Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1171: Phoenix flesh and blood

The first one hundred and seventy-one chapters of the phoenix flesh and blood

The flame used in the phoenix nirvana, what kind of flame is it, fearing that it is not a fire between heaven and earth? I saw that the silk flame came out of every inch of the flesh and blood of the phoenix, and burned every inch of the flesh and blood of the phoenix! At the same time, the flame is in the air, and it is generated in all directions, and it is burning like a phoenix that is about to be Nirvana!

Zhang Xiaohua... How can I resist this innate fire?

Zhang Xiaohua's body, just touched the flame, immediately turned into nothing!

However, Zhang Xiaohua is not an ordinary folk, this flame is of course less necessary in the world, but Zhang Xiaohua body inside some things, this flame can not be ... incinerated!

I saw it in the air, Zhang Xiaohua floated quietly, a complete skeleton from head to toe pleated in the blood of the flame, the skeleton is not ordinary gray, but crystal as jade, in the jade On the bones, there are nearly 50% of the places, all with blood-red filaments. As the blood-red flame is calcined, the bones are not melted, but the blood-colored filaments are stretched further until they are Covering 60%, it gradually slowed down!

Look at the bones around, the original blood flow of blood, there is no blood on it, only the slight gold wire still along the previous trajectory, non-stop circulation, has been concentrated to the heart of the mouth, in the heart of the mouth And there is a large group of gold wire in a slow rotation!

The place where the five internal organs were located is now no longer the same as before. There is only one glimpse of gold wire, which runs along the blood of the previous blood, and is made into a group of gold silk, and you can still see the original outline!

Looking at the veins of Zhang Xiaohua, the original meridians have been completely incinerated, leaving only the dragons that have been inhaled into the meridians before, and the dragon veins attached to the inner wall of the meridians are still intact, and they are still growing stronger in the flame.

Zhang Xiaohua's infuriating, because it is within the dragon vein, so it is still slowly flowing!

The starlight that was in the past was originally wrapped in Zhang Xiaohua's body. At this time, he directly wrapped his "menstrual veins". As the infuriating flow, he slowly infiltrated the meridians of Zhang Xiaohua. within!

What is even cheaper is that under the overwhelming flame burning, the countless stars have been refining into pure heaven and earth, and they are directly absorbed by Zhang Xiaohua's meridians!

Looking at the head of Zhang Xiaohua, the mudball palace is also a group of fire seas. In the sea of ​​fire, the golden heart of Dan’s heart is more and more dazzling. With the slight rotation of the congenital god, the practice of blood and alchemy is touched. The flame in the sea of ​​fire was directly banned into the heart of the **** by the congenital god. In the center of the ban, the heart that has not changed for a long time, and then began to grow up slowly, although it is very slow, but after all... progress!

Somewhere behind the brain, a tiny, invisible place, at this time it looks a little abnormal in the flame, the flame burned here, immediately absorbed by this place, so a black spot in the fire is the generation ! A lot of flames around you are absorbed by this little black spot!

However, in this sea of ​​fire, Zhang Xiaohua is an ant, and the little black spots are even smaller!

Zhang Xiaohua's left hand broke the eye, this time is also open, the silver scorpion still has no feelings, but all the **** flames burned from the eyes of the smashing method, are inhaled by the eye. In the eyes of the smashing method, there are already two things, one is Leizhu, one is a human-shaped stone statue, and countless lightnings surround the portraits to constantly temper the portraits. At this time, there is a flame inhalation, but the whole Portraits are surrounded and constantly calcined!

The fire used in the phoenix nirvana has the ability to shape the shape. At this time, the stone statue of the human form is calcined, and the facial features of the stone statue and the limbs of the body begin to appear gradually...

The only constant, I am afraid that Zhang Xiaohua’s left arm bones, the bracelet that is wrapped, is still black, still warm, and not because of the heat in the sea!

Zhang Xiaohua’s bones go up, I don’t know how far away, the huge phoenix, the flames of blood around the body are lingering, the whole body has gradually turned into nothingness, leaving only 130,200 bright spots, but also constitute The outline of a phoenix, followed by the annihilation of this 3,200-bright spot, became 130,200 vain, and immediately, a powerful suction was generated, and all the heavens and the earth were sucked up. This three hundred and two hundred and two hundred points are born out of thin air, but there is no such bright, bleak anomaly!

Once this 3,200,200 bright spots were produced, it immediately became the 330,200 origins that absorbed the strength of the heavens and the earth, and absorbed the strength of heaven and earth from all sides.

