Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1188: I am a disciple of the mountain.

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-eight chapters are the disciples of the mountain.

"No, Xiaolong, Xiaohu, you are nonsense!" Mr. Liu also screamed and laughed: "Small flowers, you are really good in jade, there is gold wire on the top, where is the scouring from it!"

Zhang Xiaohua suddenly sat down in the chair and sighed: "Please, this... This is the town's spiritual monument in Lushan Xianfu!!!"



Everyone is amazed, do not understand what it means, Guo Sufei also pointed to the town of the spiritual monument: "Little flowers ... you say this is ... what government? Is it for Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang live? Hey, such meticulous things It’s really hard for you to find skillful craftsmen!"

"Ah?" Finally, there is a person who knows the goods. Zhang Xiaohu jumped to Zhang Xiaohua's eyes in front of Zhang Xiaohua's eyes. Two big eyes smashed round and round, very surprised: "Little flowers... Could it be..."

Zhang Xiaohua is the main point, can listen to the words behind Zhang Xiaohu, the end can not point.

Just listen to Zhang Xiaohu said: "Is it... you are in your hands... This is the mountain of Xianshan... Xianfu?"

A shot of forehead, Zhang Xiaohua said helplessly: "Second brother, I... I want to turn Xianfu into such a big one, but... I can fill the whole mountain with Xianfu, and I don’t have that. Big mana!"

"Hey, Lushan Xianfu has already been born?" Zhang Xiaohu heard, and cried: "Why didn't you listen to the disciples under the door? And...you...you don't go to Xianfu to get some baby, go to That Xianfu robbed over, what are you doing here? Take a big blue stone in your hand, what... What?

"Slow, slow, little tiger, what Xiaohua said is what Xianfu is? You can tell us clearly!" Zhang Cai listened and said loudly.

No, Zhang Xiaohu and Zhang Xiaohua, the two brothers, are well aware of each other. Apart from long songs and Chen Chen, who knows the affairs of Xianfu?

"Oh, this is the case, hey, in the sky on the southwest side a few days ago, isn't there a colorful glow? Have you seen it?" Zhang Xiaohu thought for a moment.

"Well, I saw it, I still yelled with Mr. Liu, I am afraid that there is something enchanting to be alive!" Zhang nodded.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaohu said the rumors of Xianfu and the words of the ancestors. Finally, he laughed: "Isn't the flower to be sent? He wants to use Xianfu as the portal of the Beidou faction, but later he knows that everyone in the world is staring at it. With this Xianfu, I dismissed this idea and went to the south to pick up his disciples. Well, you just heard it!"

"That, now?" Mr. Liu looked at Zhang Xiaohua and asked: "You just said that Xianfu has already been born, presumably already... have the result?"

"Yes," Zhang Xiaohua said with pride: "It was the income of my Beidou faction!"

"Ah? Really?" Nie Qianxi and others can't believe it, but Zhang Xiaohua's tail is tilted up, they are cheering!

"This... is it Xianfu?" Zhang Xiaolong is also referring to the town's spiritual monument.

"Big brother, I have said, Lushan Xianfu is on the Lushan Mountain. I am just a town monument!" Zhang Xiaohua reaffirmed nothing.

"But... you are not looking at your Dongfu on Mount Lushan. Why are you running back?" Zhang Xiaolong naturally blamed: "If it is occupied by others, the world is full, who are we going to talk about?"

Then it was a stunned color: "Oh, understand, you are looking for someone to go to the door!!!"

"Not right, Xiaohua, I sent my disciples out. Every day, my disciples are looking back. I haven’t heard the news of the birth of Lushan Xianfu! Could it be..."

Looking at his two brothers, Zhang Xiaohua shrugged and said to his older brother: "Big brother, Xianfu is not our Guozhuang. Anyone can enter. Now Xianfu is a Beidou faction. If not, I am a Beidou faction." No one can go in! So, I am not coming to see you at the gate!"

Then Zhang Xiaohu said: "Second brother, the birth of Xianfu is yesterday's business, you have to receive news, afraid that it will not be tomorrow!"

"No... It’s no wonder that the disciples who passed the fragrant teachings yesterday did not talk about this." Zhang Xiaohu also awakened: "I have forgotten what you will fly."

“Zhuxiang teaches inner disciples?” Zhang Xiaohua said: “What are they doing?”

Zhang Xiaohu glanced at Ou Yan and smiled. "This is a matter... wait a moment to talk about it! It is a matter of sects and sects!"

"Master brother, since Xianfu is already ours, you... the town's spiritual monument in your hand... What is it?" Zhang Pinger asked with joy.

"The town of the soul of the monument, as the name suggests is to suppress the monument used by the fairy house!" Water plugged in every day.

"Oh, I know, I know!" Ji Xiaohua, who has always been honest, said: "It’s the same as the stone in the temple... the oldest stone!"

"Halo, where are you with?" Zhang Xiaohua was a little anxious, loudly: "It doesn't matter with the old man. This township spiritual monument uses the control of Xianfu."

"Control Xianfu? What do you use?" Guo Sufei listened even more puzzled: "The place to live, but also control?"

No, no matter whether it is the Zhangjiaxiaoyuan of Guozhuang or the courtyard of Tunxi Mountain Villa, which one is to be controlled?

