Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1146: Lushan Status

The first one hundred and forty-six chapters of Lushan

Speaking of this, Lu Da took a look at Yuan Changqing, who was hiding in the distance to avoid the suspicion: "It was just yesterday, I waited for the dart team of the Lotus Escort, and all of them were going back to Pingyang City, and they went together!"

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Great good, it turned out to be the case, but the two brothers have worked hard, but since they met here, then... the two brothers can also cross the front of your big gang, not used Go on and wait for you!"

"The little brother means..." Ke Nanli didn't quite understand.

However, Luda had already seen three carriages in the distance, as well as the executioner of the Lotus Escort. He said: "It’s hard to be in the carriage behind me. Is it the person I have to pick up..."

Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "Exactly! You wait for the three carriages to be escorted back to Tunxi Mountain Villa. It is a great achievement!"

Lu Da and Ke Nanli were overjoyed and said, "Thank you, little brother!"

"Where, there are two troubles in the next, and I still can't go to the next. How can I be thankful?" Zhang Xiaohua quickly waved his hand.

Although Qu Zhigao knows that the Lotus Escort is a sect, it is always uneasy in his heart. Until he sees a small flower in the carriage, he feels relieved. When he arrives, he jumps out of the carriage and yells: "Sin..."

Just screaming a word, Zhang Xiaohua cuts out: "Qu Big Brother, come... these two are sent by my second brother to pick you up and Jinger, just... I thought you were in Longshan, they I haven't found many of you in the Longlong Mountain, and even the surrounding market towns are looking for..."

"Hey, Qu is not talented, let the two heroes work hard!" Qu Zhigao went to the ceremony.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Luda is also a gift.

After Qu Zhi was tall, Li Jinfeng also jumped off the carriage. Yuan Changqing even saw Li Jinfeng’s number of faces. The two were shocked and mutual understanding, and they were quite familiar with each other. The two drivers were eager to see Zhang Xiaohua. It seems that Zhang Xiaohua is really a god!

When I met the person in the Lotus Escort, the two drivers would naturally not use it again. Zhang Xiaohua used Qu Zhigao to double the wages, and double the price to buy the broken carriage, and sent the two to turn to Xiangyang Town. See When the two of them excitedly whispered, it was not looking back at themselves. Zhang Xiaohua almost had to warn him...

The team of the Lotus Escort was reorganized, and the three carriages of Qu Zhigao were placed in the middle. They were guarded by Lu Da, Ke Nanli and the other darts. The whole team began to march. Zhang Xiaohua went to Yuan Changqing and handed the ball: “Yuan Big Brother, there are still some things in the next, you need to take a step ahead, these three carriages, four people, will be handed over to Yuan Big Brother!"

"Hey? There is still a long way to go from Pingyang City. Although the little brothers are strong in martial arts, they can go alone... There are always risks. Why... don’t you go with the team? I want to rely on the little brothers. Wugong, returning to Pingyang City safely!” Yuan Changqing was concerned.

"Hey, I haven't walked this way. As long as there are rules to follow, the team of the Lotus Escort will not have anything to do. Besides, there are brothers and brothers, and there will be nothing. In the next, but It’s a very important thing, I can’t stay for a long time, I’m looking for forgiveness!”

"The little brother is careful on the road!" Yuan Changqing said.

Zhang Xiaohua returned to the carriage and said a few words with Li Jinfeng and Qu Zhigao. He handed several jade symbols to Li Jinfeng and whispered: "If there is something extremely dangerous, crush this blue jade piece to protect you. One life, and see the white jade piece crushed, I will know, will come soon!"

Li Jinfeng listened, carefully hiding a few jade symbols, and said: "Small flowers, if you have something, hurry up, I am a weak scholar, I am afraid that the thief will not be interested!"

"Hey, always be careful, otherwise... Sister Qiu Tong’s next life will not be relied on~"

"Little flowers..." Li Jinfeng has some red faces.

Zhang Xiaohua laughed and walked away. When he showed up, he couldn't see the traces of everyone. He would hide the figure from the law and rise to the sky!

And said that the entire rivers and lakes are eye-catching Lushan, this time with Zhang Xiaohua's last seen is different!

Let’s not say that the climate in the ten-mile radius of the mountain is obviously different from that in the other side. It is already autumn, but the trees on the mountain are still green and green. There is no difference between spring and summer, and even some ordinary grass grows. More robust, more blooming!

Nor does it say that the disciples of the fragrant sects, Dalin Temple, Shuiyun and Zhengdaomeng are more closely patrolled. The number of disciples of the four factions is also explained. The heads of the four factions have arrived!

Just say those who are active in the mountains. !

