Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1152: alliance

The first one hundred and fifty-two chapter alliance

"Yes, the disciple is leading the life!" Dozens of monks of different looks came out from behind Chang Geng's masters. They all armed with weapons and cast their dexterity to the mountains. It is obvious that the martial arts of these disciples are better than just cleaning up in the mountains. The monks of all disciples are much higher!

As soon as the disciples of the law-protection were gone, Master Chang Geng again waved: "The disciples listened to the orders, arranged in a shape, and went up from the bottom of the mountain. Searching carefully everywhere, you must not miss any unusual places!"

"Yes, the disciple is leading the life!" The remaining Dalin Temple disciples opened the right distance and stepped over to Mount Lushan. They looked at the strength and were no different from the disciples just now. They all looked down on the copper coins. Posture!

"Ah~ Help! The monk of Dalin Temple killed people~"

However, for a long time, a burst of screams sounded at the top of Mount Lushan. Although the screams came late, it was... still coming!

At the foot of Mount Lushan, there are many people, just like the market. Everyone’s face is fortunate, with vigilance, and the ambition of the eyes is mixed, forming a complex look.

Everyone has heard the screams in the mountains, and there are many people who are familiar with each other. Most of them are biting their teeth, holding their fists and looking at the tents and wooden houses that are at the foot of the mountain. The eyes show hatred.

On the top of Mount Lu, it is certainly the disciples of the four schools of the Fairy Road, looking for the mountains in the heat, and the mountains, more than the four schools of the Fairy Road, more sects, but also the dark tide!

Seeing the darkness in the sky, at the foot of Mount Lushan, the four schools of Xiandao have already cleaned up the corpse capital that was killed on Mount Lushan. Those corpses were thrown on the ground indiscriminately, and there were relatives and teachers’ gates. Go, no one is claiming it.

However, these corpses are not even passers-by now, who cares?

On the Lushan Mountain, the disciples in the hands of the disciples had a little torch, but at the foot of the mountain, a group of torches like a star river appeared!

When I was a spirited old man, I had a knives with a scabbard in my hand. There were a few people who seemed to be surrounded by imposing figures. Then I looked back and saw that there were thousands of people. Strongly loaded, holding a torch in one hand, holding a weapon in one hand, a raging anger, eyes looking at Lushan, followed by the old man and so on.

This team is not close to the foot of Lushan Mountain. It has long attracted the attention of many people. Many people have whispered: "This is what the old man is doing? His old man is a famous place on the rivers and lakes. How many years have not appeared? Today, I actually showed up here, I am afraid that there is nothing important?"

"That is, the merchant father is highly respected. Many things in the rivers and lakes have to be hammered by the old man. It must be because the four schools of the immortality are really embarrassing. This means that the whole martial art is coming out, and you must be fair in front of the fairy road!"

After the fragrant teaching of the martial arts conference, the people in the rivers and lakes have already understood the fairy tales and the martial arts. At this time, it is also extremely smooth.

It is precisely because of the expectations of all, the business man really took everyone to the camp in front of the water cloud.

When the disciples of Shuiyun saw the people who were still torrents, they were also shocked. Before they were near, everyone had already turned back and told me! And the people who kept at the door, stepped forward, stopped everyone, and said: "The front is the camp between my water clouds, and the heroes stay!"

The business lord listened, and did not feel laughed: "This is the land of the mountains, it is the hinterland of the Central Plains, the old and the ruined, have been on the rivers and lakes for so many years, have never heard of this mountain has become a certain The private site of the door of a certain party!"

"Who are you? Actually said this?" The disciple sneered, sneer.

"Youna kid, I really don't know Taishan. This is the old man of the martial arts family in the original name. This year is more than 70 years old. When your grandfather is more than enough, let me see you, how can you say so rudely?" ?"

The disciple frowned and thought about it. He said, "The old man, as the color of the old man is too late, I don’t know why you are coming over?"

"Without him, but there are some things that I want to talk to your Baibaimen!"

The disciple smiled and said: "The old man, the weather is too late, you still have to go back, wait for the next day to sue my house, and then ask you to come over and tell you how to look at it?"

This disciple of Shuiyun’s disciples is a ritual and thoughtful, so that the merchant’s father can’t attack, but he has to cough and say: “There is a pressing thing in the old-fashioned white-handed door, and the younger brother will go back and obey!”

"That is, hurry to sue, otherwise... I will wait for the camp between your water clouds, afraid that it is not good for you in the water cloud!" I don't know who screamed afterwards!

"Who is daring, want to smash my water camp?" A loud drink is not far from the sound, it is the voice of Bai Yanqiu.

Everyone looked up, and in a flash of light, the glamorous Bai Yanqiu walked slowly, followed by the three old men.

"In the Shangxia Xuan Ze, the front is the water palm between the white palm door?" Shang Laozi arched.

