Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1113: Not good

The first one hundred and thirty-one chapters are not good

Zhang Xiaohua had just left, and the disciples of the school had entered the yard. When Zhang Xiaohu was seen, he did not feel a smile on his face. He said: "The big helper, the disciple has a good news to sue the big lord!"

Zhang Xiaohu’s disciples, most of the disciples’ disciples, were selected from the sacred sects, and they were more stable and cautious disciples. They had never seen such an obituary, and they did not feel brows.

The disciple saw it, knew that he was happy and over-fired, and changed his face to panic. He was about to explain. Zhang Xiaohu suddenly understood that he was also a fist in his hands and excitedly said: "Mo.....not Hu Elder, they are back? ”

The disciple nodded and nodded and replied: "Exactly, Elder Hu is leading two thousand disciples at this time. Now, in front of the Lushan Village, Li Changzuo and others have already gone to meet... The disciples saw me and sent disciples to reunite. It is also a state of loss!"

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohu laughed: "So at this moment, even if you are out of tune, why not? Go, take this seat and go to meet the disciples to return!"

"Yes, big lord!" The disciple smiled and ran out now.

Beyond the Mountain Villa, Hu Yunyi is standing under the archway. For a long time, he gaze at the word "缥缈" of the dragon and the phoenix dance. At this time, Hu Yunyi's hair is all white, and the wrinkles on his face are more prosperous. The waist is already quite straight, and it is already awkward." The coughing sound of coughing and coughing came from the mouth of Hu Yunyi, and then the waist was more curved.

A child of about ten years old, with a beautiful eyebrow, has a look of grace. It was standing next to Hu Yunyi. At this time, I quickly stepped forward and extended my small hand. I patted Hu Yunyi’s back in rhythm. The other hand took a jade bottle from my arms and poured out a scarlet. The pill, handed over, Hu Yunyi took it, did not look at it, swallowed it, and after a while, Hu Yunyi’s coughing sound gradually stopped.

"Master Zu, are you... better?" the child asked.

"Cough, nothing, every day, it's all ill, just take some medicine, I'm used to it!"

"But... Master Zu, this medicine is taking this time, your condition is often repeated... is it..."

"Hey, the age of the ancestors is so big, that's it, what else can you think?"

"Master ancestors, now we are back to the 缥缈山庄, you don't have to worry about it, you can raise your body, and help me in the future, let me worry about them!"

"What are you?" Hu Yunyi turned to look at a forty-year-old man standing upright, shaking his head slightly, but then nodded again: "Okay... Shizu also listens to you!"

"Hey, I am the deputy lord of my school. It is the commander who can lead the whole school. The master ancestors don't have to worry..."

It is said that there are a few shadows in the village, and there are a few winds that have blown out.

"Master brother...." A burst of excitement shouted from the current figure.

"Hu boss...you are finally back!" A chunky figure also ran out of the village, and never saw it, he squatted!

"The second child ~" "Old five ~" Hu Yunyi was surprised to scream, not knowing how to speed up a few points.

"Big Brother~" Li Jian showed his light work in the forefront, one is to hold Hu Yunyi's hand, the eyes are red, and the slight water vapor rises from the eyes.

"Big brother...you...what is the old...what is this?" Li Jian looked at Hu Yunyi's white hair, and he didn't feel the heartache: "Five years ago... your hair was just white!"

"Oh, five years have passed, how many years have you lived?" Hu Yunyi smiled and patted Li Jian’s hand and said, "Look at you, your hair is different. White hair five years ago, your hair But it’s dark!”

"Hu boss... Hey~ How is your look... Didn't you have breakfast this morning?" Liu Qingyang also ran to the front and looked at Hu Yunyi's appearance, which was very strange.

"Liu Laowu~" Li Jian yelled: "Is there something you said?"

"Oh, the old five said yes, in order to see you, I did not eat breakfast, but also waiting to enter the mountain village to eat!"

"Come on, go quickly, sprinkle home to accompany Hu boss to eat a few cups!" Liu lightly laughed, took Hu Yunyi's hand and left, this does not matter, Hu Yunyi can't catch up, almost pulled a big heel!

"Big brother...you..." Liu Qingyang consciously was not right, very strangely asked.

Li Jian also found that it was not good. He reached out and pinched the pulse of Hu Yunyi’s hand. After a glimpse of the internal force, he turned around in the Huayunyi meridian and immediately became shocked. He said: “Big Brother...”

"Oh, no problem, no problem..." Hu Yunyi did not agree with the hand: "It’s been many years..."

At this time, with Li Jian, Wen Wenhai, Lu Yueming and Xue Qing, who had waited for a while, came forward and said: "I have seen Master Bo!"

"Ahai, Xiaoming... Oh, Aqing~, huh, huh" Seeing several disciples of Ou Peng, Hu Yunyi seems to be happy again and saddened, thinking of Ou Peng and Zhang Chengyue who died at the peak.

"Get up, get up, you... still okay!" Hu Yunyi reached out and pulled the three men up, smeared with tears coming out, and asked with a smile.

