The first one hundred and sixty-five chapter passage

A huge suction came from the inside of Xianfu, and the brains and the spirits around the Lushan Mountain were all taken away. In an instant, there was no trace of vitality around the entire Lushan Mountain.

Because the heaven and earth vitality was taken away, the sky was in the clear sky, and at this time, there were countless black clouds flying from a distance. An inexplicable hurricane was born from nine days, and the whistling was blowing! Then there are countless floating snowflakes falling, the hurricane is doped with snowflakes, raging in the darkness of midnight, only far away, after the dark clouds, a little starry sky, flashing ripples, like countless eyes staring at the sky-like changes on this mountain ! ! !

The sudden change of the wind and the flying sand are the portrayal of this time. The disciples of countless Jianghumen are all unstable, and they want to fall, and even the weapons in their hands can't hold them.

The worst, of course, is the master of the battle in the middle of the sky, and so on!

The behavior of these people... is really puzzling!

Not to mention the masters of Scorpio and the real people of Haoyun, the real people of Haoyun were hit by the singer of the scorpio, and they were stunned and fell into the air. They were caught by Haoyue real people. Master Scorpio was attacked by the real people of Haoyun. Shuqing’s sneak attack with the peach blossom whip was also a serious injury. It fell and was caught by the Yuanming Master. It is extremely reasonable and reasonable for these two people to be seriously injured. It is the result of normal fighting.

The other five people have fallen from the air at this time, which is extremely embarrassing!

The master of the far road and the real people of Haofeng, this is a resentment, can hear the faint drums, and the red light of the blood, but also a bold shot, and still play with both sides, it is incredible!

There are also the masters of Yuanming, the real people of Haoyue, the real people of Haofeng, and even the Shuqing master is being invaded by the master of Tianzhu... It is all reasonable, beyond the instinct of human beings!

The longevity masters and so on are also the same. They are photographed by the red light of the blood, and there is a faint drum sound, which reminds the implements of the hands and kills many people. The hurricane that followed immediately made them suddenly awake, and they were shocked when they squinted into the air.

Although there were no traces of the heavens and the earth at this time, they had long been accustomed to performing floating techniques without the strength of the heavens and the earth. At this time, they did not dare to consider the consumption of the true gas in the meridians, and the longevity masters and others immediately floated away. From the beginning, the descendants of the Tianzhu masters and others reached out and took over.

The master of Tianzhu of Dalin Temple, the master of Yuandao and the master of Yuanming were respectively picked up by Master Changsheng, Master Chang Xing and Master Chang Geng. Master Shuqing, who passed the fragrant teaching, was caught by Jing Shi, and the three real people in the water... Can be unlucky!

Bai Yanqiu is not an eye-opener, nor is it... not paying attention to this half-empty fight, her water cloud is the most shallow of the three schools of the fairy tales, and this half-air fight is of course the first step in the water cloud. The key to the government, therefore, Bai Yanqiu is still different from the mindset of Jingyi Shitai and Changsheng Master. When the disciples are commanded to resist the attack of the various factions in the rivers and lakes, they also put most of their thoughts in the air!

Seeing the three real people who rely on the barrier as they fell from the air, Bai Yanqiu was shocked and stunned. He quickly ignored everything, and urged the instinct of the meridians, and the cultivation was not a profound floating technique. Fortunately, the great fortune, Haoyue real people and Haoyun real people are together, Haofeng real people are not too far away, I saw Bai Yanqiu first flew to Haoyue real people, reaching out, a move similar to the move of the stars It was issued that the real thing that Haoyue real person and the Haoyun real person in his hand fell quickly was to stop and change to a slanting plane.

"Liang Cangxu, you wait to catch up!" Bai Yanqiu screamed, Liang Cangxu and other disciples who were slashing and daring were not scornful. They all showed their merits. The shadow of the real people of Haoyue was the past.

And they are busy, the front of the defense has a loophole, such as the tide of the rivers and lakes of the disciples, there have been several disciples, from the gap out.

Bai Yanqiu saved Haoyue and Haoyun real people. When they turned around, they went to save the real people of Haofeng. Only this one delay, Haofeng real people are very close to the ground, Bai Yanqiu can’t imagine the skinny and savage real people are so faint and straight. The fall of the fall will not fall into a few petals at once. In the midst of urgency, one foot is kicking in the shackles of Haofeng real people, and the body of Haofeng’s real person is also flying at once, but, unfortunately, that direction It is the fairy temple!

"Bai Yanqiu!!! What are you doing?" Jing Yi Shi is the most relaxed, holding Shu Qing Shi Tai in his hand, roaring in his mouth.

Bai Yanqiu wants a lot of things, but it is a hasty rescue of the wind and the real person. At this time, I listened to the swearing of the quiet teacher, and turned the eyes, the loud voice: "I am a teacher of the three prefects, since the opponents, they can not win the victory on the fairy road. Negative, the previous plan can not be counted, and ... before the Tianlong teaches that Xiaoyao has entered Xianfu for a long time, if I don’t go in, I will have a change; plus I have a lot of disciples behind me. My four disciples can withstand a moment, and I am afraid that they will be attacked by others. It is not as good as this... I am going to go in now, and the three sects of the sect of the sect of the dynasty will enter, and I will wait for the sect of the sect. Advanced advantage is not big, what do you think?"