However, just the generation of 3,200,200 highlights has already exhausted the energy of the surrounding. Where is the energy coming from here? Suddenly, the 3,200,200 bright spots were slightly lighter, and the "squeaky" sound, if there was nothing, the incomprehensible screams, the brightest suction was suddenly several times larger. From this 3,200,200 points, there are countless cracks that split the whole space, and the surrounding scenery is like the shadow in the bronze mirror. With the bronze mirror split, the crack is infinitely enlarged. From the air to the ground, from the ground to the farthest!

The chaos of the scene, the whole wasteland, the space where the entire wasteland is located is shattered, all of which are turned into pure spirits, absorbed by the 3,200 bright spots. These bright spots have gained so much world and vitality. The huge, turned into a hundred and three hundred and two hundred Phoenix flesh!

The original wasteland space is all turned into a void, leaving only the bowl-shaped basin under the skeleton of Zhang Xiaohua still there. The edge of the basin has a cylindrical mask that shoots straight upwards. The phoenix born in Nirvana...just inside the mask, look up, on the top of the phoenix, at the end of the reticle, there are these eight different shapes of instruments, forming a subtle circle of law, Cover the phoenix...

These eight instruments are: clock, sword, axe, tower, piano, tripod, seal and a stone!

These eight kinds of implements form a light array, emitting a faint white light, and protecting the positive space. This white light is the brilliance that has been sprinkled from above nine days when the previous Zhang Xiaohua's meridian movement changed!

At this point, the entire space has returned to its original state. It is a void. There are only eight kinds of implements, and there is a space composed of the following pot-shaped things. It still exists, but within this space, the heaven and the earth It’s already embarrassing, only the 13,200-point phoenix flesh and blood flashed with a **** flame, and stopped growing!

After the shackles, this phoenix silhouette is screaming again, the tweet is full of panic, full of grief, it seems... is a kind of doom, a kind of reincarnation!

The 133,000 phoenix flesh and blood has once again enhanced the suction, and there is no trace of heaven and earth in the whole space. It is beyond the space. Among the Immortals, outside the Immortal Palace, there is no trace of vitality in the mountains.

In the middle of the one hundred and three hundred and two hundred flesh and blood, an almost vain, phoenix outline of the gradual flashing, the fine pointed cockroach, thin and long phoenix eyes, the arrogant arrogance Today, it is full of despair!

The phoenix turned slightly, and an unparalleled breath swept the whole void, even though it was weak and arrogant!

Immediately, Zhang Xiaohua’s skeleton was surrounded by the light of the starlight, which was noticed by the phoenix. In this emptiness, only the light of the sky was slightly refining and being absorbed by the dragon vein!

The sound of "嘎~", the phoenix's fine screams, very reluctant, extremely disdainful, invisible wings, the phoenix fine is from nine days down, and instantly comes to Zhang Xiaohua's bones, and that One hundred and three hundred and two hundred phoenix flesh and blood also fell, which is on the bones of Zhang Xiaohua!

The flesh and blood of the phoenix fell on the bones, which happened to cover the whole bone, and there was no emptiness. For example, the starlight gradually merged into the dragon vein, and was absorbed by the phoenix flesh falling on the bone, a little bit. The rise of the big, I do not know how long, the flesh and blood has been extremely full, and gradually, a body has been formed!

However, because this flesh and blood is attached to the bones of Zhang Xiaohua, this is actually a human body, not only the meat on the bones, but also the internal organs, the blood in the blood, and the original appearance of Zhang Xiaohua!

"Oh..." A series of nine sounds, the flesh and blood on the skeleton of Zhang Xiaohua’s flesh, seems to... It is to become another shape, and Phoenix Fine is also anxious within the skeleton of Zhang Xiaohua, just... After a few flicks of blood and flesh, after all, there was no success. The attached bones were not moved at all. The blood of the gold wire was attached. After a few boiling, the gold wire was still as before!

The phoenix Jing Jing sees this, knows that his wishful thinking is wrong, and it is a wing, wanting to take off again, but unfortunately, no matter how to toss, how to combine the bones and gold wire, the 13300 phoenix The flesh and blood, in any case, can no longer move with the fineness of the phoenix, and, with the increase of the starlight, the flesh and blood is more full, and more inseparable from the gold wire and bones! ! !

"嘎", the last sorrow of Fenghuang Jingjing seems to have fallen into a desperate situation. This is, in the black spot behind Zhang Xiaohua’s head, a bleak sound of dragons rang, which catered to the sorrow of the phoenix. The phoenix is ​​amazed by the exquisiteness of the phoenix, but... then look at the voids around, and there is no half-point of heaven and earth. The flesh and blood of the phoenix has gradually come to life. It is actually the body of the man. Flying wings, flying to the black spots behind the brain, waiting for the near, the black point horrible to generate a strange attraction, the phoenix's fineness was suddenly absorbed into it...

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