Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1147: Have their own minds

The first thousand one hundred and forty-seven chapters have their own minds

In the west of Lushan Mountain, in the camp of Zhengdao League, a large number of pavilions, ten people stood respectfully, and they were facing the direction of Lushan. Zhang Sanmeng’s face was gloomy and sitting in a golden nanmu On the chair, the cold eyes looked down at the front, and everyone who dared not speak!

The face of Zhang Sanmeng’s face... has been gloomy for a few days. As soon as he got some news from the Zhengdao Peak near the Lushan Mountain, he has been gloomy!

Everyone knows that the lord does not speak for a few days, and if it really moves the real fire, no one dares to go forward, lest...when it is wrong, there will be punishments!

Picking up a tea bowl with gold silk on the side, Zhang Sanmeng took a sip, and he didn't wait for the throat. The sound of "噗" was spit out, and then the hand was smashed, the tea bowl fell to the ground, and the bones were broken!

"Hey, what kind of tea is this, is it for people to drink?" Zhang Sanmeng angered.

"Yes, the lord, the subordinates, this commanded the people to find a good mountain spring!" Chai vice ally knew that Zhang Sanmeng mainly spoke, and had to say **** the scalp.

"Hey, the spring water is easy to find, but... I am a thousand elite disciples who can’t find it! You can tell me, how long will it take me to train these thousands of elite disciples? "Zhang Sanmeng replied: "And, you wait... Can anyone tell me that the so-called fairy master... Is it a sacred religion? He...so only kills my righteous disciples? Disciples ignore them?"

Zhang Sanmeng’s main temper was ruined and jumped up: “There is also the Qingyan order of my Orthodox League. Even the rudder has been taken over. I... I don’t know who the man is!”

"And, what kind of money do I want? You... are you bringing it to me? It’s winter, next year... I’m having a big move, no money, how do you let me... send a league disciple???"

Everyone is ashamed, they are shrinking their necks and bowing their heads.

"This... the lord is not in a hurry, although thousands of disciples are stuck in the peak, but... they are still my disciples, and they have not been ruined, even if they are imprisoned, waiting for us to find the fairy tales here. After the magic weapon, pass the peak, or send out the shackles, or let them hand over my thousands of disciples, will not end?" The firewood ally does not want to open, but he does not speak who speaks?

"You... you are so embarrassed to say this, I have been eating such a big loss from the alliance since the establishment of the League? Where is my face? Let’s say that if you want someone, even if you kill all the sects, it’s hard to snow. Zhang's shame!"

"Yes, if Zhang Meng is willing to do so, I will send out the shackles after the alliance. I am already immersed in the halfway of the elite disciples!" Chai sub-director followed the tone of Zhang Sanmeng.

"Well, it is the right thing to do." Zhang Sanmeng said with a smile: "Is it true that the old aunt is not ignorant? I have to let the whole river and lake see it. I am not inferior to the inheritance of the immortal. Where is it!"

The smuggling rice sub-owner suddenly came to the spirit and said: "It is the blood-washing peak, which can restore the face of my righteous alliance! The lord, is this still used? Although we have no evidence, the master of the immortal must be certain It is the offering of the scented sect! We only use ordinary disciples to kill this time. I have to look at it, how can the fairy sage take it!"

"Can you... the monk of Dalin Temple?" The strict deputy leader who was hesitant in his face tried to test: "This group of vultures will be most compassionate, and we will be seen by them several times, but they themselves... Selling dog meat, no less murder and arson!"

"I am a good disciple in the enemy's hands, and the disciples are dispatched to rescue. This is the reason why the whole rivers and lakes make sense. The Dalin Temple is even more powerful. It is also the Dalin Temple on the rivers and lakes. It has not broken the rules!" Zhang Sanmeng sneer Road.

Then, look at Lushan again, no reason to smile: "I can't think of Zhang Xiaohu, who has never heard of a name before, actually has such a wrist! Chai deputy lord, you are blind, water rain, hero I It is still in the hands of an unnamed junior! Heroic death, shit, isn’t it the discovery of the relationship between the water and rain friends and me? But, too, even the water rain friends are still alive, the whole deputy There are four gangs, and five new churches are added. Each church is the owner of Zhang Xiaohu. There is one more assistant to the water and rain. He is also powerless. If you don’t contact me, I will be a disciple. He can still do it? Hu Yunyi, Hu Yunyi, what are you doing back? It is better to build a sect on the outside!"

"Because of his incompetence, he is willing to be punished." Chai deputy leader said: "Subordinates... I thought this little tiger is a sacred sect. I am controlling the water and rain, it is the people. The Tao also made the body of the person, so that the fragrant teaching can not tell. Can not think of this tiger's wrist is so brilliant!!!"

"Oh, maybe... it’s a sacred teacher!" Zhang Sanmeng sneered, and then waved his hand: "The sect is just a chicken rib. If the league is happy, it will be extinguished if you wave, or let's take a look at this magic weapon." Strictly deputy ally, what can I find out about my disciples on the Lushan Mountain?"

