Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1153: Xianfu is now, chaotic

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-three chapters of Xianfu are now, chaotic

Just, where is this Mars extinguished by hand?

The merchant’s hand had just met Mars, and his hand was immediately ignited. A sharp pain was uploaded from the hand, and the merchant’s father couldn’t help but smash his hand to his body. As a result, his body was also on fire...

"Ah~ Help, help!" The old man is very painful, and he will not jump in the same place, his hands will be caught, and he will find someone to save!

However, at this time, how can there be innocent people around him?

Not only his surroundings! In the Shang Laojiao's radius of about ten feet, there are about a hundred people. At this time, they are screaming, and they are arbitrarily extinguishing fire on their own bodies. They are more organic, and they have long fallen on the ground and tumbling violently. Fire is extinguished...

"Ha ha ha" see this scene, in the air, Hao Yun real people laughed and said, "Teacher, have you seen it? I have such power in the flames! It is really... I am looking forward to it." !"

Hao Yue and Hao Feng, two real people, did not hide their whereabouts. They stood up and flew to the side of Haoyun’s real person. They smiled and said: “Congratulations to the man’s mana!”

“Hey, where, where!” Hao Yun’s real man waved: “Where is my mana, but because of the richness of the world, I can play the power of it!”

"Oh ???" Haofeng stunned, then immediately understand, but also laughed: "No... I said that the cheats in the door said, I am so powerful as the instrument, if there is a month, but I have to show it, almost It is the firefly. It turned out to be the reason for the strength of heaven and earth. It is stupid and stupid."

During the speech, I also pulled out a small awl from my arms. When I swayed in front of the sky, I screamed, and a piece of lightning flashing net was generated in front of the awl, "go", Haofeng real person With one finger, the network directly flies to the real people of Haofeng. There is a group of martial arts people there, but they come with the merchants and other people, seeing the old man and other people on fire, hesitating and not knowing how to escape. It is still time to go to the rescue.

The thundering net in the abundant world is getting bigger and bigger, the arc is gradually thickening, and some of the wind and thunder are faint. When the group is in front of the group, it has turned into a five-footer, looking at the crowd is under the hood. .

When everyone saw it, it was already chilly. Some people took out their weapons and wanted to resist. Some people turned around and tried to escape. However, no matter how many people resisted, the net would cover everyone, and then they would be like The sound of beans is about forty or fifty people, and there are no screams. They are all dead and dead on the spot!

"Ha ha ha, really! So my thunder cone is so powerful!" Hao Feng real people stood in the air and laughed, turned and said: "Brother, don't you try your lightning bolt?"

"There is this intention!" The Haoyue real person next to him seems to be unable to restrain his curiosity, and he wants to take out his own artifacts!

At this time, the sound of "嗡嗡" was uploaded from the mountain...

Haoyue really can't take out the lightning hammer, but he can't chase the group of people who have been scattered for a long time. He immediately turns around and looks at Lushan. When he sees Mount Lushan, in the air, the beautiful scene, no. Feeling stunned!

I saw that there was a hundred feet above the Lushan Mountain. It was a dark piece. At this time, there was a very small bright spot, and a ray of light appeared gradually in the air.

And that "嗡嗡" sound came from the bright spot, the bigger and bigger, the more deafening!

"Xianfu???" Haoyue was a real person, and immediately ecstasy, a heart would have to fly out in general, just about to fly forward, then a palm pressed against his shoulder, Haoyun real people are also suppressing the excitement The voice sounded: "Teacher... Brother, don't worry, it's still early!"

Bai Yanqiu, who just stood behind the three real people, was also very excited at this time. She saw that she had to plan for a long time, and Xianfu would show up. Her palms were slowly sweating.

Not only are the three real people in the water cloud attracted by this half-empty vision, but they have just been shocked by the means of the real people of Haoyun and the real people of Haofeng. The disciples who fled the emperor have gradually stopped and grown up. Mouth, look at the sky in the mountains!

Not surprising, only the old man who was killed by the flames and thunder cones... dead!

The same scene also appeared in other places in Lushan.

In the camp of the fragrant incense camp, the quiet teacher took the peacock and other people too early to walk to the front of the wooden house. Shu Qingshu robbed the two elders who were too old, and they were so excited that they couldn’t hide their faces and watched quietly. .

In the Dalin Temple camp, Master Changsheng, Master Chang Geng, Master Chang Xing, hands clasped together, is very respectful standing there, the brilliance in the night sky is a little bigger, although the flaming light is still weak, but it can also be micro-imaged. The long-lived master can't tell the feeling of the feeling, but the far-distance master still sits under the tree, and seems to have no relationship with this fairy house!

