken arm has been connected." Speaking of the small orange, Nie Qianyu is somewhat concerned, said: "She listened to me to Pingyang City, also I want to follow, but... her situation is also known to the brothers, I am afraid that I will return to Chungu next year."

"Well," Zhang Xiaohua has some guilt: "Of course, if I go early for a while..."

"Right, the master, the disciple has something to ask, the first time the disciple touched the brother, the flying sword..."

"Hey, is this still used?" Zhang Xiaohua didn't have a good air: "Why can't you think about it for the teacher? Why do you ask again?"

"Hey, I know..." Nie Qianxi smiled and smiled.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the face still with a hint of coldness, but Zhang Pinger’s eyes flashed from time to time: “Pinger, you have cultivated the inner workings of the fragrant teaching, when you take the road of martial arts, as a teacher. In the fragrant teaching martial arts conference, I won the "If the water flow", after waiting for your martial arts to become a success, when you can step on the fairy road!"

"Xie Zhangmen brother!" Zhang Pinger listened to Zhang Xiaohua calling her Pinger, first of all, happy, but still said: "The disciple is away from the fragrant teaching, and then does not practice the fragrant teaching martial arts. The disciples are incompetent, the previous exercises Can't abandon, you can definitely not teach the martial arts after the martial arts!"

"Good!" Zhang Xiaohua said, "As far as the teacher said, my Beidou faction... well, I will look for it again to see if there is any classics from Wu."

"Xie master, but the disciples are still martial arts, and they are not used at this time!"

"No, the teacher does not mention it, but for the teacher, I forgot it!" Zhang Xiaohua took a hand and took out a jade bottle from his arms. He poured out one and handed it over. He said: "This is the Runmai, which can grow for ten years. Skill, you hold, take time to take!"

“Ah?” Zhang Ping’s eyes showed delight, and he reached out and whispered: “Xie’s master!”

At this time, the face can no longer maintain the cold face!

"I want, I want to..." I can't say that Zhang Bairen, the nose of the four, is not like a back.

Zhang Xiaohua can not give him, but also pour out one, Zhang Baiyong is not welcome, one bit is thrown in his mouth, reach out!

Zhang Xiaohua hit his chubby little hand and smiled: "You don't know what you are eating, this precious remedy, eat a foot!"

Zhang Bairen seems to understand that attention is shifting. He grabs the bald horns of Huanhuan with his hands and laughs and plays.

However, when Zhang Xiaohua raised his head and wanted to close the jade bottle, it was discovered that everyone looked unusual!

"How? Is there anything?" Zhang Xiaohua looked strangely.

"That... the brother of the head, can you... can you give a disciple?" Nie Qian asked hesitantly.

"You? You can't use it now..." Zhang Xiaohua didn't want to answer: "Your mind is not yet getting started, there is no infuriating in the meridians, this remedy... you can't refine!"

"But... I am... can he use it?" Nie Qianyu whispered even more.

No, Nie Gu got the support of Zhang Xiaohua pretending to be a master of immortality. In his heart, Zhang Xiaohua was already a little stunned. When Zhang Xiaohua visited Huichun Valley last time, he was slightly rude. Nie Qianzhen was afraid that Zhang Xiaohua had another idea in his heart... ...

Zhang Xiaohua pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, took out two from the jade bottle, handed it over and said: "One for the Nie Guzhu, one for the chapter elders, the fairy edge has been done, not much to ask!"

"The disciple knows, thank you for the brothers!" Nie Qian took it, and quickly took out the jade bottle from his arms and put it away.

"That... the master of the door, the disciple... I also want to ask for one!" Ou Yan saw it and said.

"You?" Zhang Xiaohua was surprised, and then look at the envy of the old eyes, and I knew it long ago. Lang laughed and said: "But it, all my disciples, no matter how old or young, give one!" ”

After that, he handed the jade bottle to Ou Yan and said, "There is one left."

"Xie Zhangmen brother!" Ou Yan was overjoyed.

"Small flower, your one is the first to be held by the teacher. After you have a good heart, you will not be late!"

"The disciple knows, but listen to Master's assignment!" Ji Xiaohua respectfully said.

"Right, Huanhuan is back. After that, I will hand it over to you, as a teacher... I should not use it in the future!"

"Yes, Master."

Then, look at Zhang Xiaohu to see his own eyes, Zhang Xiaohua put his hand: "Second brother, Mo looked, Runmai Dan is gone, I have given you more, but also greedy?"

"No, no!" Zhang Xiaohu waved: "I just suddenly remembered a question and wanted to ask you."

"Well, okay." Zhang Xiaohua looked at Nie Qianxi and Zhang Pinger and said: "You two should find a place to rest first. This is your sister's villa, let her arrange it."

Ou Yan smiled and said: "No hurry, no hurry, I waited for the Beidou faction. I haven't told the uncle and the uncle to this good news. The two sisters have just arrived, and they should do their best to the younger generation!"

