Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Tugboat

Chapter 84—Shuzhou

“Oh?” Xiao Hua nodded slightly. At this time, he had already understood that the figure that appeared for the second time should be the figure of the entire west part of Jingbo City, and countless small spots of light can also be achieved by this boat. local!

"However, it seems that there is no light on the big ones around the net! And... the area of ​​this piece is also very large, accounting for nearly 60% of the entire city!" Xiaohua is puzzled. Immediately pointed to the place and asked: "Agen, this ... some places, can not reach the shuttle boat?"

"Zhu Xiaozhen, the place where the real person Xianli pointed out is that the only place where the shuttle boat can go to the net of the mortal, and then go inside, are the people I live in, the ship can not enter!"

"In such a big place, can't the shuttle boat go in?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Exactly! I can't wait for the secular people to compare with the immortals. In the net, all the people are protected by the immortal. No one can come out! It is also a small mother who can't come to worship Xiao. The reason for the real person!” Fan Riguan explained: “And... there are so many secular people in the west of the city. I am afraid that there are not many more than the length of the fairy, so they occupy most of the west of the city!”

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua nodded, then looked at the shuttle boat: "The place has already known, how should the poor road behave?"

"This shuttle boat does not need to be controlled by the fairy, just select the place to go, and then use Xianli to inspire the fairy stone that was just placed on the shuttle boat. The shuttle boat can be set up along the mirror city. Route, fly to the place where the elders are going!"

"Haha, this way, that's really good!" Xiao Hua still worried about how he didn't lose his way. At this time, he listened, laughed, and sent the mana to the groove where Lingshi was just there. Sure enough, the boat Slowly moving, then, gradually accelerated, flying quickly over the lake to the west of the city.

Xiao Hua stood on the shuttle boat, and the light blue brilliance kept the water waves and strong winds in the outside. Moreover, the shuttle boat was exceptionally stable, and there was no bumps. It was no different from standing on the ground.

"Hey, this shuttle boat is really strange! If it's two or two, it's better to say that it's just a normal implement. What's rare is that all the lakes in Jingbo City are shuttle boats. I don't think there are thousands of them. Wan's?" Xiao Hua's mind has been calm, watching the boat under his feet with interest, as well as the boat on the lake, a lot of different colors, my heart secretly thought.

Although the lake surface is very large, there are many shuttle boats. It is far from being said. Within the range of about ten feet around Xiaohua, there are two shuttle boats driving in the same direction. There are also shuttle boats from time to time. Just as Xiaohua’s left side flashed past, either from the front of the boat or from the back of the boat, the speed was extremely fast, and the distance between the ten feet was between the blink of an eye. Many times, Xiao Hua felt that It is going to collide.

Seeing Xiao Hua’s two-handed fists, Fan Yuguan behind him stepped forward and whispered: “Xiao Zhenren... I’m afraid, the route taken by this shuttle boat has long been fixed, and all the shuttle boats will not collide. together!"

"Well? How can you be afraid of the poor road? The poor road...but just appreciate the scenery of Jingbo City! Hey...you won't be slower?" Xiaohua would admit, only smiled and said, but then Before I finished, a boat suddenly slammed out of his eyes, but it scared him!

Fan Riguan smiled and did not have much to say.

"That, Agen, telling the poor road about the city of Jingbo!" Xiao Hua felt that his face could not be hanged, asked.

"Yes, Xiao Zhenren!" Fan Riguan said with a smile on his face, respectfully replied: "However, the small is only a mortal in the city of Jingbo, only know that there are two old gods in Jingbocheng, one is the old god, one is The city owner of Jingbocheng, called the **** of Liu Yichuan, they have managed the Jingbo City for two old gods. It has been for hundreds of years. What else... The little things about the fairy are not known, many are in the inn. Listening to the fairy tales, I’m afraid I can’t say anything!”

"You casually say, the poor road is also casual to listen!" Xiao Hua said.

"Well, a small life lives in the west of Jingbo City. When I was a child, my parents died..." Fan Riguan knew that Xiao Hua wanted to know more, and he said something he knew.

It turns out that this Jingbo City is divided into four areas, namely, Chengxi, Chengdong, Chengnan and Chengbei. The west of the city is dedicated to the secular people. There are about a million people. Disciples, go to the west of the city to pick up the six-year-old boys who can be cultivated, and accept them as the disciples of Jingbocheng, and the families of these disciples will be moved to the east of the city; naturally, the life of the east and the west of the city... It is a far cry. Every city in the west hopes that they can raise a child who can be a disciple of Jingbo City, so that they can live a life of gods. Because of the greatness of Jingbo City, many things do not have to be repaired very high. Disciples do, so even if there are quite a few disciples who can't set foot on the third floor of the refining, they are different from the self-cultivation sects. They will not be abolished and rushed to the mountain, but they will be used as confessions, but they can Through the disciples of the three-tiered refining, their family members will be in the east of the city, and there will be new residences, which will be separated from other disciples who are doing the chores!

