Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Yuan Yingxiu

Chapter 85—Yuan Yingxiu

It is said that Xiao Hua is asking about Fan Riguan. The boat under his feet was suddenly picked up by the huge waves on the lake. He was thrown high in the air, and Xiao Hua himself was directly thrown to the opposite side. The mask, the same Fan Riguan also fell to him in the opposite direction, the two inevitably collided in the air!

If it is a normal person who cultivates the truth, let alone the second layer of refining, that is, the monk who built the base period. If there is no use of mana, this situation will suddenly appear. I am afraid that it is not necessary to be in a hurry, emphasizing the dynamic force and exerting the law. of? Even if he can save himself, Fan Riguan can't help!

Xiao Hua is different. In a hurry, he has no time to take out the flying characters from the storage bag. There is no law to fly in the air. Although he is busy in his heart, his hands and feet are not slow. It is more than his heart. The thoughts are all fast, and I don’t know how Xiaohua’s hands and feet have done the movement. The whole body immediately restores the balance, and it’s going to hit the Fanyue view, and Xiaohua’s slight raise is to hold it. The neck, the only use of the hand is to stop the strength of his oblique flight, and then with Xiao Hua's light and flat body shape, Fan Riguan also pale and steady standing in the shuttle in the air. Above the boat!

Xiao Hua’s series of movements are like flowing water. It seems that there is no fire in the human world. It is like a law-driven law!

First step on the shuttle boat, Fan Riguan quickly thanked him, not waiting for him to finish the words, "啪" a burst of sound, the shuttle boat fell on the surface of the lake, violent ups and downs, but no longer Flying half a inch forward!

"Hey? What's the matter?" Xiao Hua was surprised to look up. There was still a wave of ripples across the lake. There were many different colors of shuttle boats around Xiaohua. Like Xiao Hua, they were only in the same place. Not flying.

"Agen, do you know what is going on?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Small I don't know, there are very few small things like this fairy house..."

Just when Fan Riguan answered, the mask "brush" on the boat was scattered, and Xiao Hua and Fan Riguan were exposed on the lake. A stream of water vapor and a gust of wind blew, and Xiao Hua and Fan Ri The face of the view is wet, and the clothes on the body are also sizzling.

At this time, about ten feet in front of the boat, a water curtain slowly rises, and a figure of the mirrored city disciple appears in the water curtain.

"You are friends, my city owner will accompany you to visit Jingbo City, and please wait for your friends! Please also ask Haihan!" A clear and sweet voice came out from the water curtain, and it echoed very clearly in Xiaohua. Ears!

“Guest tour?” Xiao Hua frowned and immediately thought of the warning of the disciples who had been mirrored on the street.

Not waiting for his careful thinking, the sound of music that is so refreshing and refreshing is from far away. The first time it is as small as a mosquito, but then it is loud, just like there are many people in front of you. Playing the fairy song, but the place of this fairy music, Xiao Hua is exhaustive, and can not find a place.

"Well? There!" Although the naked eye can't see anything unusual, Xiao Hua is still extremely sensitive to look up and go straight to the north!

I saw the north side, a three-color light point, the flying of the dragonfly, it seems that the speed is very slow, and there is no movement, but between the whiskers, it is already near, it is a dragon-shaped flying boat, the flying boat is quite high, but However, the flying boat is transparent, and the people above the flying boat can be seen clearly by the people in the lake, just like the flying boat does not exist in general!

The flying boat is not flying in the sky. There are a few feet of clouds floating under the flying boat on the surface of the lake. The clouds flow, and the current is rushing, holding the speedboat forward!

Xiao Hua’s eyes were sharp and he had already seen it clearly. On the dragon’s head of the flying boat, there were more than a dozen monks who built the base period. They held sword-shaped implements in their hands. The face was tight and the front was visible. On the two sides, there are also some monks, but the implements of these monks have become a wishful way. There are great tables in the center around these monks. There are several women on the stage who have a graceful appearance and a pretty face. It is also the appearance of the end of the refining and the beginning of the foundation, or holding a fan in the hand, or holding a jug in the hand, the three people in the center of the table, sitting cross-legged!

Look at the three people, the top is an old man with white hair and red complexion, dressed in a purple red robe, sitting very casually, holding a strange golden wine glass in his left hand, pointing his right hand to the lake What, this old man is the famous old man in Jingbocheng!

The old man’s left hand, a boy who looks very beautiful, dressed in a Chinese dress, white as jade, with a purple crown on his head, holding a bunch of grape-like spirits in his hand, carefully tasteless, This almost young boy is Liu Yichuan, the owner of Jingbocheng!