When Zhang Xiaohua came to see it, all the factions were armed around the Lushan Mountain. The disciples of other martial arts were forbidden to go up the mountain. At that time, only Baiyanqiu, the head of Shuiyun, was here, and the strengths of other factions were small. Many, there are still a lot of people who sneak into the different places and sneak into it. Looking at this time, although it can not be said that people in the mountains and plains are carefully looking for one inch and one inch of land, there are also thousands of people, all of which are distributed on the tops of the dozens of mountains and mountains.

Some people like a projectile, run here to see, run there to see; some people holding shovel in their hands, hoeing, planing here, planing there; others are more magical, holding various discs, hands, Boxes and other weird things, while watching the things in your hand, go along the different routes to the mountains!

In short, not all,

However, although it is thousands of people, it can be sprinkled on the top of the mountain, but there is no blisters, which are covered by trees full of mountains.

However, these people’s actions can make people outside the mountain dissatisfied with those who are “safe and self-sufficient”. During the night, many people sneak into the mountains every day, although the four disciples have blocked them. There are always people missing the net.

"Hey......." The sound of the mountain on the mountain, I do not know from there, all the people on the top of the mountain, all the people under the mountain, are looking up, want to find the source of the movement, but... The sound of the sound is like being in the ear, just by your side, what you see with the naked eye, you can't see anything!

"嘭" is a muffled sound, a wave of air falling from the sky, like a hurricane, the trees and rocks are blowing, the people on the mountain are slanting and leaning to fall, after the blast, the noise It is also stopped, and there is restoring just the silence!

Everyone on the Lushan Mountain seems to have a movement in the heart. They are all around, and they go around in the place they want....

Under the mountain, there are several heads and disciples of all the small factions, rushing through the sects of the four factions, and went to Lushan!

In the south of Lushan, the station between the water clouds, as early as the sound of the buzzing sound, Bai Yanqiu and the three real people flew out of the tent, looking at the mountains in front of them without expression, and there were not many accidents, just When the air wave came out again, the wind blew to the eyes of the four people, and the four men stunned, and then the face appeared horrified, and they all agreed: "Heaven and Earth ???"

Immediately, the four people ignored the others and sat on the ground. They sneaked their minds in the heart and passed the tea. Bai Yanqiu opened his eyes and looked at the three teachers who were still engorged, turned and looked forward. More crowds on the mountain! There was a boring color on his face.

With enough time for a meal, three real talents in the water cloud opened their eyes. Hao Yun really laughed and said: "This...the fairy house is really good, it has not been born, the spurt of the heavens and the earth is so rich. It is not much to give up when the ancient fairy tales recorded in the classics of Menmen. If you can cultivate in Xianfu, my generation can be repaired!"

"The brothers said very much, not to mention the spurt of the heavens and the earth today, that is, the heaven and earth that overflowed above the mountains during this time is far more than I have... I see more in my life! Xiandao Daxing...may also fall on This is above the Immortal!"

"Since all three real people have said this, the disciple... all the previous arrangements, three real people..."

"Oh, the white palm door doesn't have to say anymore. I didn't want to let the head of the house sing the fairy house, but the other movements of the head. However, the white head is the head of the water cloud. Everything in the door. I am the head of the head, and my opinion is just a reference. I want to change the door of the sword and change it into a water cloud. I don’t just talk about it?"

“Thank you three real people for tolerance.” Bai Yanqiu smiled like a flower, and said: “But, please also ask three real people to express, this... How long will Xianfu be able to be born?”

Haoyun really smiles: "This time, even the ancestors can't know. How can I know? Hey, in fact, what Xianfu looks like is not recorded in the books of this book. I don't know what it is, it is Not like my knife door?"

"Brother, you are worse, how can it be the same? If so, what are I waiting for here?"

"I just said the scale, look at this mountain, only a few miles, even if it is all full..."

Hearing this, Bai Yanqiu was shocked and looked at the whole Lushan Mountain. He whispered: "Three real people... afraid... this whole Lushan is the one... Xianfu!"

"Oh, no, we only want to be a fairy, but we never thought about how the Immortal was born, is it falling from the sky? Or is it from the ground? If the whole Lushan is a fairy, it can be understood, by then, as long as Can come out with a door!"

"Bad, this group of disciples are tossing back and forth on Mount Lu, in case... they really have to find the portal, but it is terrible!"

"White head, you are not ahead..."

"Yeah, Haoyue real people, the disciples are sending people, but the number is limited, and mainly want to hold the Chuanxiang and Dalin Temple, when the birth of Xianfu, you have a chance to see the present... by this Help people, what are we going to have a chance?"

"If this is the case, then it should be cleaned up." Hao Feng real people looked at the disciples like the flies running all over the mountain, said coldly.

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