Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1187: Many stories have only one ending

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-seven chapters have many stories with only one ending.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled: "The second brother is not swindling me, how can the password younger brother say it?"

"Do you know what is wrong, do you want me to say it yourself?" Zhang Xiaohu blurted out.

"Hey? What password?" Guo Sufei was strange to hear.

"This... Nianga, you still ask Xiaohua!" Zhang Xiaohu has already identified this as Zhang Xiaohua!

Seeing the mother watching her, Zhang Xiaohua said: "There is nothing, just kidding with the second brother!"

"That's more to say, who knows what you said is right?" Zhang Xiaolong next to him is a joke.

"That... well, apprentice, give the teacher a pen and ink!"

"Yes" "Yes, the disciple will go!" Two sounds, and ran out at the same time.

In a short time, Ji Xiaohua took a pen and ink, and the water held paper every day, and walked in.

Zhang Xiaohua laughed and took a look at Zhang Xiaohu, picked up the pen, and wrote two lines on the paper like a crab crawling: I love you Chen Chen, I love you long song!

"Ah?" Everyone was horrified, and they all laughed. I saw Zhang Xiaolong laughing and laughing, almost holding his stomach, that is, Liu Qianhuai holding Zhang Bairen is also laughing and leaning forward, Zhang Cai, Liu and Guo Sufei are holding back. Extreme pain, insist not to let yourself laugh out loud!

The long song and Chen Chen are full of red, screaming Zhang Xiaohu.

Zhang Xiaohu’s extreme embarrassment, the look of “this has anything to do with me”!

After waiting for a long time, everyone no longer laughed, Zhang Xiaolong said: "Do not recognize, this is not a small flower, who is still a small flower?"

"Ha ha ha ha" everyone seems to think of those two sentences.

Zhang Xiaohu's face is red, and he is very resentful waiting for Zhang Xiaohua. Zhang Xiaohua is also innocent. Looking at Zhang Xiaohu with a white eye, he seems to say: "Whoever makes you believe that I am Zhang Xiaohua? Who can blame?" ”

For a long time, all the talents have calmed down. Liu Qian looks at Zhang Xiaohua’s face: "However, this is also better. It looks a lot better than before. I am afraid that it will not attract many girls' eyes!"

This time it’s Zhang Xiaohua’s turn to do it: “Dayu... I used to... I don’t want to see anyone?”

"Hey, it's a bit bit!" Zhang Xiaohu finally got the chance and laughed.

Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei also laughed.

"Oh, yes, Xiaohua, your apprentice?" After laughing for a while, Zhang Xiaohu asked: "The two disciples I sent have not come back yet. Have you found it?"

"Hey, what about it?" Zhang Xiaohua was afraid that everyone would tangled his face and quickly turned the topic around. "The poor road not only found Qu Jinger, but also Li Jinfeng Li Gongzi!"

"Li Gongzi? He...what did he run Longshan?" Zhang Xiaohu is very strange: "How can he not read a book at home?"

Zhang Xiaohua took a look at Qiu Tong next to Ou Yan. She saw a little curiosity in her eyes and smiled. "This one...has a certain relationship with Qiu Tong's sister!"

“I ???” Qiu Tong’s screaming, almost pointing to his nose, asked: “I’m like Li Gongzi... I’ve seen a few faces, what can I do?”

Ou Yan listened, but the eyes turned a few times, thoughtful.

"Right, my second brother, I not only met Li Gongzi, but also... Hey, I saw you, the old one who sent the teacher to the ancestors... so good!"

"Ah? You... Did you actually go down to the bottom of Lake Mocho?" Zhang Xiaohu was shocked and almost jumped up.

"How? You... you know the privacy of the ancestors..." Zhang Xiaohua yelled, but immediately thought that since Zhang Xiaohu could see the projection of the **** of Yangshuo, knowing that privacy should be.

"Little flowers... This is the private affairs of Yangzu, hey, I didn't tell you!" Zhang Xiaohu explained.

"Oh, don't tell, I know more than you!" Zhang Xiaohua puts his hand.

"Oh, yes, Yang Zu Shi asked me to go to Mochou Lake... I said a word to the predecessors, I don’t know... the seniors of her..."

"The predecessors are of course not there, oh, yes, her old man is not there, I really don't know, I didn't go to Mochou Lake!" Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment: "Apprentice, tea, teacher Tell the story!"


"Yes, disciple, go!"

Yes, Ji Xiaohua and water are running out every day.

When the two men brewed tea, Zhang Xiaohua sipped two drinks, and then he went from Qilong Mountain to Li Jinfeng and said what Li Jinfeng had saved!

Everyone listened to each other and nodded frequently. This Li Jinfeng...I am really arrogant and timid. Well, they all look at the red flutter on the face. They are quite shy, and the eyes are flashing and the surprise of Qiu Tong, and the heart adds a deep affection. Heavy" evaluation!

Immediately, Zhang Xiaohua once again said that he had encountered the projection of the moon and the gods in Mo Zhencheng!