Looking at the opposite of Liu Cheng, it is a middle-aged man of forty years old. He has a horse face and a lot of pockmarks on his face. Among them, the nose of a distiller's face is very conspicuous. It is blue. Li Zong’s three elders, Zhuo Ming, are real people. At this time, Zhuo Ming’s real person also held a glass of wine and opened the robes in his chest. It seemed to be drinking at the hustle and bustle, and the gaze was exactly what the old man said.

Xiao Hua looked far away and thought for himself: "This... is the so-called Yuan Ying period monk? It looks... just weird, and... nothing great?"

Xiao Hua’s thought has just risen, and a majestic pressure is like a mountain. If a huge wave hits the shore, Xiao Hua feels that his whole body is heavy, and the pressure will be his The whole body is pressed, and even the fingers and toes can't move a little! What's more, Xiao Hua's heart is like bare, and the mouth and nose are almost all immersed in pressure, so that he can't think, can't... breathe!

"Plop", behind Xiao Hua's body, Fan Riguan, who is a common man, has long resisted the pressure of the monks in the Yuan Ying period. He shouted: "The old god..." is involuntarily worshipping on the ground, the real five-body cast. !

"This... This is the magical power of the monk in the Yuan Ying period? Simply... I can't believe it!" Xiaohua, who was still somewhat suspicious, was shocked at the moment! Needless to say, it is a matter of doing things. Xiao Hua believes that as long as the three people above the dragon boat want their own lives, they only wave their hands and they have no power to fight back!

"Don't say it is me, even if it is the head of the door, I am afraid that it is definitely not the enemy of the three rounds of the people!" Xiao Hua has deeply understood the terrible things of the Yuan Ying period monks, and also understands of course Xiao Yue. When Hong mentioned the head of the Yuan Ying period of the three major sects of the Xi State, it was both admiration and embarrassment, and there was a bit of fear!

The base period... The Golden Year... It’s far from the Yuan Ying period!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed a blaze of heat, as if he had seen any hope. “It’s just like this. It’s just like this kind of cultivation. The poor road can revenge for the head. The poor road can This is what Xi Guo, in this Xiaoyu mainland, can find his own origins and origins!" Xiao Hua screamed from his heart: "He head, the disciples finally understand your words, only become If you have a great power, you can have your own freedom, and you can do your own random things! You can rest assured that your disciples must not be afraid of dangers and must use all means... to cultivate to the Yuan Ying period, you must be the grass door... Jiang Fan, Jiang Jiantong and others, one by one, pinched to death, so that you can revenge for the elderly, let you rest in Jiuquan!"

The dragon boat was going very fast. Xiao Hua just saw the three-year-old monk on the dragon boat. He thought so much in his heart. The dragon boat had already flown from the bottom of Xiaohua’s boat, and the horror was so powerful. The pressure is also like the ebb tide of the sea, disappearing suddenly, Xiao Hua feels that the body is light, and the heart is also loose!

When he turned his head, the three-color flying boat had gradually drifted away and could only be seen vaguely!

"Dragons see the end without seeing the tail, afraid that it is not like this?" Xiao Hua's unusual feelings.

The sound of "噗", the light blue light around the shuttle boat was raised again, and the whole shuttle boat was surrounded by a careful, slightly shaking a few times, and the shuttle boat flew forward as fast as before. Above the lake, all the shuttles moved, just as if nothing had happened!

Behind Xiao Hua, Fan Riguan still fell to the ground, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he did not come out of the panic just now. Xiao Hua knew that the pressure of the monks in the Yuan Ying period was very powerful, and he thought it was already in Fan Riguan. I was extremely impressed by my heart. For a moment or two, I was afraid that I could not restore my previous state of mind!

So Xiao Hua did not speak, stood quietly, and looked at the front, and the heart was picking up the waves of the sky: "I have to cultivate to Yuan Ying, but... the situation is extremely bad now, I only have to refine If you want to continue the cultivation, you must find the future exercises. If you build the base period, I will not have to say it. I have to get the 12-layer refining method. I can... The country is rare and rare. What kind of market is not necessarily the right, no, it is definitely not available, and ... into other sects, my qualifications seem... weird, afraid is not easy! So... this day seems to be abandoned It is the only way out now! As long as I can pass the test of the predecessors about the technique, I can get the five-layer method of refining... Hey, the little man can refine the fireball of the top grade, not to mention the next product. ... ah, bad, I... how confused?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he could refine the fireball, but these magical means... Can he display it in front of others? If he wants to enter the day to abandon, the only chance is to use the pen to refine the next fireball!

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