Bai Yanqiu also listened to the explanation of Jing Yi Shi Tai. He said in his mouth that "Dragon is a free-spirited person", but he is also aware of the longevity master and Jing Yi Shi Tai and others.

Jingyi Shiyi listened to it, knowing that Bai Yanqiu was in charge of Xiaoyao, or that Ren Xiaoyao was his own arrangement. If he disagreed with her suggestion, it would be a ghost in his heart, so he nodded: "This is what the teacher thinks, let The disciples under the door intercepted for a while and gave me plenty of time! And... Tianlong teaches that Xiaoyao has been in for a long time, and Xianfu has nothing to change. I am afraid that he will not find anything. I am not too late to enter now!"

The long growing old of Dalin Temple was also secretly annoyed. He only listened to the explanation of Jing Yi Shi Tai. He was dubious in his heart. He nodded at this time and said, "But the order of this..."

Bai Yanqiu thought about it early, and looked back at the disciples who had already begun to pay attention. He said, "Look at the light and repair it, and it is not high, and it is afraid to fall behind the masters and others."

"Good!~" Jingyi teacher laughed too: "It seems that I still have to wait for my own repairs! Peacock, you count, count to three, I will wait for the repair to grab the steps."

"Yes, follow the Lord's Law!" The peacock took a soft sword and jumped to the side of the quiet teacher.

"You wait for the immortality to be repaired, no matter how deep or shallow, when I wait for the steps, I will follow them together, saying that there must be some fairy tales!" said the Changsheng Master.

"Liang Cangxu, wait for me to wait for the steps, you will lift Haofeng real people from the steps. If they want to go up after waking up, they will accompany them into Xianfu!" Bai Yanqiu was not happy, thought about it. Liang Cangxu, who came back from Haoyun, said.

"Well, the disciples are not talented, start counting!" The peacock got the look of Jing Shi Shi Tai, began to count, waiting for her three words just exported, longevity master, Jing Yi Shi Tai, Bai Yanqiu are body shape, Turned into a road to the shadows, rushed to the steps of Xianfu, and when the three had just left, Zhang Sanmeng had just wanted to lift his legs, and he saw the masters of Chang Geng and Chang Xing in Dalin Temple. The figure was also floating, and he ignored Zhang. The three ally, go straight to the stairs!

Zhang Sanmeng’s master stunned, and his face was extremely gloomy, but what he could do was just squatting under his feet, following the two masters and stepping up the steps!

And where is the Jinglong Shitai, Changsheng Master and Bai Yanqiu’s Tianlong teaches Xiaoyao, where is it now?

A place where you can't know the moon, the heart, the heart, and the heart! ! !

And said that Zhang Xiaohua took out the celestial mirror at the time, and a colorful Guanghua projected from the palace gate, covering Zhang Xiaohua, and another huge unmatched suction pulled Zhang Xiaohua and pulled him into the palace. Among the doors, Zhang Xiaohua’s figure is like a stone falling into the water, and only one layer of the dragonfly disappears.

Zhang Xiaohua fell into the fairy house, just looked up, it was shocked by everything in front of me! I don’t think it’s stunned.

Only after waiting for a long while, I slowly returned to God!

He has seen the 缥缈 缥缈 缥缈 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 蹙 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些 那些Too small! !

Zhang Xiaohua also saw the appearance of Xianfu under the Lushan Mountain. He didn't think how big it was, but when he stood in the inside of this Xianfu, he realized... How magnificent this Xianfu is!

Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes are a wide purple jade passage. The jade on the passage looks like a piece of land. There is no gap at all. The jade passage is about a hundred feet long. At the end of the passage, it is a huge one. The palace, this palace is like the top of a pagoda. From the perspective of Zhang Xiaohua, I can only see the decoration at the top of the palace.

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to look back, I don’t feel that I am taking a breath of cold air. I am just behind the palace gate. I saw that the palace gate is also a hundred feet high. Is it not afraid that there is also a hundred feet wide? I don't know what material was made. The whole palace door gave a faint golden glow. Zhang Xiaohua looked up at the fuzzy archway at the height of the palace gate. He didn't feel dizzy. He stood in front of the palace door, than an ant. ... not too big!

A glimpse of the law, Zhang Xiaohua wanted to vacate, but just flew three feet, and he slammed into the ground, and could not fly within the Xianfu!

"Bad ~" Zhang Xiaohua secretly, immediately release the knowledge, and it is not a problem, the knowledge can only be released three feet, and can not be far away!

"Hey~ Why... Is there a prohibition in Xianfu?" Zhang Xiaohua thought about taking a dream-like sword from his arms and lifting his leg to the jade channel.

"嘭", a huge force emanating from the passage, suddenly Zhang Xiaohua's body shape flew in the air...

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