"Hey Master, I am waiting very well!" Xue Qing said with a smile: "Just wait for Master Bo to come back, so that my disciples will gather again!"

"Oh, huh, yeah, I am waiting for this moment, I can go back to the 缥缈山庄, I...death is also eye-catching!" Hu Yunyi was quite emotional.

Wen Wenhai, Xue Qing and Lu Yueming glanced at each other and did not dare to ask more.

"Right, come, every day, meet with you a few uncles! Later, you can rely on them to support in the mountain village!" Hu Yunyi smiled and said to the child.

The child looked calm, a few steps forward, generously swearing: "The disciple has seen several uncles, and has seen two masters, five masters!"

Xue Qing smiled and said: "This child, get up quickly, I have never seen it before. It has only been seen for a few years, and it has become a small adult!"

"Can't... I don't think when I was young. Now I look at it. It's almost like when I was a child. It's all... it looks like a good old man!" Liu Qingyang extended his hand like a fan, patted the little shoulders every day, and laughed.

"No, the qualifications are excellent every day. I will inherit the martial arts practice of the martial arts. I will inherit the enthusiasm of Cheng Yue. The fourth and Cheng Yue are under Jiuquan, and they should be eye-catching!"

Li Jianyi listened, did not feel a slight frown, look at some frowning Wen Wenhai.

Hu Yunyi did not seem to see it. He turned back and said: "Water helper, are you coming to see the old department?"

The man who had stood in the distance for a long time, smiled and walked forward, and bowed his hand and said: "I have seen Li Elder, I have seen the elders of Liu!"

"Shui Yupeng? Water deputy helper?" Liu Qingyang screamed and said: "You are here... Where have you been in the past few years? Sprinkle home... almost forgot you!"

Shui Yupeng was a little embarrassed and replied: "The elders of Liu, the sects were destroyed, and the Luoshui gang was also surrounded by the Xinrong gang. They smashed their lives and heard that you went to the sacred religion and looked for it. When I arrived at Elder Hu, I had to mix with Luo Shui’s brothers on the rivers and lakes. But Dalin Temple did not seem to let go of the meaning below. Therefore, only fleeing and fleeing underneath, until recently, I found Hu Elder, and sent me to re-disciple. Reunion!"

"In the past few years, I have had a lot of disciples. It is quite difficult. On the one hand, I have to teach every day martial arts, and I have to cook some chores. Until the water lords come, I will be free. He is the deputy gang of our sects. It’s much stronger than me.” Hu Yunyi said with a smile: “However, I haven’t been white for a few years. Look, when I left, I’ve taken away hundreds of young hawks, now? Two thousand disciples!"

Said, turned back and waved, very proud to say: "The foot is great!"

"Big brother... It's hard for you!" Li Jian smiled and helped Hu Yunyi to enter the mountain village.

At this time, a voice rang from the inside of the Villa: "Hu Shizu, welcome you back!"

When Li Jian looked at it, it was Zhang Xiaohu who hurriedly rushed back from Tunxi Mountain Villa.

Li Jian met, one finger Zhang Xiaohu, smiled and said: "Big brother, this is a disciple of Ahai, you...you should have seen it before. He is now a big gang of my sect..."

“Big Bang?” Hu Yunyi glanced at Zhang Xiaohu, who was coming over, cold and cold: “How can I not know?”

"This..." Li Jian stunned and smiled. "Don't forget the big brother. Last time you sent Chu Yun to fly over, he has already seen Zhang Da Bangzhu!"

"Hey, Chu Yunfei has seen it, it was Chu Yunfei who has seen it. I have never seen it before. I know this Zhang Xiaohu, and I know that he is a disciple of Ahai, but... I only know that I am sending The chief disciple is Zhang Chengyue, and Cheng Yue’s rumor should be every day. Ah Hai is not qualified to be the big lord. How can his disciples be qualified to be big gangs?” Hu Yunyi said unceremoniously.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohu has come to the front. After listening to Hu Yunyi’s words, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and he looks at Hu Yunyi, who is full of old-fashioned faces, and his persistence in his eyes. He does not feel a sigh and sighs: "Dr. Zhang Xiaohu, see you." Go through Hu Shizu!"

"Well, yes, knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dawei!" Hu Yunyi was quite appreciative of Zhang Xiaohu's ancestors. He said: "I know this is not your fault. You are also forced to be forced by the old lady." This lord's. However, since I have sent my disciples to come back, you are a big lord who has been taught by the fragrant sect, don't give it to you! Or give it to me to send a rumored disciple!"

"Big Brother..." Li Jian whispered: "Zhang Da Bangzhu..."

"What Zhang Dabang, there is nothing big in front of me!" Hu Yunyi waved his hand.

"Oh, Hu Shizu, these are all small things. It is a top priority for you to return to the mountain village. Would you please let the old disciples who have returned from the old and the future advance the mountain village?"

"Well, this is like a younger generation!" Hu Yunyi nodded with satisfaction and turned to heaven: "Every day, you have to think about your brother!"

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