In the west of the Zhengdao League camp, although they have the largest number of people, there is no one who is a fairy. The Daoist League and the three generals are standing on the open space at this time. The eyes first look at the light, and then they turn their eyes to Lushan. On the south side, my face is also slightly red, I don't know what to think!

However, for a long time, the bright spots in the mid-air of the mountain were getting bigger and bigger. Slowly, there was a fist size, and then it was like a big stone. The red light of the blood was like a countless sword that opened the night sky. The red light followed. Like a burning flame, it boils, and the rotations together illuminate the night sky!

The strength of the heavens and the earth, the lack of energy in the past, and the sky, with that Guanghua, also want to emerge in all directions, stronger than the previous hurricane, only the trees of the Lushan Mountain blown away, almost to fly sand!

The sound of the vibration of the "嗡嗡" that accompanied the blood red light never stopped, not only is it getting bigger and bigger, but also gradually has a rhythm. If it is listened carefully, I am afraid that there is still a drum. sound? However, at this time, the tens of thousands of people on the mountain downhill are all breathless and gazing at the eyes. Who can still distinguish in detail?

"Channel, the channel of the fairy world..." I don't know who is the first to wake up, and the body shape will be swept forward, and I want to find a perfect position before the so-called channel is revealed!

This person does not matter, the people next to them are all awakened, no one is a fool, the light work done on weekdays is no worse than others. For a time, these people are rushing forward!

This group of people did not tighten, and everyone around them was awake. "Hurry ~ hurry, who knows the size of the channel, and I don’t know how long it will appear. As long as I get to the front, there will be a chance!" This is almost everyone. The idea!

However, under the Lushan Mountain, there are almost all the famous people on the rivers and lakes coming. It is said that tens of thousands are small figures. I don’t know how many people who are consciously not qualified to go forward and secretly hide behind them! Now seeing the "channel of the fairyland" is about to open, who can still hold it? A swarm of bees rushed to the mountains.

"Don't be the way to Laozi!"

"Quickly let go~"

Almost all such words, do not know who is the first to start, do not know that this person's knife is cut to the person who is in front of himself, or the sword stabbed to the side, just for a moment, that sword Or a knife has become a fuse to ignite crazy killing!

And this killing seems to be spreading. Starting from a certain point, it is rapidly passing in all directions. With the expansion of the killing, the voice of "嗡嗡" transmitted from the light group is also rushing, ups and downs, swaying and swaying, first killing Sound vibration, I don't know how long it took, the killing sound actually catered to the sound of "嗡嗡"!



A scream of screams, one after another, became the melody of the sound of screaming, a person was killed, the **** sword has not been pulled out from the man, the head of the sword is smashed by a strange weapon Both of them lay down on the ground and could not die any more.

However, under the brilliance of blood red, the blood flowing from the two people, like the disciples killed by the monks on the mountain, a glimpse, a strand of stock, infiltrated into the ground, no trace!

These abnormalities, even during the day, may not be noticed, let alone in the **** night!

On the Lushan Mountain, the **** brilliance is smashed, and the dying sun is straight.

On the Lushan Mountain, the awkward agitation is like a battle drum in the battlefield.

And under the mountains, tens of thousands of people are killing each other, fierce screaming, endless blood flow, is the main theme of compassion!

Greed, brutality, blackmail, and other human natures that have not been revealed on weekdays are revealed at this moment, completely annihilating the rationality of all people. Everyone almost forgot the reason for the knife, and only mechanically and involuntarily pierced the weapons in their hands. It seems that this is the only reason for his existence in the world!

a **** light,

a **** mountain,

a burst of blood,

A **** night.

Also, a **** humanity!

"Sorrowful, kind-hearted~" In front of the water cloud camp, Haoyun and other three real people stood in the air and said in their mouths.

Haoyun and other three real people will sing the old man and others to eliminate them. They are also the temptation to hold back the glory of the eyes. The impulse to rush themselves through life, just whispering a few words to each other, you will see countless martial arts behind you. People, rushing over Mount Lushan, they dare not care, evoke Bai Yanqiu, vacated, and put the jade symbols that have been prepared in their hands one by one on the ground. If they are on weekdays, they are not willing to waste this time. Such ample power in the world makes them no longer lick this little jade.

As the four people flew over, on the side of the prevention between the water and the clouds, a faint mask of khaki brilliance was gradually raised, and all the people were kept out of Guanghua. Weapons, or use light work, are insurmountable!

The people behind are still coming up, the people in front are not going to go, they... only turn around and look at the weapons in their hands... to save one's life!

The faint Buddha of "Amitabha" sounded from the air, causing the attention of Haoyun and others...

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