Zhang Xiaohua did not agree, nodded and said: "Go, go, get closer, maybe you will live together for a long time!"

"Master brother, I will wait for this to go..." The three men were swearing and laughing, and Qiu Tong, Yan Lao and Ji Xiaohua also went back.

When the people left, Zhang Xiaohu took Zhang Xiaohuadao: "Small flowers, I just remembered it. Although I have some infuriating in the meridians, it is still a small amount. You said, if I am against the enemy, how should I use it? ?"

This is indeed a problem.

However, in the face of Zhang Xiaohua, who has always been a martial artist with immortality, it is not worth mentioning.

Zhang Xiaohua’s detective took out the little sword from his arms, and did not use the gods to drive it. He only used the repelling technique to make the flying sword clean and clean.

Zhang Xiaohu’s eyes sparked and said: “This... can I use it?”

"Of course!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "When I have time, I will copy the law of this relic, and let Nie Xiaoyu give it to you. You have practiced it according to law. This is also the sword that you saw. Surgery!"

"Ah? What about the complexity?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and saw no movements. The little sword flew in the air like lightning, and instantly split into eight, passing through Zhang Xiaohu!

"Ah! It's so powerful!" Looking at Feijian, who had almost no reaction, Zhang Xiaohu's heart was itchy.

"Oh, yes, my second brother, give me the broken sword!"

Zhang Xiaohu took the short sword from his arms, and Zhang Xiaohua took the slightest gas to enter, and immediately a three-foot-long sword mans appeared, reflecting the two people's faces shining.

"Second brother, you try, will be the same as the intrinsic force into the sword..."

Zhang Xiaohu stunned and immediately rejoiced, and shot his forehead: " have you forgotten this?"

Sure enough, after taking the water-breaking sword, Zhang Xiaohu will enter the infuriating, a one-and-a-half-foot sword mang is suddenly appearing, Zhang Xiaohu raises the sword, will make a set of seven swords to make it again, feels incomparably dripping, waiting for the last one Zhao, Zhang Xiaohu screamed, and jumped up, a sword squatting next to a large stone, the stone should be opened, really with a piece of tofu!

"Good!" Zhang Xiaohua caressed: "The second brother, this martial arts, who can compare the whole rivers and lakes?"

"Little flowers, hey, laugh, laugh!" Zhang Xiaohu said modestly.

"Oh, still, remember the dragon's mind? You can use it with infuriating, you try!"

Still the stone, Zhang Xiaohu's luck dragon and the heart of the law, the real gas three stacks hit on the stone, "噗" the muffled sound, a large piece of stone turned into ashes!

"Great ~ ah ~" Zhang Xiaohu himself cried out, his own internal force can never have such power.

"Right, small flowers, use the real gas to simulate the internal force, the power is so big, you... so never use it, but you use your strength?" Zhang Xiaohu remembered something.

"Hey, do you have to have internal strengths with internal strength? I have no chance to get any internal exercises, and the time for training is short, which is easy to cause doubts from others, so I simply try to convince people!" Laughing: "The swordsmanship and the power of the hand have been there, and there is still light work left. You can use the infuriating gas instead of the internal force to practice the pace, when there will be unexpected gains!"

"Good!" Zhang Xiaohu screamed, "Is it possible to fly like you?"

"Well, until the end, of course, you can see the extent of your cultivation. This flight is also obtained from your sect. Although I don't know if it is the inheritance of the sect, if the second brother is a student, I must give it to you!" ”

"Oh, good!" Zhang Xiaohu liked to scratch his head.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua brows slightly wrinkled and looked outside: "Second brother, there are sects of disciples coming from afar, it seems to be looking for you, you are busy, I will go to Danfang, the soul Dan refining it early!"

"Little flowers, you... hard work!" Zhang Xiaohu said with Zhang Xiaohua's hand: "When you are married, I will send you three big gifts!"

"You..." Zhang Xiaohua said with a sincere hand, "This is a matter of rest, otherwise... see me easily form your appearance!"

"Don't... don't mention it!" Zhang Xiaohu has some guilty conscience.

"Hey, I’m afraid, second brother, you have to be honest, this is not seen for ten days. How do you refine the real yuan in Dantian? And... there is still a bit of Yuanyin’s power in faintness? ”

"No?" Zhang Xiaohu stunned: "This... you know everything?"

"Where is there? The lonely yin is not long, the lonely yang is not born, your black and white air mass in Dantian is not the way of balance between yin and yang? Only the yin and yang are harmonious, the dragon and the tiger are in harmony, the instinct can be continuous, endless!" Zhang Xiaohua is a serious saying: "But this thing... you should also tell the girl to be right!"

Zhang Xiaohu cried and laughed and waved his hand: "Forget it, don't tell you, you are a small child's family, only the two beautiful women are earning income. Although they are not disciples, there is no difference between them and the apprentices. ?"

"Zhang Da Bangzhu?" The voice of a disciple disciple came.

Zhang Xiaohua will twist into the ground and say, "I don't grow up, I will understand sooner or later!"

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