Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1170: Phoenix Nirvana

The first thousand one hundred and seventy chapters of the Phoenix Nirvana

And said that Zhang Xiaohua’s law was awkward, flying in the direction of the bird’s name.

Along the way, Zhang Xiaohua consciously flies high, but ... compared with the huge stones on the wilderness, he is... small is not small.

This makes Zhang Xiaohua not think of the "Sui Mi World" where he is unintentional. It is also a stone. When he walks to the front, the stone has become a huge mountain.

"It's hard to be... is this the same magical power?" Zhang Xiaohua was thinking, suddenly an incomparable breath descended from the sky, a huge black shadow is also blocked in the head of Zhang Xiaohua!

"Ah~~~" Zhang Xiaohua was shocked, his heart jumped, and immediately stopped and looked up!

"Hey, this... Isn't that the flying snake that I saw in the distance?" Zhang Xiaohua was so scared that he quickly fell from the sky, standing there, and his hands will be dreamed out, carefully guarded!

I have just left, I only know that this flying snake is huge, but there is still no intuitive impression. At this time, it is only under the flying snake that I really know... How big is this flying snake!

I saw the flying snake... The slender head is as big as the peak of the mountain. There seems to be a crown of the same size as the five-pronged peak on the top of the head. It is black and white, and there is no eyelid black eyes. The general size, the whole body... Zhang Xiaohua has been incalculable. It seems that only the remnants of the dragon vein that he had seen before Jiuhuafeng can compare!

The flying snake has been so huge. How big is the "bull" that the flying snake has just drilled in. Zhang Xiaohua does not want to know.

Zhang Xiaohua is very nervous, feeling that his heart must jump out of the body, but he can only stand quietly, lest he should attract the attention of the flying snake and bring him innocent disaster. The flying snake didn’t know that Zhang Xiaohua didn’t notice that the whole huge figure was hovering over the head of Zhang Xiaohua’s head, and the stinking smell of the snake’s mouth and mouth was soaking, and the little flower was breathless, and by the way it was closed. The eyes did not dare to look at the eyes of the flying snake, only staring at the air, watching with the rest of the eyes.

And Zhang Xiaohua’s other hand has already smashed the law, only waiting for a change, and immediately flies back in desperation!

I know, the flying snake hovered over his head, as the breath of the mountain was so tight that he couldn’t breathe, but the flying snake just didn’t go. At the end, Zhang Xiaohua tried to look directly at the eyes of the flying snake. The flying snake is also turned a deaf ear!

"Is it difficult... This flying snake can't see me?" Zhang Xiaohua is somewhat unexpected. It can be thought of a little. It is normal. Who is going to pay attention to a small ant? So Zhang Xiaohua tried another two steps. When there was a noise, the flying snake was shocked, and the stench in the nose and mouth went to Zhang Xiaohua here!

Zhang Xiaohua was shocked, scolding himself for being reckless, and immediately sitting cross-legged, five hearts up!

Sure enough, as soon as he calmed down, the flying snake lost his target. He looked at it from left to right. There were many times, and the eyes were swept away from Zhang Xiaohua’s body, but it was straightforward!

"Get it~" Zhang Xiaohua saw it, and he didn't move anymore. Just sit still and wait for the flying snake to leave!

I was bored and bored. Zhang Xiaohua naturally wanted to transport a worry-free heart in the body. However, he just released his knowledge and wanted to introduce qi into the body. He was immediately noticed by the flying snake and scared Zhang Xiaohua never again. Dare to do any action.

I don't know how long it took, the flying snake seems to have lost patience, only to smash the tail, fly in the air, a few turns, and fly to another direction!

"Call~" Zhang Xiaohua long gas, wiped the sweat on his forehead, the heart fell to the ground, and then secretly thought: "Is it... this flying snake can't see me? Is it because I am really too small?"

However, this question needs to ask the flying snake, Zhang Xiaohua himself has no definite answer!

Then, Zhang Xiaohua got up again and continued to fly forward. During the period, he encountered several giant birds and beasts. However, perhaps it was like Zhang Xiaohua’s guess, his own real small, those birds and beasts are extremely large. Which bird and beast did not see Zhang Xiaohua in the eyes!

"How long does it fly? How can I not see anything?" Zhang Xiaohua secretly from Nahan: "The whole fairy temple is above the Lushan Mountain, and this far palace is in the fairy temple, I flew... For so long, I don’t know how far I flew..."

When Zhang Xiaohua was depressed, far away, in front of Zhang Xiaohua, a huge collapse was presented in front of his eyes!

When I got here, Zhang Xiaohua’s infuriating spirit was even more boiling. It seemed that it was necessary to fly out of the body. No matter how Zhang Xiaohua sneaked his mind, it could not be suppressed. When Zhang Xiaohua was at a loss, it was at the extreme height of collapse. A sigh, it is more amazing than the previous screaming bird. Then, a pale brilliance is covered in Zhang Xiaohua’s body. A sacred feeling rises from the bottom of Zhang Xiaohua’s heart. The infuriating moment immediately stopped!

