Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1137: Feelings

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-seven chapters

Yanyu Town, where Tan’s family is located, is quite close to Xiangyang Town, but it is far away from Nanzhao Town. Li Jinfeng did not feel hesitant, but he could neither bring Mei Qinglian back to Lu’s home, nor help her. Revenge, it is only with the choice of Mei Qinglian all the way south!

The ancients have a cloud: no one is a scholar.

It is wrong to say that Li Jinfeng is here. On the same day, Zhang Xiaohua sent Nie Qianxi a thousand miles. It was Zhang Xiaohua who was martial arts and had the strength to protect himself and Nie Qianxi. This is already a chivalrous heart. Compared with Li Jinfeng, it is far from being good.

Li Jinfeng is just a scholar with no strength in his hands. His body is weak. Going to Yanyu Town alone is a test for himself, let alone carrying Mei Qinglian! The pain of this road cannot be elaborated.

Li Jinfeng’s heart and soul have long moved Mei Qinglian, but she knows her physical condition and knows her current situation. She does not dare to confide her heart, and the two talk all the way, knowing everything, early I will understand each other clearly. Mei Qinglian knows that there is a girl named Qiu Tong in Li Jinfeng’s heart. It’s just because of the creation, this woman has gone to the South a few years ago, and now she is not known.

Even Li Jinfeng did not hesitate to tell Mei Qinglian that she was somewhat similar to Qiu Tong, and it was this similarity that made him help so deeply.

The frankness of Li Jinfeng not only did not make Mei Qinglian angry, but it was more appreciated. He felt that Li Jinfeng was a true gentleman with a broad mind!

The two went all the way south, and they carefully guarded their whereabouts, thinking that they had escaped the eyes of Xicui Mountain. But they don't know, this Xicui Mountain is not the Pixi Cui Mountain. The carriages they took out from the South on that day are galloping. Some of the disciples have already told their disciples about the disciples sent by Xi Cuishan. And they escaped along the way, and they have not been able to follow the track of the league.

Until the town of Yanyu, Mei Qinglian inquired that Tan Jia had already been out of the door a few years ago, and then she panicked. Then, Zhao Hong, who was tracking, also found out that they were not looking for property, so they should show up. I want to catch the two people, but at this time, the news of the two people also caught the attention of Mei Laojiao and Liu’s treasurer. They stopped the two and asked for details.

Li Jinfeng and Mei Qinglian took this opportunity and escaped far away. They wanted to hide in the wilderness and sneak away from the track of the Orthodox League. But they are just ordinary people. How can they run past Mei Laozheng? It’s easy to go to this mountain temple, but it’s still easy to catch up with, and Mei Qinglian’s body has been unable to eat because of this drifting, to the point where the oil and dry lights are gone, not waiting for Mei Laojiao to ask for breath... ...

"Hey, Li Gongzi, in the next... really admire!" Hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua really did not know how to say it, Li Jinfeng himself is difficult to protect, but also wants to protect a weak woman who is not known, this ... if not Mei Qinglian and Qiu Tong have a similar image, Zhang Xiaohua also gave Li Jinfeng a reason to sell so much!

"The big man has something to do. If you let Xiaosheng come across this damaging thing, if you have to lose your life, you have to take care of it!"

“Even if it’s not like Mr. Qiu Tong’s sister, it’s not like it?”

Li Jinfeng nodded without hesitation; "Exactly! If you don't care, I don't care, no one cares, then there is justice and conscience in the world?"

"Hey, taught, Li Gongzi!" Zhang Xiaohua suddenly felt that Li Jinfeng was not only the teacher who recognized his words, but also had a lot of places he needed to learn in life.

"Right, Lee Gongzi, telling you something happy!"

“What is it?” Li Jinfeng asked, and then he woke up and said, “Is it a small tiger... still alive?”

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and smiled: "My second brother is of course alive, but what I want to say is another thing!"

"Another thing?" Li Jinfeng stunned, and immediately flushed his face, looking at the window, whispered: "Autumn Tong... Is she still alive?"

"Oh, it is!" Zhang Xiaohua almost has to raise his hand, laughing loudly: "My second brother has returned to the Pingshan Village in Pingyang City, and Qiu Tong sister... also followed Ouyan back to Tunxi Mountain Villa, if you want to see her You can go to Tunxi Villa!"

"Hey~" Li Jinfeng didn't hear joy, but it was a look of embarrassment. After a long while, seeing Zhang Xiaohua's incomprehension, he said: "I am a weak scholar, empty and full of blood, but there is no chicken. Force, where is worthy of Qiu Tong? I think Qiu Tong has already found a powerful man of the rivers and lakes... I only wish to be here..."

"Li Gongzi, seeing you sour, isn't it a happy thing to tell you? If Qiu Tong's sister has already married, I will not tell you. People are still waiting to marry!"

"Forget it, forget it... After all, there are two different people, why bother to pinch together?" Li Jinfeng is still in love.