Hey, everyone listens to the story as if they are listening to the story. This is the love story of the gods tens of thousands of years ago. There are sweetness, distinction and hatred...

"Continue tea... Apprentice~" Just when the moon was clear and determined to go out to fight, Zhang Xiaohua shouted.

Not waiting for Ji Xiaohua and the water to get up every day, Nie Qianxi quickly sent his cup to Zhang Xiaohua and urged: "Quickly talk, brother, seniors... What happened?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the cup that Nie Qianzhen had used before his eyes, and looked at Nie Qian’s eyes with tears. He smiled bitterly: "What else can you end up? You don’t know the ending? You were in front of Mochou Lake. Didn't you tell me?"

"Yes... Brother, you...Isn’t that the story of the predecessors and the ancestors of the ancestors is different from that of the city?" Nie Qian eagerly said.

"Yeah, but Nie Xiaoyuer, you have to know that there are many kinds of stories in the world, but... the ending... sometimes only one kind!" Zhang Xiaohua said quite deeply.

"唉~" Nie Qianxi obviously pays close attention to the feelings of Yangyao and Yueming, and sighs: "I hope that people will be so long and long, why is it so difficult?"

"If there is no such difference and desolate, who will care about the happiness of the gathering?" Zhang Pinger also said: "I didn't understand the meaning of Moxuan Palace on the peak of the fragrance. Until now... I realized that the red color is always Thin life!"

"That... the head of the brother, Li Gongzi.....?" Hearing that Zhang Xiaohua has been talking about Yangya and Yueming, Ou Yan is also emotional, but in his heart... It seems that Li Jinfeng is more concerned, only Sorry to ask more, a few times, Zhang mouth talks are stopped, Ou Yan and Qiu Tong love sisters, of course, know her mind, smiled and patted Qiu Tong's hand, asked Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Qiu Tong’s blushing blood, not knowing that his heart was overjoyed, the dark road was great, and Li Gongzi’s spring was not far away!

So, I set off myself with Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi insisted on bringing Miss Mei’s body back to the burial, and met Yuan Changqing and the two disciples of the Lotus Escort.

When I heard Zhang Xiaohua actually met the old acquaintance, Zhang Xiaohu laughed and said: "I said, the disciples I sent out are all very good and can't be sloppy. It turns out... I also searched for a long time in Longshan. However, that Qu Zhigao is too deep to hide, there is no way to find it! Oh? Yuan Changqing has actually made a big dart, this kind of thing I have not heard, and later let people ask him to come over, before in the Lotus Escort When I was with me, I still got along very much!"

"Oh, yes, Xiaohua, what about your little apprentice called Qu Jinger?" Zhang Xiaohu remembered it at this time, and looked around.

"Your two disciples? Looking for you to sue?" Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"No! Is it just coming back, hasn't you been told in the Chamber of Deputies?" Zhang Xiaohu said.

Zhang Xiaohua puts his hand in the hand: "It’s still early, they are still halfway, waiting for them to come back, it’s half a month later!”

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohu and others were not surprised. Qiu Tong screamed first, and then his face was hot.

"Sister Qiu Tong, please rest assured, Li Gongzi... With the darts of the Lotus Escort, and the two disciples who are sent together, there should be no danger!" Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.

"I... I am worried about Li... Li Gongzi? I want to..." Qiu Tong did not know how to say it.

"Sister Qiu Tong is worried about the body of Miss Mei!" Nie Qian smiled.

Qiu Tong immediately said: "Whether... at this time, it is a twelfth lunar month, but... all the way... dozens of days of travel, afraid... there will be no difference!"

"Oh, no, no." Zhang Xiaohua laughed: "What does Li Gongzi want to do, my enlightened boy, how can I not do my best?"

"That's good, then good!" Qiu Tong touched the hot face and dared not speak again.

"Little flower, Li Gongzi is so benevolent, you should come back with him." Zhang Caiwei.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "Yes, I said it is reasonable, but... I have other things, I have to go ahead!"

"Other things? Go ahead??" Nie Qian stunned and immediately smiled: "Is it because of this, the face of the head of the brothers has changed!"

"Nie Xiaoyuer, you... really want it!" Zhang Xiaohua sighed, and he took a look and found something from his arms. He smiled and said: "Look at everyone... What is this?"

I saw that the one-foot-sized township monument, holding the hand of Zhang Xiaohua, gave off a multicolored light, it looked very magical!

"Hey? What is this?" Nie Qianxi certainly didn't know, whispered.

"Small flowers, where are you from the big bluestone? The bluestone on the south **** of Guozhuang, there is no such thing, so bright!" Zhang Xiaolong was also asked "amazing".

Zhang Xiaohu knows that Zhang Xiaohua’s things must be extraordinary. You can look around, and then look up and down. You can’t see any abnormalities. You have to cough one channel: “Small flowers... Are you building a mountain to send... ...to build a house? This...Bluestone...Which kiln is it? I will send my disciples to buy more, and it will be a gift for you!"

Zhang Xiaohua heard, angry and ruined, loudly said: "What are you talking about! This... This is really a secret cast of the Pearl, there is no common language with you!"

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