"Hey?" Zhang Xiaohua was surprised. He followed the white light and looked up. He saw only a very high nine days. There were faint things rotating on it, and the white light seemed to be sent from there. It is too high and can't be understood!

When the infuriating body of the islet is stable, the white light disappears.

"Why are you... in front of the fall... What's wrong?" Zhang Xiaohua retired and wanted to fly into the enemy. However, just after flying about ten feet, he was covered by an invisible obstacle. Block!

This layer of obstacles is even more bizarre, not only can not be seen by the gods, but also the naked eye can not see!

Zhang Xiaohua fell to the ground. God knows that it is easy to pass through this obstacle. It is like no existence, and he reaches out and looks forward. It seems that there is nothing blocking it, but... when his whole hand reaches a certain extent Then I can't reach it anymore!

Then, Zhang Xiaohua holds the dream in his left hand and stabs forward. The obstacle will be blocked by dreams. Nothing can be penetrated. When Zhang Xiaohua will change his hand and try again, the obstacle can’t be blocked. Zhang Xiaohua’s hand, or put his hand inside, to a certain extent, can’t go deep!

"Strange things, what is going on here?" Zhang Xiaohua scratched his head, kicked the foot and lifted his foot. The foot also passed the obstacle, and only to a certain extent was blocked. However, when Zhang Xiaohua tried to put the body forward, his thin body could not pass!

I lowered my head and looked at my own name. Zhang Xiaohua thought about it for a long time, suddenly her eyes lit up and smiled. "Is it wrong?"

Zhang Xiaohua had the feeling of squatting. He took off the robes that had been worn by the fire dragons, and he reached out. "Ha ha ha, really!" Zhang Xiaohua’s entire arm actually reached the obstacle. There was no blockage, but his waist was stopped.

"Well, it should be a problem with the belt!" Zhang Xiaohua took the belt down and then took out the purse in his arms. As a result, he went through the obstacles smoothly without any problems.

Then, Zhang Xiaohua kneels, reaches out, crosses the obstacle, picks up the purse, and takes it in the obstacle. Sure enough, the hand holding the purse can't be retracted anyway!

"It seems that this obstacle is to shield all the instruments! Anything that has the strength of the world can not enter!" Zhang Xiaohua always understands: "However, my bracelet... How can I come in?"

Zhang Xiaohua touched the bracelet on his left arm and thought to himself.

There is no trace of humanity in this wilderness. However, Zhang Xiaohua still does not trust his own things to be placed outside, and there are obstacles. Zhang Xiaohua wants to dig a pit with a small sword to bury things, but... I don’t know how to return this ground. Things, actually did not dig at all, no help, Zhang Xiaohua had to find a gap in the boulder, stuffed things in, and used a jade symbol to ban, and then rest assured that into the obstacles!

Not far from the obstacles, it is the fall, just with a huge pot, ready to hold something, Zhang Xiaohua flies into the basin, let the knowledge out, look around, want to see what can be found!

At this time, a huge bird's song rang from the top of Zhang Xiaohua's head, and the sound of the birds was filled with grief and absolute!

Zhang Xiaohua was shocked. He looked up and saw that he didn’t know how high the sky was in his head. A huge phoenix was emerging! That phoenix is ​​more than a hundred times more than what flying snakes Zhang Xiaohua saw!

"Bad, how come I ran here?" Zhang Xiaohua panicked, the handcuffs were about to fly away, but at this time, the Phoenix screamed three times in a row, and the whole body of colorful feathers burst into a hundred-seven-color Huaguang, immediately, the Huaguang annihilation, from the body of the phoenix, reveals a dark red blood color, this blood color is so bright, just like a burning flame!

It is the flame, a small flame, ignited from every inch of the body of the phoenix, drowning the entire body of the phoenix in the dark red flame!

A fierce humming sounded again and it resounded to the world!

This phoenix... actually is in the heat of the bath! ! !

At the same time, the huge basin is also a dark red flame with skyrocketing, from the bottom up, rushing to the phoenix phoenix! Zhang Xiaohua... It’s just above the basin, the flight has just been applied, and it’s not flying yet...

"Ah~~" A heartbreaking pain came from under the feet, not waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to scream out, immediately... is... faint... sleeps!

Yes, it was midnight, and Zhang Xiaohua just slept.

Just when Zhang Xiaohua screamed, a strange wave of volatility emanated from him, and then, countless stars passed through Xianfu, through obstacles, projected onto him...

However, this fluctuation, this starlight can not stop the flames of the sky, only in an instant, all the clothes of Zhang Xiaohua... and the hair and meat of the body... are all turned into...

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