Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1136: Li Jinfeng

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters of the Yi Yuntian Li Jinfeng

Zhang Xiaohua listened, watching Mei Qinglian's face returning to the light, with a smile: "At that time, the poor road saved a lot of people from the dungeon. As for whether or not the honor is inside, the poor road is unknown!"

"Very good... well... thank you... fairy long..." Mei Qinglian smiled, turned to look at Li Jinfeng, and there seemed to be some tenderness in her eyes. "Li...the son, you are the world...the rare ... Lei Jun gentleman ... squatting ... only regret ... not early ... met you ..., still ... still hope that you can ... with ... your sweetheart ... ... eventually become a genus ... ... white-headed old ... This... silk scarf... it’s a small... girl... send your marriage... let it be...”

Mei Qinglian said, he touched a silk scarf hanging from the waist and tried to lift it up. He wanted to hand it to Li Jinfeng. But... just lifted up a little, the eyes were annihilated, and the hand was weak. The cockroach pulled down and saw that the breath in the nose and mouth was gone!

"Miss Mei... Miss Mei..." Li Jinfeng was a little excited and shouted.

"Li Gongzi... Miss Mei...has already gone..." Zhang Xiaohua patted Li Jinfeng's shoulder and whispered comfortably.

Then I stood up and looked at the Liu’s treasurer who was already dead. There were three other men with a breath of breath. I walked over and did not hesitate to point the ecstasy on them. After a moment, Zhang Xiaohua sneered. The hand stretched out, and the necks of Mei Laojiao, Zhao Hong and Wu Yuantong were twisted.

"This Mei Laojiao is actually the leader of the Zhengdao League. He is also responsible for the communication. There are also masterpieces in the galloping and galloping horses. Many of the messages of the Zhengdao League are also passed through the car and the horse. Oh, how am I doing this? Unlucky? But just to give a letter to the family, just happened to meet the disciples of the Zhengdao League. I bumped into it. I also encountered the huge amount of silver in the Zhengdao League. His grandmother’s character of the poor road became so... Unbearable?"

But immediately, Zhang Xiaohua touched the nose again, and said to himself: "Maybe the character has become more anti-day, and the West Crest Mountain and the Evil Tiger Mountain Villa, the poor road, but most of the gold and silver that the Zhengdao League wants Smile inside the belt."

"Hey, this Miss Mei is also pitiful. It has already escaped the disaster of extermination. But... because of the treasures of the Mei family, Zhao Hong and Wu Yuantong of the Zhengdao League are eyeing, but it is strange. Why didn't these two people hold Ms. Mei in Nanzhao Town? Can it be sent directly to Xicui Mountain? Is it so far away from Baba? A rare hard work! If these two people die fast, poor roads Have a good question!"

"Oh, no, this Mei Laojiao and Liu shopkeeper are not the two of them to come, but because Mei Laojiao knows where they are going through the disciples of the windmill, this will bring the Liu treasurer to come over, hehe, Understand that Zhao Hong and Wu Yuantong are also thinking about squandering, at least, not thinking that all the property will be turned over!"

"Man-made dead birds are eating and drinking, the ancients are not deceiving!" Zhang Xiaohua finally figured out the joints.

Li Jinfeng next to "Little Flowers..." looked at Zhang Xiaohua and did a lot of strange things. He also listened to what the three people said before they died. Seeing Zhang Xiaohua looking up from his meditation, he asked: "Are you... I know That little flower?"

Zhang Xiaohua said: "How do you ask now? Why have you gone just now?"

"Oh, I didn't respond, but now I think about it... You actually use that... what the hidden weapon will kill all four people at once, feeling... feel... you can't have such a high martial arts, and ...... This is four people, you have not appeared before... All killed?” Li Jinfeng said suddenly, his eyes lit up and smiled: “You can tell me, you are the legendary sword fairy! ”

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at him and said: "Li Gongzi, you... are you talking with Miss Mei and speaking much, how can I be a sword fairy?"

"I said so... but..." Li Jinfeng nodded. He was sorely hurt, but he did not see Zhang Xiaohua flying in.

"At most, it is a master of immortality!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"Xiandao? What is that?" Li Jinfeng said.

"I will talk about it later, I will talk about it later!" Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand and said: "We will first bury Miss Mei...and then let me know!"

"But...the Mei people have been saved by you. How can we bury it without authorization? It is better to bring Miss Mei's body back..." Li Jinfeng disagreed with Zhang Xiaohua's statement.

"Hey, Li Gongzi, the thief of Xicui Mountain is acting hot, where is the living mouth in their hands? What I said to Miss Mei just now is just comforting her!"

"No, the thief of Xicui Mountain has not died yet?" Li Jinfeng was somewhat indignant: "Small flower, you can promise Miss Miss, and you must kill the thief of Xicui Mountain!"

Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help but laugh and said: "The thief is of course only killing these two people, but the plums are outside... I have never seen it. The dungeons of Xicui Mountain have no living mouth, and the doorsteps of the cottages are hundreds of miles. The corpse, there are old and young, there should be outside the plums. Oh, yes, it seems that the plums have not yet reached Xi Cuishan, and they have been abandoned in the wild!"

"Oh... this way, Meiren is also a famous good person in Nanzhao Town. Actually... fall into this realm... Then, as you said, bury Miss Mei here!"

"Well, okay, you wait a little." Zhang Xiaohua nodded and went out, but he took a huge coffin for a long time.

"This... Where did this come from?" Li Jinfeng was stupid. He wanted to bury Miss Mei well, but the mountain was very high. It was the two who climbed up and wanted to take the dead body. Or it is extremely difficult to bring the coffin up, so he did not say to Zhang Xiaohua.

"Don't ask, look at where the feng shui is good, let me start..."

"Well~" Li Jinfeng looked at the body of Mei Qinglian who had already smiled on his face, sighed and went out of the temple, but he found a place for a long time.

When Zhang Xiaohua didn't have much time, he found the sword of Zhao Hong and others, and dug a big pit and buried Mei Qinglian in the coffin!

Looking at the little grave of Mei Qinglian, Li Jinfeng said to him: "Miss Mei, you and I meet each other, only hate Xiaosheng to kill the thief, but unable to return to heaven. You and I fled all the way, it is also the life and death, you are buried Here, Xiaosheng also has some responsibilities. If he has the opportunity, he will send your coffin back to Nanzhao Town. Miss Mei, you have reported that you have been able to leave, I hope you can easily leave. Happy life, no need to worry about having a mountain thief!"

Zhang Xiaohua whispered: "Li Gongzi, Miss Mei is naturally sick and sick, even if there is no such escape, it is estimated that ... can live for three years, you ... there is no burden!"

"Hey, I know this naturally, Miss Mei also told me... I can escape along the way, always feel... very powerless!" Li Jinfeng said.

"Odd, Li Gongzi, Miss Mei was chased by the thief of Xi Cuishan. That is because of the treasure of Meijia. How can you get entangled in it for no reason?" Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Let's go, let's go back to Lu Town, along the way, I am slowly talking!"

"Oh, I still have things to go to the front of Xiangyang Town, you and me, let's go, let's go back to Luzhen!" Zhang Xiaohua replied.

"All are, as long as you are with you, what are I afraid of?" Li Jinfeng laughed.

There is a small flower followed by the real convenience. This downhill is also very simple. In the steep and difficult place, Zhang Xiaohua will pick up Li Jinfeng and jump straight. At the foot of the mountain, the two intercepted a carriage. Go to Xiangyang Town.

In the carriage, Li Jinfeng said that he met Mei Qinglian.

It is also a fate, Li Jinfeng is visiting friends in Nanzhao Town. When he met Mei Qinglian and returned from his friends, he saw the dramatic changes in his home and immediately jumped from the carriage. Even the accompanying shackles and family members did not say hello. Turning the head to run, and Xi Cuishan is the focus of the Mei family. Many disciples have been arranged around the Mei family. When they see a luxury carriage coming to Meijia, they immediately stop, but when they check the car, they disappear. Miss, I also hurry to look around.

Miss Mei, like a headless fly, was at a loss when she saw the carriage that Li Jinfeng was riding. She jumped on it without thinking. It happened that only Li Jinfeng was on the carriage. After waiting for the town, Miss Mei found a secluded place. Get off the bus. Li Jinfeng naturally reminded Ms. Mei about safety matters. Ms. Mei saw Li Jinfeng talking about the elegant man in the carriage. She was a gentleman. She felt the heart of dependence and whispered her own things.

The Mei family is also a big family in Nanzhao. The good name Li Jinfeng outside the plums has also heard it in his friends. At this time, I heard the encounter of the Mei family. Although I don’t know who is doing it, I can’t help but feel indignant. At the same time, it also has a heart of ambiguity. However, Li Jinfeng has not been stunned by the blood. He knows that this matter is so powerful that he cannot lead the disaster to his own door. This is to discuss with you, Mei Qinglian, first to a small The mountain village is settled, and you will find out the details and then plan.

So the two acted as a pair of elopesome men and women, first hiding in a mountain village, and Li Jinfeng returned to Nanzhao Town to inquire about the news. When Mei Qinglian got the news that the whole family had been taken by Xi Cuishan, they immediately knew. The idea of ​​Xi Cuishan started to save the family with the treasures in the house, but... Where did she know what people in the rivers and lakes? I had to ask Li Jinfeng. Li Jinfeng knew Zhang Xiaohu and knew the door of the village. But when Zhang Xiaohu was unclear, the school was also a good ally. Li Jinfeng naturally had no idea.

Finally, it is still mentioned by Mei Qinglian that she thinks that the Mei family has a relationship with a martial arts family named Tan, and remembers the place name of the Tan family. Therefore, she decided to go to Tanjia for help.

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