"Master brother, this thing ... is the key to Xianfu!" Or Ou Yan did not want to be the owner of the Tunxi Mountain Villa, very aware of the role of the key, said a pinpoint.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Xiaohua slaps on his lap.

"Hey, can you let your disciples see?" Nie Qian smiled.

"Give, give, it is not easy to see it?" Zhang Xiaohua said that he handed over the town hall.

One foot square of the town's spiritual monument seems to be extremely heavy, Nie Qianzhen has enough to pick up, but ... she grabbed both hands, actually ... two hands from the middle of the town of the monument It seems that there is nothing at all!

"Ah? This..." Nie Qian stunned, and her figure almost fell, but she made a lot of effort.

"Hey, how could this be?" Zhang Xiaohua himself was paralyzed.

But he reached out and touched it. The town’s spiritual monument was put there, and there was no change.

"I look!" Ou Yan also leaned forward and touched it with his hand, but it was also a grasp of the air, nothing was caught.

Zhang Xiaolong and others are also very curious. Everyone touched it, but...no one caught it, it seems...only Zhang Xiaohua can touch it!

"Weird and weird!" After Mr. Liu touched his hand, he pinched his beard and smiled: "Sure enough, it is Xianfu, this key is not the same as ordinary!"

"Alright, only Master can hold, others can not steal, this Xianfu is always my Beidou faction!" Ji Xiaohua said.

"Master, Master..." After Liu Qian, Zhang Bairen, who was always holding a small stick, played enough at this time, and took a stick to poke a small flower.

When I saw the light of the town’s spiritual monument, Zhang Bairen’s eyes showed a happy color. He threw the stick and grabbed it with one hand... I saw that everyone else was flashing and empty, and Zhang Bairen’s hand was holding the town’s monument. One corner, Zhang Xiaohua moved in his heart, loosened his hand and sank his hand.

I don’t know, the town’s spiritual monument did not fall down with Zhang Xiaohua’s thoughts, but was taken down by Zhang Bairen.

"Giggle" smile, Zhang Bairen holding this little thing in two hands, very happy, and then, even more incredible things happened again!

Zhang Bairen took the township spiritual monument and sent it to his little mouth full of scorpions. I want to swear!

"Hundreds of tolerance, this is not to eat..." Liu Qian thought that he had been used to it for a long time, and he said that he would stop.

She forgot that she couldn’t touch the monument, and she swept through the hand. The monument was sent to Zhang Kai’s mouth by Zhang Bairen...

I saw that the town's spiritual monument with the speed of the hundred tolerant to the mouth, rapidly shrinking, in the blink of an eye was Zhang Bairen swallowed the entrance, disappeared trace!

"Hey, boy..." Liu Qian was shocked, this...not a little marble, what a small piece of paper, this .... but a bigger than the blue stone....... Bluestone what! ! ! Liu Qian immediately jumped up in shock, hugged Zhang Bairen, and quickly placed Zhang Bairen face down on his knees, and the other hand slammed Zhang Bairen's back...

Look at that... I want to take the town’s spiritual monument from Zhang Bairen’s belly! ! !

When Zhang Xiaohua saw it, he first saw it and then laughed. Like what he thought of, he said: "Ha ha ha, great good, great good! Bai Ren... It’s really a big disciple of my Beidou faction!"

"Small flowers, don't make trouble, endure... don't lie on it!" Liu Qian almost cried!

"Da, don't worry, the spiritual monument is not much smaller than the hundred. If it is an ordinary thing, how can it be eaten?" Zhang Xiaohua comforted.

"Hey, but not..." Liu Qian was awakened at this time, and he would hold up and take a closer look. The ones who smiled and looked like they were playing, what was it to play with, what was the uncomfortable look?

"Hundreds of tolerance, spit out things!" Liu Qian angered.

"Mother-in-law..." Bai Ren’s mouth is awkward, as if he was reluctant.

"Gangster, give things to Master, Master takes you where to play! Where is the fun." Zhang Xiaohua reached out and said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen heard that there was more fun, and the eyes were bright and the mouth was small. The town’s spiritual monument suddenly spit on the hand of Zhang Xiaohua!

Zhang Xiaohua went on the monument, sighed, and earned money inside the bag. He said: "The town's spiritual monument and other sacrifices are finally in the end. At that time, it was able to reap the body. It was just that I was too shallow to do it. I couldn't think of it. The sacrifice can be earned in the body, not what I can!"

Everyone is amazed!

Especially water every day.

For Zhang Bairen to be a disciple of the Beidou faction, Nie Qianxi, Zhang Pinger and Ouyan have no opinions. They are, after all, Zhang Xiaohua’s sisters, Ji Xiaohua, let alone, he would have seen Zhang Bairen as a young master. The water is not the same every day. It used to be the chief of the low-ranking disciples. It is also the absolute candidate of the chief disciple. It is included in the wall of the Beidou faction. Although the heart is folded by Zhang Xiaohua’s immortal means, it can be for a child under four years old. When my brothers still have a heart, at this time... seeing the spiritual monument that they can't touch, they are actually absorbed by Zhang Bairen, even the master Zhang Xiaohua can't, and the heart is considered to be convinced. The Beidou sent a big disciple to Zhang Bairen. It’s none!

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