Yan’s deputy leader shook his head: “The Lord of the League, nothing, has been looking for so long, nothing!”

"Well, what about the disciples of the fragrant church, Dalin Temple and Shuiyun?"

"This..." Yan's main face looked strange: "They...they didn't send disciples up the mountain!"

"What? They... Did they have been inquiring long ago?" Zhang Sanmeng said: "I have to wait late, only to the west, have they sent their disciples up?"

"The lord of the squad, according to the genre, the first to come between Shuiyun, then Dalin Temple, followed by the sacred religion, they only sent disciples to guard the mountain road, not let other disciples go up the mountain, themselves... indeed a disciple did not Send it out!” Yan’s ally is very honest and has reported his knowledge.

"Where....somewhat!" Zhang Sanmeng confessed: "The order is passed down... Let the disciples be careful and careful, and don't miss anything important!"


It is said that Lushan is a burst of creaking, and a burst of heaven and earth spurt out, that wind will blow Zhang San's white hair!

"This...what is it? Strictly associate the lord, send more people, go up and see!" Zhang Sanmeng was very surprised at the sudden hurricane, and immediately ordered.

On the east side of Lushan Mountain, one of the fragrant incense teachings is not beautiful, but it can also look like a very delicate wooden house. The scented sect of the sect of the sacred sect is sitting on it, and the left hand is the inner door of Xue Zhenshi. Disciple, the right hand is a few white-haired old enshrined, Shuqing Shu robbery two elders, not in it.

At this time, Jing Yi Shi’s face was very happy. Looking at the mountain outside the house, he smiled and said: “The mountain is full of enthusiasm. It’s more attractive than the martial arts conference.” It’s really exciting. !"

"The main teacher of the martyrdom, the water cloud actually came a lot earlier than my fragrant sacred, afraid... isn't it the news of Xianfu?"

"The water cloud has the inheritance of the **** knife door, and the **** knife door and my fragrant teaching are generally the inheritance of the ancient fairy road. No one can guarantee that they have no record about Xianfu! And the **** knife door... I have been killed once, I must... I want to get more than the sacred religion!"

"The teacher said that most people can get Xianfu, but it can't be between the clouds. If it is won by Bai Yanqiu, is it afraid that it will not cause the **** waves on the rivers and lakes?" Xue Zhenshi nodded. .

"The fragrant incense is now, the rivers and lakes are chaotic. I have just re-entered the fragrant church into the rivers and lakes, and I have encountered this fairy affair. How can this world be so embarrassing? If there is no connection, how can this letter be believed?" Laughing: "If the **** is not open, can I not come out? Even if someone can go to this mountain, it can't play any role. What does this mean?"

"Indicating that this is the reason why Yanshan Xianfu and I have spread the fragrant religion? Perhaps it is also the involvement of my predecessors who have passed through the scent of the scent of the scent. Only then will this prediction be left!" Peacock laughed.

"That said, we passed the fragrant teaching this time is ten stable?" Chen Chen is also a surprise smile.

"Where, if you can't say this, anything can happen, you have to be prepared to deal with everything!" Jing Yi teacher laughed too.

"Just like the sect, this teacher only regards Zhang Xiaohu as a chess piece, but... this piece actually plays such a big role, not only will the entire 缥缈山庄 rectify the same iron bucket, but also bring a bunch of Hu Yunyi back. The horse is also conquered, it is really a big surprise!"

"I don't want Zhang Xiaohu's sect to come over, but... he can't help but tell the lord of the sect, and even if Zhang Xiaohu doesn't say, Ming and Qing and Qiankun Heng are also saying. , this... one of the iron buckets in the mountain village, we don’t know what happened inside? No... what is wrong!” Xue Zhenshi was too frowning.

"Well, this teaching... I haven’t done some action on Zhang Xiaohu, presumably... he doesn’t dare to have any two hearts.” Jing Yi’s teacher laughed too much, but then there was some frowning and awakened: “Snow Zhen Shimei said very much, it seems... Since Hu Yunyi sent the disciple named Chu Yunfei to visit the Shanshan Village, there was no news from the Yupai faction. Now Hu Yunyi has also entered the Lushan Villa, and there are also water rain friends. There is also Zhang Chengyue’s rumored disciple, and the excitement is certain. Although we can’t see the excitement, it’s okay to listen to it!”

"Oh, the subordinates know that the lord of the lord has always been worried about the sacred house. He has disregarded the sects of the sects. Therefore, the subordinates have already sent people to visit the village, and they must have news immediately!"

"Xue Zhen Shimei, I know my heart!" Jing Yi teacher laughed too.

At this time, the same buzzing sounds, as well as the explosion of heaven and earth, let Jing Yi Shi Tai, and the Shuqing Shu robbery hiding behind the wooden house are flying out...

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