Zhang Xiaohua was a little angry: "You obviously like Qiu Tong. For a Mei Qinglian who looks like her, you can help each other. Then why can't you say something to Qiu Tong? If... people don't like it. You, that's it, but... If anyone likes you too, don't you miss a marriage in vain? Do you want to hate life for a long time? You...you even look at other people...not you... ...like people!"

Zhang Xiaohua, when Li Jinfeng was his brother, he said everything in his heart, then looked outside and smiled: "Now I have just arrived in Xiangyang Town, and I am still far away from Pingyang City. Think about it!"

Zhang Xiaohua is now three times into the town of Fuyang. It is also very familiar. First of all, it is a general look with the knowledge of God. I don’t see the trace of Qu Zhigao. I don’t panic. Qu Zhigao is also a long time, plus the last time. The experience of being concealed, if he is hiding in Fuyang Town, it is definitely not easy to be found!

However, Zhang Xiaohua is not in a hurry. As early as when he was at the Quxi Mountain Villa, he mentioned Qu Jinger. He was uneasy and went to the mountain temple to rescue Li Jinfeng. There was no early warning in his heart, maybe his heart was not Ning is not because of Qu Jinger, but because of Li Jinfeng!

But in this case, Qu Jinger is not shocked, no need to worry too much!

So Zhang Xiaohua smashed the inn and lived down. Every day, he released his knowledge and explored it in the town of Fuyang, hoping to find the trace of Qu Zhigao.

Although I don't know what Zhang Xiaohua came to in Xiangyang Town, Li Jinfeng didn't ask much. These days, Zhang Xiaohua said that he was also deeply thinking, and did not bother Zhang Xiaohua.

On the early morning of this day, Zhang Xiaohua just released his knowledge and saw the east side of Fuyang Town. Qu Zhigao quietly walked out of a low house, and he still picked a bucket on his shoulder. It seemed to be going outside to fetch water.

"Ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua laughed and said: "I will know that you will show up sooner or later! Even if you don't come out to buy things, you can't stop playing water?"

Zhang Xiaohua called Li Jinfeng, and the inn went straight to the small courtyard where Qu Zhigao was in the east.

This is an extremely remote place. The wall of the yard is not high. The house inside is also low. Zhang Xiaohua walked to the door and was welcome. He shouted: "Chu Da... I am coming to see you! Come out quickly. !"

Qu Zhigao listened to the familiar voice, quickly opened the door, and found his head from the crack in the door. He saw Zhang Xiaohua, and he smiled on his face. "Yu Shaoxia...you...how come so soon." ?"

Zhang Xiaohua said: "You...what do I think I can come?"

"Hey, think about how you have to spend another two years!" Qu Zhigao laughed.

Zhang Xiaohua just introduced Li Jinfeng to Qu Zhigao. A cheerful figure ran out of the small courtyard. When he saw Zhang Xiaohua’s plop, he immediately stumbled. It was Qu Jinger, and his mouth shouted: "Disciple, meet Master! ”

This time, Zhang Xiaohua did not quit, and nodded: "Get up, this time, the teacher is looking for you!"

When I heard Zhang Xiaohua’s tone change, Qu Zhigao was overjoyed. At this time, Qu Zhigao’s mother also came out from the inside. Qu Zhi Gaoda shouted: “Niang Qin... Ren Shaoxia finally... Received Jinger into his door!”

"Yes? Is this... true?" Qu Zhigao’s mother listened to her almost unbelievable ears. On that day, Zhang Xiaohua only said that when the time is ripe, when can the time be mature? This is the big thing she has always been worried about. What she never imagined is, how long has this been? Zhang Xiaohua actually let go!

"Ren Shaoxia... Could you find a place to open a party?" Qu Zhigao's mother tried to find out.

"Where... not yet, the plan can't keep up with the changes. The previous plans are not appropriate. I still need to re-plan." Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "However, the Kaipai school is a school, the disciples are disciples, and the poor roads have been collected. Six disciples, Qu Jinger is the last one, I have sent the Big Dipper to be complete!"

"Xie Ren Shaoxia... No, Xie Xianshi is compassionate, fast, Jinger, still don't see your master?" Qu Zhigao's mother-in-law's tears will flow out.

"No, just now Jinger has already worshipped, and then open the door to the mountain, and then let them go back to the teacher ceremony!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

Later, the group went into the yard, and Qu Zhigao took out the tea and other things. I was embarrassed to say: "In order to escape the harassment of others, I dare not live in Longshan, and then I moved here with my mother and Jinger. It’s really simple here, I hope the teacher understands!”

"Oh, no problem!" Zhang Xiaohua waved: "You wait and clean up, follow me to Pingyang City!"

Qu Zhi Gao Xinxi, got up and said: "Go and clean up immediately, don't you know when the fairy teacher started?"

"Oh, you slowly pick up, there are some customs in the poor road to go out, but as long as a few days back, this Li Gongzi is a poor road to make friends, live in the inn afraid of any accident, bring it here, You take care of one or two!"

Li Jinfeng came with Zhang Xiaohua and always seemed to fall into the clouds. I don’t know what they said. At this time, I heard that I mentioned myself and immediately gave me a gift: "I am in trouble!"

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