The first one hundred and sixty-four chapters of the blood

The three schools of Xiandao plus the Zhengdao League, their disciples are certainly stronger than the martial arts martial arts of the general Jianghu martial art, but after all, there are also deaths and injuries, and the death and injury are beyond their expectations, especially the Zhengdao League, but can not compare with the three schools of Xiandao.

The whole ground had a death of 2,000 people for a meal. In the middle, there were 1,200 people who were disciples on the rivers and lakes, and 300 people were disciples of the three schools of Xiandao. In addition, nearly 500 people were righteous disciples.

Zhang Sanmeng’s main standing is not far away, still looking gloomy, his lips are tightly biting, and the other side of the firewood leader is also not good, biting the ears of Zhang Sanmeng’s ear and saying a few words, Zhang San The lord nodded slightly, looked up and looked at the air, and the masters of Tianzhu and others fought hard, and looked at the scented sects, Dalin Temple and Shuiyun who were watching their disciples in the distance, and shouted: "Longevity Master, I am a normal disciple of ordinary martial arts, this martial art is low, this time has been a lot of damage, if it is ... I will not shoot, I am afraid... I am unable to resist the disciples!"

The longevity master's knowledge is also released, and the reason for it is clearly seen. He is slightly addicted and nods. "What the Zhang Sanmeng said is, Jing Yi Shi Tai, Bai Zhang Men, what do you say?"

"Hey, the old man has long wanted to say, I pass the fragrant teaching outside the disciples is also a lot of damage, seeing the old body is also itchy, not as long as I also activities and muscles? Let the younger generation know about it, and later Take a lesson, don't do this things that don't know how to advance or retreat?" Jing Yi Shi too look at Bai Yanqiu laughs.

"The whole body is also such an idea, quiet teacher too, you please first?" Bai Yanqiu replied.

"Well, the old man starts!" Jing Yi Shi is a sneak peek, from a small mahogany sword, self-deprecating: "There is no sword in the old body, can only drive the mahogany sword, but let you laugh."

After that, put one hand, the left hand smashed, the index finger and the **** together, the peach wood sword thrown in the air shivered slightly, first swayed, then quickly spurred to a distant disciple of the various factions, the disciple was With a machete in his hand, he slammed to a disciple who passed down the scent, where did he put the flying sword? I saw a black shadow flashing, my throat was cold, the strength of the whole body was drawn, the machete was thrown on the ground, and I fell on my back!

When I saw my own teacher, Xue Zhenshi, Peacock and Chen Chen did not hesitate. They took out their own hand weapons and broke into the crowd. The martial arts of this group of disciples are high and many people are almost Just like a wolf into a flock, the disciples who rushed to the front are killing!

But after all, there are too many people, and there are a lot of disciples in the back. I am glad that I can rush to the front. Where do I think I am going to the Shura field?

For a time, it is a **** splash!

The master of the "Amitabha" longevity sighed slightly and looked at the disciples around him and said, "All go to rob, and return to the Yuan, all disciples are not spared!"

"Yes, the disciples obey!" Master Chang Geng, Master Chang Xing, and many other disciples, are armed with weapons and rushed into the crowd...

The same is true of Shuiyunjian and Zhengdaomeng. The final elites are dispatched, like the tigers that go down the mountain, rushing into the crowd and fighting for it!

It’s a meal, and there are countless deaths and injuries. The dead bodies are all over the place. Perhaps... In the past year, there were not many people who died in this time!

However, the killing has not stopped, and the people who are alive and want to climb the steps are rushing up!

Four disciples... Gradually, some of them are upset.

At this time, the fighting method above the air has gradually yielded results.

Similar to the situation last night, Masters of Tianzhu and others, although the cultivation of Xiandao is a god-like existence in the whole rivers and lakes, but their true cultivation is only the late stage of refining, even the foundations are not, but they The instruments used are... the so-called ancient artifacts, very powerful.

But behind this is extremely powerful, the infuriating consumption is also huge. Last night, their fights left a few points, but today they really saw the steps. When they thought of the benefits of Xianfu, they spared no effort to bring all the instinct in the meridians. They have all come out, and the instruments in their hands make it a ray of light, and the momentum is extraordinary.

The consequences are also obvious. After the two meals, the instinct in their meridians is empty, and the spirit they absorb from the heavens and the earth is far from satisfying the consumption of the instruments.

I saw Master Scorpio, his face was slightly ruddy, his eyes were stunned, and his fingers twitched slightly, and he glanced at Shuqing Shitai, who was holding Suyun’s white flag in his hand. Bite, the hand will move, the colorful Guanghua has been faintly turned into a lightning bolt to his eyes, the master of Tianyi hesitated, will be a mouth, a blood spray on the Yanfan wheel, blood infiltration Yan Fan Wheel, immediately Guanghua Dasheng, Master Tianzhu will give a hand, that Yan Fan wheel whistling and rushing to the side of Haoyun real people.