"It's Bai Yanqiu, I don't know what the business lord is looking for?" Bai Yanqiu laughed.

"This..." Really saw Bai Yanqiu, the merchant father was a little hesitant, but he could see that everyone behind him seemed to be strong and courageous. He said: "The old man was pushed by the 104 sects in the rivers and lakes and wanted to follow the water. The four schools of the Fairy Road headed by the clouds... discuss it!"

"Hey? Business father, what do you want to talk to me?" Bai Yanqiu seems to have been informed.

"Xiandao Shentong is the people of my rivers and lakes, and the martial arts martial arts meeting. I have already known the martial arts sects. I have already known the gap with the four schools of the sect of the sect. Therefore, I have always been the leader of the sect of the four sects. The mountain magic treasure is given by God, and only the Germans live. And this virtue is not necessarily the person of the Taoist, and everyone in my martial arts should have this qualification."

"Now, the four schools of Xiandao not only enclose the mountain as an iron bucket, but the other sects on the rivers and lakes cannot be close to each other. Moreover, just now, the four schools of Xiandao actually took the hand and killed countless martial arts disciples. Above the mountains. How can these acts allow me to wait for the martial arts sect?"

"Hey, I understand it." Bai Yanqiu smiled and said: "However, according to the meaning of the business owner?"

The old man of the business said: "The white palm is wrong. It is not the meaning of the old man, but the common meaning of the 104 martial arts."

"Well, it’s all normal, business lord and come and listen!"

"There is nothing, but my martial arts school also wants to have the same treatment as the four schools of the Fairy Road. One, please send the four sects to give some vacant land to the martial arts, and let me send the martial arts to the front. Second, my martial arts martial art also Send someone up the mountain, with the disciples of the immortal..."

“Looking for a magic weapon together?” Bai Yanqiu smiled and smiled: “Well... if it is a magic weapon? How is it?”

"Who is found by nature, who is it!" The old man smiled and said: "Is there any other way to become a white-handed door?"

Bai Yanqiu spread his hand and said: "The whole body has not thought of it for a while, but... there are always rules for killing people and winning treasures on the rivers and lakes. If you have lost the magic weapon, but you are not enjoying it, you will be killed. Who is it? ???"

"Who is the one who grabs it naturally!" The old man did not speak, next to a man interface.

"Hey, I don't know which one is the head of the faction. However, if you say it, then...the whole mountain is not a hurricane and **** rain? There are countless deaths and injuries?" Bai Yanqiu laughed.

"That... that is better than just waiting for you to wait for the four schools of the immortal to hold the mountain, not letting me wait for the treasure hunt up!" The man bit his teeth and look at the person behind him, and he said with courage!

Bai Yanqiu just wants to talk, just listen to the one person who is angry at the back: "Is this all the pickled people? If you are doing this, do you want to go to the mountain?"

Bai Yanqiu was shocked. When he looked back, he saw a person flying behind her and stopped in the middle of the sky three feet in front of Bai Yanqiu. It was Haoyun real person.

That Haoyun real person is a hot temper, never afraid of things. At this time, he listened to the condemnation of his own eyes like an ant, and he was already intolerant. He couldn’t wait for Bai Yanqiu to finish, and took a small, flute from his arms. The general implement, floated into the air, yelled: "If you can use this real person to attack, this real person is the master, let you go up the mountain!"

Said, not waiting for everyone to open, before the law, the infuriating gas into the instrument, suddenly, the instrument issued a fiery brilliance.

"Hey?" Haoyun is a real person, his hand is slightly stagnation, but he can immediately wave his hand. The instrument is drawn in a semicircle in front of Haoyun real person. I saw that the little bit of firefly is flying out, just like there is Spirituality is generally gone to the body of the business owner and others!

"Hao..." Bai Yanqiu sees Haoyun real people flying in the air, knowing that it is going to be bad, just shouting a word, that Haoyun real people have already shot, seeing countless Mars flying out, Bai Yanqiu's face is amazed and bitter!

"This..." The merchant's father saw it, and the white eyebrows wrinkled. He didn't understand what the little things were. When a Mars flew to the front, he would stretch the sheathed machete in his hand and wanted to block it.

I don’t know, Mars is still not seeing anything in the air. It’s blocked by a scabbard. The sound of “啪” is blasting in the air, and once again forms a shape like a firework cover to the business owner. Different, more rapid, waiting for the business lord to react, the tiny Mars has already smashed his face and hit him.

That Mars is similar to Zhang Xiaohua's previous fire charm. It falls on the merchant's body and immediately ignites clothes, skin, hair, etc., that is, the scabbard is also pointed by several Mars!

Not only that, Mars seems to be poisonous, and it hurts on the skin. Even the old man can't stand it. "Ah~" is a scream, and the merchant father will slash the scabbard and quickly put his hand on his face. Go and want to annihilate that Mars...

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