Of course, there are also many places in Jingbocheng that need mortals to be manpower. These opportunities are open to mortals in the west of the city at any time. Fan Riguan is one of them. It stands out from the mortals of many cities and has a chance to go to the south of the city. Flying Fish Inn serves the immortals.

For the north and south of Jingbo City, Fan Riguan does not know much about it. He only knows that the south of the city belongs to the lower-level monk activities. The monks in the refining period and the foundation period can only be in the south of the city. Only senior monks, gold. Above the Dan period, you can enter the north of the city. As for what the north of the city looks like, Fan Riguan does not know at all! After all, the accommodation at the Flying Fish Inn is a disrepair or refining monk like Xiao Hua. They also missed the north of the city. Of course, it is impossible to talk about it in the chat.

However, Fan Riguan is listening to the shopkeeper of the ten-story refinery of Feiyu Inn. The north of the city seems to be full of apocalypse and apocalypse, and it is also the head of Jingbo City!

According to Fan Riguan, it is to enter Jingbo City, which is also in accordance with the repair. Xiao Hua comes in the south gate. The mortal can't enter and exit. Others can enter and exit as long as the monks can, while the other areas are gated. The monks of the period and the foundation period cannot enter or leave. Moreover, the four areas of Jingbo City also have their own support for the immortal. The casual people are all to be repaired. If they do not meet, they must also enter forcibly. The disciples of Jingbocheng can follow the city. Dispose of!

Fan Riguan said a lot of pieces, Xiao Hua also listened one by one, and when it came to repairing, Xiao Hua felt a move and smiled: "Right, what is the confusion of the Qiqiao door? Where can I buy it?"

"Confused?" Fan Riguan first glimpsed, then immediately understood, lost smile: "That is used by the immortals, naturally it is to go to the shop in the Qiqiaomen in the north of the city to buy!"

"Don't you say that the north of the city can only be a monk in the Jindan period? How did the poor road see a lot of monks in the south of the city wearing a confused?"

"It’s good to tell Xiaozhen people that the confusion of Qiqiaomen is precious. According to many fairy tales, there are a lot of functions, and the price is extremely expensive. I am afraid that I can use the best of the sacred stone to purchase!"

“What? The best stone?” Xiao Hua said: “Is it not only the lower grades, the middle grades and the top grades?”

Fan Riguan is shaking his head in vain: "This small can not know, after all, small is also heard!"

Later, it explained: "However, according to the small knowledge, in addition to the confusion of Qiqiaomen, many other sects have also introduced similar things, the name is also called confusion, and the price seems to be much lower. If Xiao Zhenren is... want to hide his identity, consider these confusions!"

"Hey? These confusions are compared with the confusion of Qiqiaomen... Is there any difference?" This question just asked, Xiao Hua is a bitter smile, Fan Yiguan, if a mortal can know this?

Sure enough, Fan Riguan lost the smile: "The specific difference is small, but I don't know. The small one only knows that there is a difference in the way of disguising the fairy line and hiding the face of the fairy long!"

"Looking!" Xiao Hua nodded: "Then you know, looks should be able to cover up?"

"That is, of course, hiding the appearance is the most basic, otherwise how to call it confused?" Fan Riguan saw Xiao Hua very interested, knowing his thoughts, and said: "These confused can go to Qiqiao The store of the door, or the shop of other martial art, is purchased. Of course, the confusion of other sects is certainly not as expensive as the Qiqiaomen. Moreover, in the Yi market or the easy set, occasionally it can be confused, but it depends on Luck, I heard that things that are generally exchanged for things are extremely rare, and it is not easy to change them! If Xiaozhen people want to get a cheap confused, I am afraid that I will go to the easy collection."

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded. He already understood that it was extremely difficult for him to be confused. He had only a hundred pieces of Chinese stone in his storage bag!

"Don't say those things!" Xiao Hua glanced at the scene of the retreat on the shore of the lake and asked: "Can you talk about the lady and the love of the dear? Or let the poor road have a spectrum?"

"This..." Fan Riguan hesitated and nodded: "The things in the squat and the girl, the small is actually known before entering the Zhu family. Oh, yes, both inside and the mother are surnamed Zhu. The small one is a singer, the dog girl is also surnamed Zhu..."

Xiao Hua listened, nodded slightly, but at this time, suddenly the whole shuttle boat violently swayed, a huge wave of water slammed the shuttle boat into the air, not to mention Fan Dayuan, that is, Xiao Hua, the whole The body lost balance when it was caught off guard, and curled up against the opposite mask...

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