Shuqing’s teacher was too sneaked, and his nose was sneer, and his hand was covered with a white flag. It was also a blood spurt on it. The same brilliance flashed, and there were countless white and red lotuses emerging from the lotus and the real people around Haoyun. The singer of the scorpio masters is blocked, and the master of Haoyun is not scornful. The remaining mana is not poured into the tremor drum. The invisible volatility is attacked by the rivet, and the rivet wheel seems to be invisible. The mire, shaking slightly, can't go half an inch.

At this moment, Yan Fan suddenly increased the speed of the rotation, and then the sound of "啪" sounded, the "Ten" in the middle of the circle, suddenly shot from the Yanfan wheel, than the mahogany of Jing Yi Shi Tai The sword must be swift and straight to the chest of Haoyun.

"哎哟~" Haoyun really screamed, and the law changed in the hands. The Tiantian drum immediately rose, and the drums swayed thunder in front of him.

The "噗噗噗噗" sounded a slight, almost inaudible sound, and the "Ten" word broke the fluctuation of the Tiantian drum and attacked the drumhead of the Zhentian drum!

A loud shock of "咚", if the sound of the thunder and the like, the "Ten" hit the drum face of the Tiantian drum, and ... actually broke the Zhentian drum! The "Ten" word is a little slower and still stabs the chest of Haoyun.

The real people of Haoyun obviously did not think that Yan Fan was so powerful. When the "Ten" word stabbed in front of him, he woke up and immediately flew back. At the same time, the jade symbol that he had already taken in his hand, one after another The crumbs, one by one, the mask continued to rise from him.

It is a pity that the Yan Fanfan was so powerful that the defensive mask pierced one, and even pierced a dozen, but the speed of the Yanfan wheel was slightly reduced.

"啪" is another sound, this is the voice of Yan Fan round finally hit the real people of Haoyun, Haoyun really hurts, a mouth, "噗", a blood sprayed into the air, and his body from the air Falling in!

Hao Yue, next to "Sister Xiong~" was shocked by the real person. He just called out the sound of the Capricorn, which was slamming into the thunder cone, and turned slightly to the back of Haoyue.

The sound of "Peng", a weak red light brilliance flashed from the back of Haoyue real people, apparently the defense of Haoyue real people, but that defense, although blocking most of the power of the Capricorn, still has a strong force attack Zhong Haoyue's real vest is also a **** spray!

However, fortunately, Haoyue real people barely stabilized their stature, flew to the side, and caught the stunned real people.

"Hey! Do you dare to attack?" It is the roar of the master of the Scorpio, and at the foot of the master of the Scorpio, it is the peach whip of the sacred religion, and quickly flies back to Shuqing Shitai! And the master of the Scorpio is a squat, standing unsteadily, and falling from the air.

"Master ~" drove the Capricorn to fight the heroes of the real people of Haoyue, but they did not sacrifice the Capricorn beads again. They immediately flew over and caught the body of Master Scorpio!

In the middle of the air, there are still far-away masters holding the konjac, and the hurricane real person holding the lightning hammer. When they see each other, they are all reluctant to retreat. They are about to return... On the top of Mount Deshan, the screaming screaming in the Xianfu, like the last night's tweet, resounded throughout the world, and then, the entire Xianshan on the Lushan Mountain was red, like a burning flame, and that day’s vitality was also At the same time, it comes from all sides and gathers around this mountain!

The red light of Xianfu became brighter, and a faint gong and drum sound came from it. The red light turned into blood, just like last night!

Along with this gong, the eyes of everyone around Lushan were slightly bright, and there was an unyielding and dissatisfied gaze in the scorpion, and there was pain and a faint expression on his face.

In the middle of the air, the far-away master who had already retired immediately stopped, took a deep breath, and waved his hand. The demon scorpion came out, just like a mountain, it was like a real person, and Haofeng was also a normal person. The lightning hammer turned into a sledgehammer and greeted it. A loud noise, the konjac and the lightning hammer hit together. The lightning hammer was slanted and flew, and the konjac was also a slight glimpse. The eyes of Haofeng’s real people are also absolutely stunned. With a wave of hand, the lightning hammer does not save, but instead goes straight to the far-away masters. It only takes time, lightning strikes the master vest in the middle of the road, and the magic sniper hits the chest of Haofeng’s real person. The body is full of brilliance, the defense has been broken, "噗噗" two sounds, the two spurt blood at the same time, fell in the air!

This is not too weird. The most bizarre thing is that the master of the far-sightedness who catches the master of the heavens is also pointing his hand. The capricorn in the air is in the middle of the moon, and the moon is not dodging. The thunder cone rotates. They also countered the far-sightedness. At about the same time, both of them were hit each other, their bodies were stunned, their hands were loose, and all four people fell from the air.

Surprisingly, the fallen master of the Scorpio, pointing his hand, the suspension in the air, the Yanfan wheel suddenly became smaller, the speed is much faster, waiting for the Shuqing teacher to wave the Suyun cloud white flag from the back hitting Shuqing Shitai Vest!

Shu Qing is too similar, but also fell in the air.

At the same time, the red light in Xianfu was soaring, and a huge unrivalled suction came from within the fairy house. In a short while, the heavens and the earth that had just gathered around the mountain were evacuated...

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